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Author Topic: Worse Things Happen at Sea... Game Over: Loyalist Scum Wins  (Read 50515 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Worse Things Happen at Sea... Game Over: Loyalist Scum Wins
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:58:06 am »

The day is dead calm - a brief reprieve from the terror of the storm the night before, but problematic in it's own way. The ship is an old creaking wreck, and it's hard to tell how much more of this it can stand. It's obvious now that there is only one destination for this ship - The Captain is insane, and he plans on dragging all of us with him right down into Davy Jones' locker. This voyage is doomed unless we can turn this ship around and go home.

We need to plan a mutiny.

One would think it wouldn't be too hard - the Captain is but one man, and it's clear the majority of the crew supports keelhauling the bastard. But he has his loyalists - close friends from the old days, willing to lay down their lives to keep him in power. Any mutiny would be short lived if the Captain got wind of it in advance - he's got the only firearms on board, and surprise will be the only way to do the old bastard in. So the loyalists will need to be dealt with, first and not in an obvious way. But the high seas are a dangerous place, and if we work together, though, I'm sure a few... accidents... could be arranged.

Worse Things Happen at Sea is (as always with my games) not exactly a standard mafia, but it's pretty close. This will be an semi-open game - the available roles will be known in advance, as will the mechanics. The scum will attempt to eliminate the mutineers, and the mutineers (the town) will attempt to eliminate the scum. The game will be role-heavy.

Days will last for 48 hours, and the crew gets 2 shortens (end the day immediately) and 3 extends (add 2 days to the timer). Use them wisely.

The major differences with standard mafia will be in the form of how eliminations occur. For the town-inspired eliminations, rather than simply voting on who will be eliminated, the players will vote on who will go on the days "Mission" - those with the most votes will go (in the case of a tie, it will be randomly decided, so don't tie). Some abilities can only be used if you are (or are not) on an expedition, and those who go on the expedition will be publicly announced. The expedition members will submit a night vote as to who they would like to arrange an "accident" for - if it is unanimous (with the exception of the person being voted for) that player will be eliminated. The details of this vote will be secret - all that will be revealed was whether or not a player was eliminated, not who voted for what. (Note: Maybe better to reveal how many votes and for who rather than complete secrecy?)

The expeditions will require different amounts of players depending on the night and the amount of players we get signed up. I'll let you know how many are required each time.

The scum can eliminate players by "ratting them out" to the Captain. They can do this only once per night, and only if they are on board the ship - they can not conduct this action while on a Mission (but they CAN vote to have an accident occur if it's all loyalists and 1 mutineer). The scum get the normal mafia scumchat as well.

There are two types of roles, and players will each get two. Half of them are random and will be assigned when the scum are assigned, and the others you will be allowed to choose (after you discover whether you are mutineers or loyalists) during a special "pre-game" day. These roles might be tweaked before the game starts if someone notices something stupid about them, so feedback prior to the game beginning is appreciated. There will be at most one of each random role, or "background", but there can be organization among the crew in the pre-game on who should get one. The actual choices will be made secretly via PM, however.

Day actions are sent by PM and processed at end-of-day. If you've sent multiple, I will only process the most recent one (so it's okay to change your mind, so long as you get in before the day ends). If someone is swapped out in an expedition, people will not know if it's the result of a Swashbuckler taking someone's place, or a Slacker making someone else take his.

Random Roles - Backgrounds
  • Determined Mutineer - You've been in this position before, and you know the stakes. You were the only survivor of your previous ship, and you won't let it happen again. A spot of discipline certainly won't keep you down. Or at least that's what you'd have others believe... You can "survive" a single discipline attempt, and you always come up "mutineer" to inspections. Surviving a discipline attempt will be public.
  • Lucky Bastard - You have always had an uncanny ability to survive certain death. Let's see how long that lasts you. You can survive a single expedition accident. Surviving an accident will be public.
  • Salty Dog - You've got a gruff demeanor, but the experience to back it up. People listen to your wisdom, meaning your votes for who should go on missions count double. (This is a PRIVATE passive ability - Other players will see how votes were cast and who ended up going on expedition, but not your direct influence)
  • Swashbuckler - You live for adventure. You may choose to join an expedition whether you are voted into it or not. This is a day action, and needs to be submitted before end of day. You can choose the player you will replace - if that player does not end up going on the expedition, you will replace someone randomly. (This is a PRIVATE Day action - Other players will see how votes were cast and who ended up going on expedition, but not your direct influence)
  • Pirate - You retired from the pirating trade years ago to become a proper sailor, but you learned a few things about exerting your authority and intimidating others in the process. On an expedition, you can force another player to vote the same way you do. This ability cannot be used on consecutive days. (This is an Expedition Night Action)
  • Good Ol'Boy - You're an old friend of the Captain's, and it's a poorly kept secret. That doesn't mean you're oblivious to what he's become, however, or the danger of the journey. But it means that even if you want to mutiny, anyone who looks too closely will find you suspicious. You always come up as a "loyalist" when inspected. But you've got the ear of the Captain, and you can choose to put in the good word for someone each night - if they are targeted for discipline, they'll be saved. (This is a Ship Night Action - it can target any player, but you'll probably only be targeting people on the ship. You cannot target yourself.)
  • Slacker - You don't want to go! If you would be sent on an expedition, you can instead send someone else of your choice in advance, as a day action. If that player is already going on the expedition, another random player will be chosen instead. This ability can not be used on consecutive days. (This is a PRIVATE Day action - Other players will see how votes were cast and who ended up going on expedition, but not your direct influence)
  • Seawitch - Everyone knows the ship's witch is expected to do in the captain sooner or later. You'll come up as a mutineer to investigation, whether or not you are. Your 'divination' ability, however, will allow you to see the truth of a situation - you'll be given a full list of backgrounds and selected roles that players have been assigned or have chosen for this game (but not how they are paired).
  • Swabbie - There's nothing much special about you.
  • Sailor - There's nothing much special about you.
  • Deckhand - There's nothing much special about you.

Choosable Roles - Professions
  • Tough Bastard - You've worked hard to become the toughest bastard around, and it shows. You'll survive a single discipline or accident event.
  • Lookout - (Ship Night Action) From your perch, you'll have a good view of everything that happens during the night. Reveal all actions and votes target player engages in, as well as their targets.
  • Quartermaster - (Ship Night Action) You can look through the ships paperwork, and use it to tell someone's chosen profession.
  • Backstabber - (One-shot Ship Night Action or Expedition Night Action) You have a one-shot kill. If you're on expedition, it can only be used on a target on the expedition (whose vote will be invalidated, but not their night actions) and if you're on Ship it can only be used against another target on the ship.
  • The Cook - (Ship Night Action) Loose lips sink ships, and there's no better way to loosen lips than with a bottle of fine whiskey you've been saving for a special occasion. You can use this ability to discover someone's background, and despite telling you themselves, come morning they won't have any recollection of what happened at all!
  • Expedition Leader - (Expedition Night Action) On your expeditions, no one dies. Regardless of how votes are cast, no accidents will occur - unless those votes target you.
  • Priest - (Ship Night Action) Sailors are a superstitious lot, and even if they don't strictly worship the same god you do, they tend to err on side of caution when potentially provoking supernatural ire comes up. You can use this to your advantage - target someone on the ship with you to discover their alignment by forcing a "confession" and watching how they react. They'll know they confessed, but not to who.
  • Shipwright - (Ship or Expedition Night Action) You keep the ship in good condition, though you're tools are gone and your supplies are low for that to mean much now. More useful is the fact that you're the only one on board the cat actually likes - and you've trained him to carry messages for you. As he wanders around keeping the ship vermin free, you can also set up multiple quickchats and use him to invite a player to one of them each night.
  • Nightwatchman - (Ship Night Action) You can prevent another player on the ship from taking any special actions this night.
  • Naturalist - (Expedition Night Action) You're keen to go on expeditions simply to look at the plant life, but you've been doing this for a living - very little escapes your notice. You can tell how everyone votes on expeditions, piecing together the clues that show the "accident" was intentional, so long as you are also on the expedition.
  • Spry - (Ship Night Action) You spend a lot of time in the rigging. Any attempt to target you with a night action fails.
  • Poisoner - (Ship or Expedition Night Action) Target player (either on ship or expedition with you) becomes too ill to participate for a day/night cycle. They are not allowed to talk or vote until the morning after the day they spent poisoned, and if sent on an expedition they WILL die (Unless there is an expedition leader present).

Current Signups -
Urist Imiknorris

A note on voting:
When electing people for expeditions, you can vote for as many characters as you want, but can only have one vote on a character at a time (though certain abilities may make that vote count double). In the case of a tie without enough expedition slots remaining for characters with a given vote count, the person going on the expedition will be chosen randomly. Please cast all votes in red, and please include your current entire vote roster when changing or updating your votes.

If I see: Urist, Notquitethere
followed by a later post: Caz
I will assume you have changed your vote to be Caz and only Caz.

If you want to go on the expedition, make sure to vote for yourself!

Number of People on Missions:
Day 1-2: 4
Day 3+: 3
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 11:52:27 pm by GlyphGryph »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2013, 08:29:30 pm »

I'll be interested to see where this goes.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 06:10:20 am »

This could bring me out of my (admittedly not very long) retirement. Watching with interest.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 07:09:52 am »

1) How does Slacker actually work? Is his declaration public? Did you mean that he can only choose people who aren't already on the expedition to send in his stead?
2) Can Swashbuckler and Slacker change their targets over the course of the day?
3) Isn't it too much randomness? Maybe instead make a scum-aligned role (first mate?) whose vote is the decisive one in case of a tie?
4) Since the votes are secret, would there be any point for scum to busccident their teammate?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 07:12:31 am by Dariush »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 12:40:14 pm »

Holy shit, a wild Dariush appears!

>use pokéball


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2013, 02:18:23 pm »

1) How does Slacker actually work? Is his declaration public? Did you mean that he can only choose people who aren't already on the expedition to send in his stead?
2) Can Swashbuckler and Slacker change their targets over the course of the day?
Hopefully I clarified the first question (for both of them, even though you only specified one) And you it should only be people who aren't on expedition. For all day actions, they'll be processed come night, and I'll take whichever their most recent submission was.

3) Isn't it too much randomness? Maybe instead make a scum-aligned role (first mate?) whose vote is the decisive one in case of a tie?
Dunno. I'd like no role to be guaranteed scum or town, though.

4) Since the votes are secret, would there be any point for scum to busccident their teammate?
If they don't, they know (or at least have reason to suspect) that two scum (maybe ALL the scum for a small game) were sent on the expedition. They might decide to help arrange for an accident since doing otherwise would cast suspicion on them. Expedition size will range from 3-7 people, so depending on the situation it might be worth it to just go along with it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2013, 02:37:11 pm »

I'm not Dakarian, so I probably don't apply for the wild status.


3) Isn't it too much randomness? Maybe instead make a scum-aligned role (first mate?) whose vote is the decisive one in case of a tie?
Dunno. I'd like no role to be guaranteed scum or town, though.
Why? I can understand no guaranteed town, but it's not like people will go around claiming scum-only role. If you still don't want to do it, then make expeditions auto-fail, Revolution-style. Randomness is not the way to go.

Also, background suggestions:
Little Bird: once per game, override a nightkill in favour of your chosen target (so a vig+roleblock). For that night, you come up as a loyalist and all inspections are redirected to you.
Ship Cat: you cannot vote on expeditions. When you die, one person of your alignment dies with you. Or anything, really. I just want to see a cat as a crew member. :3

Also, Observant is overpowered, IMO. Maybe nerf it down to choosing n people and seeing their votes?
Also, I think Torturer doesn't fit with the theme. Maybe rename it to something like Cook (get the target drunk and the tongue loose)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2013, 09:19:16 am »

There is no "failure" or "success" on the expeditions - it is just placing people in the danger zone HOPING one of them (and only one) is scum.

Your little bird suggestion seems a LOT more OP. Replacing torturer sounds good ( I was gettling a bit flavour drained by the end there) and I'll see if I cant add a ship cat. It would only show up in larger games of course, because it would be third party - cats are only ever on their own side! :V

Also I need a priest role too, but I might just rename one of the current ones. Maybe might make one of the roles 'passenger' flavoured as well - a naturalist coming along on this daring expedition perhaps?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 09:21:38 am by GlyphGryph »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2013, 01:21:28 am »

Also, I think Torturer doesn't fit with the theme. Maybe rename it to something like Cook (get the target drunk and the tongue loose)?
Ships had their own set of 'security', or marines, to keep the peace as far as my memory goes. Paraphrased..


In. I'm up for experimentatino.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 03:07:42 pm »

Okay, so - I made some changes. Would like some final comments, but I think this is the final version.


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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2013, 04:34:08 am »

Does 'Determined Mutineer' and 'Lucky Bastard' stack with 'Tough Bastard'?


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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) (WIP, not yet in sign-ups)
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2013, 01:36:05 pm »

Yes, it stacks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (0/6 to 11) *Now in Sign-ups!*
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2013, 03:54:58 pm »

In. Your games are more my kind of thing than regular mafia.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (2/6 to 11) *Now in Sign-ups!*
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2013, 09:31:38 pm »

In. I think I handle two games at once.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Worse Things Happen at Sea... (3/6 to 11) *Now in Sign-ups!*
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2013, 10:05:30 pm »

In. Expect Pirates of the Caribbean references.
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If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!
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