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Author Topic: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.  (Read 85354 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #870 on: June 16, 2014, 03:34:57 pm »

That's quite some stuff you've written!

Generally I like the setup. I don't see any trouble with the new influence balancing... I haven't researched influence that closely though, but I believe you know what you're doing. :)
Items, private property and starting RP:
Will blueprints for buildings count as commodity as well? Perhaps have the option to either "grand" it to the community (and get influence, but I'm not sure that still works with the new system?) or trade it with other dwarves.

Edit: P.S. All that will of course hurt efficiency of our fort, and that alone is quite a good reason to do it. DF2012 is way too easy as it stands. Maybe, just maybe, we will actually lose? ;)
Pah! We will never lose!

P.S. I'm not sure if I will be able to attend the game's start, since the summer holidays are starting in several weeks here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #871 on: June 16, 2014, 09:10:41 pm »

1 influence per NPC is probably better, along with the created wealth that should provide enough...
As for getting inlfuence from leading your own squad I was thinking that there would be official (appointed by council or other government officials) and unofficial (anyone can make them) squads, and official squad recruitment would override unofficial, and you would only recieve influence from official squads (unless your unofficial squad does something that would give you influence), and presumably unofficial squads, although they might fight against external threats (such as goblins), they won't recieve the goblinite (or whatever), but I suppose this kind of thing can be debated with IC laws
I love the idea of hiring NPCs with influence!
I can see that way we'll all have our own little thing going.  I suppose the cost would depend on what/how long you're hiring them for.
Arena replicas is a pretty good way to get around the problem of dwarf on dwarf fighting... I suppose you just atomsmash the loser (if appropriate), also if you're just trying to murder someone in a back alley, or something akin to that, maybe you only get a certain number of ticks to kill them before they get away?  I might have to do some arena testing to work out how this should work

I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #872 on: June 17, 2014, 12:50:20 am »

    ok i've made modifications to the existing rules to account for the new idea of influence.
Influence Rules
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
so that should about handle existing stuff.  Let me know if you see any shortcomings/have a suggestion.
Ideas for additional rules:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm not sure how exactly guilds/groups should go about gaining members.  Any suggestions?
P.S. two questions, for tele I guess
How big are we planning to make the map now?  might I suggest 5x5, so that we can pretty much have a 4x4 area for our settlement with a 1 tile buffer from invasions which should be enough, but still need to be fought over a bit. (also how big exactly was the embark last time?)
also, might we do away with the council entirely?  we could just have a bunch of independent NPCs just subsisting as we try and fight for control of them? (or maybe over time form some unified government of another form)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 01:05:14 am by neblime »
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #873 on: June 17, 2014, 02:41:55 am »

I thought of hiring more like of client-lord relationship: you  pay 1 influence and the serf is yours; someone pays 2 influence to usurp him from you. You can pay 3 influence to get him back, and so on.

Hired serf will be able to do crafting jobs and fighting and thus gain skills and become more valuable. It is up to you how much are you willing to pay for the skilled serf.

I am not sure we should have senate, or any form of government, right from the start. I thought of us as a group of adventurers this time, with roughly equal starting influence. If at some point a group of us will have more influence the anyone else(or twice as much), they can decude to create a more stable government and force lows on their fellows(costing them influence, since laws are always unpopular).
Thus I am not 100% sure we should have any discrimination going at the start against private initiatives. After all our fort will rely heavily on freelancer warriors for protection against goblins(until we will get armies, public or private).

I will try to create a draft of the rules too later today.

I think we can start with whatever size is comfortable for most people(cpu wise). 4x4 and 5x5 works for me. The last map was 11x11.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #874 on: June 17, 2014, 06:38:06 am »

Sounds good, sorry for the lack of participation, been busy, plus I can't come up with anything worth adding.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #875 on: June 17, 2014, 06:42:08 am »

wow 11x11 is huge... I for one can run 5x5 fine,
as for hiring, only problem I can see with the client-lord system is that you have to keep track of how much influence has been spent on any particular NPCdwarf to see how much it costs to get him
that's not a completely insurmountable problem however, maybe methods for poaching other player's dwarves should be simplified somewhat (such as influence actions around that) not sure on this one.  we COULD keep a list of every NPC and how much is spent.

I like the idea of having no government to begin with, i'll adjust my earlier post to remove all traces of the council from the existing actions, but group/guild rules will have to be heavily changed for this.

dw cain, can you see any glaring deficiencies in what we proposed so far?  No need to add anything of your own
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #876 on: June 17, 2014, 07:30:32 am »

So here is my view on how game rules might be implemented this time.

Backstory(always important for an RPG):
We are relatively young dwarves who grown tired of the corruption and stiffness of the traditional society. Unfortunately we were born and raised in that society and we basically know no other way of organizing ourselves. Nevertheless we decided to abandon our families and friends and settle somewhere else and try to build our society our own way. While we may not necessarily revolutionize the meaning to be a dwarf, we at least will become very rich and powerful or die trying. At least it is better then just grow old and die of drinking too much in the old mountainhome.

So we gathered together, stockpiled our posessions and listed our current skills and set off to the distant location. Since we(PCs) are basically of same social standing at the start - we are all entitled to make decsions in a simple democratic form - on a tribal meeting, when each opinion is weighted against the influence of the voter. So basically all votes at the start will be influence-weighted. Maybe in future we will want to change that to some other suffrage, like male-only, wealth-based, natively-born only, universal, age-limited or whatever will be possible at the time.

Now the laws. The persistent laws can be of two kinds: the demanding laws that require someone to do something whether he wants that or not, called "Laws"; and the more relaxed "Traditions" which basically state what is considered good and what is not good. Also non-persistent laws are "Actions".
"Laws": persistent legislations that limit someone's freedom.
  • Can be created by a governmental body of the group invoved (tribal gathering at the start for fortress level, whatever is considered governmental body of a group, for group level).
  • Governmental body(sum of all members) MUST have at least twice as much influence as other members of the group to be legit and able to pass or revoke legislations
  • By default(tribal gathering) it is majority votes that decide that law is passed or not. Later governments can have different voting and majority rules.
  • proposing a vote on law costs influence(like 2 influence). No further penalties for failed votes. If a vote passes - half the cost is refunded to the proposer (1 influence)

"Traditions": a more relaxed for of law: gives the feeling of what is an acceptable and glorious behavior.
  • Each PC can have a list of things he like in a for of triggers. (to be a carpenter. to kill an enemy. to govern a group. to have a member in the group...)
  • Each overseep period those like and dislikes are counted(influence weighted) and traditions are added and removed based on these traditions
  • traditions upgrade: if 75% of votes like something it became a lvl1 tradition. 85% - lvl2 tradition. 95% - lvl3 tradition.
  • traditions downgrade: if there are less then 25% votes for  lvl3 tradtion it becomes lvl2, 15% - lvl2->lvl1, 5% - tradition is forgotten
  • lvl1 traditions give 1 influence for all those who qualify, lvl2 - 2 influence, lvl3 - 3 influence
  • traditions are processed as following: lvl3(1st point), lvl2(1st point), lvl1(1st point), lvl3(2nd point), lvl2(2nd point), lvl3(3rd point), starting from least influential candidates, because "hey, this half-sane hobo is finally doing something right with his life" beats "This pillar of society have done another good deed, whatever."
  • there can theoretically also be some negative traditions, removing 1,2 or 3 influence from the applicable dwarves (like having no home)

"Actions": are deeds of one-time forcing someone.
  • You pay the cost of freedom you are trying to abuse. For example if you are trying to usurp a title of 5 influence - you return 5 influence to the pool(for being such a nasty backstabber)
  • You pay half of that cost to the victim, rounded up (because you recognize that he is important enough to usurp stuff from him)
  • after that you MUST still have more total influence thenm victim, who is still holding the title/item/freedom
  • so, to usurp a title of a 5-influence squad leader who has 10 personal influence you need to have 15+3+3+5+1=27 influence to start with: you give up 5 influence at the start (you:27-5 = 22), you give (5/2 = 3) influence to the victim(you:22-3 = 19;victim: 15+3=18), and you are still more influenctial then he is.(19>18), so after action you became 19+5 = 24 influence (27->24), while  your victim 18-5 = 13 influence (15->13)
  • this works nicely with titles(always good to usurp if you can) and items (any small item is rounded up to a least 50k to usurp, so 1 influence, while it does not necessarily brings you that influence back).
  • In case of freedom - I propose to make it auction style: I want you to do *this* (make me a bed, enlist in my squad, etc...) for 1 influence (I pay 1 to pool and 1 to you), you decline(if you can. Obviously you cannot decline right away because I still have more influence then you, but after a term or two you might have more and be able to break free from my influence) for 1 influence (you pay 1 to pool and 1 to me), I insist by raising stakes to 2( I pay 2 to pool and 1 to you), you decline for 2 (2 to pool, 1 to me.), etc...
  • NPC peasants cannot decline, so the only competition will be with players, to it will go like :I hire@1, you re-hire@2, I re-hire@3, but you do not give half of freedom to the victim because he is an NPC(his value rises instead)
  • Note that NPC enter into a long-term relationship, while PC are entering a one-time contract.
  • On the other hand NPC price rises for all future hires, while PC price rises only for THIS type of contract, for THIS customer. So different dwarves can force a poor carpenter to make them beds @1, while second bed(if they have family or the first one happened to be of a questionable quality) will be @2 for them.

"Claims" This is a type of public action needed for others to know what are you up to. While you can PM to every other carpenter in the game and organize an underground carpentry guild, noone will know about it. The downside is that you will not be able to trigger special conditions like "is member of the guild, is governing a group, has a member in his group, etc.." and thus trigger certain traditions, and be applicable for certain laws (like if government decides to give guild leaders special priviledges), and to pass laws that would influence your group.
  • You can create whatever you want, name it and decide how it will work.
  • When you create it you invest part of your influence into the associated title/titles. Governmental body of the fortress can create titles out of free influence, however it is considered a law and therefore usual laws rules apply here (-2 influence to ropose, +1 if passed)
  • The more you invest - the more you will be refunded when it is revoked, but the more you will lose in that situation. On the other hand you cannot lose title-bound influence, so if you think you will be defamed a lot - it can be a good idea to invest as much of your influence into a title.
  • Titles can be destroyed at their cost. Governmental body can destroy titles it holds(after it usurped them, for example; when government usurp something it pays from the pool, but still needs to do it in legal way (-2;+1)) for only the law cost (-2;+1) for the intiator

So basically private individuals can do staff using their own influence, while government can do this using the pool influence(if there is enough). Main way to gain influence is through traditions and political backstabbing.
If there are no influence in the pool - there is no influence income for traditions. if PC have no personal influence - he cannot do influence-based stuff(he basically can only vote).
"Free" peasants do food, booze, clothes, hauling and other stuff we cannot track(maybe basic carpentry like barrels, buildings and so on?).

Everything else can be decided during the start of the game (initial traditions) and during the actual game. This time we can be wiki-heavy to do the math and track things. We can, for example, have a page for any hired NPC to track his employment history, PC page to track his ideas and stuff, and a page for each idea to link those who support it.

With the abandonment of the royal liaison thing I think we should not have hard restrictions on underground/aboveground settlements, but let's try to keep things interesting, realistic and challenging: no fun in just hiding undrground while goblins are mindlessly grinded by the traps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #877 on: June 17, 2014, 09:17:08 am »

I have questions!
Is this in addition to the existing influence actions/system? (except of course the parts of which it would replace)
or does it replace it completely

so only the one central government can make laws? (that affect everyone, of course guilds can make internal laws)

can anyone start a tradition at any time?  is there any cost? (of course it won't do anything if a lot of people don't support it)
Also do NPCs vote on traditions?  If so what do you have to do to make them vote how you want

is there any limit or restriction on what position you can usurp?  I think you should be restricted to one major position (like guild leader, militia commander etc) so you can't use influence gained from usurping one position to usurp another and so on until you control everything

when creating a (non government) position does the influence put into it directly equal the influence it is worth?  How is the influence of government positions determined

Traditions is a really cool idea  :D i think it can help a lot with the RP actually,
for example we can have a negative tradition for living underground, and if everyone is in agreement that it's bad it won't happen much, but opinions might change (or be forcibly changed by players!) same applies for trap use
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #878 on: June 17, 2014, 10:53:29 am »

I have questions!
Just as I hoped :)
Is this in addition to the existing influence actions/system? (except of course the parts of which it would replace)
or does it replace it completely
Well. I tried not to override anything we had outright. Basically this proposal suggests a system to easily manage what we had and stimulate us to have more of it. Most of the ideas we had we can easily reproduce within this system. So I would say it is neither an addition nor replacement, but an attempt to enhance and bring order to what we had through the use of simple basic rules:

My proposal:
Backstory(basic idea of who we are and why are we here) -> basic rules (previous post) -> code of laws (created by governmental bodies) -> code of laws (created by groups) -> all kinds of sneaky legalese gameplay.
Previous game:
Backstory -> code of laws (created by governmental bodies) -> code of laws (created by groups) -> all kinds of sneaky legalese gameplay.
So I proposed first two parts (to replace first and introduce second). It indeed messes a bit with what we had, but I believe in a good way (replacing parts that were not very suitable for laws to begin with).

so only the one central government can make laws? (that affect everyone, of course guilds can make internal laws)

Yes, because you need to have at least 2/3 ot total bound influence to dictate others your will. There can however be crisis situation when there will be no group that has a necessary mandate to take control over the situation(each having less then 2/3 of the influence). No laws can be issued in this situation until a legitimate government is created. Civil strife imminent :)

can anyone start a tradition at any time?  is there any cost? (of course it won't do anything if a lot of people don't support it)
Also do NPCs vote on traditions?  If so what do you have to do to make them vote how you want
traditions(well, ideas of what is good) can be started at any time at no cost. You basically go around and tell everyone how you like cats and how noble it is to have a cat. NPC do not vote for traditions directly. However if we will have a tradition that says that having serfs is good - your hired NPCs will cause you to gain more influence and thus your ideas to weigh more.
It works like this: If you are talking about a new idea - you create a page at the wiki about it and link your character page at the bottom and link the idea page from your character (idea has you as supporter; you support the idea).
Once every agreed upon term (I think overseer term is good enough) the ideas pages are inspected and influence behind each one  is calculated. According to this ideas got promoted or demoted. So whenever you change your mind is not important, but every time influence is calculated - wiki should adequately represent your views.
As you can see it is hard to both promote and demote an idea. that is to pevent ideas from flipping and to show that old ideas can still have a powerful sway over the minds even long after being dominant in society.

is there any limit or restriction on what position you can usurp?  I think you should be restricted to one major position (like guild leader, militia commander etc) so you can't use influence gained from usurping one position to usurp another and so on until you control everything

Well. There are a couple considerations about that.

First of all you pay for the usurpation with your personal influence, so you cannot pay for it with bound influence from your other positions. Overall you are losing influence while usurping (27->24 in the example). So you will be quite unlikely to usurp an awful lot of power.
And Second: do you remember the guy named Gaius Julius Caesar? He had a lot of influence, a lot of titles, but very few friends. I suspect that if you usurp a lot - you are likely to give it all back soon, together with your life :) That would be good time to test our arena idea :)

So I am not sure we should forbid this type of gameplay. Of course final decision is for the gathering of tribe :)

when creating a (non government) position does the influence put into it directly equal the influence it is worth?  How is the influence of government positions determined

Yes. you basically tie part of your current
The idea is to force people to use their best judgement every time. Several things must be weighted when you are creating a title:
is it likely to be usurped(make it a small one)? are you going to give it to someone; what for(more on this later)? will your heir inherit it after your demise(make it a big one)?

Now to the creation of titles for someone else: Imagine that you want someone to raise a squad for you.
You can give him a title of military tribune (little influence), but he might not be able to conscript much, since he had an abysmall influence to begin with, so everyone is too influential for your tribune to conscript.
Or you can name him a legate(moderate influence), and he will easily overcome most of the veteran serfs.
Or you can make him Dux(large influence), and he will be able to pick from the best warriors our fortress has to offer.
Also some actions may be discounted or even available only to Dux. Like investing legates or enlisting whole squads into your army.

Ofcourse that leaves a question of what is considered "Military Tribune", "Legate" and "Dux". Especially since the actual titles will be "Neblime's Bodyguard Chief(15 influence)" or "Kerod's Swornswords Leader(25 influence)". And that is basically up to government body to decide. One of the possible ways to handle that would be laws such as:
"A "Military Tribune" is a title of no less then 10 influence, which requires it's holder to train at least 2 seasons per year and have an adequate "fighter" skill. Any Military Tribune is entitled to sleep in communal barracks and to train in the yard we justy built. (will build)."

"A "Legate" is a title of no less then 20 influence, which requires holder to have at least competent weapon and teacher skill, own the said weapon and teach at least three recruits for at least 3 seasons per year. All Legates are to be supplied by steel armor free of charge and are free from taxation on any loot they acquire in spring."

That kind of stuff. So government set the rules, while private individuals look how can they profit within those rules. So as you can see Neblime's Bodyguard Chief can be considered Military Tribune, but will not be considered Legate. But that does not mean that he will not do a grat job guarding Neblime and his kin from any incursions. Kerod's Swornswords Leader can become Legate IF he will satisfy all the other requirements (train people, have skills, own weapon...).

Traditions is a really cool idea  :D i think it can help a lot with the RP actually,
for example we can have a negative tradition for living underground, and if everyone is in agreement that it's bad it won't happen much, but opinions might change (or be forcibly changed by players!) same applies for trap use
Not sure what you mean by "forcibly", but yes, traditions give a lot of flexibility and stiffness at the same time :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #879 on: June 17, 2014, 08:11:14 pm »

Well. I tried not to override anything we had outright. Basically this proposal suggests a system to easily manage what we had and stimulate us to have more of it. Most of the ideas we had we can easily reproduce within this system. So I would say it is neither an addition nor replacement, but an attempt to enhance and bring order to what we had through the use of simple basic rules:
well in that case should I change the rules again to fit in with this better, or leave them where they are?

First of all you pay for the usurpation with your personal influence, so you cannot pay for it with bound influence from your other positions. Overall you are losing influence while usurping (27->24 in the example)
so you can't use influence gained from a title to pay for any actions?
Not sure what you mean by "forcibly", but yes, traditions give a lot of flexibility and stiffness at the same time :)
you know, if everyone REALLY dislikes people living underground they can make it a crime and apprehend those who do
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #880 on: June 18, 2014, 04:59:46 am »

I think the next organic step would be to decide the name of our group and fort and to start a new thread. Then we will decide upon embark profile and will search for the suitable site.

Laws can wait, I believe, until we will have players fleshed out. It would be nice to have laws passed with names through a proper procedure. I feel it would be cool to say something like 'But you cannot make more then three iron beds in any given season according to the "Iron Preservation Act of 167" and "You are wrong, sir! The 'Bed Shortage Amendment of 169' lets me make beds out of any material I like, as long as every fourth bed is surrendered to the state!"

We can have a simplified parliamentary session(influence -free) before embarking to make initial lawmaking easier.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #881 on: June 18, 2014, 09:23:12 am »

so are we going to keep (in some form) the old influence actions like acclaim/defame that don't rely on the existence of the government? (although they could be replaced with the traditions system, that's why I ask)

As for name I don't mind just randomly generating whatever we'll get, but if anyone has any suggestions that would be cool
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #882 on: June 18, 2014, 09:57:06 am »

yeah, that is a tricky question actually:
On one hand acclaim/defame worked spledidly, so it would be nice to leave those be.
On the other hand there is a way to do almost the same thing with traditions:
I can have "I Like/Dislike Neblime" idea on my profile and Neblime would gain/lose influence if enough people would agree with me.

The difference is that traditions are both nerfed (they apply once per term, and you could acclaim/defame Neblime as much as you would like; they requre at least 75% support, unlike just a majority) and boosted (they are persistent and Neblime will not stop influecne gain/loss on just one voter switch. More so, we can have two conflicting ideas active at the same time: We can have mixed feelings towards the Neblime :) Like and hate him at the same time :) )...

So yeah, we can have the acclaim/defame done without any specific rules about it, with just traditions. The difference is time - once per term, not any time, and longevity - persistent.
Do we need a more instant acclaim/defame functionality? It is hard for me to decide. It would be cool to have a tactical acclaim/defame functionality, but I am worried if it will not lead to too volatile influence changes, since influence will be harder to gain now.

Hey guys, what do you think? It is not only I and Nablime who has to do all the decisions...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #883 on: June 18, 2014, 12:27:59 pm »

Ah, I forgot to check up on this yesterday.

I like the back story suggested, it seems like a good base for numerous characters.

Still wrapping my head around the exact mechanics of the suggestions, but I like the look of traditions and the like for keeping track of acceptable and discouraged behaviour. I'm not sure how to answer the defame/acclaim question, tbh.

I really wish I had more to say on these things, but I actually have very few ideas of my own to contribute here.
Something I find interesting and thought I should share: DF from scratch:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Metropolitan Area. A DF-assisted forum RPG.
« Reply #884 on: June 18, 2014, 07:39:59 pm »

I wasn't thinking of having a tradition/idea against someone in particular, just that traditions could account for people's general opinion of you, by giving you influence for approved actions and vice versa, so acclaim/defame like things might not be necessary, I think we scrap all the old rules except for:
crime accusing will have to remain in some form, maybe a little cheaper to do it (but i still think the penalty for a conviction should be as harsh)
adoption could still be useful.
Soldiers decrying other people could remain, but probably at some increased cost (or decreased effectiveness)
but the rest should go I think.
So how do we get items in the new system?  Is it the same as NPCs, whoever pays more?

I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness
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