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Author Topic: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Chapter VI]  (Read 144228 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Worlds together, worlds apart.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Recursion [End Chapter V]
« Reply #960 on: August 07, 2015, 05:21:08 am »

"Really?" Kito gives a slight chuckle before clearing his throat. "I'm assuming he's not the one who gave you that injury? At any rate, I'd imagine that Artemis likes to pop in and out at his own leisure. He prefers to be a mysterious fellow. However, I can assure you that he wouldn't hurt anyone without prior reason.

"You also shouldn't have need to worry about secrets. I'm sorry if it seemed as if I was holding something back, but to be frank, I'm just a small town researcher, nothing more. Especially considering the danger and gravity of the situation with this new predicament, I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to cooperate and do away with the problem."

"Well, that's good to hear, Doctor," Cromwell says. "We're just as confused as you are about the situation. We're looking for answers just the same as you."

"The help is appreciated," Doctor Kito responds. "Well then, I think it's no problem that you'll be able to stay here for as long as you need. Erin will accommodate you when I'm busy, and you'll also have my assistance. Is there anything else you need?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Recursion [End Chapter V]
« Reply #961 on: August 07, 2015, 06:01:33 am »

"Right now my next priority is a decent long blade. My knives are fine for most problems but they just aren't long enough to penetrate to the vitals of larger shadows. Problem is I don't have funding and a good sword is expensive."
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Recursion [End Chapter V]
« Reply #962 on: August 11, 2015, 10:14:31 am »

"Hah-huh hah-huh... why is it climbing what the hell how the hell..."Can't run. Need to fight. Can't fight. Weapon not good enough, too injured. Need a better weapon. Need to be uninjured. Need a miracle.
You wanna frisk this guy? This guy with the technicolor wonder limbs? The limbs that could probably slap you on several different levels of reality?
Your tabs are just pure chaos, Wolfkit.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Worlds together, worlds apart.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #963 on: August 20, 2015, 03:34:24 am »

Excerpt from the...

Hmm... this reference doesn't tell me what book this comes from. That's strange, it told me so before..
Ah well. Don't think it matters, at any rate.

Excerpt from an unknown book of the Medium

He closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable pain of the impact on the ground, possibly even killing him. He knew he was falling; his enemy had caught in a dead man's hug and taken Artemis down with him. One second, two seconds, three seconds passed. Nothing happened. In fact, it sounded as if the air rushing around him had been completely silenced. That was strange. He should have felt some unbearable pain right now, if the system was working correctly. He opened his eyes.

He was stuck in limbo, still falling. There was no sound, however. Below him was his rival, Apollo, who had released him and was also waiting for the impact. Well, he could've also been waiting to bleed out, considering that he had a sword embedded in his torso. Artemis knew that at least that part of the simulation was working. He had experienced it himself not too long ago, and it hurt like hell, but only for a short while after the simulation had ended. He tried shouting to Apollo, but no voice projected out of his mouth. There was obviously something wrong with the simulation if they were simply stuck like this.

Several more seconds passed before something finally happened. He heard the soft tick-tick-tick repeating a million times over, as the simulation sounded its deconstruction. Moments later, he found himself in a metal, white pod. He was back in the Box, the area where trainees went to hook up into a battle simulation and test their combat abilities. He waited in his pod, rolling his neck to get comfortable before he got out. He flipped the unlock switch to his left and pushed the door outward. Climbing out, he stretched and straightened out is grey and blue trainee's uniform. Finally, he walked with the other trainees to the upper observation room, where their instructors would give them the full report. Before he could climb the stairs, he heard a familiar, smooth voice behind him.

"Fair game, Dimikaelo." Artemis kept walking forward but turned his head around to see Apollo Devicus behind him. He was a rather handsome gentleman with golden hair and olive irises. He always seemed to have an air of superiority around him - at least, that's what his walk and his gaze would make you think. He was about the same height as Artemis and had a better complexion than he did. Like Artemis, he was wearing the cadet's uniform. At this time, he had a hand on his torso, right where he was wounded by Artemis in the Box.

Artemis rolled his eyes and continued onward. "Oh, yeah? How's that wound treating you?"

"My compliments to the Diavitae. They've really stepped up their simulation of wounding - unfortunate, for my part."

"Really? That bad, huh?" Artemis commented with a smirk.

"It stings - well, burns, more like it. But it's not too bad. What hurts me more is my defeat at your hands." Artemis wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or some sort of challenge.

"Hmm, yes." He suddenly sounded disinterested. Continuing on in silence, he and the rest of the the cadets went up the stairs and into the observation room. They all formed an orderly line near one of the walls opposite of the screens that allowed the virtual combat space to be viewed by the instructors and assistant. Behind the lines of cadets, two assistants and an instructor joined the other senior officers at the front of the room.

One of the instructors - the one who was down in the Box with the cadets - stepped forward. Like the other officers, he had on a black and blue uniform that consisted of a coat, a collared shirt, and black pants. On the left side of the coat was a small, silver insignia that denoted his rank. He also wore a blue-banded, black officer's cap. As he talked, he walked around the room in front the cadets, addressing them and making hand gestures to accentuate his points.

"Nice work out there, cadets. I think that you will be happy to know that Team Helios won the match." Several of the cadets, Artemis included, looked around in confusion. In the end, all of them had died. The last two to die in the simulation were Artemis and Apollo, seeing as Artemis had defeated Apollo in combat and Apollo had dragged him off of the edge of the cliff and into the fog below. "Now, I know what you're thinking," the officer said. "Team Helios and Team Selene had both been eliminated at the end. Well, that was not the objective for the attacking team. Team Selene, your objective was to destroy the generator in the center of the base to bring down the shield, allowing reinforcements to enter the battlespace. You managed to get close to the generator, but failed to actually destroy it. Therefore, Team Helios won, despite their eradication." Artemis looked over at Apollo and saw that he was smiling back.

"Cadets Dimikaelo and Devicus: Please step forward." The two of them complied. "Strategies implemented by both teams were fairly good, considering your situations. Team Selene opted to strike swiftly and quietly by sending teams ahead to compromise the security of the base before Team Helios could get fully set up, using a distraction force to keep Helios' attention at the front. Team Helios, after having their perimeter compromised, fell back and remained patient, waiting for Selene to chase after the remaining Helios members. Selene merged back together and took to close-quarters combat in the courtyard. The fight was pushed into the generator facility. Helios was anticipating them and eliminated most of Selene there. The remaining Selene members retreated to the outer watchtowers near the cliff. There, they traded shots with the last Helios members. The fight was left down to the team leaders - Dimikaelo for Selene and Devicus for Helios - who engaged in a melee battle. Dimikaelo managed to fatally wound Apollo, but Apollo took him down the cliff alongside him. Both members were killed, resulting in a Helios win. Now, Commander Oblivion will offer his commentary."

One of the officers in the back stepped forward. He wore the same uniform as the previous officer, but he was taller and had a stern tone. "I am pleased with the improvement in performance. Both teams were excellent in combat, reaction times, and ability to carry out tactical formations. However, it appeared that there were problems at the top levels of both teams. Team Selene could have benefited by being more patient in their movements and moving as a team. Dimikaelo seemed to have chosen particular targets that could have been put off until the main objective had been seized." Artemis simply wore a blank face while looking at the commander. "Meanwhile, Helios could have avoided serious casualties by reacting swiftly to changes in circumstance, as well as making use of the outer defenses. By wasting time, Selene was able to strike you while you were vulnerable." Apollo, too, kept a poker face going, nodding slightly in response to the commander's critique. "These faults can be ironed out with practice, however. That is what we train here for. That is why you are here. Teams will be kept as they are for now. Shadestone, take them back into the Box for another run."

"Yes, sir," the previous officer responded. "Right. Cadets, form a line. Get back to your assigned pods and await..." Artemis tuned out his further instructions, as they were pretty simple to follow. Rather, he concentrated on Apollo. Since their first meeting in training, Artemis had formed a bitter rivalry with Apollo. It was born half out of competition, but also as a hunger for success. Artemis had so few things that he could put his trust in with his life. Unlike Apollo, who had somewhere to go at the end of the day, Artemis was solitary in his life. He had this military academy as his only chance for ascension. He wanted to make a change. He made that promise with his father before.

Success here was the only way that he could seek the future that he wanted. He couldn't be beaten by Apollo - not by a rich kid coming from a well-off family. He had to prove that he could do this on his own.

And so, the never-ending revolution of Artemis and Apollo began.



Hello, everyone. I hoped you enjoyed the snippet above.
Before I post everyone's turns, I would like to explain some new things that are happening. Well, not entirely new, just new to you. Or, at least, not something that I've explained.

By now, I assume that most of you should have a general idea about what this world sorta looks like and what kind of people are in it. Even if you haven't interacted with many people yet, I hope that there's some understanding of what is going on. If you need me to clarify something, please do ask me. Also, consult the Compendium in the next few days. I will be adding some changes to fill it out with some definitions and summaries of turns.

So, if you do have a general understanding, then good. Because, due to the scale of this game, I am going to introduce time dilation and contraction. Prior to this moment, pretty much every turn, unless I have specified otherwise or your character was sleeping, has been moving from five minutes to an hour per turn. Now, to make it not so slow and to introduce new stuff quicker, I will sometimes dilate or contract turns by making them slower or faster for individual characters. For example, if a character is running around a town and searching for stuff or just mapping the area mentally, I will probably dilate time by a few hours. If your character is traveling by boat, walking, or by car, I will probably dilate time by anywhere from a few hours to a few days. This does not apply universally, of course. I will notify you when the time unit is changed so that you can include more or less information in your turn.

I won't usually apply time dilation or contract to every character at once. It's usually going to be adjusted per character depending on what you need to accomplish. If you ever need me to slow down time so that you can be more precise with your actions, or if you want to urge me to speed up time a bit, I may oblige. It's not a guarantee, but there are circumstances where it would be beneficial.

Next: The Compendium, like I said before, is due for an update. I will finish the "still-under-construction" section that will detail the turns using summaries. This will hopefully allow people to skim information quickly and look up certain things without having to wade through fifty pages of writing. If you notice a discrepancy in anything in the Compendium, please let me know and I will change it ASAP.

Also, in terms of schedule for posting and stuff: Expect full turns to be posted with a frequency of about 1-2 weeks, possibly less if I have time. However, dialogue will usually be responded to the day after you post it. I may also do half-turns for whenever I do short responses for the sake of time and the mercy of my fingers. For this chapter update, I've taken more time to both write it up and to get adjusted to my school work. However, expect me to hold to at least every 2 weeks for an update, provided that emergencies don't crop up.

Finally, as time goes on, I hope to clarify some statistics stuff (especially for you, Coolrune) and what I do with those statistics behind-the-scenes using rolls. Also, future upgrade opportunities may be available. No promises, but I am working on expanding the system to be a bit more interesting.

That's about it. If you have any questions, comments, or anything else, please let me know here or via PM. I will gladly respond to anything.
The second half of the update - the part with turn responses - will come either tomorrow or the day after. So, don't post turns or anything yet, because there's nothing to post turns about :P.

That being said, I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapter. I know that the first few have been slow in one form or another, but now that all of the introductory stuff has been, well, introduced, I now get to have some fun.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week,


  • Bay Watcher
  • Worlds together, worlds apart.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #964 on: August 22, 2015, 07:46:32 am »


Alex would chuckle a bit. One terrible thing after another. He would just attempt to sit and rest on a wall, and try to understand what was going on.
Alex Raman
Your misfortune seems to be plentiful today. Without the ability to seriously fight back against anything at this point and your fatigue from pulling off an interesting move back in the medical facility, you're not going to have much luck escaping. For now, you slump back against a wall and try to catch your breath, orienting yourself at the same time. This would be a good time to review how the hell you ended up in this situation. It doesn't look like you'll be going anywhere soon, so might as well get caught up.

Day one of your shenanigans began in your village town, where the sudden invasion of the Theyin Empire threw the island of Atis - and your tribe, subsequently - into disorder. Artillery shells rained down on the island as the Theyins tried to suppress and disable the ability to retaliate. From going to the shore, you learn that you were gifted were a peculiar power: the ability to form, manipulate, and move ice at your will. You went searching for your girlfriend, who you heard calling out for help. The Theyin Empire had swept through Aecrocia and was already moving to your village. Out of anger and hatred, you took on a volatile existence called the Zero Form, where your powers were magnified a thousandfold. At the same time, there was another fellow in the sky - a demon-looking stranger who possessed similar powers. Instead, he was calling upon the volcano to spew forth lava and fire. Wanting to prevent further destruction of your island, you called upon the seas to form a dome of ice and broke parts of this dome to use to strike the enemy fleet. It was an incredible success, with the fleet being annihilated in a matter of minutes. Finally, you turned your attention to the other instigator of chaos and engaged in a duel, which you won with a creative strategy.

After that, you blacked out from exhaustion and fell into the ocean.

You ended up... somewhere. A woman in beautiful robes approached you and explained some things about what happened. She then gave you the opportunity for revenge and sent you somewhere on the other side of the world. Outside of a fortified city, which you assumed to be in the heart of the Theyin Empire, there was only one clear way for you: Vengeance against the people who ravaged your home. You attempted to sneak into the walls of the city, but were caught by guards when your powers failed to assist you. You ended up in a jail cell and were escorted out due to an injury you attained when attempting to use a bed to escape. At a medical facility, you attempted to escape yet again by killing the guard. While you managed it, the power needed to facilitate your attack was too much. Now fatigued, you roam the streets of the city, encountering some strange sounds throughout the city.

That's where you are now, and that is how you got here.
When you pull yourself up from your slump you notice that you seem to feel a bit better. However, your fatigue and dizziness have not ceased yet. Looks like you'll have to deal with that a little while longer.

As you prepare for your next movement, you hear what sounds like fighting near you. More gunshots, closer this time, ring off of some buildings not too far from you. You hear a sickening screech this time, as something definitely not human seems to react to pain. You hear more thumps and people yelling. You have no idea what's going on, but you're not sure if you want to risk finding out what it is or not. On one hand, this may be the perfect time to escape; on the other, you're not sure where you would go from here on out. You could possibly try sheltering up in one of the houses nearby, but you're not sure how that would go.

So many decisions to make and so little time.

Eh Ah

Approach the woman while examining her. Check if she is responsive to questions, such as:

"Excuse me, ma'am, may I bother you for some information?"
Eh Ah
The closer you get to the woman, the more you feel as if she's not of sound mind right now. She doesn't appear to be moving at all. For someone in such a desolate precinct, you'd imagine that she has better to do than to be standing around, admiring the decor - or what's left of it, anyways. Perhaps she's not of sound mind. Maybe she's on drugs or another inhibitory substance. Maybe she's lost in thought. You really don't know until you talk to her or see her face. Luckily, you're just about to meet her right now.

You ask her if she might spare some information for a poor lad like you. She does not respond at all, continuing to stare at nothing in particular. You ask her once again. No response. Finally, you circle around to her front and wave a hand in front of her. Once again, she does not react. Considering her eyes right now, you believe you understand now. Her pupils are nearly blotting out her brown irises entirely. In fact, if you didn't look so close, you would've sworn that her irises were black also. She also seems to have shadows under her eyes, as if she's been awake for forty-eight hours straight without rest. She doesn't react to you in any way, merely swaying ever-so-slightly from side to side. Her mouth is agape. You'd almost say that she looks hypnotized, in a way. You push her slightly, just enough to test if she recovers from almost falling. Indeed, she puts one foot back to steady herself, but still does not react to you in any other way.

Out of all the strange things you've seen so far, this one unnerves you the most. Perhaps it is the way she's simply staring at nothingness. Maybe it is the ways her eyes seem to be endless, pitch-black portals. Or maybe it is her brainlessness - the way she acts almost like a zombie. In fact, you'd think she's a zombie, if only she had rotting skin and a penchant for eating human flesh, too. But no, you're not lucky enough to have discovered Patient Zero of the nonexistent zombie apocalypse. Still, you're extremely curious as to why she looks this way. You're best guess is that she's inhibited by some sort of drug. If that's the case, this might make more sense. However, with what's been happening lately, you're having your doubts.

In terms of the time of day, the sun is about 3/4 of the way to the horizon. You've still got several hours left before sundown, so you should be fine to do some additional exploring.

Warren Drake

The world shall burn. I shall sip. And I shall keep walking to my destination, not thinking about anything in particular.
Warren Drake
With what's been occurring in the past few days, you've would've expected some sort of specter to jump out of the trees and spook you, or for the world to spontaneously combust around you. However, you find your short trip to be relatively peaceful and calm. In fact, this is the calmest you've been during the whole trip. It feels a bit unnatural now, but you're not complaining. Well, you did mention that you wanted the world to burn. If so, I guess this would be a disappointment to you.

It's not long before you arrive again to the same area where the girl was before. You take the same route through the lumberjack camp that you came from, though you don't really talk to any of them, considering that this is not your destination. As you approach the clearing, you don't see the girl at her usual spot near the tree. Oddly enough, you can't find the the small nest of vines that she summoned, nor the unfortunate creature that was ensnared in its trap. As you circle around the tree, however, you hear her humming not too far from where you are.

You continue on in the direction of the humming. Not too far along, you find her in her usual attire, stringing up laundry on a line and setting it to dry. There's no mistaking her, seeing as she still has her blaze-orange hair that she had before. She doesn't appear to hear you coming, her back to turned to you as she focuses on her work.

Well, now's the time to talk to her about whatever you wanted to talk about, seeing as she's not too busy. Your slight inebriation might hamper your ability to focus too much, but you haven't gotten blackout drunk yet.

Of all the possibilities, Eleri connected the pieces from what she could see. Apparently, the island had its fair share of...lethal fauna. Or it was probably related to whatever got Flynn so uppity.

She picked up the water bottle as a future container, promising herself to clean it out later before re-reading the note, getting it from Flynn and reaching for the pencil in turn, tapping it to check if the graphite still had luster to it.

"Its a faded, crumbly, and yellowing note. But I can read it. This place had occupants. A long time ago and- well. Do you know any animal which has the habit or capability of landing around ten meters in height from an elevated location along with carrying its prey? Just hypothetical musing. Had a lot of time to think about silly things. Unsure if its an animal, but this note did depict such."

Eleri did not want to add confirmation to such musings--just enough to acknowledge the past. She noted Flynn's sight issues and decided to get on with the idea.

"The animal in this note seems to have been the same one which...took away the owner of the knife. Said owner writes of a stash for who I guess is a younger family member. His child or so. 'The box is hidden in the compartment in the wall. You know which one.'"

She promised to both look for the compartment, and if ever it was left unrecovered, would add onto the note. She assumed that it had been far too long a time since the recipient in question would return to this place, judging by its...derelict state.

"Anyway, Flynn, I'll be checking the surroundings for a road so we can easily get our bearings in the morning. There's a chair you could use. I think this second floor will be a nice place to rest, given the fireplace and other uses. I'll be back soon. You take care."

Eleri's thoughts drifted to hope the safety of the family, as well as all others she had thought about and remembered  in the days prior. As well as all others.

Venture out to do so! Refill water, check for landmark...but first check the area where the animal supposedly landed...and its surrounding trail, if any.
Clutch orb, say prayer over the man and his family.

Flynn sits with his back against the wall, sighing. When you ask him if he knows about a specific type of animal, he responds, "Mm, I don't think so. I mean, I guess if a feline like a cougar or a jaguar threw the prey down first and then jumped down. But I don't know why an animal would come up here. Why? Did something happen?" You respond to him by mentioning that the animal in the note "took away" the note-writer, and that he had a stash hidden away. "Oh.. you mean that he was.. killed? Does the note mention anything about what the animal looked like, or how it sounded?" Flynn takes a deep breath in and adds, "If he was attacked like you said, I wonder if his attackers were related to the the things that attacked me. But.. you said the note was faded, yes? If so, that doesn't make too much sense. I've been on the island for a good while and haven't encountered these creatures before I ran to the woods that night. Then again... they might only be on a certain part of the island." He looks up to the window above him and remarks, "Or maybe I'm thinking too much over this."

With that out of the way (at least for now), you tell Flynn that you'll be heading out to explore and find a road to follow, which should hopefully expedite your journey. Flynn nods, saying, "Alright. Be careful, please." With the number of hours in the day still dwindling ever more, you exit the building and head out to perform your tasks.

The first thing you do is move around to the back of the house to take a closer look at the approximate landing area of the animal - if the animal actually jumped out with the victim, anyway. You examine the grass and the ground right below the window, looking for anything that would mark a trail from the attack. As far as you can tell, however, the grass and the ground looks fairly normal and undisturbed. This strikes you as odd, though there is the possibility that any remaining evidence was washed away by the elements, depending on how long ago this house was attacked. Additionally, it could depend on how clean the predator was with taking the victim away. You would've imagined that, considering the blood on the second floor, there would be at least some of a trail here. The only thing you find is a small spattering of faded blood on the window above from the outside, telling you that he could have been dragged out.

Before you head out, you take your orb out of one of your pockets and stare at it, brushing over its surface with one of your fingers. You remember that the man asked for prayers. Whether his family survived or not, you decide that you'll take up that request for him. You close your hand over the orb and quietly pray for him, hoping that him and his family have survived on. You have a strange feeling that not only they are not the only ones who will need that prayer to survive on.

Finally moving out, you decide that the best option would be to follow the side of the hill at this point. The objective here would be to both find a source of water - preferably a river or another spring -  and a road or another identifiable path that would lead you to a more inhabited area. Walking without having to carry another human body is definitely easier for you, which is certainly a bonus on an uncertain adventure. You keep a lookout for any animals or humans crossing your way, but your walk seems to be quite peaceful. Other than the occasional chipmunk or the birds flying between the trees, there are no animals around that could pose a threat to you.

After a few more minutes of walking, you finally encountering a water source. Unfortunately, it's not exactly what you would like. It's a little ways down the slope of the hill. There, a small depression in the earth forms the perfect bowl for water - a small pond surrounded by vegetation and busy with dragonflies and mayflies. While it is a source of water, the difficulty comes in determining how long the water's been standing here, and if it is safe to drink. The water looks clean enough, but you can't be too sure. You could always boil the water if you needed to, but it'll be risky to drink the water in its current state. You make a mental note of its location and continue onward.

You spend about half an hour searching the area around the pond, moving up and down the hill to try and find some sign of a road or path. Luck does not seem to be in your favor, however. This part of the hill still seems to be relatively untouched by the hand of civilization, barring the solitary house that you and Flynn found. Still, the trees ahead appear to be thinning out. Perhaps you'll be able to get a better look later and find a direction that will take you to roads which Flynn might be able to use to guide you farther. Due to the time of day, however, it might be advisable to start heading back to the house.

jack weasly carefully opens the door and slowly tiptoes to the end of the blue corridor.he then proceed to peek around the corner looking for any members of the staff he then verry sofly knocks on olias's door to begin thier dashing escape.
Jack Weasly
Now is as good as ever to plot your escape. The difficult part about going about your escape is that you're not exactly sure how you're going to get out, past the staff, and out into the city without being noticed by someone who knows you. Knowing the people who run the orphanage and your state of affairs at the mines, someone would come after you. You might be able to lie low somewhere in the town, but you'll have to be careful about how you go about it.

You proceed with the first step of your plan by making sure that there are no members of the staff around. Seeing as they are preoccupied in other areas of the building for now, you seem to be safe. You move with light feet down the hallway, intending to contact Olias and get him to join you. Perhaps Aneita Metter would be willing to join you too, though considering her apprehensiveness with your past forays into escape, maybe you're in a bit over your head right now.

No matter. Right now, you just need to focus on Olias. Moving to the end of the corridor, you once again check to your left and to your right; no staff members are in sight so far. However, you hear what sound like adult voices at the other end of the corridor that you're about to move into. You may want to consider being cautious. However, you'll probably be able to get to Olias without a problem.

You move to Olias' room, which is not too far down the Gold corridor. Knocking on his door, you don't get a response at first. You knock once again and, this time, he responds by opening the door. He's dressed in a simple t-shirt and light shorts for his nightwear. "Yes- wait, Weasly? What are you doing here? We're on lockdown, you can't be out here right now!" He sounds a little bit worried, though he also seems to wear an expression of relief upon his face.

More gunshots are heard. This time, a soft screech echoes off of the walls of the building as the mysterious cause of the lockdown continues on.

((I'll call the golem a Drone Class in honor of the ants which inspired it.))

Intruders! Amass my golem army, then climb atop my protector golem, and move the entire army towards the voices. Do not attack. It would be best to negotiate first.
It's time to test what your golems can do against potential threats. If they are armed and retaliate, you'll be able to see how your golems perform against ballistic or melee weapons. If they are unarmed, you will certainly have an upper hand in the form of security. Mentally calling up all of the golems, you bring the Protector golem to you and have him put you on his shoulder. Without further ado, you order your golems to move up the tunnel and present themselves to the intruders. Complying silently, they move in a defensive formation up the relatively small tunnel as best as they can. It doesn't help that they are quite noisy, though you would wager that the element of stealth is long gone by now.

With you in the center of the formation, you reach near the top of the tunnel and stop short. You set up some of your less expensive golems on the front and march them forward. Your Protector golem follows the front line and allows you to see the entrance of the tunnel. There, you find three teenagers standing around, frightened.

...Well, that was certainly underwhelming. Though, in a way, you are grateful that nobody from any sort of organized group found your golems yet. That would make your plans more difficult than they already were. You look down upon the teenagers as they begin to take small steps back, obviously scared by the appearance of autonomous clay statues. From their clothes and their skin tones, you can tell that they are Atisi, or at least affiliated with them somehow. Therefore, you don't believe that they would pose much of a threat to you.

Still, there is the chance that they might go blabbering around about giant, moving statues. On the off-chance that said action does occur, it is likely that they will be seen as crazy or as liars, considering that it's pretty hard to believe that somebody is living under the surface of the earth, leading a golem army. Yet, there you are, doing exactly that.

It's up to you to consider what you want to do with the teenagers. They don't really pose anything of a threat, so the best course of action would probably be turning them away. But your will shall be imposed as you like. After all, you're the one in the saddle here.

"Right now my next priority is a decent long blade. My knives are fine for most problems but they just aren't long enough to penetrate to the vitals of larger shadows. Problem is I don't have funding and a good sword is expensive."
Dr. Kito scratches his head as he contemplates your response. "Well, to be honest, I don't know where you could get a good weapon in this town. I've never had a use for one. I'm just a botanist, like I said." He laughs as he says this, entertained by the idea that a botanist could have use for something like a longsword. "Perhaps if a plant mutated to try and kill me, sure, I would need something like a sword. But that hasn't happened yet to me. Anyways, you might want to check with Deon about that. He ventures around the shops of the town sometimes. He'll definitely know more than I do about where to find a sword like that. He's usually somewhere around the food market at this time of the day. If he's not there, you might be able to find him on the outskirts of town to the south."

He also listens when you mention that you don't have funding. "Ah, that's right, you're not from this area. Well, if you need some support, I might be able to help you with some money. Anything you need to get yourself started up, really. Food, equipment, some knowledge - please, do inform me if you need anything else."

 Cromwell chimes in, saying, "Thank you, Doctor. We appreciate your hospitality. I'm not really in need of anything else right now, though that may change if we decide to explore the shops. Getting us a weapon or two would be ideal at the moment."

"Like I said, whatever you need, as long as it's not too crazy. I've only so much of my own money. If you're going to be heading out to the town soon, you're welcome to stop by for dinner, and stay as long as you'd like."

"Hah-huh hah-huh... why is it climbing what the hell how the hell..."Can't run. Need to fight. Can't fight. Weapon not good enough, too injured. Need a better weapon. Need to be uninjured. Need a miracle.
Jonathan Eridis
A miracle would be very appreciated right now. You might be able to ward off your attacker with your knife, but due to the way it is climbing up a tree despite being a canine-looking creature, you might also not be able to rely on that to help you out. Considering your injuries, you're probably not going to have luck maneuvering around or getting down from the tree in a reasonable amount of time. Not like you'd want to get down anyway; having the high ground always turns out to be an advantage.

You clutch your knife close to you and pray that you will be able to make it out alive. The shadowy creature continues to slime its way up the tree, almost like a slug taking a canine form.  It is nearing closer and closer to you, almost within a few meters of you. You inch away from it, using the branch. However, there is a definite end to the branch. You're not going to be able to get away from it forever.

Suddenly, you feel something... different about yourself. Something strange wells up inside of you. You begin to feel very ill, as if pneumonia had suddenly struck you without reason. You open your eyes and find something very disturbing below you. In fact, it is so out of the ordinary that even the creature turns its head back to look at what is emerging from the ground.

White nubs grow out of the ground. Those nubs turn into sticks - to be more precise, bones, Yes, there are bones of all different types growing out of the ground. Combined with that, a single stack of earth is rising from the dirt. Many of the bones suddenly snap from their places in the ground and fly around in a mini-cyclone around the dirt stack. More and more bones join the cyclone and appear to lock together. Over time, the bones form what looks like a humanoid body, with the dirt forming the "meat" of the body. Instead of there being a skull, a faceless head formed out of dirt tops the skeleton. In addition to its humanoid body, one of its hands is modified to form a sickle shape. The other is a hand with claws at the end of it, formed by sharp bone ends.

The humanoid figure stands still for a few moments before snapping its head up. It locks its view onto the slimy creature. The two of them face each other down for a few moments. Finally engaging, the skeleton pounces onto the tree and embeds its sickle-hand into the tree's trunk, right next to the shadowy creature. In response, the creature jumps off of the tree and attempts to wrestle the skeleton down. The skeleton anticipates the attack and hops off of the tree also. It feints a heavy strike from above its head. The canine creature attempts to dodge to the right, but directly falls into the skeleton's true trap. The skeleton embeds its claws deep into the creature. The creature howls out in pain and struggles for a few seconds before the skeleton runs it through with its sickle-hand also. At this time, the creature falls limp, having been separated from life.

You have no idea what that was; no idea of where that skeleton humanoid came from; no idea why that creature and the skeleton fought. However, you are at least happy that the skeleton took down your would-be predator. The skeleton, in turn, looks to you. You can't tell any emotions from its blank face, but you feel as if the skeleton doesn't mean harm to you. The skeleton, then, simply turns around and begins trudging in the opposite direction.

You try to call after the skeleton to see what it was, but all that comes out is a hoarse voice. You feel sick to your core. Failing to regain your health, the world around you goes black as you succumb to a strange sort of fatigue. The last thing you remember is the sight of the predatory creature smoking, almost as if it was evaporating. Then, only darkness as you fell off of the tree branch.

Author's Notes: Most of what I would have said here was already covered in the chapter introduction. If you check the Compendium, about half of the turn repository has been completed. The rest will be completed in the next few days. I hope you enjoy what this update has amounted to, and may this chapter be all the more interesting.

I hope you all have a wonderful week,


  • Bay Watcher
  • Not the weirdest on Bay12!
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #965 on: August 22, 2015, 08:09:02 am »

((My money's on Rune eating the kids.))
Move to check out the screech.
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
  • Come on, just a taste of your soul?
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #966 on: August 22, 2015, 08:55:32 am »

((I have four options here. The first is the simplest, and probably very effective too: Scare them more. The more frightened they are, the more likely they are to exaggerate the appearance of our forces. The more exaggerated we are, the less believable we are. Second, I could kill them. Hurray! But I still have a bit of my morals intact, so that's the least likely. Third, I could hold them prisoner. That would prevent the story from getting out, but would still have a moral tinge to it, so meh. My final option would be to befriend them. Let's see what I can do...))

Rune's mind moved quickly. He was scheming, weighing possible actions and outcomes. On the outside, however, he was wearing a warm smile and staring at the kids. Finishing his rapid thinking, Rune gave a tiny nod to his new plan. "Greetings, children! Welcome to the dreamworld. I know, I know, everyone says 'But I never fell asleep!'. That's true. But this is more of a hallucination. You see, it happens whenever people stumble into a certain patch of mushrooms in the forest. The spores enter their lungs and the hallucinations begin. In simple man's terms, you got too close to bad mushrooms, and now you're unconscious on the forest floor. But isn't it obvious you're dreaming? I mean, a giant army of clay soldiers. Really? You think this could be real?"
Rune then awaited a response.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #967 on: August 22, 2015, 09:15:05 am »

Wake up
You wanna frisk this guy? This guy with the technicolor wonder limbs? The limbs that could probably slap you on several different levels of reality?
Your tabs are just pure chaos, Wolfkit.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #968 on: August 25, 2015, 03:58:07 pm »

"Well, that's that then. If Artemis comes by, please let me know."
I pause, giving anyone that has anything else to say a chance to speak up, but if nobody has anything else to add, then I head back outside.

If Cromwell comes behind, then I turn and pass him one of my throwing knives again, take a couple steps away, and assume a ready stance.
"Ready when you are."

If Cromwell doesn't come, then after giving him some time to show up, I head down to look for Deon and a quality blade.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Worlds together, worlds apart.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #969 on: August 29, 2015, 06:47:49 pm »

Beep, boop! Reminder to those who haven't posted yet to put in their turns. I'll post a turn regardless in a week max.

Thanks everyone,


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #970 on: September 02, 2015, 03:56:16 am »

Beep, boop! Reminder to those who haven't posted yet to put in their turns. I'll post a turn regardless in a week max.

Thanks everyone,
I'm alive and will post stuff later! Same with Special People [and I finally recalled your post DAF, from very long ago in the Curses forum. No wonder you're familiar! Gah my memory. -.-]. Sorry for disappearance! Please Auto me if I'm not available 3 days post-GM post.

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
  • What do I care for your suffering?
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #971 on: September 02, 2015, 09:47:49 am »

Eh Ah

Does this woman look significant? Check her pulse and breath.

If she continues being unusual, see if I can guide her to come with me.

In either case, it's probably time to head on back to Aecrocia, with or without her.

Warren Drake

"Hey, I'm back. Got something to drink. You want any?"

Politely offer booze to the girl. If she declines, take a sip myself.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Worlds together, worlds apart.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #972 on: September 07, 2015, 05:52:05 am »


Alright, so I've been very busy. Lot of work on my plate and some issues on the personal side that prevent me from working to my fullest. I still encourage people to post as quickly as possible (with fluff still! I always love reading peoples' replies!), but since there's a smaller amount of replies here, I should be able to get through this quicker. If there's still a shortage of turn posts next turn, then I'll quicken the turns by a few days, possibly even a week if I am able to.

I still need to work on the last half of that under-construction section in the Compendium. Probably won't be done this weekend due to a lot of work that I still need to finish, but it will be done before the next turn is up. Definitely.

Well, here is the turn for you. Post quickly and I will reply back quickly, too. But, like I said, I always love reading what people have to post, so take your time, too. It's an odd balance.

((My money's on Rune eating the kids.))
Move to check out the screech.
Alex Raman
You find it a bit easier to move around, now that you've gotten a little bit of rest. Of course, your vision is still not up to par and your movement patterns still resemble that of someone who's been spun around three hundred times and asked to move in a straight line. However, you feel like a bit of strength has returned, and that's what will keep you moving - for now, at least. Feeling a wee bit curious now, you move toward the screeching noise instead of away from it. It may be a little strange for you to do so considering your physical state, but perhaps some answers can be extracted from this latest series of events. You hope that this will not end in your death, anyway - it would be a sad end to the story of Alex Raman, a supernatural being the likes of which the world has never seen before.

You make your way back onto the street that you came from. There, you don't seem to see the same guard that was standing there before. Something must have happened to attract his attention. Additionally, you don't believe that you're being followed. Looks like the guards who were tending to you had more pressing issues than to deal with a freak of nature who arrived at this town under dubious circumstances. With no real reason to be wandering around other than to find the source of the screech, you continue to stumble down the sidewalk. Yet more sporadic gunshots, muted screams, and sounds of physical fighting combine to project a cacophony of gruesome nature.

After rounding a few more corners, you find what you were looking for. Down the street, you can make out two human figures about a hundred meters away, both appearing to be soldiers. One of them is firing at a... well, it's something. A large, high-arched, quadrupedal creature hops off of a balcony and moves rather quickly for its size, bounding between lamp posts, trash cans, and low fences. The soldier firing his gun gets several hits on the beast, but it continues with only a small grunt to acknowledge being hit. It mercilessly smashes into the soldier and pins him down. Once again, it screeches in that same tone as before, which makes you feel a little bit sick. The soldier appears to yell something at the monster and struggles to get out of its unrelenting grip.

You have a little bit of time to act if you wanted to, but if not, now would be a good time to either run if you wanted to, or continue observing if you're curious.

((I have four options here. The first is the simplest, and probably very effective too: Scare them more. The more frightened they are, the more likely they are to exaggerate the appearance of our forces. The more exaggerated we are, the less believable we are. Second, I could kill them. Hurray! But I still have a bit of my morals intact, so that's the least likely. Third, I could hold them prisoner. That would prevent the story from getting out, but would still have a moral tinge to it, so meh. My final option would be to befriend them. Let's see what I can do...))

Rune's mind moved quickly. He was scheming, weighing possible actions and outcomes. On the outside, however, he was wearing a warm smile and staring at the kids. Finishing his rapid thinking, Rune gave a tiny nod to his new plan. "Greetings, children! Welcome to the dreamworld. I know, I know, everyone says 'But I never fell asleep!'. That's true. But this is more of a hallucination. You see, it happens whenever people stumble into a certain patch of mushrooms in the forest. The spores enter their lungs and the hallucinations begin. In simple man's terms, you got too close to bad mushrooms, and now you're unconscious on the forest floor. But isn't it obvious you're dreaming? I mean, a giant army of clay soldiers. Really? You think this could be real?"
Rune then awaited a response.
Considering that this is your first encounter with other human beings since you set up shop in these caverns, there hasn't been much opportunity to think about how you would approach an encounter such as this. After all, most of your time has been fully devoted to making sure that your golem army will be strong enough to be self-sufficient and ready to tumble out there in the wide world, against the big powers of the world. Well, perhaps you wouldn't be so quick to tussle with the princes and princesses of the planet, but you're certainly going to get there.

Anyway, back to the scenario at hand. You have two kids who might possibly either cause trouble for you by spreading the word about your little experiment or would perhaps do something to screw around with what you're working on. Considering the events of late, you wouldn't be surprised if they were able to cause some serious damage by just looking in your direction. Considering that you and your golems are not giant piles of dust right now, you only keep the possibility of extreme danger in the back of your mind.

Suddenly, a rather clever solution pops into your head. Instead of attacking them, or trying to scare them, you can use a bit of mind-bending to convince them that this is not entirely reality. You doubt that an adult human would believe what they see in front of them; it should be even easier to convince mere kids that all's but figures of their imaginations. You clear your throat, put on your best showman's voice, and give them a short but sweet explanation of what they're seeing that may or may not be true. At least, they don't know if it's true or not.

After you let your little story loose, the kids seem to look between each other and you, trying to decide whether they should believe you or not. Your golems stand silently, giving them shivers with the golems' eyes of quiet intimidation. The teens, in their fear, don't even consider replying to you or trying to figure out the situation on their own. One of them simply nods and begins to walk backwards, while one of the other two says, "R-right. Right, it's.. just a dream.. just a dream. But, then.."

"No, we have to go, Jan!" the third teenager replies. He, too, begins to turn around and leave. However, oddly enough, Jan begins to walk toward you instead of away from you.

"If this is a dream," she says quietly, "then I can change this dream. I can control it." She strides forward confidently. You're not sure how to react to this.

"Jan, I am talking to you! This.. I don't know what it is, but we have to go!"

She turns her head and speaks to the kid who is edging toward the entrance to the tunnel. She replies, "But if it is a dream, then there's nothing to be afraid of. It'll pass."

Wake up
Jonathan Eridis
What a pleasant day it is.

You try to forget about your pain, just for a moment. As you open your eyes ever so slowly, you attempt to focus on nothing but the rhythm of the rain falling all around you. It's not that bad of a rainfall - more like a light drizzle than anything. You were first awakened by several raindrops falling onto your nose and your forehead and your lips. Like a blessing from nature after the travails of last night, the rain and cool air make for a rather calming atmosphere. To your satisfaction, your pain seems to be declining from what it was last night. You'll have to do a check of your bandages, but for now, you enjoy the clean air and fresh environment.

A minute or two passes by as you simply lie where you are. Then, you snap to your senses. What about that strange, skeleton-like form that pushed its way out of the ground and killed that creature for you? Going even deeper, what was that thing that assaulted you? You've never seen such a creature in your life. It was slimy, quiet, and predatory. It was able to climb a tree with what seemed like no effort. It even showed restraint before going after you, and seemed to display some sort of contemplation over you. You sit up and look around, wincing as your leg flares up with pain. Only the trees and the rocks and the muddy terrain lie before you. There are no signs of the bony assembly or the canine-like animal. However, you do see some scratch marks on the tree behind you, and what looks to be several stab points in the tree.

Well, there doesn't seem to be any immediate threat in the area, so you instead focus on examining your wounds. Your two most major wounds - the ones on an arm and a leg each - seem to not have gotten worse, which is a plus. The arm wound actually seems to have gotten better, as it is beginning to go through the healing process. It also seems to not hurt as much as the leg injury does. However, the bandage you crafted and strapped to the wound seems to have almost completely fallen apart. Looking to your leg now, you find that it hasn't healed too much, and the pain continues to afflict you. On the plus side, the bandage there is still intact, with only a short tear to mark any sort of damage. The rest of the wounds across your body are either beginning to scab over or return to their previous, natural color.

You consider it quite remarkable that you haven't picked up any sort of infection yet - miraculous, even. Still, you keep your wits about you. There is still plenty of time for any sort of pathogen to make its way into your system and strike you weak. With your apparent robustness, however, comes a thirst and a hunger. That energy expended to keep you alive here has to come from somewhere. In the end, you're thankful that you're even alive.

Answers to what happened yesterday can come later. Survival comes today.

You are thirsty. You are hungry.

"Well, that's that then. If Artemis comes by, please let me know."
I pause, giving anyone that has anything else to say a chance to speak up, but if nobody has anything else to add, then I head back outside.

If Cromwell comes behind, then I turn and pass him one of my throwing knives again, take a couple steps away, and assume a ready stance.
"Ready when you are."

If Cromwell doesn't come, then after giving him some time to show up, I head down to look for Deon and a quality blade.
"I will let you know as soon as I hear anything back. Thank you for understanding the situation. Hopefully, we'll be able to get this resolved quickly. Now, if I may, I must see what Erin's cooking this morning. I haven't eaten in a while." Dr. Kito smiles and shakes hands with you and Cromwell. Cromwell, in turn, says, "It was a pleasure, Doctor." Having ending the conversation, the two of you leave his office while he gets to his desk and writes something down on a piece of paper. Then, he locks the door behind him and walks down the hallway to the kitchen, whistling all the while. You suggest to Cromwell that the two of you head outside of the Complex. Cromwell shrugs and agrees, seeing no reason not to.

You make your way back to the front room and head outside, noticing that the time is now just past noon. Considering the amount of time you have before nightfall, you decide that it might be worth it to get in some practice with Cromwell before you head out to find Deon and a weapons store nearby. You take a throwing knife in hand and quietly turn, presenting the knife to Cromwell. Initially, he is slightly confused, but he soon catches on. He takes the knife from you and inspects it. "You want me to practice, I'm assuming?" You nod and tell him that he wanted to participate in the fights, after all. "Yeah, I did. Well, let's get started," he replies.

You give him no chance to set himself up. Making a shot at him, you take a step forward and attempt to stab into him, giving him nearly enough time to react on his own. He picks up quick enough and steps out of the way, attempting to counter attack. You dodge out of his way and find an opening. His stance is on the offensive and rather weak. You begin to make a motion that signals that you are winding up for an attack, and he prepares himself accordingly. However, instead of directly attacking, you make a glancing slash at him to get his attention. He adjusts his stance to dodge the attack, and that is when you strike. You get low and make a sweeping kick with your right leg, trying to knock him down. However, he reads your attack just in time and swings his own leg back, putting him into a defensive stance. You recover from your missed attack and move back into your own defensive maneuver.

You have to give him credit. Despite his apparent lack of knowledge in sword fighting, he's managed to catch on very quickly. Still, he gives up his guard sometimes and is rather slow in his reaction time. If you were giving your full effort to kill or incapacitate him, he would be down before he knew it. He's improving, however, and that's what counts here.

Cromwell has improved his skill in Sword Fighting to Basic. +1 to all attack rolls when equipped with a sword or knife.

After half an hour or so of this, you end the training and allow him some time to recover. Erin, having heard you practicing, came out to bring you water about ten minutes ago, which you decide to drink fully now. With Cromwell's training one step closer to completion, you feel a bit more confident that you'll be able to at least survive a little bit longer against these Shadows. At the very least, he'll be able to defend himself to a certain extent against the Shadows.

I'm alive and will post stuff later! Same with Special People [and I finally recalled your post DAF, from very long ago in the Curses forum. No wonder you're familiar! Gah my memory. -.-]. Sorry for disappearance! Please Auto me if I'm not available 3 days post-GM post.
((Ah, lovely. Don't worry, take your time.
Oh, and what post are your referring to? I don't think I've posted in the Curses forum... though, if I did, that must've been quite some time ago.
And now I'm reminded of a forum for a quite nice game that's been dead for about three years or so. Was a shame, too, considering the game was really good considering what it was.
Eleri [autoaction]
As you walk back to the house, you think over the events of recent. From your isolation on the shores of this island, you've set up your own little shelter in the ruins of a small village that ran from the coast to the forests inland. It really was more of a path with houses along it than anything. You collected some meager supplies for basic sustenance. For the duration of your stay, you hadn't really explored too much. Your focus was mainly on staying alive and gathering enough supplies to explore a bit if you could. Once you came across the spring, surviving became much easier. Despite the serenity of the ghost village, the crystal-clear waters and the fishing boats out on the horizon, and the harmonies of nature's sounds all coming together to comfort you, you still felt a tinge of isolation in your core. Still missing was that feeling of being able to communicating with other human beings without being regarded as some sort of oddity, a curious creature fit for the circuses and freak shows. Sure, you are as intelligent as any other human and even more compassionate, but how will people judge one who shares the physical traits of an animal?

Shortly after your stay on this island, you were blessed with the appearance of a rather weak and damaged individual - a boy with near-blindness. You don't know where he came from, but you know that he was gravely injured, and that you needed to care for him, or he would die. It was a strange set of circumstances, but his ability to be kind despite your physical appearance connected with you. Despite the chance that you won't see him again after you take him to be cared for by medical professionals, you know that you've crossed paths with someone who may indeed have changed your life for the positive.

You arrive at the abandoned house, having departed from your train of thought. Now that the day is turning to night and the sky splashes with colors of pink and purple, you know that you've to get a fire going soon. Thankfully, the chimney inside of the house and the stock of firewood will make that much easier for you. All that's left is to actually light the fire. You enter the house and climb to the second floor, where you find Flynn napping quietly, his arms crossed in front of him. He has a peaceful, child-like face when he sleeps, free from the dangers and the wounds that he's encountered in the past few days. You decide to leave him as he is for now and start working on getting the fire going.

You walk over to the stack of wood and take two logs with you, placing them neatly in the fireplace. You'll start with that for now, and add more logs to the fire once you've got it started. You use pretty much the same method that you used originally to start the fire when you were back at the ruins. This time, it should be even easier considering that you have already-prepared, dried wood set here for you. In no time at all, you get a tiny fire going and tend to it, helping it to grow and claw its way over the logs. It hungrily eats over the logs, taking the material and the oxygen to create a source of light and heat. You decide to add a couple more logs to the fire for now. Finally, you sit near it and sigh, taking in the heat and feeling energized, despite the exhausting trip that you took to get here.

You feel quite proud of yourself. A few days ago, you never would have thought that you were to be the one who would potentially save someone's live and help him across an entire island. Of course, you're not all the way there yet, but you're making great progress. Assuming nothing happens during this night, you'll be good to go and back on your way. Seeing as you were approaching a vantage point before you had to turn around and come back, you should be able to find a recognizable landmark or route that Flynn could guide you on. From then on, it's only a matter of time before you reach your destination. And then, well, that's up to the stars to decide for you.

Eh Ah

Does this woman look significant? Check her pulse and breath.

If she continues being unusual, see if I can guide her to come with me.

In either case, it's probably time to head on back to Aecrocia, with or without her.

Eh Ah
Although you're not all too familiar with the intricacies of the Magis Kingdom, you do know that most of the public faces of the Kingdom usually have some sort of regal wear on them, be it lavish jewelry, fine clothing, or a symbol of the Crown family's rule. As far as you can see, the woman in front of you has none of these identifying articles. She seems to be a regular civilian with her simple combination of a navy-blue blouse, grey pants, and basic black shoes. She's about as plain and common and someone might be.

You decide that it might be wise to check her breathing and her pulse to make sure that her vitals are still functioning properly. She seems to be breathing alright from what you feel and see. You do take note that she is breathing very regularly and deeply, like one would do if they were sleeping. You then check her pulse on her neck for a minute. As far as you can tell, her pulse is also pretty normal, though a little bit on the slower side. Her pulse is nothing that would worry anybody, however. To you, it seems that she would be a normally-functioning human being.

Considering that she hasn't really moved from her spot since you began your cursory examination, you're beginning to think that there's at least something wrong with her on the mental level. Then again, considering what you've seen in Aecrocia from the moment the volcano blew, you wouldn't be all too surprised if she did turn out to be possessed by some sort of spirit or other supernatural entity. You attempt to pull her along with you, just to see if she'll follow you along. Surprisingly, she does not resist when you pull her along. However, when you let go of her, she does not continue to follow you, still staring at any wall or empty space that just so happens to cross her paralyzed view.

If you could pull her along, maybe you'd be able to find someone who knows a bit more about what state of mind or body she's in. For now, though, the time draws close for you to depart back to Aecrocia. Though your search in Magis didn't turn out to be the most successful, you at least know now that it has not been completely abandoned. There is still much to explore if you so desire, however.

Warren Drake

"Hey, I'm back. Got something to drink. You want any?"

Politely offer booze to the girl. If she declines, take a sip myself.
Warren Drake
Being the gentleman you are, you politely announce your return and ask her if she wants some of the liquor that you acquired. She, with all of her focus on stringing up the clothes, reflexively flinches and turns around. "Ah - you startled me there! I didn't think you were coming back here." She laughs nervously and waves to you. "I hope that your trip went well." You offer her some of your liquor once again. She looks at it for a second and shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but I'm not really a drinker. Thank you for the offer, though."

She folds some clothes in her arms and begins to stride back to her domicile while you take another sip from the liquor bottle. It's about 5/6 of the way full, so you'll still have plenty of time to drink it all up if you wanted to. "So, is there anything you need? Food? Water? I might be bale to help you." You don't know why she would automatically go to assuming that you would want the bare necessities, but maybe that's out of courtesy.

In fact, right now, food doesn't sound too bad. As long as she's an okay cook or better, you think that you'd be fine. Anything to really take your mind off of the shenanigans of late - especially with Darzenis, though you haven't talked to that glorified insect in a while.

Author's Note: Too tired to put anything here. Most of the stuff was covered in the introduction.
I hope you all have a great evening and following weekend,
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 12:42:43 am by DarkArtemisFowl »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Not the weirdest on Bay12!
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #973 on: September 07, 2015, 08:20:56 am »

Alex would stare over in curiosity. He would get down low and watch the creature. He felt burning interest towards the brutal beast. It was what he strives to be. A manifestation of death, vengeance for losing what they once had. "What a brutal creature. I like it."
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
  • Come on, just a taste of your soul?
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Re: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Begin Chapter VI]
« Reply #974 on: September 07, 2015, 10:44:42 am »

"Now that's not quite right. Normally, it's very hard to consciously manipulate a dream unless you know you're dreaming. However, due to the fact that I just told you that you're dreaming, you should be able to manipulate it, right? Unfortunately not. Because this is not a normal dream, but rather an induced unconsciousness, you are unable to manipulate it. If you didn't understand what I meant there, because you were knocked out by the mushrooms you can't manipulate the dream. Speaking of the mushrooms, they are magic. Have you ever had a shared dream with another person who consciously remembered the dream? I think not. The mushrooms melded your mind into this pseudo-magical dream. Do you possess any other questions?"
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."
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