How would you feel if your ominpotent/omniscent parent prevented everything bad from happening?
Better than if I was starving, diseased, and doomed to die no matter what.
It's easy for those few of us in the middle and upper classes of the First World to say "We are blessed by God," but why does He hate Africans, South Americans, many Asians--why does he seem to only help those in the Third World? What kind of God is it that can take credit for home runs, but the suffering and death of billions is completely ignored?
Moreover, consider the concept of Hell. "I love you; love me back or you'll get tortured for eternity." Oh, and most of the world has no real reason to believe in God (He has no more evidence than any other god, and given how world-altering many Old Testament stories are--and how
completely unsupported everything from Exodus to the Flood to Eden is in teh archaeological record, He probably has less), and many areas have strong
disincentives to believe in Him (the more Islamic nations, if you believe in Christian God; the more Christian nations, if you believe in the Muslim Allah; North Korea no matter who you believe in; etc), not to mention the places where God is barely known if at all. Why does God hate these people so much that He offers them not a chance at salvation, and makes sure they will be cast into the lake of fire?
And that's not getting into the scientific side of things. Why would God make a world so clearly undesigned if He wanted us to believe in Him?
TL;DR: No, it wouldn't be as bad as the world God allegedly created now, especially when we consider Hell. Or most of His actions or commands (which Jesus clearly said he wasn't overturning, so yes Christians still have to own up to this).