Last note before I stop caring at all.
Wow, So no more compromise? ;-;
SBC, I believe there can not be any room for compromise at this point. Even if you're telling the truth--which I believe despite the pervading notion--there is still the crooked note there.
You don't know who the dopp is, or know who exactly he is. Your convert dies with you. These two statements are synonymous with each other in the way that the lynch of you, at this moment in time, serves as the best method at the moment in the general case.
I thank you for trusting me, I really do, yet in the chat we had before, I left some space for you to answer; space which I usually leave to give the benefit of the doubt in forming. What I've been playing as, in this whole game, I take a leaf from my play back in the last regular BM--I do not want what happened and what I did to Imp, to happen this time (and literally, I know how it feels now as I glare at
some people playing here "Ooo, appeal to emotion!").
If you didn't convert anyone, or if you did anyways, I advice you to state who your targets are. Your scum list. WHo you believe is scum, why, and which parts (or their general timeframe) makes them so. I'm racking myself on why you've told me about those two shields..and the concept of you being 'nice' is a very nebulous one, where regret spouts its ugly head, but at this moment in time, I've to say that I deeply admire your courage there.
That at least you, of all the others here, aren't resorting to an uncaring attitude.
Note for tonight: We've 3 main targets: ToonyMan, makeinu and Toaster. Two are investigators, one is a role-blocker. If I live, I'll be blocking either makeinu or Toony --I don't trust Toaster of the recent moment (same goes with Toony but I don't care anymore and pick the lesser evil) and trust Persus to target the other; however contrary to recent events, I believe the patterns and associations of Toony or makeinu, though despite my personal feelings towards then, point them as Town-r than the rest.
Jim/Caz, I would love to know if any of you can still act.
Jim: If I missed the note on 'Mindstealers can steal minds on continuous days', then please link me because I'm asking you again, right now, if you can do so.
Tiruin, seriously?
Oh yes seriously. I don't care anymore. Nobody bothers to look back and check? I feel like I'm doing all the work least now I feel how Imp felt during that BM. S'pose I deserve it for how I acted then, and now I know how it feels receiving it, huh.
Yeah damn seriously. Vote me out. I'm tired of talking to brick walls with no brains. My blatant insults just proves that the current atmosphere on most players are more ego-centric than open-minded at the time being.
Meaning I bloody well give up. Sure, allude this current behavior to me being scum. I suppose none of you will think about that either and just vote me down, eh?
And what do you mean by seriously? I hoped that my words would at least inspire people to look back at D2, but what I've seen today was a mass tunnel on those deemed to be the 'last suspects remaining'. Nobody has picked back--yea, even I admit to this error to sate your inquisitorial thoughts--and checked on the notes back then in depth, but relied on labels to state the ideas.
I'm stressed, and possibly having memory lapses despite trying my best to keep up here and what'll make me happy is seeing my name in red. At least then the motives of people would be showing truly instead of being hidden behind the thin guise of the collective-thought. The metaphor of the hivemind works perfectly as people feel safer in crowds--oh dear me, I'm being defensive because I'm the lone voice speaking against them! Dear me..dear me.