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Author Topic: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)  (Read 9993 times)


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2013, 02:07:32 am »

As the group plans a light rain and a small wind blows up-only to start, then stop, then start once more. Only scant clouds dot the horizon, however. The group spares a moment looking for changes in the sky, and are glad to see none. At times the weather in Oasis, while often controlled by the totems, can get exceedingly odd-the barriers between realities are currently weak, and all sorts of things can slip through. The totems themselves keep lethal effects from decimating Oasis, but not some of the odder things which seem to not directly harm people.

Almost all of them have seen the effects of a Rogue Zephyr-when the wind comes alive with a sort of mischievous will, undoing locks, ropes, shoelaces and pursestrings-taking peoples whispers and passing them to other people...or when the sky rains clods of mud called 'Earthshot', ruining fine clothes...even Ghoststorms were seen in the last year, giving a portal for the dead to communicate with the living.

This weather is not yet strong enough to otherwise impair them, though perhaps annoying.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 02:26:51 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2013, 10:09:47 am »

"There's an ugly weather threatening, we should get moving... Mr Val'Tea, perhaps, then, you could distract this evil dwarf so that Tyrileaf can get in and talk to Mrs Wood? Perhaps the promise of material gain may prove enough to put his off his task for a few minutes? You give the impression of being able to afford his services, it has to be said."

If the plan goes ahead, we should also agree an emergency signal. Ari will stay out of possible sight but within earshot of the widow's house and run to the rescue if required.


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #62 on: November 26, 2013, 10:26:11 am »

Tyrileaf flew up on the roof of the neighbouring buildings and crept along, looking for open windows on the Widow's house. If there are, she slips inside once the guard is distracted. If there aren't, she casts mage hand to open a window from the inside, then goes inside. If the Widow is in the same room, she bows and introduces herself ("Good afternoon, Ma'am. I represent a adventuring party who has taken up the task of retrieving your husband.").
You fool. Don't you understand?
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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #63 on: November 26, 2013, 12:05:27 pm »

Gracewyn takes a casual position overlooking the house, near enough so that she can cover her companions in a rush if need be.


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #64 on: November 26, 2013, 03:31:22 pm »

"I suppose that may work.  Well, if I notice something amiss, I'll have to take an alternate method."  About to take a step, Mathias pauses again.  "How do we know the dwarf is evil?  I suppose his temperament is irrelevant to the task."

Mathias walks up to the dwarf and strikes up a conversation with him.  He guides the conversation towards money and drops a hint that he's curious about people willing to pay people to do jobs.


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #65 on: November 26, 2013, 04:13:12 pm »

Before Mathias leaves...

"I believe all Duergar are evilly inclined, although I may well be mistaken... If you must take an alternative method, then we shall not be far behind you, and will trust your judgement."

It did, of course, occur to Ari that he had no real reason, yet, to trust this gentleman necromancer's judgement, but from what little he knew Val'Tea was a competent man, and a reasonable one.


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #66 on: November 27, 2013, 01:58:07 am »

The team quickly agrees on a plan-hinging on the necromancers tongue and the petals wings.

The others take positions-seemingly casual, but ready to intercede if needed. Not all plans come together, after all...


Quote from: Mathias Diplomacy Roll

Mathias approaches the Dark Dwarf with confident smile-a winners smile. The smile of a well fed Nobleman. The style of dress the Necromancer wear is sumptuous and richly appointed-whatever it is about his air changes the Dwarfs demeanor in a way that suggests he's used to scraping below those of higher station than him. He becomes slightly more...respectful. Or perhaps fearful. Maybe they are close to the same thing.

The talk of money and work brightens him up considerably-but the Dwarf remains casually indifferent, hand on his axe.

"...Oy ya. I'm a free contractor, sometimes anyway. Can't really be talking right now, I'm a bit busy, Gov. On the job, see? I got myself a patron. I can do stuff on the side, sides it don't bother him. But, he don't like me using company time for uh, personal, can ya move out the way?"

Quote from: Mathias Spot Roll

When the Dwarves eyes flicker to the left, Mathias spots the one who Ari missed-a figure slinking in the shadows under the nearby cafe, casting a pair of beady eyes on the pair. From here he looks Elvish, or maybe just prefers Elvish habit.


Tyrileaf, meanwhile, used the distraction to sneak up on the house.

Quote from: Tyri sneak
Hide 1d20+5+8=15
Move Silently 1d20+5+8=22

Quote from: Enemy perception
Spot 1d20+7=9
Listen 1d20+7==20

Spot 1d20+3=10
Listen 1d20+3=13

Her enemies mark the Petal not, as she slips into the house.


Unsurprisingly, all the windows are locked tight-some of them are even bolted shut and secured with magic locks, which Tyri suspects are also trapped with alarm spells. She finds an unguarded window in the attic, however-much too small for any normal being to fit through, and even she has to squeeze a bit to make it. Feeling a bit giddy at what is perhaps her first home invasion, Tyri leaf quickly and carefully flutters downstairs. It's not a large house by any means-she finds the widowed woman in the kitchen, rolling a pie crust with filling of some sort-though she does this with no energy or enthusiasm. It's almost as if she's doing something just to keep herself busy. The woman's eyes are puffy and baggy-from grief and lack of sleep likely. She is casually pretty in a carefree way, with dark brown hair and eyes as grey as the cold ocean-most of her features mark her as a half elf. She's also quite young-hardly twenty two summers. Though recent events have no doubt aged her prematurely.

When Tyri announces herself, the woman nearly drops what she was holding-but, only nearly. She recovers the pie at the last moment. Her reflexes are quite good, for a housewife.

"...You're not with those men out there? You certainly don't look like one of them." She says, somewhat evenhandedly. She speaks quietly, and Tyri realizes the children must be asleep in the house somewhere.

Tyri explains what her group wants...

"I suppose it can't hurt anything. I mean, if you are one of them, you wouldn't need his picture."

Reaching onto a nearby counter, she takes a framed picture of a handsome man and his family-standing in front of a newly opened shop-and plucks the magic folio from it-she rolls it into a small bundle and hands it to the petal, who tucks it onto her back with the rest of her scrolls.

"I'd like that back, if possible...and if you are successful, you can find me at the Watchrest Market tomorrow...

And, if you are sincere...thank you. Even if...I know it's not likely you'll find him...and I don't have much money to offer...but, I truly appreciate this. It's been...very difficult. Most of my family is gone, like everyone else...when you lose someone...again. It hurts just the same. But, you don't want hear to me sob. You can go now. I'd offer you some pie or coffee, but I fear this isn't the time. I wish I could afford to pay you and your friends to run off those ruffians glaring at my doorstep, but I know they'd just send more along in time."

« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 02:01:46 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #67 on: November 27, 2013, 06:12:33 am »

Tyrileaf bowed again, just as Zury had taught her.
"Don't worry, Lady. We'll find him and bring him back."

She looked around.

"Sorry, Lady, but may I open a upstairs window to leave through? The loft window was squeezy-squeezy, even for a tiny little sprite."

With the Widow's permission, leave out a window facing the back, opposite the way the Guard were watching, fly onto the roof and move along back to the group. Show them the picture proudly.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 09:23:27 pm by GiglameshDespair »
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #68 on: November 27, 2013, 09:15:42 pm »

"Well, I'm disappointed that you're currently preoccupied.  Also, would I happen to know your master?  I wouldn't insist that you tell me who it is; I understand the need for confidentiality, but he must be important if he commands your undisturbed attention.  Also, if I have future needs, where would be a good place to find you?"


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #69 on: November 28, 2013, 04:30:13 am »

The widow smiles.

"Sure thing-just let me open a window for you-most of them have surprises for unwanted guests."


The Duergar scratches his nose, perhaps a nervous habit.

"Yeah, es' a big man, way up top. Don't like his 'agents' he call us, dragging his name about. Say you might know him if you frequent the Darling Filly, though. He's been known to sample the treats there, hey? All I'll say. He'd probably tell ya what we was doing if ya asked-I'm not too important in the old, structure.

But if you wanna find me, I gotta small den right North of here, under the *Hanging Tree-don't believe the piffle about ghosts and all, but then again we don't go under the first floor either! Hah! Me and a few other tough guys, we got the run of the place. When I'm not working for, when I'm not working I'm faffing about there, usually with a lass-times we shake down the locals when we're bored, the guards don't care-keeps us warm and fed, aye. It's a sweet deal. You wanna hire some rough guys, come and see us, or send one of your messenger boys-just, not at night, right gov? I couldn't guarantee your uh, anyones safety then."

((*Lore Added to OP in this thread))

A few minutes later, Tyri reaches her group-triumphantly holding the magic folio of the man-and the Necromancer right after.

Having obtained the information they need-without causing too much of a ruckus-the party sets off...


The Sluice isn't far-at this point, Watchrest becomes more cliff, than hill-the group is careful climbing down, for they know things lurk most often in these fringes-waiting to snatch people from the nearby streets. Looking at the Sluice from above, it certainly looks like a arrow from the Gods struck it from the sky. A massive crater has created a shallow depression where once was a small section of city-collapsed buildings teeter precariously over ruined streets, all at bizarre angles. The center itself is shielded from view directly, but concentric rings of stone and rubble suggest something hit hard enough to literally burrow into the stone-and then it exploded, sending out shockwaves that decimated the area even makes it look almost as if every structure in the area was bent and bowed toward their destructor.

The more worldly of the group can only sigh. For this is a only a small fragment of the disaster that destroyed their world.

It's like this everywhere, outside.


The Terminus war had started over a woman.

At least, so the bards say. This is the most popular retelling.

The young prince of a Human nation which has no name now once traveled to the underdark to hunt game-Drow, in fact, for they were long and hated enemies. It was there he and his party caught a Drow maiden most fair-and was himself enraptured by her beauty. It was said she might have loved him back, beyond the hatred and violence of their peoples.

The Drow demanded the return of the woman, who was a Princess of a sort in her society-and a prisoner, though she knew it not until she was free.

The King might have relented, if the prince had not removed his head, and claimed the throne for himself. He declared himself King of Sun and Moon-destined to rule the world forever, at the side of his beautiful Queen.

It was a small spat, really-the Drow had nearly overwhelmed the nation in great numbers in hardly ten years. But, strings of alliances and pacts soon began to come into play...duty and honor demanded others join the war...what was a small, local conflict become some far, far worse-far too quickly for anyone to stop it.


Descending into the broken streets is a chore-not even hard packed dirt lies underfoot. Though the petals and the Goliath do not seem to have much trouble, Ari and Mathias must suppress grumbles as they skirt chunks of rubble, rock and glass. Actually entering the rings of buildings is suddenly claustrophobic due to the leaning buildings. They seem ready to fall at the slightest touch.

The group wisely skirts around most obstacles they see-cautious of being here after the sun goes down. True to it's name, nothing clean lives here-the occasional slime is seen, mucking about and slurping up garbage, and now and again a clearly undead animal such as a rat or cat will wander past in a stupefied manner. Deep pits in the ground seem to be the dwellings of the elementals, who churn endlessly in circles for no decipherable reason. Nothing is truly alive in this place. Magic has poisoned the ground so much only either the simplest things can survive, or those beings spawned from magic itself.

Still, they press on-the Greenboard bridge is located on the outskirts, though closer to Hightown and Southwards. Needless to say, the bridge itself used to connect this neighborhood to the city at large, but is now collapsed-forming a sort of natural barrier that no one has any desire to cross. Chucking bodies into the rave from Hightown side is a common tactic for 'refuse'-even considered poetic justice, by the more callous of nobility.

They are cresting a small 'hill'-more like a barricade, though who built and why would take some time to figure out-when...

Quote from: Encounter
EC Roll 1d20=4

The road ahead is clearly...blocked, is a good word. What looks like orange-yellowish ooze forms a sunken pool at least 10 feet wide, and Gods know how deep-judging by the bubbling and hissing and popping, it's likely quite acidic...though, it doesn't seem to have damaged the buildings or non-material objects or street itself in any way a normal acid might be expected too-a long wooden board lies in one end, floating as if on water. There is perhaps enough ground for someone agile (or with wings) to make their way across without touching it. A temporary bridge could likely be made as well, given time...

As the group watches, however, a fattened pseudopod of goo rises and looks in their direction, forming a rudimentary head. It stares at them sightlessly, perhaps marking, perhaps not. Then, it bubbles to itself, and slinks back into the muck, making no obvious hostile moves toward them. But there is no doubt it is there. Nearly all adventures know what an Ooze is-a near mindless being that lives to eat and nothing else.

Still...they've the choice to press on, or double back-the route they just passed will instead take them through a ruined market area that was hedged up against the cliffs instead of this acidic thoroughfare. The marketplace is rife for ambush, of course, and who knows what dwells in the structures? They've been safe enough in the street so far...
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 05:07:42 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #70 on: November 28, 2013, 09:48:42 am »

"I... I must admit I have never come across such a thing as this. It seems to be some seething putrid cross of slug and acidic pool. An ooze, I believe, though besides its name and appetite I know very little about it. Do we risk passing it? Can we fight such a strange creature? With fire, perhaps? Or do we find another way? It would be pleasing to take a sample of the beast, but by Ajax I can't quite figure out how one would go about such a sampling..."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #71 on: November 28, 2013, 10:01:37 am »

"I wouldn't risk getting too close to that thing Ari. I haven't fought many oozes in my time, but they have all been unpleasant and difficult to handle. If you got anymore of that alchemist fire on you, I suppose you could give it a try, but I'm wondering if we could go around somehow..."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #72 on: November 28, 2013, 10:14:13 am »

Had Tyri encountered such a thing before? She thought she had. One had etched the armour of the Azure Swordswoman's arm... the metal had tarnished and bubbled. Zury had to get it replaced, and she was most unhappy about that...

Make a knowledge check on the slime to see what Tyrileaf remembers.

"I don't think we should try to bridge it. We petals could fly above, but the rest of your can't. Through a house, skelebutlers, first? If anything's there it might attack them and not us."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #73 on: November 29, 2013, 02:02:06 am »

"Eugh."  Eirlys pulled a face.  "Definitely don't try to bridge it, and we'd better watch out if'n we fight it.  It may not be 'specially tough, but it'll be tricky for sure.  I'm not positive, but some'a these sorts'll split in two if you hit them hard enough.  I don't know if this is that kinda goop, though."
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 02:13:46 am by Culise »


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #74 on: November 29, 2013, 04:02:33 am »

"Yes, I think a way around is probably best, then. Perhaps you two could fly over and meet us at the end of whatever route we manage to scout out, so if anything does attack us we can fight back from two sides? Mr Val’Tea, perhaps one of your butlers could oblige in leading the way? If not, I shall, for I am relatively quick on my feet…”

Scout a way around – leading the way if a skeletal butler will not!
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