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Do you hate zombie ravens?

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Author Topic: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Ravens... Why did it have to be ravens?  (Read 13440 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #135 on: January 03, 2014, 12:08:26 am »

Notes in between playing forts:

In DFhack "tweak makeown" works on some caravan members.  Works on any caravan folk not on a wagon.  If they are on the wagon, they will eventually break it apart, much like taking apart a normal wagon.  Using it on livestock seems ok...  sometimes.  Fun fact: The part of a yak that carriers their share of trade goods seems random.  I butchered a yak post haste, did not succeed in dumping all the bones and bits.  A piece of yak hair reanimated and attacked, was killed, and dropped the loot from the caravan outside a butcher.

In other news, ravens.  So many ravens.  The best part of zombie ravens is when you kill one bit, you often get a bunch of smaller flying bits.  At this point I'm assuming our fortress will fall due to a bit of raven reanimating when it hits the lava and starts on fire, then flies around and sets the world on fire before falling in a smoldering heap.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #136 on: January 03, 2014, 04:54:03 am »

Trying to do anything with only 1 usable vamp, the other two in the militia, is a royal pain in the arse.
In other news, ravens.  So many ravens.
That is the essence of living in Bloodhalls.

About Grim: Gecko tried to heal him a few times. She managed to diagnose and clean him, but after she repaired his finger, his status remained the same. I think it might be because he is lying on the floor, not in the bed.

About ravens: kill then one by one. After striking down each raven, dump it's corpse in the magma immediately.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71

Grim Portent

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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #137 on: January 03, 2014, 09:02:14 am »

You can always construct a bed beneath Grim and then dismantle it. Worked in a human fort I'm playing.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #138 on: January 03, 2014, 10:21:23 am »

Not to spoil things, but sleeping beauty did wake up, of his own accord.  So I think vamps just run on their own schedule for resting.

Grim Portent

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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #139 on: January 05, 2014, 04:21:33 pm »

Not to spoil things, but sleeping beauty did wake up, of his own accord.  So I think vamps just run on their own schedule for resting.

Might be something to do with the fact they have [NOSLEEP].
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #140 on: January 05, 2014, 07:42:43 pm »

Still working this save, just decided to get Chamberdrums finished up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #141 on: January 06, 2014, 10:44:08 pm »

A chisel tapped repeatedly, providing a strangled echo in the clouds and mist blanketing the caldera.  One gaunt figure hunched over the slab, and after a few more taps, the sound ceased.  The figure stood, and gestured to the other three figures in the surrounding half built structure.  Each figure lifted a slab, and carried the stone to a spot on the slope.  Slabs were placed.  In the mist and dust clouds, ethereal figures hovered and shimmered.  As each slab was erected one of the ghostly figures would fade into  the mist and disappear.  After sometime, only one slab remained, with one shimmering apparition floating far down the slope.  The slab was placed, and the final ghost started to shimmer away, just as the rest had.  But in this final cloud among clouds, a crackling light appeared, and then vanished.  The wind stirred, and all was silent.

“Well, that out to take care of the ghosts.  Nasty things.  We need to keep some of this cattle alive!”

28th Hematite

The vampire named Sarruck turns her attention to finding more food.  This of course meant finding a way to keep the humans safe, those fools that came to live in this place.  She looked around the piles of refuse and scattered tools, and found a pick.  Then she headed down the stiaars in the cattle cabin, and once deep enough in the dirt, she began to dig.

Cattle clatter chatter pounding moving.  Aware?  Awake.  Cold things.  Other cold things, were warm things.  Presence.  Noise.  Watching.

5th Malachite

Sarruck would have been tired, had she still been mortal, but the work was done.  She had dug out a tunnel to the edge of hill, near where previous migrants had come and died.  Hopefully she had guessed right, and future migrants would come close enough to use the bolt hole into the cabin.  She turned his attention to the castle, and looking at the unfinished roof, began looking for something suitable to close the gaps.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Thoughts come together.  A long sleep.  Woken by others.  Spirits in upheaval.  Cold ones building.  Waiting for warmth.  Focusing of mind.  Can form return?

15th Malachite

Sarruck was distracted from her work on the roof by a passing cloud.  It seemed to ripple and weave across the land.  Fitting that this cursed place would even turn the elements against those who would make a home here.  A mumbling came from the cabin.  She decided to take a break, and walked down the stairs, across the grass, and down into the basement under the shack.  Grim was still fast asleep, or something.  But he was clutching a copper sword and making soft sounds in the bed.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Thinking becomes easier with time.  Other voices are inside me.  Us?  We?  Many voices are weak.  One is strong fighting others.  Me is we is not I.  Focus on the cold ones.   They have holes inside.  Space?  A place to become? 

4th Galena

Sarruck was splitting blocks of wood.  It was senseless labor, but it took her mind off the thirst.  She figured that without some form of shelter for the depot, there would be no hope of keeping the blasted ravens from eating any mortals that came.  So she was splitting and placing sections of wall, and eventually a roof to cover the space in front of the bridge.

Her mind was filled with disappointment.  Grim still lie sleeping, even after placing an alter beside him and conducting the simple ritual.  He hadn’t even shifted in his ghastly slumber.

So long living in the mist.  So long without form or voice.  We I will fill a hole.  The walking cold ones are too solid.  But when the hole is new, the window is open.   The colds need warmth, but the warm ones bleed warmth to the mist.

17th Galena

Gecko, Sarruck and Wolf all heard the rumble long before they could see it.  A caravan was approaching.  They gathered in the courtyard, and all three glanced at each other, and after a moment, nodded.  It was risky, but there may be no other way to get the needed cattle.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

More warm ones, and a new cold one.  The time may be coming.  Time to fill the hole, and be once again.  We will find a way back.  Torn from life, we will return to unlife, join these cold things and once again have form.

20th Galena

Ost Lotashmuma saw the creatures on the hill, and recognized them as her own.  Her trip had been a success, then.  The time spent working her way into the human ranks, dealing at counters, whispering in bars, maneuvering to finally head one of the minor trade caravans.  But something was off.  She smelled the humans and oxen around her, but smelled nothing else living in this place.

Nudge, reach to the edge of veil.  Chaos runs amok on the hills.  Flying things, low, bellowing things, screams, warm blood, fast cold ones.  We float down into the basement.  There are warm ones here, scared, huddled, receptive.  The dark carving.  Urge them to touch it.  Urge them to feel the stones, fell the seduction in their palms.

13th Limestone

No one was quite sure what happened.  The caravan had been coming up the hill.  The resident vampires had recognized Ost as one of their, and started ushering the humans into the half completed courtyard.  Then ravens descended, the wagons stalled, and control was lost as the oxen frantically struggled in their harnesses.  The vampires lunged into combat, ordering the humans to bring the oxen inside, or kill them, or throw them into the mouth of the volcano.  No one succeeded at any of these tasks completely.  Some of the oxen fell outside.  One oxen was butchered, and the bits of wool and gristle shambled along the fresh tunnels under the cabin.  The humans had been barricaded inside the cellar with the sleeping Grim.

A few of the humans, confused and terrified, felt an urge, almost a need to touch the dark statue by the dead man holding a copper sword, lying upon a bed.  The gathered close, and reached out to the odd stone carving.

The warm ones struggle, they twist and writhe!  Their bond is severed, and the window is open!  Focus, concentrate, unify, dominate.  Control, devour, subjugate!  The window becomes a doorway!  Flesh!

24th Limestone

While the vampires finished dumping the remains, Grim had opened the door with a look of confusion of his face.  The four others rushed into the shed, and immediately it was obvious something had happened.  Four of the humans who had been trapped in the cabin were no longer mortal.  Three looked confused, drunk, or bewildered.  The fourth was looking around with eyes wide, and stepped past the mass of stunned vampires into the courtyard.

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Grim Portent

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #142 on: January 07, 2014, 09:10:13 am »

Journal of Grim

Something strange has happened. For the first time since I left the weaknesses of mortality behind I found myself sleeping. But I did not just sleep, I dreamed, dark and terrible dreams. This place is cursed and we are not alone.

Fortunately I was awoken from my rest by a great commotion and the aura of life nearby. Upon opening my eyes I found that there were several unfamiliar vampires in the room with me, they looked confused, startled, all save one. The others are not sure what happened, only that a caravan arrived and several of it's members were chased into the hovel we made for the mortal cattle. Something enacted the rituals I devised to consecrate new vampires into the coven.

I will figure out what happened. I will learn what power dwells here that thinks itself suitable to toy with me.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bloodhalls - vampire succession game - Mortals need not apply
« Reply #143 on: January 07, 2014, 09:39:17 pm »

Goddam ravens.  It's like the challenge game all over again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well.  Solved some problems, have some new ones.

Solved problems: 

If we "enthrall" units with make-own, the gm-editor script can fix units that cannot be assigned to the militia or noble positions.  So that makes population additions pretty easy, if really tedious to fully enact, by snagging caravans.

I killed almost everything on the map.  This had an unfortunate side effect, to be explained below.


First, many places where I want to build walls cancel saying a creature is in the location, because the damn human is standing there, no matter if they are not even standing there.  Not sure if this is me or the game, but I have never had this much trouble with building walls.

Second, killing everything on the map save for the last handful of ravens led to Gecko to go berserk from the rain, seeing undead, having friends killed, and having a haunting. She didn't even tantrum.  Someone else is doing that.  Grim put her down like a mad dog.  He has over 100 kills at this point, about half of those being notable.

Third, any visitors we snag won't last long.  Grim and Sarrak drained the only surviving humans within a month of me getting them safe and inside.  For a breeding population of anything, we will need a large population and keep the vamps completely segregated most of the time.  The risk for tantrum spirals otherwise is pretty nasty, as I already found out.


Timeless Bob

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Place all of the vampires in a squad, that will immediately troop into a series of private adjoining suites, and lock them in there until you get enough of a population going once more from migrants or enthralled traders that you can have a breeding population.  It'll probably take @20 fortress years, but there you have it.

Another idea is to retire the fortress and re-embark on the same spot with the supplies to make a whole buncha baby dwarves.  When your vampires re-arrive, you'll already have nicknamed them something, so they'll be recognized for the predators they are and immediately get their old rooms back.  When your fields go infertile, a season of having them "lay fallow" is encouraged.

You may actually want to wall off four breeding sets of dwarves in separate areas, with brewing/growing areas and beds, but not much else to increase discrete populations as "crops".  Basically, grow your food in seperate fields to avoid blight taking your whole crop out.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Grim Portent

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There should be burrows that keep the vampires out of the underground room the humans are meant to sleep in. New beds may need to be set up down there for naptime. As for avoiding vampires going insane there's a dfhack script called removebadthought. Had to use it on my turn to avoid gecko going mad after recruitment.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm.  Either I or someone else got rid of all but one burrow.

I might give the survivng named vamps "doesn't care about anything" tags with gm-editor.  Based on our comments, i assmue that dfhackery in the name of getting the fort running is considered ok at this point.  I really wish i had seen Gecko's demise coming.  I could use the same malevolent spirit idea/trick to let Gecko back in if another wave comes, but I would want permission to write it that way.  I'll write a bit more about that now that Grimmash/Spirit is corporeal and can properly think again.  I will finish through winter and upload the save this weekend. 

We have no other players at this point.  Grim, do you want to take alternating turns until we get more?  We could have a lot of fun alternating by season or half turn to get the grimmash/grim story developing.  Assuming less raven induced fun happens.  Those things are a menace.  The thralled ones can be downright brutal.  Also, claiming a caravan above ground makes for lots of fun.  The ravens attack, and you spend a whole season rekilling things while dumping.  While i was getting a handle on using dfhack to poach caravaners, i had one abortive attempt where a yak reanimated on the dumping platform and killed all named vamps in the fort.  To help ease this feature, i recommend we make tunnels from the map edge for caravans to use to get in.  Once we get human quarters underground and a stable population above, then it will be a little easier to revert to normal play.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey, I'm on the player list.

Grim Portent

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I have a plan to make things easier, I'll just need to do some RAWs butchery, which may or may not have side effects on caravans that come in to the map, but that's less significant.

Our main need is to get a larger population that we can rely on, to this end I could modify one of the rocks in the RAWs to give a syndrome that turns people into 'ghouls', weaker, slow learning non-blood drinking vampires and alter the knapping reaction to produce this at the altar, make it and vampirism mutually exclusive and make some mook-minions out of migrants.

I may also alter ravens a bit and see if I can find a way to stop the mass zombie flocks. I'll try a few runs with token adding/changing and see how things go. If all else fails I can try and make them non-flying or non-reanimating.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.
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