If we're sticking labels everywhere and then stating it with emphasis in all caps...then I'm really unsure about joining :s
I don't like stereotypes and labels for personality and character. I don't play in things where we're designated as robots or labels of desire instead of being known as people.
It's more giving people labels that apply to their personality. And maybe the occasional exaggeration for a cheap laugh.
I've been resisting the urge to plug here, but I've been working on a game based off PMMM since the afternoon this thread popped up, and my co-conspirator and I are starting to wrap up the pertinent details; hopefully, we'll be online in the next couple days!
Not the first one I've seen. In fact, I'm pretty sure there have been two PMMM games on Bay12 before. I wonder why there are so many of those compared to other such anime?
But where I diverge in reasoning is when people begin using tropes (with their subconscious meaning in mind) as a general descriptor for things which are better to regard holistically rather than with a 'first impression' of sorts.
Remember what you said, about tropes being as much words as words are?
Tropes do basically what words do: They give a brief description of something which might not pierce past the surface. Think of, say, George Washington, Mohammed, or Confucius. Describe them in a sentence. You're going to be leaving a lot out; the words you use will probably imply things that aren't true. And yet, you use words to describe them.
Tropes are a language of a sort, and it works much the same. It's just that the number of words is smaller, and the percentage with some kind of secondary, implied meaning higher.
I swear, the IC thread should be up soon! Last final today, in a bit over 20 minutes, so that's one less thing to worry about.