I play token druid. It's just really satisfying when you have 4 spiderlings on the board and then double savage roar for 24 damage. Don't have force of nature though.
I also play this thing:
You may have many questions, such as why do I have so many shitty 1 drops? Why does the name randomly start with an underscore? Why do I have Baron Rivendare in this deck?
I once tried to remove a Young Dragonhawk. I had just had a winstreak, and in my folly I stopped believing in the heart of the cards. I did not draw the combo for the next 3 games until I put it back.
When I first named the deck, I accidentally pressed a bit to the left of the shift key. And thus it remains to this day. A testament to my keyboard usage skills.
The Baron Rivendare is simple. It is there for the Deathlord synergy.
The rules of this deck are simple:
There is no mulligan. You play the hand the RNG has chosen for you. You must believe, and the path will reveal itself to you, even if things seem bleak at the start.
As an offering to the RNG, when the enemy has an empty board(and sometimes even when it isn't empty) you must ping your own face with the Elven Archers, and heal the enemy with your Voodoo Doctors. Whether this offering is sufficient, will only be decided by the RNG.
On a loss, you have only yourself to blame for not pleasing the RNG. Try sacrificing a few goats next time.
The RNG does not reward the prideful. Never get lost in the glory of a 32/32 deathlord, but remember that you are this position purely because a greater force has chosen it for you.
Have fun and send plenty of friend requests. The deck is silly enough that people actually accept them.
Highlights include numerous occasions where the enemy was left at 1 hp because I healed them earlier or pinged my own face, Dragonhawks buffed with topdecked Power Word: Shield->Power Word: Shield>Inner Fire. A baron rivendare left on the board and buffed from 1 attack to far, far more.
It also has a tendency to make one very superstitious. Do not ever underestimate the consequences of not respecting the rules. Even a single mulligan can end with a hand of 1 drops and no combo in sight. Follow the rules and the Wisps shall dodge your hand and instead fill the thoughtsteals of opposing priests.