Hey guys, I'm looking for input on a tutorial series for DF I'm thinking of creating.
No offense to CaptnDuck (he got me out of noobieville, after all) but his videos are rather rambling. I'm debating on creating a DF HowTo: series, with each video, at most, 5 minutes long. Deeper dives may be possible later, but the idea is to have a tutorial series that drives directly into whatever someone has a question on quickly, directly, and efficiently.
To that end, below is what I'm thinking of as the starting list. I realize these are mostly newbie concepts, and am wondering what other topics, or things they'd like to have a video to point newbies at easily, you guys would have in mind? Also, if you just think this is a horrible idea, that's worthy of mentioning too... but I'd like to hear your reasons why if that's your opinion.
1) Getting Started
Embark Terrain Selection
Embark Equipment and Skills
Arrival - First move overview
2) Initial tasks
Starting controls: Moving around the screen and Inspec(t), Loo(k), (q)uery, and (v)iew.
Digging - How and what the different options do
Designations - What the rest of the choices are for.
Stockpiles - Simple. Wood, Stone, Food.
Farming - Plot and stockpile setup.
Primitive early defense methods
3) Workshops
Build Menu and Options: Concentration on Workshops
Starters: Carpenter and Mason workshops - What you'll want early and what the options mean.
Cycle of Life: Hunters, Butchers, Tanners, and Leathermaker - Early food and prepping the first industries
Supplies: Kitchen and Still for necessities, Craftdwarf's to begin prepping for trade
Eventually wanted: Mechanic, Farmer's/Loom/Clothmakers, Bowyer's
Useful: Quern and Millstone
Soap: Ashery and Soap Maker's
Extras: Jewelers, Siege, Fishery, Dyer's
4) Military (Work in Progress)
Overview of the military - Uniforms are definitions for armor/weapons aka: types of units
What the hell is a uniform?
Creating, uniforming, and assigning members for a squad
Squad command options
Burrows - Just that. They are simple yet rediculously complex
Alerts - Using them for immediate deployment of troops to particular burrows, and the civilian alert
Scheduling - How to properly argue with the screen to make it do what you want.
Patrol Routes
5) Trading
The broker - What is needed, what you can care less about
The Depot - Depot Access, what the commands mean
Trade Screen - What is all this?