Neryavadalailama is Lawful Gets-shat-upon-by-the-universe
Neyravah, it's not that hard. And yes.
Standard alignment categorizations are overrated in my humble opinion. As much as people like sticking certain traits like altruistic as good or selfish as evil, it doesn't always fit in so neatly and before long there's a good chance cracks will begin to appear.
I do what I do and the attempts of others to classify it as good or evil are meaningless to me. All hail the color grey and its many shades!
Well, yes, but it's still a nice shorthand. Even if you've never played D&D, you can understand what "Good," "Evil," "Lawful," "Chaotic," and "Neutral" mean. You more or less intuitively get that a Lawful Good warrior is going to fight to uphold law and order, while a Chaotic Good guy is more of a rebel who does what's right regardless of legality, a Lawful Evil person has some kind of code he follows even though he's a bastard, and that Chaotic Evil is something you want to avoid. Moreover, it's easy to modify if needed. If a man is more lawful on average but has no problem breaking laws when it helps and he can get away with it, you can call him Pragmatic Whatever. If someone's too insane to fit, you can call him Chaotic Crazy (or maybe Lawful Crazy, if he's codified the crazy).
It's not a full description, and it can be thrown out the window for the grayer works, but it works for shorthand, and really what kind of "alignment" description works on the gray?
I really dislike it when people say that 'selfishness' is evil. It isn't. It's Neutral.
It's on the evil side of neutral, though. Just like politeness is on the lawful/good side of neutral, and spitting is on the chaotic side of neutral.
See how flexible it can be when we need to deal with the gray?
You could argue either way which is sort of my point. I mean it's basically in natural biology to try and survive and reproduce at all costs. Is there anything wrong with that? Are you evil if you put your need to survive and reproduce over that of others? Isn't that sort of the point?
Social Darwinism, much?
There IS no point to evolution, nature, or any of that. It just is.
Not necessarily my view point, I just enjoy throwing these things around. Philosophy is a weird tangled mess that could keep any person busy for quite a long time if they focused too hard on solving it. Hopefully you just don't go bonkers in the process.
Philosophy is fun. Everyone's wrong except me.