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Well, it's dead.

Goodnight, sweet prince.
I'm just glad you managed to finish the dong - which I know, somehow.
I'm downloading your save.
Far away, the misty mountains cooooooooold

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Author Topic: Agepoint - We dead now.  (Read 5319 times)


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2013, 05:23:18 pm »

27th Limestone, 23

I've had it with organizing new room for migrants. Our food supply is stable. I want to build something. Something that the future residents of this fort can be proud of. Something to keep them safe.
When I first came to this place, I noticed the three narrow passes that grant access to our humble abode. Last year, I had the cliffs made more sheer to prevent our foes from climbing around those passes. Now, I see that it is time for us to seal off the passes completely. It will take time, but eventually the foe will be able to pass through but one checkpoint - archers and other such defenses can then decimate them there. As long as they come on foot, the surface world would be ours.
It's time for me to start working on a wall.

28th Sandstone, 23

Work progresses on the wall. Soon, the bottom half of one of the passes will be completed. In the meantime, a "party" has been organized in my new statue garden. The revelers claimed it was a traditional celebration of Dwarfen freedoms. I haven't heard of this tradition, and think it's a waste of booze, but most of the population isn't employed right now anyway.
Note to self: Reorganize workforce.

11th Timber, 23

The annual caravan has arrived. Trading is to commence immediately.

15th Timber, 23

Another ambush. Blast! I order everyone back in side. The trader's guards make short work of the invading goblins, but it disrupts our operation.

25th Timber, 23

Hereing a rumor that I was selling Agepoint's ammunition stocks, Woobmonkey has made it illegal to export bolts. Good thing I didn't do that. Also good thing we don't have a jail, or hammerer, so the point is moot.
I've ordered a road constructed to show the wagons where they should approach the fort. It's in the narrowest pass, which is where I plan to place our final defensive gate when The Wall is finished.

13th Moonstone, 23

A child was snatched by a kidnapper today. Tragic. I must remember to send my condolences to the mother.
Regrettably, the entrance trap has not frozen. This means I am still unable to effectively drain it. Bah. Work on the wall continues smoothly - by the years end I expect to be done the first level and well on the way to completing the second level.

18th Moonstone, 23

It happened again. Some say I'm not doing enough to protect this fort's useless walking mouths children. They could not be further from the truth. As it is, I hope morale can accommodate these losses until my wall is complete.
The dreams have been getting worse since I started reading that book. I can see in my mind the numerous falls of Truthdoors. See the monsters of that land. See what happens to dwarfs who get pushed to the brink. I will not allow that to happen to Agepoint. No, sir! We must be safe. The Conquest of The Surface must continue. I'll leave consoling the citizenry to the mayor.

25th Moonstone, 23

A dwarf has been possessed. Rumors of the great treasures of Agepoint are getting out, and it's probably attracting many thieves and snatchers. I'd tell them to stop making things, but we're dwarfs.

14th Opal, 23

I've been growing more and more detatched from the workings of the fort, completely neglecting my posts of manager and broker. Supplies are fine. We've finally finished the first layer of the first segment of The Wall - and the second is well under way. Hopefully we'll finish the first segment soon! I'll probably have to pay attention to the fort again when the next migrant wave arrives.
What do we build after The Wall? I could revolutionize our fort. I could build a whole city above the ground! The old fort would be kept as a memento, but I'd have a chance to reorganize everything, make everything more efficient... of course, that's getting way ahead of myself. For now, I should focus on my Wall.

14th Obsidian, 23

Good lord! The dwarf who'd barricaded himself in his workshop went berserk! I have ordered the miners to find him and kill him. He's already murdered a fisherdwarf.
Oh, curse my hubris! Ignoring the fort for only a few weeks causes this kind of chaos?

16th Obsidian, 23

As if on que, a army of goblins arrives. You know the drill, dwarfs. Into the fort. Wait for them to chicken out.

19th Obsidian, 23

The goblin horde has retreated after numerous losses to the Bloodpit. The rampage of the rogue planter has been ended by a pick through the skull - he managed to kill or cripple three dwarfs and a dog! Morale is understandably at an all time low.
Still, I am impressed by the spirit of my people. We carry on, no matter what. We bury our dead and mourn them in private. We taunt the goblins across the bridge. And when they're gone, we'll strip their corpses to the bone, and use that bone to make crafts we sell to their fellow demon worshippers.


That's it for this year. The gates of this fort are impenetrable (if they don't bring archers).
We'll be skipping the annual report for year 3 due to siege, and the fact that I've take far too many screenshots today.


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2013, 07:44:02 pm »

5th Galena, 24

Being forced to remain in the fort allows me to reconnect with Agepoint society. Politically, not much has changed. Woobmonkey is still, in the eyes of the people, the man in charge of the fortress, which is now a town in its own right.
Our food supplies are stable, provided we don't keep expanding our long-term stores all the time. I'm taking the opportunity to improve the living quarters again. By the end of this year, let no dwarf lack a cabinet and a coffer! The miasma within the fort has cleared as garbagedwarfs finally get off their arses and clean. We can't clean the bloodpit, but the miasma there only strikes the noses of our enemies. Cower before the foulness of Agepoint, gobbo filth!

23rd Granite, 24

Mayor Woobmonkey has declared that non shall sell his 30-something crowns to "dirty foreign merchants". Fine by me. Other than that, nothing really has happened other than business as usual. Building furniture, farming, taunting the goblins at the other side of the Bloodpit - yeah, that's basically it. Out of boredom I count the amount of goblins and trolls that fell to the Bloodpit this invasion. 24. I wonder if Armok is pleased with my offering.

9th Slate, 24

One of the masons barricaded himself in a workshop and refused to talk to anyone. Remembering our last encounter with a strange mood, I'm readying the miners. If he goes mad, they'll be ready.
One thing I've noticed is that with more free time, the dwarfs here have started to build tight networks of friendships. It's happened to me too, I'm afraid. What happens when folks start dying, I wonder? More of us will get upset. The fort will turn into a veritable pressure cooker when the corpses start stacking up.
I think I'll build a jail.

12th Felcite, 24

The mason hasn't resurfaced. I fear he'll go mad. Incidentally, I realized we've never appointed a bookkeeper in the three (four, now) years we've lived here. I've remedied that, and am having the lucky dwarf an office built.
I'm also having a tomb built for Sumyunguy. I'm sure the mayor will thank me.
Fun fact of the day: Did you know here are Agepoint there are worshippers of a god, whose title is the Wild Avalanche of Cats? I thought that was interesting.

27th Felcite, 24

The tombs are finished. The office is finished. I find myself suddenly lacking in new building projects, with only furniture laying to keep my mind occupied. This simply will not do. When I'm not busy, I can sometimes see Truthdoors.
Though the siege has departed, another ambush of goblins arrived. This time they brought bows. I raised the bridge to stop them shooting at my dwarfs. It'll limit the effectiveness of the Bloodpit, but it's a sacrifice I'm glad to make, if it means saving lives. Nobody was hurt or injured in this ambush. The dozen goblins who were bludgeoned, bled and drowned don't qualify as people.

8th Hetmatite, 24

Realizing the goblins were gone in their entirety, we opened the fort and went out into the world once more. Work resumed on The Wall. Blasted trolls took out our trade Depot, which we have subsequently rebuilt. The loot from the defeating invaders will take weeks to process.

23rd Hetmatite, 24

Migrants have arrived, no doubt enticed by the safe haven of our fort. Since it can't be conveyed via paper, be assured that as I wrote that I grinned smugly.
It really is incredible. Two years of constant harassment and invasion, and one incursion of a goblin army in its own right, and only three dwarfs killed/kidnapped. At this rate, the insane planter is tied with the goblins for worst sentient menace to the fort, and that's if you include himself as one of his victims. Truly, in all the Dyes of Founding, we are most definately the securest town.

But this marks the return of the dreaded food crisis. At 102 dwarfs, our current farms are inadequate. I'd like to expand the surface farms in the future, but not until I've finished The Wall. In the meantime, I think that when the next crop of chicks matures, egg production will more than keep pace with population growth.

17th Malachite, 24

It is done. The first out of 3 segments of The Wall is complete.
Two remain; the longest and the shortest. Following that, we have to build archery towers, barracks, above ground farms... I've considered making a roof for The Wall, but it's not feasible yet.

3rd Galena, 24

The mason I mentioned earlier apparently went mad. He died of thirst. I never knew his name
Ah, but I'm too ecstatic for this! Work on the second (and shortest) segment of The Wall is going quickly. Barring additional invasion/mass migration impeding progess, I suspect that The Wall will be complete in 25. At this point, mass restructuring of the fortress can begin; a professional military, more efficient work assignments, more efficient food/textile industries... then we'll probe deep into the earth in our search for riches. I've never heard of "dug too deep", only "didn't dig deep enough".
Woobymonkey, now a father of 7, has flaunted his authority by banning the export of crowns. He might not have noticed our complete lack of trade these past year or so, or that he already mandated this, but I'm not going to bring that up with him.

12th Galena, 24

A human caravan has arrived. At last, trade! I'm not quite sure what it is our settlement needs but I could personally go for some cheese.
... hot on their tail, a bigger force of goblins than our previous siege. Over a hundred twenty goblins in all, lead by the finest warriors of their foul race. All dwarfs are ordered to retreat behind the Bloodpit. Sorry humans, you're on your own.
The humans put up a brave but futile resistance. Several trolls are killed by a steady stream of bolts. Their warriors, outmatched utterly, fight to the death. No humans manage to flee. In an orgy of violence that makes the entrance to the Bloodpit even more bloody than our entrance, the traders and their animals are slaughtered. Gore is scattered around our depot, which is promptly sacked yet again.
As usual, the goblins attempt to charge the Bloodpit, before realizing their folly and retreating. Fifty-odd dead goblins and trolls is no fair payment for our trading partners deaths, but we are powerless to do more. Someday, goblins, you'll face a true blizzard of bolts attempting to get to the Bloodpit. Someday you'll count yourselves lucky to spill your guts for the blood god at our entrance.

25th Galena, 24

One troll nearly makes it across the gap. The brave, stupid beast is killed meters away from the point we'd decided we'd raise the drawbridge. I find myself taking an bizarre joy in this senseless slaughter. The blood god will have his fill. My patron will feast on the nightmares of a whole race, following this battle.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Our supplies can hold indefinitely. Do your worst, goblins. Your resistance only pleases my gods further. Hail, Armok! Hail, she who Dwells Within the Mind! My patrons will feast upon your blood and your fears!
... my god. I need to stop reading that tome on Truthdoors. My mind hasn't been the same since I started. The bloodlust, the dreams of strange geometry...
Watching those goblins cower outside our gate brings me a sense of righteous satisfaction. A job well done, designing that trap, even if it didn't go exactly as intended. Those goblins get what they deserve. We must drown our pity in the drink. They would have rejoiced at our sufferings; now that the tables have turned, let them know what it feels like to be afraid.


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2013, 08:39:22 pm »

Hey, MDFification, any chance of some info on our dorfs and kids with the next set of screens?
Edangzak Utharsanad Gedor - think you have what it takes?

The dog misses the ball!
The ball softly hits Urist McTrainer in the head, breaking the paper-thin skull and denting the non-existent brain!


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2013, 10:02:50 pm »

15th Limestone, 24

A terrible swamp titan has come! A fire-breathing, eyeless quail was drawn to the sounds of slaughter in Agepoint. Fortunately, it's indiscriminate as to who it burns. Unfortunately, fire. Also unfortunately, it can fly, negating our traps. The beast enters our fort easily, setting many fires before our miners (through insane luck) drive a pick through its brain.
The areas of the fort currently burning have been abandoned. When the fires are extinguished, we'll return. this is a perfect example of why we need marksdwarfs.

I deeply regret the twist of fate that prevented the titan from unleashing its flames upon the goblins. Demon-worshipper filth.
The exterior of the fort teems with riches, however, which it's better it didn't burn. An entire caravan's worth of goods. These goblins have accidentally advanced our economy by giving us two caravans by now. It will be a logistical nightmare once we can get at it.

13th Sandstone, 24

I'm prepared to write off this year. We've done nothing but socialize, clean and furnish down here. Our plans for expansion are not able to be utilized without surface access. Or so I tell myself. I suspect I'm focusing more on survival as a justification for not attempting things that make me nervous. Like the magma forges.
A stonecrafter is taken by a fey mood. Let us hope he succeeds. Another rampage could turn the whole fort mad.
Damn it. I promise you, dear reader, that I won't write again until something interesting happens or the siege ends, however long that might take.

16th Timber, 24

We have a new artifact! A schist bracelet. Damn, why can't we ever make anything useful? Besides overly pretty swords, that is.
Also, victory! The besiegers have left. Now the gates can be lowered, and the logistical nightmare of recovering all the loot begun. Also, we recommence building The wall.
The chicken coop claims the lives of chick after chick. I've decided to let the chicks run free; when they reach adulthood, they'll return to the hell we've built for them.
I notice that the plant/booze supply has taken a hit since the attack of the Swamp Titan. I realize that it burned the above ground farm to a cinder. I ordered it rebuilt; we lost some two hundred units of plants and booze in the absence of such a large plot.

10th Opal, 24

Perhaps encouraged by the news of our great victory, migrants showed up today. Perhaps encouraged by unfathomable bloodlust, a titan made of steam pursued them. Inspired by this flimsy, helpless being, our armourer is taken by a fey mood.

2nd Obsidian, 24

As the garbagedwarfs get more and more exhausted trying to clear this loot (they're basically mining through the heap of junk and corpses) our armoursmith produces a fine pewter helm.
Quite fancy! Tactically useless, of course, but we'll make a smith of him yet.
(I'd just like to point out my luck: a legendary armourer and legendary weaponsmith! Huzzah!

11th Obsidian, 24

At last! The second (and shortest) portion of The Wall is completed. Only one more portion, as long as the previous two put together, remains.
The surface world is almost ours. And yet we have no military. I'm ordering up a set of steel arms and armour that only Agepoint could produce. If we fail, it won't be from inferior gear.

18th Obsidian, 24

... and of course, another goblin siege arrives. We're not so lucky this time. A valuable mason is caught outside, chased by trolls, and assumedly killed. This hits us all hard. I don't think I've ever seen morale this low.
(Note: he didn't actually get killed yet, but either he will or he'll starve)
The siege progresses like most. The leaders push into the Bloodpit and die, leaving the stragglers to wander aimlessly until they decide to go home. Trolls push further along the causeway, but don't make it to the end. Dozens of lives lost, for no adequate reason.
Somehow a Kobold got into the fort, sneaking past the goblins, the traps, and through our still wide open gate. It's limbs are broken and its body pulped by a allarming casual passing craftsdwarf. Note to self: Don't mess with the craftsdwarfs.


That's it for this year. Tomorrow I'll post an annual report and the culmination of the siege, which gets reinforcements.
EDIT: The next set of screens will have the Dorf report. Good idea, Woobmonkey.


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2013, 10:21:54 am »

It's about time I introduced myself. You probably haven't heard of me.
My name is Erib Taronmeng, once servant to his Eternal Majesty at that wretched pit called Truthdoors. Death to me only gave me a new master, and my thamaturgical talents are not wasted on him. You may know him as He Who Thirsts, The Many-Faced God, or Armok, Lord of Blood. I watch for him. Nudge things in a more... entertaining direction for his pleasure.


Taken from the Personnel Files of Erib

The Dwarf known as MDFification is this place's manager and broker, the power behind the throne in this fort. She has her priorities straight in her choice of worship; nightmares, logistics and blood. Not the most charismatic dwarf, which I expect led to her being deposed as nominal leader. Although I approve of the great slaughter under her care (the Bloodpit and the Chicken Coop of Horrors please Him) she is too timid, hiding behind her walls while He cries out for war.

The Dwarf known as Woobmonkey is this place's mayor and a legendary cook. He is a remarkable individual, with charisma through the roof in most areas but completely lacking in other social skills. He became mayor due to his extensive family (8 children now) and because nobody really liked MDFiciation anyway. When not cooking or mayor-ing, he collects crowns and rants about how poorly-run the fortress is.

Woobymonkey's wife, Sumyunguy, is a proficient engineer and a worshiper of the Sudden Avalanche of Cats. A proficient engineer, she had much to do with the design an implementation of the Bloodpit (although personally revolted by it). Currently underutilized as the magma forges haven't moved beyond the planning stage (they've just started using wood when they have a volcano. Disgusting) and resources are concentrated on The Wall.


I'd go on at length about the architectural achievements of these dwafs, but they really haven't accomplished much since last seen.
Do you really need pictures? They've expanded the industrial hallway (tm) to include a textile industry, though they still lack a millstone. They've built their Walls, but those are thin, minimalist things. You've already seen the Bloodpit.
I think it would be better if we just got back to watching the siege.


Journal of MDFification, Manager, Broker, Agepoint

5th Galena, 25

More goblin reinforcements show up every day. The Bloodpit drinks its fill.
I dreamed last night. I dreamed I awoke, and went forth to the Bloodpit. The goblins were gone, but the pit itself was more full of gore than I'd ever seen. I looked into it, and though I couldn't see anything, I knew it looked back. And it smiled.
Woobmonkey's upset that I'm not doing more to accomodate the migrants. Seems upset that the fort is "stagnating". His wife agrees. We have plenty of time, she argues, to build. We're wasting it watching goblins get butchered.

17th Granite, 25

The first bar of steel comes out of the forges at Agepoint. I'm thrilled our weaponsmith and armoursmith are keeping up their craft. I plan to create enough arms are armour for two whole squads of warrior dwarfs.
Significant amounts of traps at the entrance are clogged by bodies and refuse. This is the weakness of the system. Were I a goblin warlord, I'd group my forces together, rush the trolls through as one to clog it, send the underlings through first... although that probably wouldn't beat the Bloodpit anyway, and goblins can't plan.

22nd Granite, 25

Looking through the dispatches, I realize that our King has gotten married! Good for you, your majesty. Can you stop sending us migrants?

8th Slate, 25

Complaints are starting to come in about the stench of the Bloodpit. About half our garbagedwarfs are, despite my forbidding them to do so, simply sitting at the causeway and daring eachother to try and fetch loot. If you don't want miasma in your lungs, you should probably go do other work!
At least it keeps them out of the dining hall.

12th Slate, 25

... it really keeps them out of the dining hall. They're too afraid of the lone goblin standing on the bridge to go back down the main staircase and to the food and beer many of them need. I'm ordering an alternate route dug to free the Garbagedwarfs from their thoroughly stupid predicament.

14th Slate, 25

The siege dissipates, prompting a flurry of dwarfen activity. En mass we attempt to retrieve our loot, rebuild our depot, and get back to working on The Wall.
We're self sufficient and our economy seems to be based more on loot from destroyed caravans or dead sieges than honest labour. That, I think, it what The Wall must change. Once we're adequately defended, we can reogranize ourselves and become the economic powerhouse Agepoint was meant to be.
... well, Agepoint was built to cut down trees and kill demons. But don't I have a responsibility to keep these people alive?
Another fey mood. Here's hoping for something good. I feel the need to stop writing bar extraordinary circumstances - it's getting kind of boring, this cycle of siege-hide-loot-build-siege.

27th Slate, 25

Work on the last section of the wall progresses. Hauling junk from the sieges continues. I worry that the amount of loot we're getting seems to increase each siege - it builds up. Eventually, we'll have to give it up or spend our entire lives hauling =Troll Fur Socks=.

17th Hetmatite, 25

The dwarfs depose Woobmonkey and elect a new mayor. One of my friends is now mayor. My grip on this town tightens. Turns our Woobmonkey doesn't have a single friend, only relatives. When someone finally made enough friends to outvote his clan, nothing could be done.
He goes back to the kitchens, grumbling about making dwarf tallow cakes or something. I think he blames me.


Time for some OOC reporting.
This fort is FULL OF JUNK. I can't possibly bin all the goblinite we've retrieved. Refuse just lays where it falls. The entire fort has ground to a halt to pick up all this stuff, and as a result my framerate has dropped to 40. It's usually around 80-100.

I haven't given y'all screenshots because this game isn't progressing very fast. Not much new digging, no new projects. Just The Wall and hauling. I'm determined to finish The Wall. When I do, we can get back to the good stuff - ridiculous engineering and war.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 11:52:59 am by MDFification »


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2013, 10:29:28 am »

Just a small, but annoying point: there is no 'y' in the middle of my name.
Edangzak Utharsanad Gedor - think you have what it takes?

The dog misses the ball!
The ball softly hits Urist McTrainer in the head, breaking the paper-thin skull and denting the non-existent brain!


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2013, 10:31:40 am »

Atom-Smash the garbage if need be. Designating a pit/garbage_dump over a bridge then dropping items, corpses, anything down it.
Then pull the lever.

Also loving the fort, keep it up! :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2013, 11:06:59 am »

Just a small, but annoying point: there is no 'y' in the middle of my name.

Maybe I have an adorable pet name for you.
I'll fix it.


9th Malachite, 25

Greetings, mortals.
That's right. It's me. Erib. The body of this manager was ripe for the taking. What? Don't act so shocked. If you were dead for as long as I was, you'd leap at the chance to run another fortress.
The Wall MDFification was building would be quite useful. Unfortunately for us, we have yet to finish it. In the meantime, I have other plans for Agepoint. Too long have the Dwarfs here languished behind their Bloodpit. I aim to give them something to live for.
I order the miners to dig deep into the Earth. As I once planned for Truthdoors, the fort will be moved to the bottom of the world. We will have two forts: Above and Below. Each will have their own defenses. Each will have their own industries. If one falls, the other will endure.

14th Malachite, 25

The new mayor demands amulets. I give him amulets carved of troll bone. He decides he has no more mandates at this time.
The miners have dug incredibly deep. And yet no caverns have been found. I order them to stop digging once the rock beneath them turns hot.
(I missed the caverns, somehow)

26th Malachite, 25

Exploration underground reveals the caverns I seek. It also reveals two magma pools and the magma sea.
I must design something to allow materials to travel here quickly from the top of the fort. This will be considered in due time. The Wall nears completion on the surface.
For some reason, the Elves (we traded with them. I think someone was too embarassed to write that down) refuse to leave our depot. They announce that they have in fact already left. This confuses me, but I don't think I'll bother them. They should prove a nice distraction during the next goblin ambush.

5th Galena, 25

I draw up plans for underground expansion. A tunnel will be dug from an underground lake to one of the magma pools. Once the magma pool is flooded and coated in obsidian, it will be walled off from the rest of the caverns. This will become the nexus of Undertown.
If I can build a impulse elevator from undertown to the surface, it can become the site of our new magma forges. We could become an industrial powerhouse. The obsidian will also be irrigated by this process, allowing for undergound farms without other soil. If I move all underground farming that deep, finish the wall, and then begin construction of Overtown... yes. I could make two forts, completely independent of each other but trading in goods. If I make invasion of either rely on a single chokepoint, both could easily be defended. Unless I was attempting to defend both from below... well I think that will come in time.

17th Galena, 25

A human caravan has come. The elves continue to languish in the depot. The humans appear not to care and unload their goods on top of them. I approve, humans. I approve.
A siege also arrives. Bugger. Everyone back into the fort!
I'm no stranger to the numbers of the enemy. They come here in their hundreds; At Truthdoors, that was just the background wildlife, consisting mainly of monsters itself. Then you could add the two hundred zombies wandering to the fort or spawning from corpses. Still, the sight of the goblin warhost is breathtaking. They really must hate us.
The humans and elves provide a distraction, allowing all dwarfs to reenter the fort. Just as planned. Now, Armok demands his fill.

19th Galena, 25

The humans are putting up a pretty good fight. Many of their foes have been killed. Blood is shed beyond The Wall. Our allies-cum trading partners are really decimating the host, which can't seem to unite long enough to charge them. Instead, the host moves slowly towards the Bloodpit.
Nonetheless, the humans are doomed. Goblin crossbowmen make them into pincushions. The host moves towards the Bloodpit, but is too cowardly to enter at first.

2nd Limestone, 25

One of the goblin leaders, bellowing personal challenges, attempts to cross the Bloodpit. He is instantly bled and drowned. Not even the dumb trolls attempt to follow him.
Most of the goblins are hanging around in a channel we dug in attempts to drain the Bloodpit. In future, I'd like it sealed off entirely. They hide in that tunnel, learning how to swim and ammusing themselves, when they should be rushing our gates.
Note to self: Figure out how to flood tunnel with magma.

22nd Limestone, 25

Food stores hold. Goblins continue to be too cowardly to charge us. I'm commencing flooding of the magma chamber.
I also need to build more rooms. Somehow, my predecessor didn't have enough. I can't have that hurting morale.
It's beautiful to watch the magma pool flood. Obsidian dropping to the bottom in chunks. A gradual spread of a hard surface over the remainder.

27th Sandstone, 25

A chinchilla attempts to rush our gates, showing more bravery than the goblin/troll horde. It appears, however, that they beat it in intelligence, at least collectively.
A peasant created a legendary wooden toy hammer. I suppose that might be useful to shut one of the children up. The fact that it menaces with so many spikes also might have an educational benefit of teaching kids that you don't mess with the guy with the hammer.

23rd Timber, 25

The goblins flee. I must rebuild the depot, commencing working on the wall, and harvest the loot. Damn the hubris of these goblins!

9th Moonstone, 25

I've done it. The Wall is finished. At last.
Now, I build a bridge to seal off the gate. The surface is ours (unless of course something that can fly attacks us).
Next, we must build an archery tower and train marksdwarfs to augment our defenses.
A new era begins here at Agepoint. The conquest of the surface has neared its end. Maybe I'll be fortunate enough to die of old age, living here.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 01:52:09 pm by MDFification »


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2013, 02:14:26 pm »

Well then. Time for our (long delayed) screencap post!

Here's the foundations of The Wall. It's 3 z-levels high if you include the barriers I put in to stop archers from hiding on top of the wall. I also took out the ramps on the surrounding mountains to form a natural barrier; any unit that can't fly will have to come in through the front gate, which is where I'm going to put my archer towers. When we have a good design for the entrance, I'll post it. I'm considering using ballistae, and I'm trying to fit that into an archery tower.
The entrance will also be made out of marble, because why not.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Flooding the magma pool is still ongoing. It will take some time, but eventually I'll have a satellite fort down there. It will also hold the magma forges. I just need to build some sort of transport system. I have no experience with minecarts, so that should be FUN.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Here's the current state of the fort's supplies. Farming could use an overhaul. So could everything else, but that will come.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Woobmonkey's not the mayor any more. I'm not even sure how he was elected in the first place. He has the stranges set of social skills I've ever seen - he's either the top of a category or the bottom of it. Conclusion; sociopathy.


25th Moonstone, 25

More migrants have arrived. This fort now contains 135 souls. Too many waste away in the dormitory, with nowhere to put their pillaged troll fur socks. To allevate this social crisis, Undertown is now being excavated. A small area for the Dwarfs who'll work in the carverns, the smiths and support staff is being dug, alongside their own dining hall and food storage. I must now plan some form of transport to speed this process.

11th Opal, 25

I've ordered the walls surrounding the statue garden and the above-ground farm demolished and the staircase within deconstructed. It shall not serve as an entrance to the fort any longer. Besides, with the wall there those are scarcely necessary.
Above-ground farming will have to be overhauled, I suppose. Just like everything in this fort.
Now if only I could get these dwarfs to build as eagerly as they tear down. Half the fort turned up and demolished those walls within minutes.
(It was like watching the fall of the Berlin Wall, but with Dwarfs)

17th Opal, 25

A giant, feathered serpent showed up outside the wall. I had our newly-formed markdwarf squad use it for target practice. The "Mines of Distinguishing" have their first kill!
To celebrate their victory, their barracks and the ammunition store under the planned archery tower have been planned. As we seak, dwarfs are laboring to finish it. We're also attempting to furnish 10 sets of steel armor for our new military.

1st Obsidian, 25

I've decided to drain the bloodpit while the river is frozen. Not entirely, but enough so that if we need it drained in a hurry in future, we can.
We found a child's body in it. That's... disturbing, to say the least. Nobody noticed a child falling in the bloodpit? Although, that would explain the ghostly child hanging around the dining room recently. I personally respect anyone with the beard to come back from the dead. Don't like 'em, though. Caused us plenty of trouble back at Truthdoors.

14th Obsidian, 25

Goblins arrive! Those things are really persistant. I order everyone back inside the fort to watch the slaughter.
Not everyone makes it inside. Four are caught in the open and killed. It was a really close thing; trolls rushed and could have slaughtered dozens, but fortunately they were distracted killing a single yak that stubbornly refused to give in until all of its limbs had been broken. Enemy archers also take their toll, firing from the mountainsides. The Wall is not effective for blocking archer fire. Who knew?
The "conquest of the surface" is shaping up to be an utter disaster. The dwarfs have seen their first real setback in war.
As usual, the Bloodpit takes its toll, but too few for me to feel like we've succeded. The goblins don't die, however, but are simply trapped down there. Unfortunate. I have truly failed these dwarfs.

27th Obsidian, 25

The goblins retreat much faster than they previously have, for whatever reason. We killed many, but I still feel like this siege was a failure. Morale is low; measures must be taken to correct this.
The Wall has proven itself to possess several failings. While it was already established that it could not block flying beasts, it has now shown that should the enemy invest in archers, it is helpless before them. It did manage to force our opponents into a single choke-point nicely, but we weren't prepared to take advantage of that. And the alert system needs major work.
The dwarfs scurry forth to loot the corpses. To them, defeating a siege is just another part of their daily lives. Admirable, but the fort is full of junk. I guess that either I'll offload it onto the next caravan (should we get one - our track record for keeping caravans alive is abysmal) or build a means of disposal.

3rd Granite, 26

A new year dawns, this time tainted by the losses of this winter. We must push on. We must improve our defenses, create our satellite fort, and secure our borders.
I can't bring myself to feel the fear the other dwarfs feel now. They didn't see Truthdoors. They're still relatively secure, with defenses better than we could have dreamed of. They haven't seen necromancy yet; I know however that there is a tower around here. It's only a matter of time before they rear their ugly heads.

17th Granite, 26

Morale continues to plummet. We must persevere. The magma chamber is almost completely flooded. If we can wall it off from the caverns and settle it, the fort will be functionally immortal. No matter what losses we take, we can survive.


Might be the last update for a while. Hope it was good.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 02:46:00 pm by MDFification »


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2013, 06:44:01 pm »

I guess I lied about that being the last update for a while.


20th Granite, 26

We've finally finished flooding and walling off the magma pool. It is now completely impenetrable from the caverns, and irrigated to boot!
After it's been drained, plans to build our magma forges down there shall progress. For the meantime, all ore is to be hauled down there. Have fun, garbagedwarfs!

11th Slate, 26

New migrants have arrived, bringing the fort's population up to 151. In addition to this, work started on the construction of our archery tower. The entrance defenses are steadily being improved.
Our new forges are being dug. Truly, this is a new milestone for the fort. I can't believe a decent metal industry has taken this long to set up.
Anyway, the satellite fort won't take any time at all to make. I just need to choose the dwarfs to inter within it... I've been meaning to take another look at the bedding situation anyway.

28th Slate, 26

Our markdwarf squad is growing, slowly but surely. Their barracks has been constructed, and their archery range is underway. Soon, the archery tower will see significant progress.
Meanwhile the satellite fort nears completion. Our magma forges are nearly done, hauling is underway, and soon the new farms will have drained. All said and done, we're about to become an economic powerhouse.

12th Felcite, 26

Elves arrive. They're told to bugger off in a beautifully engraved woodcarving. They comply.

14th Felcite, 26

Another siege arrives. Dwarfs are ordered to fall back. I notice that despite the order, many run outside and double back, risking their lives for no noticable reason. Bloody peasants.
Speaking of bloody peasants, a child has been possesed and taken over a craftsdwarfs workshop.
So far we've lost two dwarfs; both of them military, training on animals. One's killed instantly, but the other's putting up one hell of a fight though, taking on three trolls as once with nothing but a crossbow and still unscathed. He was a new recruit to our Markdwarf squad, Armokbedamned. Thank the gods those elves were there to slow the horde down, though, or we could have taken further losses. The pointy-ears make excellent meatshields.
(aaaand we're at 17 FPS people. That's a lot of goblins.)

21st Felcite, 26

The heroic guerilla campaign waged by our hunter has come to an end. Though she scored no kills, she bled four trolls and two goblin hammermen. She saved the fortress's honor, although accomplishing little of real value. Were it not for the elite bowman the goblins are led by, I would have her comrades stationed at the Bloodpit, avenging her.

24th Felcite, 26

The elite goblin bowman has fallen into the Bloodpit. Time to give our military some combat training.
They wound a few goblins, but don't manage to kill any. That's probably because the situation in the Bloodpit causes them to stand where they can only shoot one at a time, reducing their rate of fire.
This feels good, though. We're finally striking back with more than traps. A couple dozen goblin children are going to be either orphaned or raised by cripples, which is good. Violence solves all our problems.

15th Hetmatite, 26

One of the newer recruits goes mad and decides he wants to cross the Bloodpit. There goes another soldier. What a waste.

20th Htematite, 26

Woobmonkey is elected mayor again, since Sumyunguy had another kid. To celebrate, everyone in the fortress stops working for no real reason. They're used to just doing nothing during sieges, I guess, but that's really no excuse.
I notice he's a rusty but competent marksdwarf. Welcome to the military, Woobmonkey. I note with pride that he immediately shoots a pikeman in the lung across the Bloodpit for "Lookin' at me funny".

12th Malachite, 26

Some migrants have arrived, and the besiegers have fled. Wonderful. Our population is now 157 and climbing.
Steel production is getting started in earnest now. I've run into the unexpected problem of not having enough charcoal. I forgot all about that. Guess I'll have to make some more.

23rd Malachite, 26

Our archery tower is finally finished. At last, we have a fortified position from which to bombard the enemy as it comes past The Wall! It includes bridges so that the tower itself can be sealed in the event of enemy archer fire.
Many mountain gnomes have entered the map. Though I love the creatures and their quest for booze, I think it's time for our archers to get more training. Have fun, kids!
We're also starting a massive goblinite reclammation campaign. The ores will be used for bolt, statue or armour production, whichever is more pressing at the time.

12th Galena, 26

A human caravan has arrived. Naturally, our next siege should be arriving any day now. I'm starting to despair of ever managing to trade our goblinite junk.
The humans somehow fail to control their wagons, causing them to sit endlessly outside the depot. Come on. Trade with me before the goblins kill you.

18th Galena, 26

Well, that actually was quite profitable. We purchased no small amount of cheese, medicinal supplies, and chains. This will help establish our hospital. We also bought a tone of glass, although I can't remember why I did that. This MDFification fellow struggles hard. If I'm not careful, I'll lose control of this body.


And that's it for this update.
Next: Will we finish building a Hospital and a Jail? Will another siege come? Will Woobmonkey and Sumyunguy finally realize their dream of having 200+ children? Will MDFification recover her body?
Find out next on Agepoint, the Defender of Realms!
(Also, the FPS continues to be abysmal. Wweh.)


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2013, 08:45:27 pm »

23rd Galena, 26

Excavation of the hospital and the future jail cells has begun. I've accumulated sufficient cloth, splints and crutches, and if nothing goes amiss we should have plenty of traction benches. I am however worried about soap, water and plaster for casts. All of these must be accumulated.
The residents of Undertown are temporarily liberated allowed to go back to Overtown because the idiot dwarfs refused to bring them any food, only booze. If I had the will, heads would roll.

1st Limestone, 26

I start building another egg factory underground. Armok will have twice the chicken blood in no time!
Really I'm starting to get bored. I'm planning a new entrance to the caverns; it involves both lots and lot of spikes and lots and lots of cages. If successful, it should provide us with lots of interesting wildlife. I also could use access to the extra wood... it occurs to me that walling off the carvers actually is a feasible undertaking. Shall we do it?
After the jail and hospital, we'll have time to decide, I suppose.
I also notice that a child has made an artifact crown. It's nothing special, until I realized that it's engraved with basically everything to ever happen at Agepoint.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Kid's got hardcore OCD.

4th Limestone, 26

I realize I forgot to get wood from the humans, who are still hanging around. I proceed to do so. By the way, this is the biggest caravan I've ever seen. So much stuff, so many wagons, so many devil-worshippers.
The hospital and 3 jail cells have been excavated. It's about time I started furnishing them.
(FPS is attrociously low when I need to do things. Considering just butchering everything)

8th Limestone, 26

Good news! First, the basic hospital is done; only have to add traction benches and a well now. Secondly, the hospital uses up a LOT of the useless junk I had lying around as useful supplies! Score 1: Hospital. We still need to acquire plaster, soap and traction benches. Traction benches will be along shortly; we're going to have to trade for the others.
The jails are finished. I'm going to build some very, very nice furniture and put it in there; hopefully that will help rehabilitate any criminals we might end up with.

26th Limestone, 26

The well is finished. The hospital only needs a few more traction benches now, and it's as ready as it can be without trading.
The jail is also furnished.
I realize we're a full fledged city now. The tought inspires pride in me. I don't know why. Woobmonkey and Sumyunguy celebrate our new status by having another kid.
We've set up new stockpiles solely for the purpose of melting goblinite. Most of it's just made into bolts, although we get some fancy/usable ores.

28th Limestone, 26

More migrants arrived, making the fort's population 165. We have a bit of an overpopulation problem. Our mayor and his wife aren't helping.
I should build more rooms for everyone... morale could get very bad... I lack the motivation.
I replace myself as broker and manager, letting more competent persons fill those positions. I'm now merely Overseer, the dwarf responsible for planning - no legal power to compel anyone to do anything. I think I've successfully built a fort that can allow me a little off time. The fort's administration now consists of seven officials in total.

10th Sandstone, 26

Our bookeeper is incompetent, and only just reported that we're under 2000 kegs of booze. This is clearly unacceptable. I notice we're also experiencing our first shortage of pots ever.
The humans still haven't loaded all our junk onto their caravan. it's a lot of junk.

19th Sandstone, 26

A horrible, hairy iguana has been sighted in the caverns! Good thing it can't get in, and generally is a joke.
One of the human caravan guards has decided to just hang around following their departure. Strange, isn't it?
I notice with amusement that a baby has been left in the munitions stockpile. Throwing babies at goblins is an interesting strategy, why whoever came up with it should report to my office for promotion.

9th Timber, 26

It's actually been a mighty successful year. We got a lot done, suffered relatively few losses, and thumbed our noses at our enemies! Our military is stronger than ever, we have a hospital and jail, a functional statellite fort, we're finally pushing through the mountain of junk the sieges buried us under (still can't get rid of the stuff we stole from the Elves, though) and I'm feeling mighty optimistic about the future.
Here's to the future!
One thing of note though; a solitary troll in the caverns. Not a cave troll; a regular troll. Weird.

16th Timber, 26

An ambush arrives. Our miltary's first confrontation in their archery tower! How splendid.
.... or it would have been, if the creepy trader by the edge of the map didn't single-handedly wipe it out. Thanks, guy. Got me all excited (and called out our military) for nothing.
Also, we have another ghost. Time to get memorializing.

17th Timber, 26

A caravan has arrived from the mountainhomes! I get the militia ready in case of a goblin invasion. They're fond of killing caravans, and I don't want to damage relations further then they already have been wrecked.

19th Timber, 26

My precautions prove warranted when another ambush shows up. I send the marksdwarfs out to engage them directly. Risky, but these could severely damage trade relations!
The caravan guards get there first, and deny our troops the experience and prestige. Dammit caravan, why must you be so competent.
We buy their cheese. All of their cheese. And all of their wood, glass and plaster (1 bag). Looks like there'll be hauling jobs for all for a good month.

10th Moonstone, 26

The entrance at The Wall has a small pit dug out under it. I plan to line it with traps like the Bloodpit. It's not deep enough (or full of liquid enough) for it to be lethal, but the idea is simply to force enemies to stay in sight of the archery tower. The only way out of the pit comes rich back up outside The Wall... right within archery range.
The reason for this is that we always get goblins hanging back by the Bloodpit. Once their commanders die, they loose their backbone. This way, when they loose their backbone they're in sight of the archery tower, and we can use them as target practice. The original bloodpit can remain as a memorial, but a more efficient entrance can now be constructed for the Overtown.

22nd Moonstone, 26

The second level of the archery tower gets an overhaul to make it omnidirectional. That's basically all I have to plan right now. I'm bored. I don't think Armok will let me stay here much longer.
One of the traction benches acquires much superstitious fear for no reason. The dwarfs refuse to build it, then decide suddenly that we don't have any traction benches to build. I can see it. It's right there. They're hauling it back to the stockpile, claiming it doesn't exist.

2nd Obsidian, 26

The entrance to the cavern is almost finished. The trap at The Wall is almost finished. Our food supply is stable. There are still too many dwarfs without rooms, but I can't be bothered right now. I'm leaving at the end of this year. MDFification can have their pathetic body back and solve that problem for me.
Also, I'm proud to report we have both weaponsmiths and armourers of the highest possible quality. Well done, Agepoint. You have surprised me with your competence.

20th Obsidian, 26

Pedophiles attack. They are gently beaten with wooden training swords, and then released back into the wild.
A fisherdwarf has claimed a magma forge and is working on some secret project. Here's hoping its something we can use, becuase I am unfathomably angry that he'd disrupt our industry.

1st Granite, 27

I'm staying on for one last ambush, then I'm out of this plane of existence.
It starts with goblins killing our cats, which I'm personally ok with. Our archers hold them off at The Wall. A second squad shows up composed of bowmen. It is likewise decimated by the marksdwarfs. However, the entry trap is incomplete, a few get few, and we pull back into the fort.
This is a fiasco. So many of us are trapped outside. A marksdwarf wandering where he shouldn't is killed. I order the rest to attack. A recruit is killed. An armorer. Wasted lives. Just goes to show you that I need to fix my archery tower.
By the 11th of Granite it's all over. MDFification, when you get your body back, learn from this. Armok demands blood. If you're not careful, it might wind up being yours.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 11:02:41 pm by MDFification »


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Re: Agepoint - "The Defender of Realms"
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2013, 11:25:05 am »

I woke up this morning to find that I couldn't remember anything from the last two years. Not the greatest thing to ever happen to me.
My gods... what did I do to the fort?

There's some sort of archery tower and trapped causeway at The Wall.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A barracks has been constructed. We appear to have a military now.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
We also have a hospital, a jail...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A functional satellite fort...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Magma forges...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

We've really been busy, haven't we?


11th Granite, 27

This archery tower is shoddily designed. I can't believe I build that.
First, the bottom floor is now to be used for siege weaponry. No more dwarfs in there. Secondly, we're moving the barracks to the top floor; our military can train in the tower, so it's ready for action in the advent of a siege.
Just as I start the redesign, I get word of a glacier titan arriving. A giant, feathered cacybara with a ominously large stinger. The marksdwarfs take care of it, proof of their effectiveness. I guess things have changed for the better?

I realize things have actually changed for the worse. Our legendary armorsmith was in an ambush just a few days ago, and was killed. Infuriating. I'd waited all these years to find a use for him, and he just dies.

26th Granite, 27

I notice a trapped corridor leading into the caverns. I think I'll continue work on it.
I'm having the other armorsmiths trained making other pieces of garb. Since fuel's not an issue, I can always just melt the useless things they make back down. The weaponsmiths apparently have been trained in a similar fashion, making bolts for our marksdwarfs.

4th Slate, 27

I've decided we need a second military squad, this time of dwarfs capable of going toe-to-toe with the enemy. As we don't have their equipment yet, we won't use them. But they can start training now.
I've also decided that the new marksdwarf barracks on the archery tower can have its own archery range. They can practice shooting bolts over the causeway. They'll then fall and be recoverable.

11th Slate, 27

I notice that Woobmonkey is still mayor, and has 10 kids. 10 kids.
To emphasize that ridiculous disregard for the carrying capacity of the fort, more migrants show up. Our fort is around 170 in population now. I don't think it possible for it to go much higher.

19th Slate, 17

Noticing our lack of wood, a plan struck me.
A large amount of the land protected by The Wall is rocky wasteland. However, we have both buckets and lazy garbagedwarfs. It should therefore be possible for us to irrigate it with little problems. All we need are a bunch of temporary staircases and a bucket chain. This should augment our arboreal growth rates significantly.

29th Slate, 27

Our irrigation program has had the unfortunate side effect of muddying the river and causing parts of it to be stained with blood.
Well, if you're not polluting, you're not industrying.
We have 182 Dwarfs. That's a lot. Where did they all come from?

19th Felcite, 27

Elves arrive, notice the wretched hellhole that once was a pristine piece of real estate, are offered the traditional wooden woodcarving of a tree being lit on fire, and leave.

20th Htematite, 27

More migrants! This is really getting out of hand.
Exploration of the caverns has begun. In the advent of dangerous wildlife, our strategy is hope nobody important gets it and run like 'ell back to the gate.

26th Hetmatite, 27

Armok be praised! Adamatine!
We have made the most wecome discovery in the caverns. And what a large vein! Truly, we are blessed.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 05:46:15 pm by MDFification »


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Re: Agepoint - Close to Breaching Hell
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2013, 03:28:55 pm »

This is fun to read. Can people still be dorfed in this late stage of the fort?


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Re: Agepoint - Close to Breaching Hell
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2013, 05:22:11 pm »

I say we open hell and sacrifice our kids to the demons in hope that FPS death is deterred. Woobmonkey should be okay with this, I'm sure.


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Re: Agepoint - Close to Breaching Hell
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2013, 05:31:38 pm »

Actually, I voted for option 5, because

a) it's reminiscent of SyrupLeaf's giant 'bird' in the sky;


b) because dong.

Oh, and Sumyunguy - I have applied for full custody.  Anything more you say on the subject will be supplied to the fort Hammerer as evidence.

Edangzak Utharsanad Gedor - think you have what it takes?

The dog misses the ball!
The ball softly hits Urist McTrainer in the head, breaking the paper-thin skull and denting the non-existent brain!
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