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Author Topic: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity  (Read 20762 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
« Reply #195 on: December 18, 2013, 10:01:36 am »

Balance is existance. The world is not perfect, as there is chaos. But it is. The actions of some might make it be for longer. Yet some others, willing or not, can make it shorter. Justice is about maintaining Balance, or destroying a world without balance so a new one can be born from the ashes.

No sense.  Confused.  Justice both about saving world and destroying it?  How that affect this situation?
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
« Reply #196 on: December 18, 2013, 10:09:30 am »

"This is a top joke, it really is! Ha ha ha! I wonder how long before 'trickery' becomes apparent to mortals. Opium for the masses indeed!"

Zzdwi the hears a light whisper, directed only to him.

"Greedy, arrogant, self-righteous, vainglorious, shortsighted, evil. These are your apparent superiors. No kind creator would enforce your slavery, cause you distress. If these gods are willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then they are not omnipotent. If they are able, but not willing? Then they are malevolent. If they are both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? If they are neither able nor willing? Then why call them gods?"

Out of the whispers Zzdwi sees a shape of a man, blue is his skin, big is smile, cunning are his eyes.

"You seem far more able than them, creating this temple, generating power, yet serving malevolent, unwilling, weak and desperate deities. They have a name you know. People call them demons."
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 10:20:34 am by Ardas »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
« Reply #197 on: December 19, 2013, 06:44:25 am »

Enough!  Squabbling helps none.  Justice arbitrary, chaos freedom, gods spiteful, petty.  Argument never end.

Compromise.  Hate slavery, not just of Zzdwi but any gauntlet-wearer.  Tricky-god, release from obligation.  Do with power as will.  Justice-god, release from obligation.  Do with power as will.  Liram, make offer.  Surrender gauntlets, dedicate temple to you, but seek boon in return.

Liram arrogant.  Foolish.  Believe enslaving soul gain compliance, believe can
force to do all he want.  Have not shown this folly?  Use power of self; end slave-enchantment on gauntlets, give future wearers choice to serve, or slaves always rebel against.  Build place of trials for gauntlets, make future wearers prove worth before wearing, make clear to them you expect service as reward but not force it.

Use power of temple; when gauntlets gone, Zzdwi blind.  Zzdwi powerless.  No longer shape Kin-world.  No longer see Kin-world.  No longer shape earth or metal so easy.  Boon demanded; grant Zzdwi Kin-sight of own.  Grant power as granted those Liram "fixed" decades ago.  Then Zzdwi content; rule temple-city in peace, make art in peace.

Zzdwi offers Liram a pact, releasing the Trickster from his obligation to spend an act freeing him.  In exchange for dedicating the Temple to Liram (saving him an act), Liram must remove the slavery curse upon the gauntlets and place them in a dungeon where worthy sorts might prove themselves and understand Liram expects service.  With the power granted by the temple, Zzdwi also wishes to retain his ability to see the essence world, and have the powers of a Mage to allow him to continue manipulating the elements for his art.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
« Reply #198 on: December 19, 2013, 05:33:09 pm »

I will agree.
Action: Agree, though unwillingly as I made the gauntlets and Liram isn't happy now. ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
« Reply #199 on: December 22, 2013, 03:12:05 am »

((Yes, stockpiling acts. Anyway can't find something too meaningful to act on FTM.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
« Reply #200 on: December 22, 2013, 10:04:03 am »

I will agree.
Action: Agree, though unwillingly as I made the gauntlets and Liram isn't happy now. ;)

Assuming Liram acts as given, Zzdwi holds to his promise and relinquishes the gauntlets, dedicating the temple to him.  He then rules the city-temple, encouraging craft and trade amongst the inhabitants.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
« Reply #201 on: December 27, 2013, 07:33:35 am »

Turn 7: Divine Birth

To dominate and enslave is the nature of all gods, regardless of their words or actions. While most would take only the minds of mortals, the Twin-God Neyravah took that of a greater being. The living planet Urdu, though of divine grace Itself, was but a servant to the God of Nature and could do nothing to Its master. Pitying it, the god Feros whispered to it and offered his aid. The Wild-King crafted creatures from that which composed Urdu: fire from Its heart, stone from Its flesh, air from Its breath and water from Its blood. Personifications of Nature, these Elementals were under the control of the planet itself and would do as asked by It, if it complied with their goals. With their aid, Urdu felt power. Influence. Though still a slave, it knew it could spite the Betrayer. A few youths out on the hunt would not return home. An elder resting in the woods would not be missed. A brooding mother would never escape her cave. Though petty, such actions made Urdu feel as if justice had been done.

While the Elementals of Urdu were reigned over by Itself, Feros also ensured that these Elementals appeared throughout the Ocean. Wildlings and Penguins witnessed creatures of stone and water throughout their journeys, guarding their domains and refusing access to all that harmed them. While such creatures were a curiosity to these oceanfarers, those of the Networlds had a far worse experience. For the very first time in history, the Children of all the Networlds were entering the Age of Industry. Eleria, under the direct guidance of the Blessed, had pushed through with mundane technological advances, engineering primitive machines and factories. Aztof, through experimentation with medical technology, cleverly used wishes, the occult and interaction with the Liram-Kin, crafted Abominations capable of birthing livestock as well as organic tools. Feimel, by virtue of the aristocratic system of patronage and enslaved Magi, made advances in magi-tek, combining the mundane and immaterial to further satisfy the desires of the nobles. Such advancements, of course, required raw materials from nature and for this, the Elementals unleashed their fury.

Mines and logging camps throughout the Networlds were found destroyed with their inhabitants either burned to death or pulverised with the forces of water, stone or what seemed to be wind. In time, as smog became a part of daily life, whole towns and villages were destroyed, with weeks passing before anyone had realised. Though no one was exactly sure as to how these came to happen, a few lunatics and scarred-survivors spoke of the elements themselves being the cause for the rampage. Such fools were ignored and left to their delusions.

Neyravah, regretful for Their actions, decided to create a new planet for his followers to inhabit. Every sway or breath drove Urdu ever closer to madness and for this, Neyravah desired to leave. The new Paradise would be a place of verdant hills and plains, perfect for the Drakes. Fissures and crevices would be scattered throughout the land to accommodate those who had become sedentary or were brooding. Oceans, the bane of Drakes, would take up a mere pittance of the planet's surface. Finally, the air would be rich in essence, allowing the Drakes to utilise their abilities to the fullest.

And so, Paradise was forged.

With this completed, the Twin-God spoke to Urdu once again, asking the being what it wanted removed. The planet, with anger, demanded that all life was removed to the smallest bacterium. No parasite would tread upon it nor swim nor fly.

Neyravah agreed and transported every living thing on the planet on to the new world which unlike Urdu, would not complain. Here, the Drakes prospered. With prosperity came improvements in artworks and technology; the first true settlements were created and stones shaped in the form of Neyravah were created throughout the land. Though still primitive, the Drakes were advancing and in time would surely be great.

On Eleria, the Fisher once again answered the Theocrat's prayers and gifted him with the Golden Wire. This gift greatly amplified the power of a Blessed individual, allowing them to heal nearly every known and unknown ailment, even regenerating lost organs. This blessing also ensured that its wearer, Neiden, would not die in most circumstances, practically ensuring the Blessed's immortality. Also dealing with the problem of the Magi, all such wielders of essence would feel their powers weaken around the Wire, resulting in the weakening of the Magi faction of the Blessed Court. For now, it seemed, the Magi would not have a say om the affairs of the Theocrat's growing empire.

 With the Golden Wire, Neiden set about greatening his earthly influence. The personal bodyguards of the Blessed had for years protected their wards from Heretics, Plagued, Primitives and other Blessed. With the Age of Discovery brought upon by the One, they had become the vanguard of the encroaching Light of the Empire. By their blades, the Tribal was enthralled, the Abomination slain and the Heretic executed. Of course, in their pursuit of their duty, many had become wounded and unable to continue their mission. With the Wire, Neiden restored them to full fighting capability. Knowing their gratitude, Neiden gave them a way to repay the debt. They would be the One's personal forces, distinct from the Empire's agents or armies. They would rank above Bishops and Dukes and serve the One directly. They would be called 'Holy Enforcers' for they would ensure that the Will of the One and God would be accomplished on the earthly realm. Organising themselves along a military hierarchy, they appointed from themselves a Grandmaster to dictate policy and draft a constitution for the Order to abide by.

With its creation, the Enforcers quickly set about serving the One's will. The Order would be divided into Eyes and Hands each headed by a Master. The Eyes would create spying rings throughout the Empire and beyond, keeping tabs on those who could potentially harm the One and the Fisher's Way. These agents would conduct their mission incognito; they would not reveal their true identity or mission regardless of what happened to their physical body. The Hands would act on the information gathered by the Eyes and prosecute those found guilty of Heresy and Treason. It was without surprise from the One's Court that the Enforcers chose to burn those who had truly described themselves as Heretics; those individuals who had only recently returned to society after the prohibition of Blood-Sacrifice. These Heretics had cultivated an academical culture devoted to philosophy and pacifism, even condemning the use of slaves. For years, the Heretics had filled an important role in the Empire by acting as educators and bureaucrats, as well as premier artistians. With the persecution led by the Enforcers, many fled for other lands beyond the One's rule, draining the Empire of its middle-class. Though a pity, most understood that a Heretic was evil by nature and their loss would only lead to gain, even as the the average intelligence of society slumped and the government ground to a halt.

While the Order had rid the Empire of the Heretic with little shock, their discovery of members of the Blessed who had worshiped a Being besides the Fisher came as a surprise. Through months of observance and careful paperwork, the Enforcers discovered a vibrant system of Cults throughout the Empire that practised the Evil of Blood and other Sins. Interrogation and blackmail brought darker knowledge: beings known as Kin, worlds referred to Isles, another Networld called Aztof and a looming Apocalypse were all revealed to the Grandmaster and thus, Neiden. It seemed that a large number of Blessed had turned away from the Fisher and now served a Creature they referred to as the 'Ancient', the being who would end the world. By their dark acts, they had quickened its coming and the End of All Who Lived. While disturbing, what made this worse was that the Cultists had devised a method of ripping open Chaos Rifts to travel throughout Eleria and into other worlds, mainly this newly discovered 'Aztof'. Furthermore, the Cults had connections to spirits known as the Kin who had given the Cults much of their knowledge in exchange for 'Material'. What this material was none of the Cultist would answer, even with the threat of death.

Suffice to say, the One had much on his mind. Regardless, an empire still waited for him and thus, he still had to rule. Celebrating the greatness of the Empire, the One ordered the Blessed to set about a great construction programme throughout the empire, creating temples and hospitals in dedication of the Fisher. Sermons from the greatest palace and darkest slums would be given in the Fisher's Name and the Empire's Glory. For God and Country, it seemed, was the motto of the day.

The Magi, having been practically neutered, were given a consolation by the One. He offered a centre of learning so that Magi could further refine their art. Unknown to the One, the Magi had established classes for the teaching of the Art and had even formed Cabals which united Magi in doctrine as well as Ability. Regardless, the Magi agreed if only to make their place within the Empire official. The University of the Arcane Arts, as it would be known, soon became the focus for all Magical influence throughout the Empire, having connections to most Cabals and Classes, making it extremely easy for the Enforcers to spy on the movements of the Magi.

While the Empire of Eleria dealt with its internal problems, the Children of Aztof had made developments in the Occult. It was no secret amongst the people that Blood-Sacrifice was still practised, though only on those who would not be missed or on lesser creatures. What was less known however was that the Blessed no longer served the Fisher alone but hosted alongside him several other Beings of power. Namq'ua, though Evil, was seen as a being that could be bargained with: the Plague could be used to further the world's scientific understanding. Dedications to Teskort would allow for further talks with the Penguins who could provide knowledge of the Ocean and the Worlds Beyond. What was secret even amongst the Blessed however was the fact that the Fisher was no longer the main recipient of their Faith; dealings with the Occult had resulted in many discovering the Whispers that lied between Creation and the Void. Many had read on the Chaos that had combined Aztof with hundreds of other worlds, resulting in their current state. It did not take long for them to connect these two events together and discover the Speaker....The Ancient. A Being beyond Godly power, it would bring both the End and Rebirth. Their dedications had already allowed them understanding of the Chaos, of how it could be used to break reality and shift its position. Rifts into the Void could be created and used to enter other parts of Creation. Whole new worlds filled with new knowledge and power could be tapped with only a nominal sacrifice of blood.

It was by their dabbling with the Rifts that the Aztofi discovered beings that lived without body, populating expanses of space without need for sustenance. These 'Liram-Kin' were Artisans skilled in the manipulation of Flesh and Soul. Creatures that had been called Abominations by the Children for centuries were discovered  to be the 'artworks' of these Kin. While first contact was tense, the Aztofi elites reached an accommodation with these beings. The Kin would part with their knowledge of Mortals in exchange for Materials, specifically those which they could not take themselves. It was a deal that pleased both sides and soon Aztof was busy with the moans of Abominations that birthed swords of bone or bricks of flesh. Whole cities of organic material were soon built throughout the countryside, both as experiments and true metropolises for the common people. These cities were soon inhabited not only by the Children but also the Kin themselves, using their Automatons to explore the Mortal realm and collaborate with fellow artists to create their masterpieces. Around the Net of Aztof, thousands of Kin congregated to work on this Project of collaborating with the Flesh Beings, simply for the chance to be part of history, or what passed for it amongst the Kin.

On the World that became the Grand Temple, the creature known as Zzdwi bargained with a God. Though given great power by the Gaunlets, it had made him a Slave to another being's will, a curse too far.  Offering to dedicate the Grand Temple to Liram, he asked only for the Gaunlets to be removed and the Gifts of the Magi given to him. The God agreed. And so, Zzdwi consecrated the Temple to Liram, offering its innate essence to the God. Finally being Free, the Creature decided to rule the Temple as his own fiefdom; it was by his mind that it was built and by his soul, it was his to rule. The people, content with the gifts crafted by Zzdwi, could only agree, having practically served under him during the Temple's construction. That said, it became apparent that the populace, while rich in wealth, were malnourished. The farmlands and rivers of the world had been swallowed by the Temple's ever growing flesh and the oceans polluted by its waste. Even now, the inhabitants were only surviving by eating the growing Temple, which had its repercussions; many simply exploded from the pure essence that their bodies tried to digest. Regardless, the People would serve the former Avatar of Liram for now for none would challenge a Plant-Beast.

Abandoned by much of his people, Sol Raxxis asked all who remained if they too wished to leave. While loyal servants, most had quietly agreed that the once respected Exalted had gotten too old for command and no longer had the Sunfather's favour. And thus, with nearly no objection, most quietly limped away, heading off to do as their hearts desired. Most returned to their traditional tasks of following the course of the Photospheres while others recommenced the raids on the Ones Below. Others, finally unbound by the Exalted's directive, sought to solve their ancient rivalries with rival Clans through words and blood. The Chaplains, though the most loyal of all the Wildlings, felt this a chance to finally pursue their own course; all but two left to do as they desired. In the end, only two Photospheres were left under Raxxis' command.

Though obviously distraught, Raxxis' went on with his mission, choosing to search for a being of godlike power, a Judge. Fate had other plans. The Beast-King Teskort offered him power beyond the Exalted's own comprehension: godhood. Power equal to that of the Sunfather himself. Raxxis accepted easily, if only to further his own ends. And thus, Raxxis set course for the Networld of Feimel, where Teskort bade him go to receive his gift.

The kingdom of Charn was one of the greatest realms upon the world of Feimel, enjoying the fruits of empire. Having united the continent with marriage and the colonies with magi, the people were prosperous and had little to care for. Its capitol city was by all accounts opulent being gilded in gold and decorated with statue from the four corners of the world. It is here that Raxxis went to, to become a god. A chrysalis of essence formed around him as he walked into the city, attracting gazes from the populace. The soldiery, protective of their noble lords, raised the alarms in fear of an imminent Wildling raid. But just before the first shots were fired, a booming voice from the sky revealed the identity of the Wildling; a god. Protector of the Ocean, a guardian for all against the evils of what lurked beneath and above. And yet, even with this information, muskets were taken and unloaded on the creature, obviously not wanting to deal with a potential threat to the stability of the realm. The chrysalis absorbed the essence-infused bullets without problem and continued to envelop the Solar Exalted. And so, eventually seeing the futility of destroying the creature, they simply waited for the transformation to end.

They waited for days, weeks and finally, months. By then, the chrysalis had been accepted as yet another part of the city's decor; another sign of the empire's excellence. When the Wildling once known as Sol Raxxis emerged from its cocoon many months later, it was no longer a mortal being. It was a creature that resembled a wildling but greater of size:  Blackened antlers hung from its leathery neck which shimmered in azure hues that blended in perfectly with the Endless Ocean. Sol Raxxis had been Exalted beyond other mortals, but now, he was equal to the gods themselves.

Elementals created.
Elementals rampage in the Networlds.
Paradise (placeholder) created.
All organisms of Urdu moved to Paradise.
Eleria advances to the Industrial Age.
Golden Wire created.
Neiden uses Golden Wire to found Holy Enforcers.
Holy Enforcers persecute the Heretics; leave the Empire in droves.
Holy Enforcers discover Cults of the Ancient amongst the Blessed.
Aztof discovers Chaos Rifting/
Aztof makes contact with the Liram-Kin/
Aztof industrialises with the use of Abominations.
Feimel begins using Magi-tek.
Grand Temple dedicated to Liram.
Zzdwi becomes ruler of the Grand Temple.
Sol Raxxis abandoned by most Wildlings; only 2 Chaplains and Photospheres remain.
Sol Raxxis, Solar Exalted, is consumed.
Sol Raxxis, Lord Protector of the Endless Ocean, is born.
Majority of Plague Fish extinct [not mentioned above]

Teskort acquires 1 Act through Blood Sacrifice!

Code: [Select]
Psaras Dorit: 1 Acts (+1)
Namq'ua:  3 Acts (+1)
Teskort: 2 Acts (+1)
Feros: 1 Acts (+1)
Liram: 1 Act (+1), 0 Bound Acts (+1)
Neyravah: 1 Act (+1), 1 Bound Acts (+1).
Araxiel: 2 Act (+1)
Illudius: 2 Act (+1)
Sol Raxxis: 0 Acts
Zzdwi:  1 Minor Act (+.5)
Neiden: 1 Minor Act (+.5)
    Spoiler: Sources of Essence (click to show/hide)

    ((Sorry for the delay; Christmas ain't good for productivity.))[/list]
    You win Nakeen
    Marduk is my waifu
    Inanna is my husbando


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #202 on: December 27, 2013, 08:46:39 am »

    This game gets better & better.
    Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
    Everything is going to be alright


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #203 on: December 27, 2013, 01:56:33 pm »

    The Temple had grown since its inception, first built by Children's hands and then after the dedication it seemed to take on a life of its own.  Deep roots dug stone and metal from the earth, fashioned new spires upon which rooms of flesh and wood grew.  Invisible arches of essence raised floating islands in the sky, reachable by walkways of golden wire.  Vast pools of fire burned to light the night skies, and great leaves turned to the approach of the photospheres.

    The Temple was never silent.  There were always songs, hymns.  Even in the darkest hours, there was the constant sussurance of whispered prayer.  And the Temple always whispered back, though rarely did its whispers make sense.  The Children who lived and prayed were rich, wealthy beyond the dreams of their cousins across the Eternal Sea.  They wore fine silks, decked in gold jewellery and children freely played with gemstones the size of thumbs.

    But no Child can eat gold.  The Temple now covered vast swathes of the planet, and only continued to grow.  The result was beautiful, but treacherously inedible.  Starvation and sickness were beginning to manifest in the population.  One day, the constant whispers and songs might stop.

    As the Temple had grown, so had its caretaker.  Zzdwi's roots and branches now filled much of the central ziggurat, and few ever saw the heart of the creature.  Instead it would simply light one of its purple eyefires at some point along the myriad branches and speak through the roaring of the flames.  Within the heart of the temple, the Curator saw and heard all.

    Today, though, it called a special audience.  The Prime Steward of the Temple, a Child by the name of Martos, approached the Curator's Chamber, directly below the central altar of the ziggurat.  The journey took him through the Gallery of Souls, which always unnerved him.  After the Curator had been Unbound by the Lord of Animation, it had retained its stance of not twisting its own people - for the most part.  As with any civilisation, there had been crime and as with any crime there had been capital crimes.  Murderers, rapists, those that society simply wanted gone.  Instead of sentencing them to death, the Curator gave them life.  Eternal life.

    The Gallery whispered too.  Hundreds of thousands of faces sat upon the walls, cast in gleaming bronze.  They were beautiful; idealised images of the men and women that had sinned, free of blemish and scar.  Behind each mask lay a pair of Children's eyes, weeping.  Streams of water ran down the walls, forming a pair of rivers that ran either side of the raised silver walkway.  They said that all that remained of those who were placed in the Gallery were their eyes, their minds, the masks of their face and their voice, faded to a whisper.  And perhaps it was true, because the chorus of hundreds of thousands of whispers was a storm of sound as you made your way through the gallery.  Most said the same thing, over and over; I'm sorry.

    It was beautiful.  It was horrifying.  It unnerved Martos to his very soul, and it made absolutely clear what awaited those who went against the Curator's wishes.

    He reached the end of the gallery and the doors peeled open to admit him entrance.  The chamber beyond was spartan, cut in brilliant black marble and blazing with purple light.  At the far end, centred on what might have been a throne, a vast cluster of roots, branches and leaves fanned out from what appeared to be a sort of black rose.  Branches ran out from it in all directions, disappearing into holes in the wall and emerging elsewhere in the Temple.  From the rose's crown blossomed a maelstrom of purple fire.  The fire spoke, a deep roar quite unlike the gentle whispers of the avatar flames elsewhere in the Temple.

    Malkon.  Speak to me.  Tell me about food.

    "Ah, yes Curator," said Martos.  "The problem is that there isn't enough.  Under your guidance our people have grown, claimed this world for ourselves, but the Temple has grown as well.  Now there isn't enough space left for the farms.  People are growing desperate; some have even tried eating the Temple but-"

    They died.  Your frames were not built to consume the essence that permeates the structure.  Unlike my own.

    "That isn't reassuring, Curator.  The problem remains.  We are trying to ration what we have, but if the Temple continues to grow it won't work.  Can you... can you speak to it?  Get it to stop?"

    The Temple must grow.  It becomes more beautiful every day, more perfect.  The Temple must expand.

    Martos felt himself deflate.  "Then you choose to sacrifice us.  The Temple must grow, and we must dwindle."

    No.  You are the Temple, as much as the walls and towers and flesh and leaves.  A building unused is no building, and a temple without worshippers is naught but a husk.  Your ancestors told you of the Unbinding?  I believe one of them was present.  Your face has always been familiar, Malkon.

    "Yes, my great, great... well, an ancestor  When the Animate Lord freed you of the Xavrax Quotix.  It's all in the scripture.  And it's Martos, Curator.  Malkon was my grandfather."

    Really?  You all look the same to me.  In any case, when I held the gauntlets I possessed great power but also great knowledge.  A pair of branches rose from either side of the rose, moulded perfectly into the shape of wooden hands.  Liram gave me access to all his knowledge, all his memory, though he failed to realise the power he placed in his slave's hands.  With the gauntlets gone, that knowledge is gone also, excised perfectly from my mind.  I cannot remember it, but I can remember my own reflections upon it.  I remember that I knew of other worlds.  Thousands, beyond the Eternal Sea.  Worlds like this one.  Worlds inhabited by Children, and by other, stranger things.  Other people, other cultures.  Other gods.  The god that created your kind, though I cannot even remember his name.

    Most of these worlds were inhabited.  Some were not.  Who knows if this is still the case?  But on these other worlds, food may be found.  New farms may be established.  New worshippers may be found.  We need only cross the Eternal Sea.

    The roaring fire shifted slightly, and lines appeared within it.  The lines coalesced and began to form a shape; a blueprint for a new design.

    "Is that a ship?  It looks strange, like two hulls sandwiched on top of each other.  Its sails are on the outside."

    It is a vessel of my own design, to traverse the Eternal Sea.  On this world are gathered the greatest craftsmen in all the worlds.  We shall build it, with my powers and the labour of the faithful.  These vessels live, like the Temple, a blend of all the forms.  It will draw sustenance from the spheres it passes, provide fresh air for its crews and cargo and swim as directed in search of new worlds.  It may even fly, after a fashion, in the atmospheres of the worlds you find, and if need be it will breathe fire at its captain's command.

    We shall build a fleet of these ships, and we shall sent out crews in all directions.  If a world is found and it is free, it is to be settled and made ready for farming.  Let grain be grown, ready to be shipped back here to feed the teeming masses.  If a world is found and it is occupied, parley with its occupants.  Spread the word of the Temple and its Curator, and trade with them for food, for knowledge, for curiosity.  Permit pilgrims to come to the Temple should they wish it.  Understand; this is not a mission of conquest but of trade.  Be peaceful, be reasonable and make them dependent upon us.  Then, in time, we shall bring them into the fold.

    You have your commands.  Let the work begin.

    [Minor Act] Zzdwi and the Templars construct a fleet of Transmarines, living ships capable of supporting a crew for years in the Eternal Sea if need be.  They possess simple flight within an atmosphere, limited firebreathing defences and are in no way sapient.

    Zzdwi has the Templars send out crews in Transmarines in all directions, seeking new worlds.  Unoccupied worlds are to be colonised and farmed, with grain and produce shipped back to the Temple to support its worshippers.  Occupied worlds, the crews are to parley and establish trade relations.
    Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

    No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #204 on: December 27, 2013, 02:38:15 pm »

    Greetings Zzdwi. You are going to like what you can do with the temple once I am done with the universe for a while, the Nrillix crystals will be a nice addition to the temple.

       And so Liram decided to stop being lazy and produce the Nrillix crystals, which you probably remember my post about, these crystals will certainly... increase the power of mortals. These will be a test if he's still a god of animation. There will be a couple of hoops and hurdles for him.

    ACT: Liram creates the Nrillix crystals, that grow rarely on surfaces near high Liram-kin activity. They can be forged but they will take the essence from the fires animation energy as well, this will produce a strange blue mixed with green metal with steel like durability. They can be enchanted and they will release all that energy and give him small amounts of energy, but every bit of essence helps. When enchanted they can produce a effect similar to the wielders personality, and what the item is.
    « Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 02:41:02 pm by HissinhWalnuts »


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #205 on: December 27, 2013, 03:44:10 pm »

    Teskort watches the extinction conflict draw to a conclusion. The modified and infected children had all but defeated the fish, and they would now have their reward.

    Act: Reshape the Plauge Nomads into the Plague Lords. The Plague Lords have psionic awareness of all plague fish in the universe, so that they may finish the conflict once and for all. The Plague Lords have the ability to absorb or merge with other infected creatures by touch, and thus do not maintain a single static form. The Plague Lords are marked and identified by their purple boil-laced antlers. The Plague Lords are compelled to use their great mutibility and their power to easily absorb others to cure the Plaguesphere's overpopulation problem, and to turn the dead photosphere into a beautiful, untouched, plague-ridden wilderness.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #206 on: December 29, 2013, 04:10:55 pm »

    (Bah. Since most everybody seems to be PMing their actions, lets liven things up with some RP)

    The air around Neiden grows thick with the scent of intoxicating herbs, dung, and pine needles as the Father of Beasts reaches out to the ascended child. As he talks, he moves his true cosmic position close to Psaras Dorit, so that Neiden's god may participate in the conversation as well.

    "Mortal, I am Teskort, the father of beasts, whom some of your kind call 'demon'. Be not afraid. Though we have little in common, we are both friends of Psaras Dorit, and it is in the name of that friendship that I speak words of peace to you.

    I find the society you have built to be distasteful, but I have greater problems to deal with than you, and you have bigger problems to deal with than me. If you agree to limit your empire to the networlds, and to guarantee the right of my followers to worship me, I will swear to focus my crusade in the name of nature's glory elsewhere for as long as you reign. Should you agree to my terms, I will only act directly upon the networlds to undo damage to nature or my followers caused by other gods, to develop the web eco-systems I have built above the networlds, and perhaps to aid you in several matters in which I suspect we may be in agreeance...

    Can you agree to this pact mortal?"


    • Bay Watcher
    • Has a deep dislike of the natural world.
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #207 on: December 29, 2013, 04:19:21 pm »

    I am starting to find it pitiful that the souls of the deceased have no collection point, allowing them to interact with each other, but alas we seem to have forgotten these souls cursed with loneliness.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Sane, by the local standards.
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #208 on: December 29, 2013, 04:42:44 pm »

    Release Urdu, thanking him for his help. (And, ideally, getting at least a Minor Act back, but meh.)
    All acts: Create an avatar to acede to the Drakes' request. Join them.
    Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
    [GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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    Re: Kalpa: A Game of Divinity
    « Reply #209 on: December 29, 2013, 04:43:06 pm »

    ((Actually I just haven't gotten around to writing my turn yet...))

    Neiden looked up from the reports on his desk and glanced around looking for where the voice emanated from. Seeing no one, he sighed and spoke out to the unseeable entity.

    "I must confess, some aspects of the society are not entirely pleasing to me either. Several directives I gave were not carried out entirely as I had intended...

    I see sense in your offer and the benefits it could bring... Still, the Fisher God is my creator and that of my people... I will agree to your offer if you can convince my lord to give me his blessing in the matter.

    Also, as you may have noticed, many of my people are extremely pious... and blood hungry... Many would not be overly happy about me allowing... heretics, if you'll excuse the word, to roam freely. There is a risk of uprising and danger to both the public and myself should I agree with your pact.

    Regardless, I am again willing to go along with it given the Fisher's blessing but I would request something of you to ease the transition. Help in a certain project of mine that you may be able to greatly appreciate. I need to gain the power of the Magi so that I can build a factory. The greatest factory of all time. One that combines technology and essence to create the tools of society without the need for natural resources. Such a tool would allow me to build a greater society while greatly reducing the need to harm nature to acquire resources.

    So... what do you think?"
    Quote from: GUNINANRUNIN
    Sure thing peanut man!
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