inorganic_metal.txt---INORGANIC:CRIDE---[CE_SPEED_CHANGE:SPEED_PERC:150END:5000000] missing a ":" between '150END'
Ah, Typos, my worst enemy...
MAGNETITE:Unrecognized Stone Environment Token: ANY_STONE Just remove those lines for the environments that say ANY_STONE it's not a valid layer type
Yeah, I just put a bunch of other layers to make up for it. Ill take it out in my next cleaning with all the other fixes you are suggesting.
GUN isn't a real workshop, I put the real gunsmith shop in the Soapmaker's workshop. I could probably just delete the whole thing.
b_detail_plan_default.txt---BODY_DETAIL_PLAN:ANGEL_MATERIALS---ANGEL_MATERIALS:Unrecognized Body Detail Plan Token: ADD_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE Use find&replace to replace ADD_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE to ADD_MATERIAL
creature_angle.txt(you mean angel)---First two errors PHYS_ATT_CAP_PERC is things like AGILITY, STRENGTH, RECUPERATION
I started coding with Angle, and the name really didn't effect much, so I left it there. I had no clue what I was doing. Now I have almost half a clue, maybe 3/7th a clue.
---ANGEL:Unrecognized Creature Token: NOBREATH NOBREATHE
So we meat again, doctor Typo....
---Body detail plan not found:CHASSIS I couldn't locate CHASSIS as any BDP should make this.
---rest of the errors just bad use of the material and tissue tokens, might want to redo ANGELs at least on the materials and tissues
All the rest of the creature errors are similar to that AAMISSLE and ANGEL so figure out those, you got the rest
I should probably just purge some of the useless things. I had no clue what I was doing, and when I finally got it right I pretty much decided not to mess with anything, since it is completely broken.
---Reaction problems, just find and replace with caps sensitive all None to NONE, a few errors are about material A might just want to look those reactions over
---Interaction, probably just got something jumbled up.
Well the reaction problems are a little more then that, most end up giving unknown material in the end of the reaction. I like how it turned out, so I don't mess with it.
To be honest, I never use the error folder, mostly because I filled it to the brim. You're probably the first person to look through it. I should probably put everything I write through a word-editing software to get out my spelling typos whenever I get the chance, my last purge missed a lot, while I am fixing all these errors. The next version is a long way off for when I get more time to work on it, so for now everyone will have to suffer through it.
item_ammo.txt---ITEM_AMMO:ITEM_AMMO_ROCKET remove the BOILING_POINT there is a thread in the modding forum that has exploding ammo search I think "doomium"
I just gave up on explosives a few versions ago, and decided just to use large caliber weaponry. I could never test them right, it took to long in fortress mode and the arena was to hot. I never found a way to make it work, and everyone else's explosives seem to use DF hack. I am already a hack scripter, but not like that. I can scarcely work with these codes.