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Author Topic: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)  (Read 9985 times)


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #120 on: December 06, 2013, 09:35:28 pm »

"Honestly, even if the surface races weren't responsible for what happened, I don't think they would negotiate with us." Gracewyn mutters quietly to the others. "Bloody kobolds. And if we kept them alive, they would doutlessly threaten a lot of people in time in one way or another. And I don't feel like having that on my mind, not in these times anyway."

Let the skeletons break up the spear formation into two groups, then move into the group that has the leader in it and attack with Steel Wind using the greatsword, on both the leader and some other close by kobold.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #121 on: December 06, 2013, 11:18:05 pm »

Eirlys nodded at Gracewyn, but still looked pensive.  "Sure, sure, but whaddya think they're actually doin' here, and where're the 'trogsons' what wrote that letter?  Or, fer that matter, the one that we saw comin' in here?"

If diplomacy fails, activate Iron Guard's Glare, move into the thick of the kobold spear line and start stabbing with the rapier.


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #122 on: December 07, 2013, 02:22:18 am »

Gracewyn gripped her sword tightly, taking the moment to focus on the coming battle. "I don't know, but we're gonna find out."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #123 on: December 11, 2013, 05:30:44 am »

Rushed Diplomacy: -10 on Diplomacy roll.  In draconic: "Stay your weapons.  We did not come here to fight, nor to steal anything from you.  We only came to recover a ring that was stolen from a friend.  You understand the importance of helping a friend?  Yes, you do; for that is what your comrades are doing right now; helping a friend.  But that's unnecessary!  We can help you, even if its just as a connection to the above world; we can help you find those things that are hidden from you.  Maybe one day we could even make you a home aboveground, giving you the option rather than the necessity of living down here."

<There is barely enough room for your own people in the above world. We see more than you think. Will there be any room for us? I think not...>

He makes a closed fist, and all talk ceases...the parley is over.


Quote from: Initiatives
Kobold Team 1d20+2=18


Tyri 1d20+5=7
Eiryls 1d20+4=14
Mathias 1d20+0=8
Ari 1d20+7=23
Gracewyn 1d20+0=17

Ari moves quickly, tossing a vial at the rightmost caster, who's rapidly chanting in a low raspy tongue.

Quote from: Attack
1d20+5+1(Pbs)=19 vs Ac 16
Miss chance/Concealment 20%, 1d100=95

Damage! 1d6+1(Pbs)+2d6(Sa)=8

With a hiss and a pop, one of the casters is engulfed in a plume of flame. Oddly, he doesn't seem to be in pain...he merely sits cross legged and allows himself to be consumed.


The Kobolds strike back!

After a few hastily barked orders, the bow-bolds reach for their belts and reach for small, spherical devices-they look like tiny beetles carved from stone. They shake the devices vigorously, and toss them in front of the line-beyond the reach of the spears.

The beetles begins to hiss and spit when they land, and the kobold fighter line raises their shields warily...

Quote from: ??


The remaining caster gestures at Grace with a snorting evocation.

Quote from: Fort Save
1d20+6=8 VS Dc 13

Grace frowns as she suffers a sudden diminution of size and mass, becoming about half her current dimensions. She's about a foot shorter than Ari, now.

Grace is affected by Reduce Person! (Size changed to Small), Duration 2 minutes/I believe powerful build still helps here, though

After a moment, he begins casting once more.


The Spearfighters remain in place, preparing for the charge.


Eirlys flits toward the leader in a deadly rainbow shimmer, glaring eyes boring into her enemy. His spear rises to meet her...but, she darts around it in a flashing zig zag-a lightning bug with a sting.

Quote from: Kobold AoO
1d20+5=15 vs Ac 19
Quote from: Eirly Attack
1d20+7=26 vs Ac 17
Crit Threat? 6+7=13, nope!

Damage 1d3-2=1

Kobold Leader is Affected by Iron Guards Stare


Mathias orders his skeletons forward into the hedge of spears-better they take the blows...

Quote from: Kobold AoOx5
1d20+3=20 vs Ac 13

Damage Rolls
Dc 17 Standstill Vs Skeleton Reflex 1d20+1=9

Dc 14 Standstill vs Skeleton Reflex 1d20+1=16

Dc 12 Standstill vs Skeleton Reflex 1d20+1=3

The Kobolds, understanding they've little chance to harm the bones with their spears, instead create a fence of tripping and blocking prongs that effectively halt the Skeletons from moving forward-everytime they step forward, a spear jabs at a knee, or forces it back onto loose ground. They are well trained in holding ground this way.


Grace, however reduced, still picks her moment to attack-waiting for the spears to slow before wading forward and attacking the Leader.

Quote from: Kobold AoO
1d20+5-4=11 vs Ac 16

Given her fierce little friends distraction, and her improved agility-being small isn't all bad-she slips his probing long spear and leads foot forward into a powerful arcing strike on the leader and the closest of his mates.

Quote from: Steel Wind Strike
1d20+7=27 vs Ac 17
Crit Threat? 1d20+7=25, Crit!
Damage 2d6+4x2=20

1d20+7=17 vs Ac 15
Damage 2d6+4=16


In a sweeping flash, the front line of kobold warriors-including their leader-is utterly decimated as Grace bisects two in a single cut. And she's not even full sized!

The Kobold captain lands on the ground with a pained wheeze. He favors Grace with a glance and a few words.

<...well struck. Your convictions are matched by your strength. I did not wish to die here, in this lonely place, so far away from my home...but, we do not choose where and when...I will find you again, great warrior, in the next life. We will meet again.>


Tyri, last of all, whirls a magic missile at the remaining caster-whose confidence is remarkably shaken at this point.

Quote from: Magic Missile

Dc 12 Vs Con Check 1d20+4=18

Though hurt by the blast, he continues to invocate.

Quote from: Initiatives
Ari 1d20+7=23
Kobold Team 1d20+2=18
Eiryls 1d20+4=14
Mathias 1d20+0=8
Gracewyn 1d20+0=8
Tyri 1d20+5=7


Though sorely wounded, the Kobolds press on-the barrels have been emptied into the ditch, and now the remaining Kobolds seem to be taken orders from another of their kind...he was the warrior to the left of the former Captain, the right having been killed.

<...Prepare for retreat! Light the sparkers!>


Ari tosses an acid flask at the remaining caster, grimacing.

Quote from: Attack
1d20+5+1(Pbs)=20 vs Ac 17
Miss chance/Concealment 20%, 1d100=44

Damage! 1d6+1(Pbs)=3

Dc 13 Vs Con Check 1d20+4=9

With a hiss and a curse, the Kobold caster loses his concentration-sorely wounded, he drops his chants...and flees back across the ditch, hopping over nimbly.


The other Kobolds follow afterwards, fleeing in an ordered rout. On instinct, Grace's sword flashes out...

Quote from: Grace AoO
1d20+7=14 vs Ac 15

And only just whisks the air above a Kobolds head.


Once the last Kobold is over the line, a small heated rock is tossed into the liquid-which at this point, is revealed to be highly flammable. A wall of fire fills the passage, forcing everyone back. The Skeletons are about to charge through the fire before Mathias stops them.

Then....of course, those little beetle devices I mentioned earlier choose the next few seconds to explode-a gout of acid splashes both skeletons-fortunately, they were the only ones in range. Everyone else has perhaps taken a step back, but the bones remain standing, watching with interest.

Quote from: Ditherbombs

Reflex Saves
Skele #1 8, 5 vs DC 12
Skele #2 9, 5 vs Dc 12

The skeletons stand for a moment more-before the acid dissolves their bonds of magic and sinew-they collapse in sizzling heaps, the only friendly casualties of the entire encounter.


The fire rages, but the group pulls two of their kills away-it's possible the petals could fly over the flames with a bit of skill and risk of singing, but the others would have to risk a very possibly fatal jump.

Before deciding what to do, they begin poring through the kobolds belongings.

Quote from: Loot
- [+1] Steel Breastplate
The prized armor of the Kobold Captain, likely taken from a dead Gnome of Halfling judging by the markings-it's been well taken care of. It gleams with dull green magical runes, indicating a simple enchantment of reinforcement. It's likely to magically resize itself to whomever claims it. It has a strong smell, however...
-Undecipherable Kobold Map
It certainly looks like a map, though it's very difficult to decipher-it almost looks like a surrealist painting. It will take some time, an intelligence check, and working knowledge of Draconic to unlock it's mysteries.
-Live beetle in Cage+Food
This little fellow is a sort of Beetle, a small vermin that dwells deep underground-this specific one has a dull red shell, and when he flicks his wings, a deeper and hotter glow can be seen underneath. There is a small bag of assorted baits tied to the cage for food-and the cage itself has a few pieces of gem and glass inside, scuffed from play. Judging by it's liveliness, it was well taken care of-perhaps even as a pet. It's currently making a keening sound that manages to be quite sad and pitiful, for a beetle, and clawing at it's cage toward it's now dead owner.
-2x Small Sundark Goggles
These smoky lenses help any underground dwelling race acclimate to the harshness of the suns rays.
-2x Tiny Bottles of Oil
It smells of strong cinnamon enough to clear your sinuses. Both are marked with a symbol of a Kobolds claw in wax and the draconic word for 'Oil' in a parchment tag on the stopper.
-Small Studded Leather Armor
This armor is fitted for a small being, around halfling sized-it's made of Chitin, which is a tough material that is very flexible, reducing the Armor Penalty by 1.
-Bag of Hotrocks
At a loss at what else to call them-these tiny stones are rubbed vigorously in ones hand, and quickly produce a heated chemical reaction. They can be used to light campfire or flammable oil. Ari has heard of such things and made them from time to time, but he has never seem them in a natural form as they are here.
-2xSmall Shortsword
A tiny blade with a sawtoothed edge, designed for both utility and war. It's design is not like anything you've ever likely seen.
-2xSmall Buckler
This tiny shield is actually the shell of some sort of insect, molding to fit onto an arm. It's fairly light, providing a reduction in armor penalty of 1.
-2xSmall Longspear
This vicious looking barb has a hook on the underside that can be used to shunt, catch, and push away opponents. It's made of poorly worked steel, though serviceable.
-50 GP in rings, coins and trinkets
Most of them seem to be melted down from larger pieces of metal-the smaller coins actually bear a Draconic face of some design on one side, and a ratty Kobod tail on the other.

All party members gain 300 XP for an incredibly one sided encounter!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 05:51:56 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #124 on: December 11, 2013, 10:06:51 am »

Gracewyn, recognising a warrior's farewell, bows her head in respect.

"Rest well, little blade. You have earned your peace."

After giving her sword a quick twirl to clean the blood off it, she turns to the others.

"Well... Now what do we do? We clearly need a way across that moat quickly, before they can set up another defence. Any ideas?"

Take a quick look around for something that could be used as a bridge of some kind.


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #125 on: December 11, 2013, 04:31:52 pm »

"Blast... I'm a fool. I would normally carry a container from which I can pour forth enough water to drown a man - not that I have ever done so - but left the bloody thing in my lab, thinking finding a corpse would be a simpler affair... Perhaps we can quickly gather rocks, or..."

Ari searches through the abandoned belongings he can get at.

"I'll take this oil and these... strange stones, if no one objects. This map too - I have some understanding of Draconic, that this most certainly is, and a certain interest in maps and their making.

Perhaps, if one of you is carrying oil, we could throw it into the fire and  force it to burn so brightly it burns right out... such reactions work sometimes in a laboratory, but then we don't know what it is that is on fire here... It would be a last resort."

While thinking about this, Ari approaches the caged beetle, and attempts to take one of the small pieces of bait out to feed to it.

Search for any loose rocks we could use to bridge the fire or extinguish a part. Pocket the hotrocks, oil, and map. Feed the beetle.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #126 on: December 11, 2013, 05:01:37 pm »

Eirlys made a face as she looked over the loot.  "I don't want any of it.  Cheap junk, most of it."  She glanced around, fluttering as close to the fire as she could get without getting burned in an attempt to get a glance at the far side.  At Ari's suggestion, she frowned slightly.  "There's that barrel of stuff we grabbed before.  Maybe it's flammable."

Pull out the sealed barrel, open it, and see if the others can identify the liquid inside.  Look for anything that can be used to cross/extinguish the fire on either side of the divide


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #127 on: December 11, 2013, 05:58:18 pm »

Tyri sat next to the pile of shiny loot. She picked up a small ring and clinked it against another, the sound dull. Seeing Ari pocket the map, she buzzed into the air. Tyri tugged at Ari's sleeve. "I can read draconish. Let me have a look at the map."

Take rings and trinkets. Share out coins with the rest of the group.

Try to decipher the map
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #128 on: December 11, 2013, 06:28:03 pm »

Tyri looks at the map and immediately realizes it's quite odd. To say the least.

Different colors, thickness of lines-words, numbers, symbols. Pictograms and ideograms in strange combinations. After a moment she realizes-assuming it IS a map and it has a scale of distance-that it is actually a complicated three dimensional rendering, representing multiple levels of a cave system on a single plane. It's going to take awhile to figure it out, much longer than they have right now, in this cave.


Eirly's pops the cork on the barrel, revealing...a gooey, clear substance.

Ari quickly identifies it as Salve of Slipperiness and explains it's basic properties. There's enough for about 5 uses here. <--

Not sure how that's going to help with the fire, though.


Ari carefully holds out a ball of food (It looks like a mushroom stalk) to the beetle, who chitters and emits a tiny jet of flame at his hand.

After a moment, however, the beetle snatches the food and brings it into his cage to eat. And a few moments after that, the beetle begins to glow-very brightly, in fact-as bright as a lamp. It keens contentedly. A small bead of clear liquid sparks from it's shell and lands in the cage, like a tiny glowing ember.


Everyone looks about, but there's nothing immediately at hand to bridge such a flame-even getting close makes one quite uncomfortable...yet, the flame is slowly dying down. It gives off no smoke, so it must be burning only it's chemical source and nothing's up to the group when to risk moving over. Five minutes would be chancy, ten minutes quite safe.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #129 on: December 11, 2013, 08:55:53 pm »

"I assure you, the fire is less of an inconvenience than the loss of two servants.  Unfortunately, we've lost the better part of my carrying capability.  However..."

Mathias casts Create Water (2 gallons of water) as many times (maximum 4) as needed to quench the fire.

"We can make haste and perhaps attain enough reward to cover the loss."
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 08:59:42 pm by TealNinja »


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #130 on: December 11, 2013, 08:56:55 pm »

(I think the forums hate me today...)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 09:00:12 pm by TealNinja »


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #131 on: December 11, 2013, 11:29:49 pm »

Gracewyn bows once more to the fallen leader and then removes his breastplate, quickly removing her chainshirt and buckling on the new armour in it's place.

"I shall do my best to look after this armour, little blade. May it serve me well.

Ari, mind giving me a hand with putting this on quickly? We haven't the time to waste to wait for me to finish by myself."

Quickly remove my chainshirt and put on the Steel breastplate with some help from Ari to make it quicker. Pocket 10 gp.


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #132 on: December 12, 2013, 04:38:33 am »

"Sure, Gracewyn. Hey Eirly, do you mind if I take that pot of salve?"



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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #133 on: December 12, 2013, 05:47:56 am »

Ari helps Gracewyn snap on her armor with no snarky comment whatsoever-the slight awkwardness of the situation they are long inured to.


Mathias, in an astounding lack of knowledge of basic chemistry (Ari cringes visibly once he realizes whats about to happen) pours a gallon of water on an oil fire.


Predictably, the force of the explosive flame forces everyone back further into the cave, sweating and singed.

From far beyond, yarking laughter can be heard echoing in the caverns...
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #134 on: December 12, 2013, 07:29:20 am »

"Perhaps we should wait, and then continue onwards... Shall we continue with your skeletons, Mr Val'Tea, or shall we, or I, try to sneak forth and spy them out?"

Feed the beetle and say hello to it, in draconic, and then stow it, its cage, and its food somewhere. Search the cavern floor for rocks or something to fill the burning trench (or rather a pathway through it). If this is successful or not, move on once there is safe passage onwards. Either follow the skeletons or Ari will Hide and Move Silently to scout.
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