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What was your favorite part of the journey?

- 0 (0%)
The assassins in the town!
- 1 (11.1%)
Gonzou suiciding!
- 1 (11.1%)
The shadow monster encounters of all kinds!
- 0 (0%)
The mountains!
- 0 (0%)
The werewolf incident with Nadarr, leading to us getting arrested!
- 2 (22.2%)
The bandit camp side quests!
- 0 (0%)
The fortress upper levels! (Necromancers, gate, madmen)
- 1 (11.1%)
The caverns! (Dragon, Cotl, Cave Crocs)
- 2 (22.2%)
The Fortress lower levels! (Maze, Grot/Symon/Gonzou Fight, Husks)
- 0 (0%)
The flesh party that was the final battle!
- 0 (0%)
The epilogue (and the end of almost two years of madness)
- 2 (22.2%)
None! It sucked!
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

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Author Topic: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): 86 Days Remain...  (Read 357322 times)


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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): Amongst the Graves
« Reply #4245 on: August 01, 2014, 08:10:22 pm »

((I had assumed he crown was included in "gold," as Nadarr wouldn't pass by a gem studded lump of gold, but I guess it's for the best XD))
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
  TD1 has claimed the title of Penblessed the Endless Fountain of Epics!
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): Amongst the Graves
« Reply #4246 on: August 01, 2014, 08:45:47 pm »

((I had assumed he crown was included in "gold," as Nadarr wouldn't pass by a gem studded lump of gold, but I guess it's for the best XD))
((After that, you have the highest amount of gold in the party...))

Assuming, the others follow suit (because dragonborn are stubborn) the party rests at the tomb. Alexander takes first watch with Karl. Nothing is spotted. The next watch is Weston and Thoradin. Nothing else is seen. Lastly, Symon and Cromwell take the last shift. Nadarr gets a full undisturbed rest, despite dropping first. You all now have only one option: to go down deeper.

You traverse the stairs yet again. (?) On your way, you feel the ground quake underneath you. Before you can even realize what is happening, a large creature barrels down upon you from the bottom of the stairs, destroying it and forcing you down several floors below. (? x7) Thoradin somehow manages to evade the destruction and fall down without getting hit by the creature, and Cromwell gets enough of a warning to teleport away from the creature's path ((lucky roll)). The others take (10) damage from being ran into. There are a series of tunnels that go in several directions as you go down. Luckily, some are formed like slides. (?) Weston, Nadarr and Symon slide down one hole, Karl and Alexander fall through another that is a solid ledge, taking another (10) force damage from the impact before sliding down the rubble. Lastly, Thoradin and Cromwell slide down another tunnel.

The party eventually hits the bottoms of their tunnel slides. Symon and his group fall down and land on top of large, glowing mushrooms that light up the dark expansive caves. They break your fall, despite breaking the mushroom in the process. The other two groups land in water, deep enough to beak your fall, but shallow enough to stand in without swimming. Karl and Alexander fall down, and thanks to Alexander's darkvision, he sees that they're in a small pond, but everything is dark. Cromwell and Thoradin land inside a large lake of a sorts, and the edges mostly being lit by mushrooms. The water feels cold against your skin. As you try and wade in the water, the mud slows you down, causing difficult terrain. None of the groups can see one or the other. You're all alone in the dark.

Welcome to the Caverns of Uristash

During the previous night, alexander attempts to endure the sickness. (16+2-2) You feel better, but the sickness still lingers.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 08:48:41 pm by highmax28 »
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4247 on: August 01, 2014, 09:01:53 pm »

Nadarr swears, then lights the light on his staff. He keeps it on indefinitely. Sight is okay at the moment, but a cavern isn't going to always be so well lit.
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
  TD1 has claimed the title of Penblessed the Endless Fountain of Epics!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4248 on: August 01, 2014, 09:03:38 pm »

Weston uses Nimue to hunt for his teammates in the darkness.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4249 on: August 01, 2014, 11:31:41 pm »

Nadarr swears, then lights the light on his staff. He keeps it on indefinitely. Sight is okay at the moment, but a cavern isn't going to always be so well lit.
You light your staff. The glowing mushrooms and the like are easily paled in comparison to the amount of light given by the staff.

Weston uses Nimue to hunt for his teammates in the darkness.
Nimue sees mushrooms everywhere, but fails to see above or beyond that. Looking through her eyes, you fail to see any trace. With your low light vision, you can make out cavern walls and ceilings, but not much else and nothing in detail.
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4250 on: August 02, 2014, 12:37:45 am »

Karl shakes water out of his ears, hair and beard. "I'm starting to sense a pattern emerging in this place with me and water. At least I'm not drowning this time."

Karl stands, finds a sunrod from his Bag of Holding by touch and lights it. Once he has light, he starts to explore their surroundings, listening carefully for other noises.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4251 on: August 02, 2014, 01:48:39 am »

Karl shakes water out of his ears, hair and beard. "I'm starting to sense a pattern emerging in this place with me and water. At least I'm not drowning this time."

Karl stands, finds a sunrod from his Bag of Holding by touch and lights it. Once he has light, he starts to explore their surroundings, listening carefully for other noises.
You fumble in the dark until you flip on a sunrod. The light is blinding to the both of you for a second, but your eyes quickly adjust. You realize quickly that you're in a deep hole-like valley. The walls are steep enough to almost be vertical and roughly three to four times taller then Karl is. Without proper equipment and measures, you're stuck here
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4252 on: August 02, 2014, 02:06:20 am »

Keep Nimue up and circling until she spots something.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4253 on: August 02, 2014, 04:22:42 am »

((Wait, there was a crown? And I got it? I never even knew there was one, lol.))

Perception Check

Unless something interesting shows up, see what I can do with my climbers kit

((I take it my sunblade doesn't emit small perpetual light?))

If I get out using my climber's kit, do another perception check

((Also, what potions have I left?

Edit: The reason you assume so much in this fortress is because we're absolutely totally confused about where we are and what we see and can do.))
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 04:30:21 am by apiks »
Founding Father of Necrothreat I, Necrothreat II, Necrothreat III, Necrothreat IV and Necrothreat V
Founder of Teh LOLmod


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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4254 on: August 02, 2014, 12:56:54 pm »

((I actually didn't care about gold, to be honest. :P))

"Son of a b$&!?, at least I'm not stuck with an elf.
Light up a sunrod
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4255 on: August 04, 2014, 02:11:17 pm »


...Pull out the troll head.

"Yo, mon, how well can you see in the dark?"
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4256 on: August 04, 2014, 02:14:26 pm »

((I'm kind of waiting on Symon to not just be standing there....))
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
  TD1 has claimed the title of Penblessed the Endless Fountain of Epics!
Poetry Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4257 on: August 04, 2014, 05:27:09 pm »


...Pull out the troll head.

"Yo, mon, how well can you see in the dark?"
((I've been busy and forgot about this))
The head laughs.

Haha! Ya be crazy, mon. Ma eyes are worse den ya if anytin'. I don't tink thats much of an accomplishment since ya haven't looked in a mirror recently.

You light a sunrod and the place lights up. Thoradin grunts a bit as his darkvision goes off for a bit. The place you're in is expansive, and you don't see anything for a fair distance. Wherever you are, its flat and almost perfectly aligned save the faint outline of a hole in the ceiling and what appears to be many swivels in the dirt. Thoradin suggests getting away from here as soon as you can, as this may be the burrower's lair.

Keep Nimue up and circling until she spots something.
She can't see much past the mushrooms, and still not much else.

((Wait, there was a crown? And I got it? I never even knew there was one, lol.))

Perception Check

Unless something interesting shows up, see what I can do with my climbers kit

((I take it my sunblade doesn't emit small perpetual light?))

If I get out using my climber's kit, do another perception check

((Also, what potions have I left?

Edit: The reason you assume so much in this fortress is because we're absolutely totally confused about where we are and what we see and can do.))
((Only healing potions))

(17+9) You take a good look at the walls of this pit and realize this must've been a reservoir or a trap; the walls are erroded, but its aligned in such away that  suggests it wasn't here since the cave formed. Especially how when you brush your hand on the wall, you spot some old pieces of wood that appear to be parts of a sunken lift. Its too buried to be of any use to you now though.

(18+3) You hurl the grappling hook a good meter or so past the rim and latch it onto something. You give a few tugs and it holds. (12+9) You make it up, and see you latched onto a mushroom. Despite appearing flimsy, they're almost tree like. (10+9) You see you're nearby the edge of a slope and what appears to be a heavily sealed off gate. In the opposite direction is the remnants of what seems to be a river flowing past the hole. It was shallow, no more then a foot deep. (?) You feel a deep sense of dread and swear you see faces of creatures in the shadows. When you look directly there or move the sunrod closer, the faces disappear. You can't tell if you were just imagining it, you're hallucinating or some ill illusion magic is taking place. Karl is at the bottom of the pit and with his platemail, he's too heavy for ANYONE to bring up.

(?) You go to tell him what you see and you are suddenly stricken with images and visions that left you a while ago. You see different images of corpses, faces and chains. You are stunned for a bit but regain your senses quick enough. Something is wrong here.

((I'm kind of waiting on Symon to not just be standing there....))
((I'm waiting for you guys to take a guess and try and maneuver yourselves around. Think of this as those levels in games where you have to regroup with the others but you're seperated by fog. In this case, its darkness and a few other factors.

For the record, no one has seen any other light sources but Mushrooms))
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4258 on: August 04, 2014, 06:48:40 pm »

((Yes, because we were doing so fine with navigating through a simple corridor before :D

Also, how many healing potions do I have left?

And is it possible for me to put Karl into the bag of holding and haul him up there or was that ruled against gameplay?))

"Karl. We have to get out of here immediately. I'm feeling dread here much like how we felt in the tombs with the statues. But the dread here is filled with... malice. Hold onto that ring carefully."
Founding Father of Necrothreat I, Necrothreat II, Necrothreat III, Necrothreat IV and Necrothreat V
Founder of Teh LOLmod


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: Lets Play Dungeons and Dragons (4th Edition): The Caverns
« Reply #4259 on: August 04, 2014, 07:10:05 pm »

((Yes, because we were doing so fine with navigating through a simple corridor before :D

Also, how many healing potions do I have left?

And is it possible for me to put Karl into the bag of holding and haul him up there or was that ruled against gameplay?))

"Karl. We have to get out of here immediately. I'm feeling dread here much like how we felt in the tombs with the statues. But the dread here is filled with... malice. Hold onto that ring carefully."
((No... Not without killing him. You can put his armor in the bag of holding however, as I beleive))
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.
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