You get things done each day. Probably a minimum of scores of things, if not hundreds. You're just writing off almost all of them as 'insignificant'. Whoops. That'd be a good thing to change.
Almost everything you do is made up of a series of steps.
"A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step"
There is a philosophy called
mindfulness. Calling it
Nowness or
In The Moment would also be equally appropriate.
Be Here Now.
Your life is filled with small successes. Even the process of getting up in the morning, getting ready to face your day, from getting out of bed, refreshing yourself in the bathroom, having breakfast, getting dressed, hair combed or brushed, teeth tended, glasses cleaned, making sure you have the things you need for the day, making sure the door's locked behind you as you leave - I'm skipping dozens of things, maybe many more - maybe I included a few you don't actually do (maybe you don't have glasses to clean, for instance). No matter the exact details, which vary for us all - but each part that you do is an important part of the whole, and the sum of that whole is your life and you.
Be you. Be there, paying attention and enjoying as you brush your hair, as you brush your teeth, as you clean your dishes. As you take each step, feel the pressure in your feet, feel your weight shift, feel all your joints move and your body shifting as you move. Be you. Be you fully, be present. Pay attention. When you talk to people, really be there when you do; really listen to them, really look at them, pay attention. When you do decide to daydream, really be there for that too, really give yourself to those thoughts and imaginings, and really stop when you stop. Really return from that mindset, and really be back in the real reality of being yourself and being and doing what you are and what you do.
As to the shrink; you said you were considering going back. Either go or don't go; as Yoda said there is do and don't do, but there is no try.
When you find yourself leaving the now, especially without your intended permission to do so, simply come back to now. Now is always here, always Now, and you are always already here in Now. Returning is as simple as noticing and deciding to.
However you don't get to bully yourself just because you lost sight of Now without deciding to first. Bullying is dumb and doesn't work towards any positive end. Punishment's slow and clumsy, fraught with risk of failure, which simple correction, repeated as needed, is free from. Just keep coming back to 'now', and keep paying attention to 'now' as frequently as you notice you need.
Right now you are reading these words. And right now, you're doing it excellently. Notice this. You read flawlessly. You continue to read flawlessly. Now continues to be now. You might shift in your chair, you might reach for the mouse and click somewhere else. All this you do exactly right. In the moment of now, almost everything you do is exactly right, and now is constantly changing, which leads you easily and simply to the next thing to do now.
There are points where you should look further ahead, just as there are times when you should daydream. When Now calls for such things, when the urge to do so is part of you, then do so for a time, then return to the moments of now, of being yourself, and of the countless, endless stream of everythings which you are a part of and you are doing, even before you realized it.
Here and Now is a very, very good place to be.