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Author Topic: General Doctor Who Thread: JESUS CHRIST 50TH ANNIVERSARY HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS  (Read 10591 times)

Loud Whispers

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« Reply #135 on: December 15, 2023, 09:07:43 am »

(Heaven Sent, natch...)
I remember talking with one of my friends over Heaven Sent, who loved it but also hated it because they thought it meant the "original doctor" had been killed a billion doctors ago and after Heaven Sent we were watching a brand new doctor. But I argued that we're talking about a time traveler who has probably deleted themselves from several timelines/dimensions before, has already used teleportation devices and is the sort of eldritch alien/mathematical constant that believes any copy of themselves is them, any instance of them in time or space is them. To a human, the continuity of identity may be important to the sense of self, but the doctor will look at any ship of theseus at any point in time and agree, they are all the ship of theseus


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« Reply #136 on: December 26, 2023, 05:56:02 pm »

Well, the new Doctor spent half of his first episode running around in a skirt and tank-top. Messaging aside, it just wasn't a good look. And his new Sonic Screwdriver looks like a half-melted tamagotchi. But at least the new companion looked good; Ruby has great legs and knows how to show them off~

The goblins just sort of appeared from nowhere, apparently summoned by some minor coincidences. I really would have liked a better explanation. And then the Doctor straight up murders their king, and simply dismisses the rest as though they won't be a problem now. And the concept of 'Rope Science' did absolutely nothing for me.

At the end, Ruby just spontaneously realizes that the Doctor is a time traveler and completely unprompted decides to run out into the street, discover his TARDIS, and join him on his escapades. Granted, that's how most companions join up...but it still felt like lazy writing. A lot of very lazy writing this episode.

Songs were pretty decent though.


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« Reply #137 on: December 26, 2023, 06:54:59 pm »

I mean, Ncuti (Shoo-tee apparently?) has great legs too.
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« Reply #138 on: December 26, 2023, 07:38:24 pm »

There are a number of things I can admire the episode for. And don't forget that there are a number of post-millenium Companions-to-be (and I can think of at least one original-run one for sure, another probably) that have a degree of "working this thing out" as part of their joining-plot, so that's not to its detriment. That said, the Perception Filter seems to be a bit broken in the Tardis. (Also, the dimensional displacement doohickey. When the Policeman is shown where the Doctor 'lives', it was sticking out into the street, but when they go right next to it it's behind a bit of building... Looks like the same bit of road (same bollards), but clearly they had to break visual continuity due to the bollards getting in the way and only being able to be 'built around' in a long-shot where it has to be in order to make sense in pointing it out, whilst it needed tucking back round a building corner when they needed to do the close-up.  Small issue, but somewhat peeving to get to spot and worry about.)

There's more than a hint of Clara in this new gal. (Too much? ...nothing against Clara, just the noted 'been here before',) With a dash of Amy[1], in the "Why is this person interesting? Let's do some travelling with them to find out..." sense. I fully imagine we'll get exactly that, to find out the answer that he conspiciously did not try to ask (at least, on-screen) when he had the opportunity to question the hooded woman(?).  And quite strong vibes of Martha and even some Rose. (Not yet much Donna, for which I'm so far grateful.)

Not overjoyed by the screwdriver (which, ironically, seems to have been donwgraded to only screws (and traffic lights!), not long after it was shown to do much more. It's supposed to be the (so-called) 'deadlocks' that are its Kryptonite. Or Yellow/Wood to its Green Lantern Powers, anyway.

That breaking the fourth wall at the end stuck in the craw a little. Well, it's probably just a nod to the 'new' Disney-insipired market. But makes me think too much that <rot13>Zvggl</rot13> is 'back'.

Although they're also a prime candidate (possibly the right age) for being the true mother. (Other candidates being Davina McCall, or... because of the cloak... Claudia Winkleman.)  Also a distinct possibility is that they are Ruby.  Timey-Wimey (Kathy Nightingale-like, but by other means). Which doesn't actually stop them also being the true mother. (All You Zombies!)

We had a music-number in the third of the pre-Christmas shows. I enjoyed that, and this one, but hopefully we're not going to have it as a (semi-)regular thing under the new/returning regime?

Naw, I like Fifteen, and I won't fault the clothing (remembering that last time we saw him, he was in boxers). Definitely was already on a quest to find out why the goblin-stuff was happening, by the time he (probably quite deliberately) intervened in Ruby's life, so might just have been trying to 'blend in', but of course initial tastes tend to continue onwards (except maybe in seafood and pudding sauce combinations). Remains to be seen if this mini-mission carries over to an 'arc mystery' of the main 2023+ season(s). But he's certainly enough enamoured (in a Companionesque way, if nothing else) of Ruby to have not totally vanished. And/or the TARDIS likes her/needs her, for reasons of 'her' own. But we shall jave to see how it ends up being written.


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Surprised to see no comments, already, on the relaunched double episode (but two-times-single, not a two-parter) of the 2024 series proper. Waited a bit, but looks like nobody else here picked up on them.

Spoiler comments, just for those outwith this broadcast catchment:

In short, liked the first. Second did (and had to do) a lot of heavy lifting, plotwise, and fingers crossed that they've got a lot of the 'decorative' bits out of their systems.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2024, 08:34:03 am by Starver »


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Theres been a lot of lore dumping, i mean a lot, when was the last time Susan was named on TV?
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

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It seems the producers have forgotten how to cater for the proudest minority of them all, the individual. Sensitivity to the hero of the story focuses the passion in it. The only thing I really liked in these episodes was the twist in the 2nd.


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Theres been a lot of lore dumping, i mean a lot, when was the last time Susan was named on TV?
I can immediately bring to mind about three times when the granddaughter was mentioned/refered to, in NuWho. Which I think was with the Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth (if I have the general stories right), but I couldn't say if by actual name without checking. (Nine, in particular, probably just kept it as "family", being in the mood he was in.)

I'm fairly sure that Susan has 'appeared' in a Big Finish audio (not sure offhand which Doctor, possibly Eight  - but of course it involved Daleks (Re)Invading Earth), which was (regardless of precise Doctor) made during the NuWho/revival era.

Remember that there are a lot of long-time fans that have been in the driving seat (including Russel T.), and it isn't the first time that they've drawn in 'ascended fanon' out of possibly long-forgotten details, throwaway or even as major arcs, and not always in agreement with each other. ;)

On the Lore-Dumping, I get the idea that this is (along with the late 2023 14th Doctor) being treated as "Nu-Nu-Who", perhaps in part due to it being under a bit of the Disney umbrella.  The Re-Re-(Re-?)Re(spark/boot). There's a bit more Explaining To Watson than is necessarily done to any new companion (i.e. audience-surrogate). This tends to happen a lot more when new-Doctor and new-Companion(s) happen almost-simultaneously (usually due to regeneration-crisis-related reasons), moreso than when there's just a mid-Doctor companion-change. Or maybe its more just that a double-changeover of incumbants just happens moreso when a mini-reboot time comes around with a deliberate break from the most recent major story arcs that had just culminated under the last philosophy.

Either way, it caters for the ultra-new fans that (they hope) will suddenly discover this age-old franchise after finally being allowed to stay up late enough to watch things like this, plus the age-old fans that (they hope) will latch onto this ultra-new bit of the franchise. A little easter egg, if not a whole bunny.


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Current theorycrafting is that the lore-dumping is more about foreshadowing.

The latest episode had that line "There's always a twist at the end", following by the fourth-wall breaking wink and an awkwardly injected song-and-dance number. If you check the credits at the end of the episode, there is an actress named Susan Twist, and she has actually been in 4 different recent episodes, playing different characters each time.

Another noteworthy line from this episode, "The One Who Waits is almost here". And this Season has a running theme of abandoned children, including Ruby Sunday and the Space Babies. Could The Doctor's abandoned granddaughter Susan be the one who has been waiting for The Doctor all this time?


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The latest latest episode, "Boom!", is an ostensibly 'bottle episode' (much of it is set in, or on the edge of, a single bomb(/crash?) crater), but has call-backs/lore to it and obvious arc-elements. Including Susan Twist. And the improbable snow (this detail leading up to be resolved in the Christmas episode?).

Albeit that it obviously has some degree of handwavium to it, it's a more a hard-SF (not supernatural/gods-based, although obviously the reappearing Church Army, subtly reintroduced before any actual namechecking, obviously has in-universe links to that).

The one-legged premise might seem a bit silly, to some, but it was the situational anchor in use.

I might have done the Dad's thing differently, but hiding that behind a fuller Spoiler, so I can be slightly less circumspect.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Next week looks like it might be another bottle(-ish) episode, from what I've seen. That's more to my own taste, certainly, with maybe this sort of amount of arc/lore sprinkling to it, enough to support the necessary series finale along with the necessary whole-episode arcings.


  • Bay Watcher
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"Since when was the Church an Army?"
"Since most of your history. You've been living in a Blip."

I love that they went there.


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Okay, '73 Yards' was a very strong episode.

I'm also seeing a lot of people annoyed at all the unanswered questions. Why was The Doctor absent and The Tardis off-limits this episode? What was The Specter saying to freak people out? What was the significance of the number 73? What was the relevance of Marti?

That last one might become clear later in the season, but for the rest I have yet to hear even a decent theory.


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Its a folk lore story for the 21 centory, it ignores the rules.
The rules are a moden thing.

Is it Millie Gibson's best acting, yes.
Did Ncuti Gatwa haave a story off? Yes.
Wild and experimental.
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

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Obvious parallels to Turn Left, but not too many. Helps establish the companion as being (ultimately) capable, beyond merely being an Informed Atttribute (alongside the genuine mystery, for which the Doctor is probably also repeating his "better keep you close" thing, as with Flesh!Amy Pond).

Pre-revival Doctor Who did mould some 'accidental stumblers into the Tardis' into Companions that weren't just foils and Watsons, but nuWho seems to pick 'em up only if there's some spark to them that makes them worthy (even if there's no sign of how big that spark might get, at first, story-arc-wise - and possibly even beyond the introductory writers' general intent, for the long-serving ones). That actually also seems to be a feature of 'honourary Companions' (Astrid, Lady Christina) and only really averted with the likes of the here-tomorrow-gone-today Adam (deliberately transient, such that even the Mickey ended up no longer the comparative butt-monkey of the set, by the end. And, of course, Mickey was officially rejected by the Companion, first, rather than the Doctor (who certainly started off ambivalent).

Okay, '73 Yards' was a very strong episode.

I'm also seeing a lot of people annoyed at all the unanswered questions. Why was The Doctor absent and The Tardis off-limits this episode? What was The Specter saying to freak people out? What was the significance of the number 73? What was the relevance of Marti?

That last one might become clear later in the season, but for the rest I have yet to hear even a decent theory.

Spoiler: Headcanon only... (click to show/hide)

On the whole, a powerful story. Leaves more questions than (definite) answers. Might never be intended to be answered, some of this story's more specific items, although always a chance that there'll be plot-boomerangs from it (on top of the full on arc-related mysteries).


  • Bay Watcher
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I read some interesting theories from someone who decided to chase 73 down the rabbit-hole.

73 is a Prime number. 73 is also an 'Emirp Prime', which is a number that is prime both backwards and forwards. 37 happens to be the atomic number of Rubidium, an element which references Ruby, and also happens to be used in atomic clocks, referencing time travel!

...but the show's forerunner has come out and said that 73 yards is simply the distance at which they determined a person with 20/20 vision can no longer clearly distinguish facial features, and the number was not intended to have any greater significance than that. Ah well.

Another noteworthy number from this episode is 65. Ruby's room cost 65 quid, Mad Jack spent 65 billion on nukes, and Ruby commented that she had not been alone for 65 years.
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