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Author Topic: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)  (Read 9983 times)


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D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:51:23 am »

Hightown might be the last holdout of civilization, and if so, one could say it's a perfect example of the world that passed before...bright towers and spires hide dirty city streets. Just as the totems keep the poisoned world from it's borders-only pillars of breeding, influence and wealth hold the fragile web of power together, that keeps the city from tearing itself apart. But, one cannot say this Oasis is entirely without taint...and, if this place falls to chaos and evil, it may mean the end of more than just a regime-it may mean the end of life itself. The center must hold.

This is a time for heroes, if there ever was one.

Mission List

1. A shallow Grave

A local widow is desperate for help in recovering her husband-though as one can guess he's no longer among the living, she's offering pay for anyone who can find his body for a proper burial, or at the very least some of his personal effects.

"The guardsmen killed my David and dumped him in the Sluice to rot...I tried to reach his body, but there were dangerous things there...and I've children to care for by myself, now. Please, can someone help me obtain some piece of mind? I'll pay 100 Gold for anything left of him you can find. He had nothing of value on him, but a simple wedding ring that would hardly fetch coppers-if the guards did not take it out of spite, I would like it to be returned.

Gods know there will never be any justice. This is all I can ask for."

Known Threats: Oozes, Undead, Elementals, Scavengers (Humanoid?)
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2. Catch a Tiger by its Tail
A Nobleman has requested a team of skilled adventurers for a special job, but refuses to provide details-only that it will take a single night, and pay 1000 Gold.

"Professionals Requested. Skill in arms preferred, as well as those in observation and perception. Payment on completion of task 1000 gold, to be done in the space of a single night. Apply at the 'Darling Filly' bar near Clock Square."

Known Threats: ? ? ?
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3. Den of Evil
A neighborhood priest has offered money to anyone who can drive out a den of demons that has sprung up in the midst of his community, claiming to have suffered many strange occurrences as of late.

"Defenders of faith, we call upon your help.

Very recently, a foul den of demon-beings has wormed it's way into the center of our wholesome cimmunity. Strange noises and lights are seen at all hours of the night, and those who investiagte seem changed somehow-they seem to not remember hours, or even entire days of their time-and speak of strange and dire rituals done within.

We can offer 250 Gold if any brave heroes will put a stop to this."

Known Threats: ? ? ?
Rumors: ? ? ?

4. A pale brow
A merchant is requesting a paid guard for his daughter as she travels to the Totem of the Forest to receive healing from a vicious malady-or perhaps even poison. He claims to have received threats.

"Help requested!

I find myself in sudden need of martial aid from whomever is available. My daughter is terribly ill and must make the caravan trip to the Totem of the Forest, or she will surely not live out the week. The journey will only take a single day there and back. But, I fear those who have made threats against me recently may choose this moment to strike-and they may be responsible for her condition at large. And even if they are not, I would not leave her without defense.

If anyone can find it in their heart to help me, I will offer 500 Gold for safe passage. More can be offered if necessary, I am a truly desperate man."

Known Threats: ? ? ?
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5. Annoying Bards
Some citizens have expressed anger over the local gathering of bards in the Clock Square chanting (and fluting, whistling and drum banging) for 'social justice', but one Guardsman fears something far worse hiding within the confines their garishly painted troupes.

"Help Wanted! The Oasis Guards are marshalling temporary help to keep the peace while the Bards peacefully protest. Gold+free food+lodgings provided. Bring your own arms and be prepared for trouble. Earn 5 gold a night on duty-overtime a certain possibility.


Investigative+Additional Skills also required for a special task-enquire with Squire Tomnook.

Known Threats: Hearing Loss
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Every hero begins his or her story as a person of little importance in the wide scheme of things-but as time goes on, they acquire friends and enemies from places high and low...

Courting favor with the factions of Oasis will allow you to draw upon their resources in your times of need-shelter, aid and even help in battle. Note both the general attitude and the favor level, which can go as high as 20, though never past your character level.

You can call on 'favors' generally once a month-or one per character level-depending on the faction's generosity and if they will receive any benefit. Any more and you begin to strain your reputation, or break it entirely. The term 'gold' is very general-information can be priceless, for example. It is merely a simplified way of viewing how much help you summon on a moments notice.

Favor Level works both ways, btw-Level 20 Favor Hostile factions REALLY hate you. So you can judge how friendly or not one is based on this.

Allied factions consider you one of their own-you can usually call upon at least 1000 Gold worth of favors per favor level, and you will find yourself benefiting in many non-direct ways, as well. Of course, such a position also comes with responsibility-and dangers.
Friendly factions trust you implicitly-you have proven yourself, but are not yet beholden to them. You gain at least 500 Gold worth of favors per level, and all members of this faction are likely to help you in battle if they spot you in trouble.
Neutral factions don't dislike you, but they have no reason to aid you either-not that they are barred from either. There is no reward at this level, but the members will usually refrain from attacking you. Most unlisted factions can be considered neutral or worse.
Unfriendly factions are beginning to dislike you. They will not aid you at all, and will make trouble if you wander into their territory. They may not openly assault you yet, but they are certainly keeping an eye out. It is difficult, but not impossible to make amends-usually by undertaking a quest with no open reward.
Hostile factions will attack you on sight-for whatever reason, you've been marked for death. They will actively hunt you, even outside of their normal territory and devote resources to ending your life. There is almost no way to repair this level of reputation.

Current Factions/Favor Levels
Ekrund Cartel
A 'Cartel' in the loosest sense, the Ekrund family seems nevertheless to be a successful and expanding organized crime ring of smugglers and petty thieves. They maintain their ties to Hightown's elite classes, and despite their 'improper' reputation, they have a tendency to grease wheels and get things where they need to be. While not dedicated to spreading peace, the Ekrund Cartel generally disdains pointless violence-as long as no one sticks their nose into their business. They have generous resources to spread to their friends and allies, and can help one find a foot into the door of the highest levels of power. They are headquartered in the palatial garden region, but most of their business is done down by the Old Docks.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Resources: Money, Power and Influence
Faction Leader: ???

Dr. Ari Ekrund/FL.3 (The Good Doctor is a one of the Ekrund's families own sons, albeit self exiled. While they will occasionally call on him for favors, he is not yet trusted since he generally refuses to do anything with them. Should he ever change his mind, however...)

Lowtown Sprawl
Actually not a gang, despite the name-the Sprawl is a term for the many thousands of displaced citizens with few friends in the cold, hard city. Those that earn their trust and respect are rare. Killing monsters, dispatching gangs, and generally doing good deeds will all endear you to the population-which hears and sees more than their uptown neighbors might ever guess. They have no greater leader, but the various 'mayors' of the sprawl districts tend to meet regularly to keep the peace amongst them.
Alignment: Neutral
Resources: Trust of the Citizens
Faction Leader: ???

Dr. Ari Ekrund/FL.3 (Ari Ekrund is one of the few brave enough to run a clinic in the ugliest parts of town. He has many friends and allies in the low places.)

Alchemists Guild~The Purple Dragons
The Purple Dragons (named after the mottled Dragons the group rears in numbers to make vast amounts of alchemists fire) are a rich and powerful guild that controls most the magical brewing and alchemical industry in Oasis. While not strictly evil, they are fiercely competitive-stomping out anyone who attempts to corner 'their' market. This usually allows them to charge prices well and beyond what the market would bear-with the cataclysm being a true business boon. As such few of the less fortunate can afford even a simple healing potion any longer-and small time brewers and herbalists who try to circumvent these prices and refuse to join their Guild, find themselves viewed as threats to be swiftly removed. Those who find their way into good graces are richly rewarded-the guild itself highly prizes alchemic resource deposits, and the location thereof is worth a good amount of money to them.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Resources: Alchemical Wonders and Vast Riches
Faction Leader: ???

Dr. Ari Ekrund/FL.3 (Ari Ekrund has earned this groups ire for many reasons-existing outside of their power and undercutting their prices, mostly.)

Garland Ring
More than a few Fey beings have found themselves forced or chosen to acclimate into large cities. The Garland Ring is an alliance of Elves and Fey that help their brothers and sisters adapt to the new surroundings-they try to ease tension between locals, educating and informing. They also have a sizable wing of ready defenders and generous resources to expend, prepared to preserve their interests if need be. The Garland Ring has claimed a portion of the Palatial District for themselves, from one of their most powerful supporters and de-facto leader, the High Elf Sheera Twyhtem.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Resources: Nature Magic and The Fey people
Faction Leader: Sheera Twyhtem

Tyrileaf/FL.1        (Being a Petal has it's advantages. The Garland Ring is skilled in providing specialized equipment for such beings as she.)
Eirlys Rubra/FL. 1 (Petals stick together!)

Mathias Val'Tea/Fl. 3 (Mathias is still technically in their realm of responsibility, but his tampering into Necromancy has soured their view of him greatly)

Brothers and Sisters of Night
A clan of sophisticated Necromancer-elite who are officially independent of the Nightlands power structure. They often lobby for increased rights and protection for intelligent undead and those who practice such magic. Despite their name, they are in fact quite affable-it's a social club where the stigma of a hooded cultists chanting infernal is traded for warm brandy and friendly camaraderie-they are against the typical cliches of their kind, and were instrumental in defending Oasis during the Nightland's previous invasions and skirmishes. Most of them are in fact also quite alive-the Brothers (and Sisters) do not support complete lichdom, nor encourage seeking it. They are interested in all realms of learning, naturally, and those who meet their sophisticated entry requirements can find the group has much to offer.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Resources: Necromancy and High Society
Faction Leader: ???

Mathias Val'Tea/Fl. 3 (Mathias is a card carrying member, though they whisper he could certainly stand to find his way to more den meetings.)

The Triune
Composed of a set of three triplet deities, the Triune is often called upon as a whole by worshippers, rather than by its individual components, and regular priests (those not blessed by divine power) often follow suit. However, more fervent followers such as clerics and paladins always devote themselves to a single member of the Triune.
Alignment: Good
Resources: Paladins, Clerics and the Faithful
Faction Leader: ???

Mathias Val'Tea/Fl. 3 (Mathias is a fairly obvious Necromancer, and the children of the sword spurn the undead viciously-and those who employ them. He has not broken any laws so far, however, and they do not kill in cold blood.)

Stonekin Alliance
Gnomes, Dwarves and Goliaths in Oasis proper usually find themselves fobbed off to Minetown-a significant number, however, either cant or wont move. They maintain their holdings in the city, and have ties to numerous smaller guilds of craftsmen and laborers. They look out for their own, taking in Stonekin who have no family. The Alliance is politically active, often sponsoring expeditions to all corners of Oasis and beyond in the hopes of finding rare artifacts-they have a strong desire to reclaim the racial treasures lost of them in the cataclysm.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Resources: The Race of Stone, Rare Artifacts, Powerful Crafting
Faction Leader: ???

Gracewyn/FL.1 (There's not many Goliath's left in the world...they could use all the friends they can get.)

The Silent Protectors
Who watches the watchers? Who judges those who judge others? Some would say there is a group dedicated to this justice, working in the shadows of Oasis...a knife in a crowd, or poison in a golden chalice giving way when words and deeds fail to bring one to reason. If they exist, they leave no mark-announce no creed-spare no guilty person. They are the Silent Protectors.
Alignment: ???
Resources: ???
Faction Leader: ???

Edgewith Family
Of considerable resources are the Edgewith's-an old Imperial blood family descended from the very first people who conquered Oasis, they wasted no time in expanding their control-however, instead of expanding into political games like most of their rivals, they began to invest heavily into business ventures. These days, it's said Edgewith owns almost a quarter of the cities manufacturing and agriculture. They are a secretive family that does not play games with favor-if they want something, they buy it-they are almost famously patriarchal, the family fathers seeing daughters as valuable goods to be sold off to the highest paying suitor. Everyone has a price after all...when denied, they become as ruthless as anyone can imagine-though never by their own hand is the violence done. The Edgewith themselves run by a strict code of honor that they allow their underlings to flout openly. One wonder why the Edgwith family doesn't engage more heavily in Oasis, as they surely could wield much greater power than they are currently perceived to...
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Resources: Money, Manpower, Honor
Faction Leader: Miles Edgewith, Patriarch

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Adventure in Hightown OOC/Sign-ups
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 06:58:03 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 03:54:08 am »

Known Districts and Places
Outer Planes
There are many worlds other than ours, after all...

Fey Courts/Feylands
For many Fey that are not tied to nature physically-such trees, rocks, and water sources-boundaries between realities are often permeable-or don't exist at all. The Fey Court is one such place-something of a created world where their kind remains in perpetual twilight-where the seasons never change, the flowers never die, and the snow always falls gently on tender wings. Most ordinary Fey beings will never see or visit these Feylands, but they will hear of them and it will always remain a distant longing to them, a sort of paternal home they may wish to see, but may never get to visit. The Courts regularly contact their patron worlds, however, so they are never quite out of and gifts often reach out from the long dark to touch our own worlds. It's said the music is quite beautiful, if incomprehensible or even dangerous to non-fey.

The lands themselves are separated into four different courts-each for a season. The Courts of Summer, Spring, Winter and Fall reign over most fey beings of that particular seasonal domain-furthermore, each court is divided into two houses-Seelie, and Unseelie. The Seelie are typically good...and the Unseelie are typically evil...though, our concept of morality is actually completely alien to their own mindsets. These two groups have been known to war against one another-and their members, even on parent worlds and completely apart from the courts politics, tend to despise each other with a natural passion.

*Splinterwaifs are tied to Summer Unseelie court
*Petals are tied to the Spring Seelie court

For most non-fey, the realm is a place of madness and chaos that is best avoided-a garden of poison delights, where everything has a price which is usually in sanity. And indeed, mortals who venture in without a guide rarely venture out-either being eaten, lost forever, enslaved or changed into a fey themselves.

The streets may be cleaner, but corruption and crime are no less a problem. Instead of gangs, one often sees groups of guardsmen marching in white uniforms-beating people up and taking their money.

A pleasant (mostly) part of town with a reputation for sheltering the retired, intellectuals, affable troublemakers and well to do rebels against society. The Guard tends to patrol the area more heavily then usual, but it's also a place they fear to tread-many brawls and riots have broken out in the area in the last year, originating from Norfork's marketplaces. The high minded Nobility seems to dislike the area on principle, but the educated and arcane college crowd are drawn like moths to flame. It's remarkably flat land, and is famous for it's fried potatoes.

Clock Square
Considered down downtown, the grand Oasis Clocktower is located here, right above the Sycamore Bard's College. It's rich with history and a popular landmark, as well a popular meeting place. Sadly, the clock itself has never quite worked as well as it did since the cataclysm-in fact, all clockwork time pieces seem to have been knocked slightly out of synch, from clock towers to pocket watches. The Gnomish engineers are hard at work to fix the tower right now, but they might soon need outside help...

The Pickpocket
A bar for large crowds located right down the street from Clock Square, it's not actually filled the criminals-though the prices are outrageous, perhaps lending the place it's name.

Dangerous on the best of days-also called the 'Sprawl'. A collection of random and shoddily constructed neighborhoods, housing the thousands of people who have no where else to go. Desperation and fear are rampant. The Guards don't go here.

The Hanging Tree
Likely one of the last Druidic tree homes-or a 'Rilynn'undlin'-it's been here as long as Oasis has, and long before. One can study the basic architecture and design of these primeval devices, finding many similarities to the totems that would eventually spring from the idea. It originally housed the ancient Druids who built the totems, but when they were forced out, many of it's kind was burned to the ground or chopped into firewood. One tree, this tree, however seemed to resist all attempts to fell it or even mar it's surface. Axes would gouge great dents in the bark the healed the next day-or even the next hour. Magical fire was called, but the strongest of conjurers spells faltered against it's wooden bulk. Over time, it's rich brown bark became deadly black, corrupted-still living, though scarred beyond belief. The leaves turned to blood red, and when people began to die it was called 'The Hanging Tree'. No one can say why-either subtle fell enchantment or a sort of depressive legend that consumes those minds in despair-but, it and the land around are often a sight of violence and tragedy-executions, suicide, chaos and murder. It's obtained a fell legend far beyond it's humble origins...the interior is almost dungeonlike in construction, if cramped-the Druids were skilled at woodshaping, then and now. It's got living space for nearly a hundred people, all told, though no one has explored the lowest depths of it's roots in many years-bedrooms, halls and armories of the old world are rumored to lie within-and from time and time, it's used by various inhabitants for this reason-many more now that the sprawl has enveloped it...but, few people stay long, or go any deeper than the main antechambers. For anyone who claims it, however, gains a reputation as a particularly evil sort of a person.

It's Blood Red Leaves never seem to fall, even in the coldest winter.

The neighborhoods around the sluice are quite hilly-sloping downward into the great river that splits North and Southwood. As a rule, it's easier to go down than up-much of the level is made of tiered wooden structures of dubious quality, though they are larger than most of Lowtown overall. This neighborhood sprawl was once called the Watch Hills, since it was used as a first line of defense versus the people who first conquered it by the natives-and later by the conquers against anyone trying to do the same. Come Cataclysm, the Terminus War saw an increased investment in outlying defenses-these small wooden fortifications effectively mark the end of Oasis itself, though many people have built beyond and the original walls were torn down for building material and kindling-only what amounts to a fence now signals the borders of Oasis, which is made more by the locals forced to the edge out of paranoia, than any effort on the cities part. In these days, the lingo has changed the area to 'Watchrest'-perhaps, because bold thieves and criminals being pursued are known to run the maze of the buildings at the bottommost edge and scurry all the way to top, which tends to leave the local toughs out of breath and unable to follow.

Anyone who frequents this area learns to love stairs.

The Sluice
A nasty part of Hightown where the cataclysm literally tore a low-class neighborhood into pieces-exposing even parts of the sewer underneath. With the city having no interest in repairs, the land went to waste and became a dumping ground-not only for trash, but unburied bodies as well, despite the cities ordinances on such acts. Water runs into it from all corners of the city, creating a horrible stench. Sane people stay away...but, desperate people are often drawn to the area-there is quite a bit of unlooted goods and sundry amongst the rubble, even some true valuables remaining in solid vaults and stone basements that survived the impact. The Oozes, Elementals and undead claim many who tread foolishly, however. There is a strong fear of residing in the area after sundown, and even the bravest looters say no one can survive the night there...

Heckling Hellhound
Originally a quiet roadside inn, the Heckling found itself in the middle of an 'unplanned urban expansion'-the resulting population began to trickle in, and eventually it became one of the more central locations in the Sprawl to find a good drink and a word, or maybe a lass. In the sprawls ugly collection of ramshackle buildings, it's one of the few that is completely made of brick, with real glass. As such, it's about as close to  a landmark as anyone not from the area can find. It's run by a retired Dwaven Paladin of Morem who goes by the name Anva-his hammer and shield hang over the fireplace, along with the stuffed and mounted head of the Hellhounds he made it his job to slay. They are quite ugly as bar ornaments, but quite dead as well.

Ari Ekrund's Clinic
Tucked away in a small section of lowtown, it's not hard to find-though, he doesn't advertise it's location. Many locals use the clinic-one of the few they can both afford and access without being beaten by guards-to help them with the variety of everyday maladies that plague their multitudes. It's a humble place, and many believe Ekrund himself lives elsewhere, only working there-rumors say he's got a mansion in hightown, but of course they would.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 01:04:23 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 05:06:05 am »

The Heckling Hellhound is quite comfortable for lowtown-built of solid Dwarven stonework, it's warm and comfy, even if the ceiling is a bit low.

Five adventurers have occupied a corner table-an odd bunch. Only one of them is clearly human-a man who looks older than his years, with grey eyes and hair that is on its way to being grey too-a doctor looking fellow who is well known in the area. Dr. Ari Ekrund, an all around good man. He helps people in lowtown when most try to ignore them, and though he may not know it, the streets protect their own.

To his side is a quiet looking fellow-an Elf, though of strange skin tone and demeanor. Of course, the butler-skeletons standing obediently on the walls aside from him mark him as a necromancer. He has fairly short hair, sleepy eyes and slightly drooping ears-punctuated with a sharp, pointed chin that is almost pleading for a goatee.  His shoulders are always relaxed, and he bears himself much like a noble would, though no one here would guess he comes from common origins. He gets a few glares and whispers, holy symbols clutched in hands. But most also look to the bartender, who was once a Paladin. He just shrugs-the man isn't evil, though his creations very well might be. He continues to serve drinks.

Seated in two chairs and slightly bent over is a Goliath-a big one, even by Goliath standards. She has the typical grey, mottled skin of a Goliath, beautiful eyes and oddly red hair in the standard female goliath braid. Most assume she's a warrior, judging by her weapons. What else would a Goliath be?

And in the middle of the table, what you might take for an un-dwarvenly flower arrangement at first, are two petals-small fey beings.

The left is named Eirlys, a delicate looking thing that resembles a hydrangea.  Her eyes, are an exceptionally dark blue that can only be distinguished from black in a bright light.  A cursory look at her face reveals that unlike many of her peaceful, beauty-loving kin, she bears the scars of years of battle in the wastes, including a long scar that slashes down her face, delivered from a weapon larger than her entire body. She's wearing bright, vivid colors-and tiny sized armor. Within reach is a small hooked weapon that could almost be taken for a fire poker, though the craftsmanship is clearly weaponlike.

The right is named Tyrileaf-she has eyes so bright green they almost glow. Her clothes are delicate silk robes, made to mimic a set of heavy armour. A blue cloak is draped over one shoulder, revealing a set of wings resembling long, elegant petals. A bunch of rolled up paper scrolls are tied across her back like spears...

This odd group is currently poring over a job list-and listening to Dr. Ekrund's latest round of information gathering.

Dr. Ekrund

Rumor Gathering...

A shallow grave

...Yeah, we all heard of ain't right to kill a man over a...trespassing what they said. But he was a decent enough fellow, you hear? No justice, no justice in the world anymore...

...My brother in the guard say's it was a...what do you call it? A hit. He had messed with some big wig uptown, maybe a Baron. And they called in the Guard to do their dirty work...what'd he do I don't quite know. My brother says he had something valuable on him...I'd imagine he'll be picked to the bone in a day or two, talk like that gets around. I feel for the widow, I do...

...Don't go to the sluice after nightfall, son. Used to be a nice place, good people. Something damn near fell outta the sky on C-Day...I saw it. Was like the Gods shot an arrow from Heavens and blew it to the nine-hells. Now it's just a big hole in the ground, people toss their garbage in. Oughta thought that people treat the place with respect, but what do I know? I'm just an old man, one foot in the grave. They'll probably toss me in there soon enough...

...I've been to the sluice, yeah. Good for a spot of scavenge, if you can take the smell. It's dangerous sure, but that keeps the half-wits out. Oh, no. People like me, don't worry about us...we're looking for the good stuff in the ruins, not digging through corpses. You'd be better be on the lookout, though. Not everyone like the competition...and there's nasty things. Some of the people who died there got up and danced, you understand? And with the nasty slimes and those weird rubble things-I think they're sort of elementals...well, don't stay overnight, right? Or it'll be your body I'm plucking come morning...

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Catch a Tiger

...Anva shrugs when you ask him. "Can't say I know who that could be. Word from uptown is that the 'trash' (he spits this word like a curse) is up to thieving. Apparently been some high-ups lost their valuables and whatnot. Pity poor them. It's likely they're looking for em what stole it. Maybe quiet like, who can say...wanna deal with em in the accustomed manner. Sending messages. But it could be anything, hey? Nobles are a lot with snakes for brains...well, present company excluded, I assume. Most of us think you're a high-up, mister Ekrund, but you're not too bad for one.

As for the place, the Darling Filly...Well, it's a nice place. But, it's an ugly place. I won't say no more, but if you do business there you're a certain sort of person. Not respectable at all, what they do to the's not right."

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A Pale Brow
...ah, that merchant fella with the sick daughter. Funny he calls himself a merchant. Why? No matter...
...He's a man without much money. His business fell into the sea, which I suppose is a philosophical way to say what happened to all of us...
...A man makes enemies when he doesn't pay his debts, say? And these are hard times. Hard men...I won't say no more...but that he ain't so shiny himself.
...Enemies? Well, I heard had some of those horned folk knocking on his door. The Minomen, or whatever. But they don't seem the sort of pois...well, you didn't hear this from me...
...If he can afford to send his daughter to the Tree Totem, he can afford to pay who? You didn't hear me say that, mister...
...Minotaurs are tough, but stupid. All the gangs like them for smashing down doors, or people. I won't say no more-I'm against getting smashed...and you better be quiet, or they'll find you...
...Evil comes back to evil...that man deserves to suffer for his crimes. But his daughter surely doesn't...

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Annoying Bards
...It's about as loud here as you can stand-Bards of all sorts are dancing around, chanting and playing their instruments with no attempt at harmony. Stepping into a bar called the 'Pickpocket', which is nearly full to the brim you catch all sort of information. In fact, you almost incite a riot-a litany of complains comes down on you in a torrent, citing the horrible conditions of the sprawl and the city at large, and the uncaring nature of the nobility. However, you've seen the sprawl for yourself-live there, in fact-and while things are bad the Bards have a way of making it seem even worse than is reality. If that is possible. Eventually a group of white vested guards comes in and break them up-sending them outside before they damage the place. The Bards themselves go 'quietly', without violence-even if the guards take joy in pushing them around.

Oddly, one of the guards-one who looks just a bit more intelligent-takes *you* aside as he shoves the group and yourself out. He does an gesture at you-one you associate with detect evil, though it may be something different. You don't get a chance to ask him anything, but you do catch some words-'Fresh, Stranger, and Liar'

Apparently they reason to worry about someone blending in to the crowd.

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((And my players can now begin to post!:) ))
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 05:12:50 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2013, 07:57:12 am »


Ari reviewed the information in his head whilst waiting for the others to gather at his table. He’d been getting itchy feet recently: not enough cash, not enough… adventure. But more than that he’d been getting more and more signs of things not being quite right. Restlessness in what he was beginning to feel as being his home. Injustice. That kind of thing. All his idealistic ideas about politics and justice and so on had never really been clear since his days as a student, and now he just had to hope that his feelings for right and wrong were well enough developed to be able to guide him when emotion rather than reflection took over.

This was rare, though, he mused. Anyway.

Been a while since he’d made much progress expanding his recipe book, too…

”Thanks for meeting up, ladies and gentleman. You’re all looking for some kind of work for whatever reason; me too. Best reason I can give is restlessness. There’s bits of this and that going round, and I’ve made a few enquiries…”

Tell others the basic information about the jobs in Dwarmin’s posts, with my additional thoughts as follow:
”Some of these jobs interest me more than others. First. Wood was a decent man, his widow’s a decent woman. What’s probably happened isn’t right, but then the ideas of who might be involved… that rings a couple of alarm bells, I’ll tell you the truth.”

He didn’t want to follow those thoughts too much at the moment, but would have to be wary. Having said that, he was most inclined to help Widow Wood.

”But you know, I’ve spent the last few years trying to do what I reckon is right. If we don’t help Widow Wood, no one else will in Lowtown.”

He wanted to add that a man deserves a decent burial, or rather a man’s survivors deserve a decent funeral, but remembering his present company he ignored the thought. Ari went back to going over his mental list.

”Next up. Catching a thief?  Possibly grotesquely executing him to send a message on behalf of people richer than him? Not my kind of thing. Would be interesting to find out what the folks uptown were all worried about though, I admit. Third. Innocent girl going to suffer because of the misdeeds of her father.”

Hmm. Something about that… feels close to the bone. Anyway.

”But it all feels a bit odd. And another thing - He’s broke? How’s he going to pay us?”

”Last job going round seems to be pretty basic guard work, on the surface, but… something feels a bit strange about it. Couldn’t really get anything firm. I don’t know that our… specialities lie in that direction, and, you know, I’ll be straight again: my sympathies mostly lie with what they’re protesting about. But then again, we don’t always know what lies beneath the surface.”

”I’m most interested in helping Widow Wood. Not so interested in the cash as in… the personal reasons. And of course, Val'Tea, if it might persuade you, there might be reasons for you to want to go down to the Sluice. So. Any thoughts?”

”Either way, I'm going to see if I can find out anything else about Wood, and if you have anything you want to pursue then I'll be happy to talk to whoever  I can that might help.”

Further Gather Information roll with up to 21.9GP assistance to find out about poor Mr Wood's fate.

((although that wouldn't even cover my share... hmm... but think of the children poor Widows!))
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 08:28:48 am by lawastooshort »


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2013, 08:39:22 am »

Gracewyn clapped a large and powerful hand down on Ari's shoulder (covering almost the entire thing in doing so) and smiled.

"Ari, it's fine to admit that you just want to help people who need it, you wouldn't have keep the clinic open for so long if you didn't want to do just that. I've protected both that place and you for ages now, ever since you patched me up from that nasty gang fight, and I've come to consider you a friend. I'm not going to just let you go alone, not just for my peace of mind but because the sprawl needs good people like you doing what you do, and I think of it as my job to make sure you come out ok."

She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Not to mention that these kind of jobs seem like a good source for both a challenging fight to keep me sharp and gold to pay our expenses!"

Gracewyn removes her hand and looks over the job list again with a thoughtful frown.

"I think we could do any of them if we try hard enough, but I think the real issue is that of time. The body of that poor widow's husband wont stay in one place forever, not with the dead getting up and walking, and there's the scavengers running around too and the daughter is not going to last much longer if we wait.

We should help this widow, and do so before any other jobs, so we can put the sorry man to rest and give his widow some peace of mind while he's still in reasonable condition. We can pay a visit to the widow so we can get an idea on where his body lies and be done with the job within a day.

I'm not sure what to think about catching a thief for the nobles... I haven't a real head for this mind game stuff that nobles seem to do, but I am curious as to what they want. But it can wait, I suppose.

As for the merchant and daughter... I say that if he can afford to have her healed at the Forest Totem, then he can afford to pay us as bodyguards. It should also be fairly simple job, given that I do it fine already and by myself to boot, and we can get it over with quickly as well. Plus it would be nice to get out of the city for a while.

And for the guard work... I have about the same opinion about it that I have about the thief job, but it should be fairly simple to do. And I am most curious as to the actions of the guard... They are definitely searching for someone, and if we can help out with that, that means both good pay and we can get on the good side of the guard, if only for a little while."

Gracewyn looks over the list once more and frowns in confusion.

"I think you've left out a job Ari. What about this 'den of demon-beings' that some priest was going on about?  That's DEFINATELY interesting, and I've always wanted to know what it's like to fight a demonic creature of some sort..."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2013, 08:55:42 am »

"Ha. I'll admit - I saw the word demons and thought, oh, good gods, I'm not sure I want any of that... Some things are beyond my understanding, and demons are certainly one of them..."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2013, 09:01:02 am »

((Note, my rolls are out of time canon :P Ari is in the bar for however long you guys want to RP, and he can respond to me in timey wimey fashion.
I'll note I did a little save for Ari here-contacts are people in town with very high knowledge and information gathering skills. But they are expensive, usually 50 gold being the cheapest-consultations and research takes even more. Though it's up to how persuasive you are, what they feel about whats being asked-and some of them are part of Factions, which gives you the obvious discounts...))

Gather Information Check/ 1d20+5=7
Knowledge:Local Check/1d20+3=19

Ari departs after he's finished talking with his friends, running down leads on the fate of the by all means respectable Mr. Wood.

Unfortunately, three hours later he's rubbing his temples in frustration. No one is talking about exactly what happened-just that he died, and painfully. One man says they used a mallet on his legs. People take Ari's drinks and snap their mouths closed when he asks further. Worse still, he spots a few guardsmen glaring at him when he leaves one bar...

He only gets one lead, and it's more of a recommendation.

..."If you're looking for information about whats on-go see that cute little Halfling lass near the Norfork. Tawni Goodson's her name, but she hates the second part of it. Call her Mrs. Goodson and she'll kick you in the shin...

She also charges a pretty coin, but she knows lots of things. Stuff people don't talk about. Stuff I don't wanna talk about. If you're looking for the real story, hey, it won't be cheap...I hear she likes strawberry wine, you know? A lass like that...hoo..."

Ari spends half his money (10 gold), and gains no leads-but does gain the name of a contact.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2013, 09:08:19 am »

With a sudden movement Tyrileaf launched herself into the air, did a quick loop, and hovered upside down at the centre of the table
"Maybe we should do the looky-looky one. For the corpse-man.

I'm a little small to do guarding work.
" She said, a foot tall. She crossed her arms, the long leaf-like wings on her back fluttering frantically.
"And the thief-catching one sounds boring. Catching someone for nobles isn't what Zury would do.

Guess we could do the merchant's daughter, but maybe after?
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2013, 09:14:22 am »

Head to near the Norfolk and make subtle enquiries about a Miss Tawni, a Halfling, I’m told. Whilst heading there be careful, though not overtly suspicious – listening and spotting before, during and after… If I find her, spend whatever it takes (up to 91.9 GP…) to find out the truth about Mr Wood.

((unfortunately listening, spotting, and gathering information are three of my weakest ranked skills...))


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2013, 09:31:38 am »

"Ha! I wouldn't worry about actual demons Ari. Demons would make more of a mess, I would think, and even if they were really behind it then you have me to back you up. We could take 'em, and it would definitely help people!"

Gracewyn looks over to Tyrileaf as she hovers over the table with a grin.

"Ahhh, but any warrior worth their mettle knows that size doesn't always matter in terms of ability. You can always be a lookout for us if you are uncertain, since you are both small and can fly above our heads. You should be perfectly fine doing that if you don't feel confident about getting in close, and can support us from range."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2013, 09:36:36 am »

((@Lawas: Did you mean Norfork?

...I know you did :P ))

Ari makes his way further downtown-the rough dirt streets giving way to well paved cobblestone. Norfork is a considerably richer neighborhood, though still middle class. The smell is much better, at least.

Hidden Spot Check

He is getting a bit concerned about the attention his questions might gather, but he sees no one following him. He's sure.

Miss Tawni herself is not hard to find-she runs the local newspaper from her home. The Tawni Times. How very humble...he approaches her house, a sturdy one story house with halfling-style round doors and windows, and knocks on the door.

"Wot is it? Who's there? I'm busy!" says the flustered voice of a young woman, as she cracks opens the door and looks up at him. She is quite cute, actually-short (even for a halfling) with a healthy tone, rich golden hair and intelligent sapphire blue eyes. She smiles dazzingly-a look some might first might confuse for vapid adoration...though in truth it's serious concentration.

Hidden Spot Check

Ari notices the distinctive bulge of a tiny dagger under her right sleeve, carefully (if quickly) concealed.

"Ah, the lost son...I could place that nose anywhere. Dr. Ari Ekrund, Right?" She says. Her demeanor becomes...slightly more guarded, as if his family name has suddenly caused her defenses to raise ever so slightly.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 10:10:31 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2013, 09:49:38 am »

”Yes ma’am, that’s right, though many a wise man’s pointed out we don’t always get the choice of last names we might’ve wanted… Though without having had the pleasure of already making your acquaintance that’s about all I’m going to say about what I might think about my family’s deeds. I wondered if you might have a few minutes spare – maybe time for a drink nearby? I’m buying - strictly business, and hopefully a profitable business, although I’m happy for a non-business drink after if you don’t object to my company.”


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2013, 10:02:15 am »

She smiles, but her left hand actually inches closer to her dagger...

"Always time for a quick drink. Or a long one.

If you're buying, anyway, let me get my coat. "


A few minutes later, the pair has a open air table a diner known for serving Norforks famous potato dishes-Tawni doesn't order any alcohol. Ari pays the bill for the pair.

Tawni checks the area before turning to Ari. She's wearing a heavier plush coat now, though it's more comfortable and stylish than warm, likely. He thinks if she hid weapons under it, he'd probably not know.

"So, strictly business, then? I've two questions of my own, then. First, what is it you exactly had in mind? Second-are you sure this doesn't have to do with your family? Do I have a mans word on that?"
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2013, 10:15:32 am »

”By Ajax I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with my bloody family,” replies Ari, letting more of his… irritation show through than he meant. ”Sorry. Look, I’ll be honest as I can with you, I’ve been told you’re a good person. I’m not proud of my family’s reputation, and try not to have much to do with them. Likewise, most of them try not to have much to do with me, not having followed them into… business. I’d like to think there’s a few people round Lowtown who would vouch for me in that sense. So yes, as far as I’m aware, it doesn’t have to do with my family, and you have my word.”

Ari looks around for a waiter.

”You sure you won’t have anything to drink? I hear they have a decent strawberry wine here.”

He waits briefly before continuing, lowering his voice and leaning in slightly.

”A widow asked me a favour; her husband’s dead, probably killed, she wants to know what happened. I thought I might be able to find out, I haven’t been able to, I’ve found my way to you as someone who might have heard something. They were both decent members of the community in Lowtown; I’ve treated them both once or twice; she wants to lay him to rest, and I wanted to help. That’s about it. If you don’t want to talk to me having heard that, then that’s fine: I’ll pay up and leave.”


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Re: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (Play Thread)
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2013, 10:44:10 am »

"I've been known enjoy wine, but not before noon." she says, trying to smooth past the mutual awkwardness,

"...that being said, the color of your coin will help me ease some worries of mine. It's all about building a little nest egg, say I have to go to ground. I know you understand. I write things people don't like-people like your family. So, don't take it personally. I'm just being careful.

But, I've heard something about that. I'll go fifty, since you seem like a decent enough fellow from what I've heard. And I've heard plenty you probably wouldn't want to know..."

Ari discreetly hands over a pouch with the money inside of it. Tawni makes if vanish into the folds of her lock with relative-if not professional-ease.

Tawni pauses for a moment, and begins to speak. She's a natural storyteller.

"Mr. Wood was a thief.

He used to run a business-was actually a very good chef, before...all this. I enjoyed a meal at his place now and again. With a certain irony, his business was in the place they now call the Sluice. Where I suppose they dropped him in. Best shot you'll have finding his body is looking under the old greenboard bridge, by the way-it's collapsed, but it's known as the dead mans drop for a reason...

But, like I was saying. He was a thief, and a damn good one at that. He used his cover and his skills as kitchen 'servant' to case places to rob. As far as I know, he took most of his work to the Noble's districts. You've been hearing about those robberies maybe. It was all him. Told me himself-he was no braggart, surely, but...he was fairly proud of his work. Was planning bigger jobs, of course...but he wanted to get a nicer place for his wife and kids, maybe open up a real place once again. Can't fault a man for looking upwards like that.

Suppose his luck ran out. He had a partner that maybe did him in. If you want her name, I'll give it to you, but it'll cost-revenge, that's a whole different game you're in then. The Nobles had him killed-The Edgewith family and some others, my best guess-and our famous Guard Captain Griffith pocketed 500 Gold for the hush job, I heard. You'll be glad to hear your family wasn't involved. Though, if they had caught him they might have.

Thing was, he didn't barely tell anyone-only his wife and the few people he worked with...and me, but only a bit-and because of our past. But my past will cost you a bit more, laddie-buck. They're still looking for his cache, you know? His drop point for his, loot. Lots of people will, when it gets out. I'd say he hauled out a nice bit of treasure before he bought his ticket. Reckon the guards woulda plucked his bones for any scrap of paper-looking for a treasure map with an X on it, heh-but, Wood was a smart man. I saw his wedding ring, once, at a potluck-I notice a little latch on it, barely a glint-a container. Didn't say anything. But if he's wearing it still, it'll have something inside. Something he'd want to be found in case of his going away, right? Something that no one would like twice at.

Whatevers in that ring, I'd imagine his wife wants-fair say she's more interesting in the ring then anything. Wouldn't put it past a person. Her husbands dead and she's out in the rain. And I'd imagine most of his partners, and the guard, and the Edgewith's will be looking too. Greeds a good motivator.

A lot of trouble over a little thing, and maybe it's fallen in a gutter somewhere never to be found. It's a funny world we live in."
She muses.

"Now, ya good on it? Like to see ya get yer moneys worth. I could tell stories all day, but your purse will probably fly away..." She says with a smile.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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