If the god character manages to lose, that is 22,000,000 in the pocket of some lucky fellows who thought they were betting against an upset. Rich people regularly put money on an upset for the same reason that you do, because DREAMS. They bet on both sides, they are often the rational center behind chat's "Always sometimes never bet DBZ", and tend to make up a considerable amount of each bet.
Plus, unlike in real life, they don't gain anything by being rich other then being rich. You can enter and exit the system as you wish, and so only winning matters. Also, I know for a fact the richer of the two I mentioned isn't even Illuminati: His bet's come from sheer experience. And it really does seem in this case like complaining that the system isn't fair, except for that it really is. Yes they make more money, but they make up much of the bets to begin with. When you win, you're taking rich people's money, especially if there is a upset: Mjolnir put 100,000 dollars down on a guy that lost, putting everyone on the other side (including me) into happier straits. Look at the bets of both halves of a match.
I remember during a tourney a while back, a guy bet 50,000 on whoever the next post suggested, and he did this repeatedly through the night. Rich people are just a part of the game.
Anyway, I have crawled my way up to 700 and rising. I can see the light at the end of the mines!