Alright, time for round 2.
Only Rolepgeeks battles are missing, curse the timezones. On the weekend he will hopefully be able to do them.
Akroma is doing medium well, a solid start that has no risk of falling too much behind of UltraValican. There are still points to be earned, however Shuppet being a physical attacker that is immune to counter, Shellos currently strongest weapon againt it, makes it almost a hopeless effort. With the very strong egg-moves Shuppet starts out with, a 2HKO against Shellos is more than likely, especialy with Shellos being outsped. Shuppet is frail, but Brine is unlikely to OHKO it. Only a lucky crit might turn this matchup to Akroma's favour.
Scapheap is currently on top of the bottom, a position with potential. For now a victim of unfavourable type-matchups, Magnemite will eventually turn into a devastating beast, and the new addition for round 2, Frillish, perfectly covers many of Magnemites weaknesses. A very strong choice.
GWG has given us a slow start, however looking across the board, he is far from alone with his 2 points. One can only guess how this team will develop.
MeimieFan88, a slow start that is hard to predict. Even with effect spore, Shroomish is still not to be underestimated, and while Larvesta will take a while to evolve, everybody should remember well that Volcarona has so far played a devastating role in pretty much any tournament we had up to date.
Rolepgeek, as we are used to, has a phenomenal start. Shuppet is devastating, and the addition of Snubull shows there is a clear interest to pay back UltraValican his only loss this round (so far)
Kansa, even harder to judge than GWG. Wether rise or fall, it all depends on the matchups.
BlueRobin, the big newcomer of last tournament. Last tournament, we had a similarly slow start, hindered by purposefully taking rather weak Pokemon at first, that turn into really trouble later on. I shudder, knowing that Togekiss will make a return.
UltraValican, what is there to say, the suprising newcomer that nobody had prepared for. However, a 100% win-streak is dangerous, as Scraggy is now sure to be targeted with extreme prejudice (or at least should be, if you don't want him to run away from the main field). His current lead allows him to take a relaxed approach and pick anything he wants, with no need for countering anything just yet.
Those who haven't done so already, catch a second pokemon, fitting to the route you have chosen. Both your pokemon are level 20 now, and may have 100 EVs invested each. Also, add a second item to your inventory. Some RP is encouraged, but not mandatory. Be sure to post what you have chosen before you actually do battle, as their is a chance that your choice might be rejected.
Good RP makes them more likely to be accepted though.
You may now begin with the round 2 battles. Know that the gym battle is optional, you can already begin taking out your opponents before you battle the gym. Not everyone is in dire need of bug-type TMs, and the bonus item might not make much of a difference this round, or as in my case, might simply be a TM you know you will want to take later, but that has no use this round.
Remember that Pokemons and Items may be traded. I am more than happy to give generous access to the toxic TM - of course, at a price