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Author Topic: Roll To Medium: Awakening [Chapter VI]  (Read 149258 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #765 on: December 19, 2014, 03:50:17 pm »

WOO! Finals are over and I am back in action!

I'm going to start on the turn later today. It'll be somewhat short this time to allow for more dialogue, considering that there were a lot of conversations continued/started that I didn't get around to before I started on the Finals. However, hopefully this will more than make up for that lull in action.

All the best and have a wonderful winter,



  • Bay Watcher
  • Worlds together, worlds apart.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #766 on: December 22, 2014, 11:12:21 pm »


I get back to work
Jack Weasly
Not wanting to cause more trouble down in the mines, you decide to head back to work and help your two comrades in collecting the precious ore and moving it up to the surface area. This monotonous task is very familiar to you, having been done for several years now, the product of an unfortunate orphanage that you have been thrown into. Still, there might be hope of change soon. All you need to do is play your cards quietly and allow the situation to develop slowly. Maybe you'll find a way to retrieve some explosives and stage an escape. The problem, however, lies within what you will do after you escape.  Where are you to go and what are you to do? Who's to say that the Empire will not find you after your escape and bring you back to the deepest parts of the mines?

With these questions in your mind, you continue to work for several hours more. The drone of the movement and small explosions within the mines draws down as the day grows longer and longer. You're almost near the end of your work day, and soon the buses will be here to transport you and some of the other kids to an "orphanage," if you could even call it that.

Lirian, Medium of Sword and Shadow

"Haha, hello again. What information do you have for me today?"
I get up and check myself, seeing if I'm still injured while I'm here.
"Anything you can tell me about that Artemis guy and the Shadows?"
If i'm not injured, then I go over to the nearby woods and get to practicing shadowstepping, attempting to make myself more reliable and faster at it, especially over short distances, such that I can use it in combat in between individual blows. to attack from the sides and rear of my opponant, or to evade attacks that I wouldn't otherwise be able to.

If I am injured, then I inspect the injury and ((assuming that unlike if I said this in ER, I won't be at risk of self-amputation)) perform first aid to treat it. After i've treated my injuries, I'll then attempt to learn how to shadowstep through and to smaller shadows, and especially how to step through my own shadow. Moving slowly the entire time to me kind to my injuries.
You call out to the world around you, hoping that the lost girl who serves as your otherworldly  mentor shows up once again. You don't have to wait long before you hear her voice again.
"Oh, it's you again. I didn't think you would show up tonight; you're later than usual." You turn your head and try to find her, spotting her sitting up on a sturdy tree branch within the forest. She doesn't stay there long, however. In a split second, her image vaporizes and reappears in the meadow in front of you, with no effort at all involved in the process. Considering the nature of this place, you would expect that by now.

"So, what was the hold-up? Didya knock yourself out on a tree branch?" You ignore her question and observe the forest, noticing that now wouldn't be a bad time to start practicing your shadow-step abilities again. As far as you can tell, you don't seem to be injured while you're in this world, which is a plus. She gestures with her hands at the ground and allows two folding chairs to materialize out of thin air. Inviting you to take a seat, she asks you to explain what happened tonight. However, you instead reply with a question, asking if she knows anything about Artemis and the Shadows that you fought.

"WHAT?!" She immediately stands out of her chair, looking at you with a shocked, wide-eyed stare. The sky above you ripples with waves of darkness, as if someone knocked the sun out of place. "Nononononononononononono! Him?! But... how? If you saw him, then who did I see earlier? It's... not possible! There can't be two of him at one time, let alone ONE of him! What the hell is going on?" A cold wind chills the air in the forest, with the leaves rustling and giving you a sense of dread. It doesn't help that Danielle is freaking out right now, pacing around and asking questions that you don't know the answer to.

Instead of dealing with her emotional overflow right now, you decide that it might be better to get some practice in with shadow-stepping and let her deal with this on her own.

The subtle nuances of the day vanished along the apparent rays of the sun as Eleri took this time to enjoy nature's fine beauty -- the sunset. It was a shimmering view of orange, pink, red, and darkening gray, with the colors reflecting off the murky horizon. She took a deep breath of the sea-side air, and felt the ocean breeze caress her as she stretched to knead the pains away. Her toes tapped the warm sand beneath her, and she dug the tiniest of depressions with them as she played around with miniscule effort: she was happy today, despite all that had happened. She was safe.

Nightfall comes, and Eleri's mind wanders again. The setting sun lead to the basic idea of warmth. She had to prepare a fire for the boy, much less for herself given her own natural protection. She had wondered why she didn't spent the fifth or sixth day providing that, if in case of a storm or cold front: the ruins provided ample protection for a suitable fire, and considering the clay materials of many of the dilapidated houses, many of them could serve as a rudimentary, yet efficient and probably even insulated warmth-room. Eleri was reminded of another story she had come across in her youth, of how protagonists improvise and utilize their creativity in times of troubles; she was an awfully creative person, as said by one of the humans of long ago, sometimes coming up with ingenious ideas never thought of before--Eleri wondered if these strokes of creativity would occur just yet.

Considering her initial gatherings after securing her physiological needs-
As for supplies, you have a bucket, a couple of long branches, and a bowl of fruit that you've stored in a house nearby. It's not much, but it's certainly a good start, despite your new arrival on the island.
-Eleri wondered if she could create a basic set of equipment for use, given that she now had a guest to tend to (or at least prepare him off for a journey to the local village). She needed a tool, something sharp like a knife but with more utility to it.

She needed a knife.

Take the night off to rest and watch over the boy--look over what I have, able, and ponder upon which areas I managed to explore that would be very suitable for fashioning a crude knife to work with, as well as possible areas of forage and interest: the main objective once the morning came was to bring the boy to (or as near to) civilization as possible, and she needed aid in doing so.
> If possible, try to find materials which I could use before the night becomes too dark to see in for the plan ahead.
> First, though, ensure the boy is sleeping soundly, with comfort and probably something soft to rest upon, as well as a source of warmth! (ie A small fire)
> Ensure the area he is sleeping in is free from harmful insects (ie Move him to my sleeping quarters)
> Examine the boy thoroughly.
> . . .!!!

Oh goodness, I almost forgot! That...slime!

> Look over that blacking slime--use rocks or such to act as an improvised bowl for it and...experiment with it. Discern its physical attributes!
As the night falls, you know that you will have to search for more resources to sustain your camp. You don't expect to be in anyone's company but your own, which should make the tasks at hand easier, as you only have to account for yourself soon. Your time within the forest has given you a vague understanding of the surrounding area. The area around the little ghost town  is somewhat hilly and has an abundance of trees, which may or may not work to your advantage. At the very least, it will be quite easy to obtain some kindling for fire, but you are not sure if you can find some tools for starting a fire easily. Food won't be too much of a problem if you remain mobile, as the fruits on this island seem to be safe enough from what you already know.

Before the day grows too long, you begin exploring the region surrounding your camp, looking for tools to help you in your endeavors and for some new food sources. Like expected, you find some thin, dry branches that are perfect for starting a fire. It doesn't take you long before you find a good pile of the branches, and you take them back to the houses and store them with your other supplies. The rest of your search doesn't yield anything out of the ordinary, unfortunately. You fail to find any stones or pieces of metal sharp enough to be fit for a knife, and, creating a knife right now would take far too much time for the approaching night. It would be best to save your energy and explore tomorrow, possibly after you leave the boy at the town.

The best you manage to bring along with you before the darkness of the night blankets you is a clump of spider web silk from under one of the larger trees in the forest, and a couple of heavier branches that you may be able to use for wood later on. You head back to your shelter and leave these materials alongside the kindling, food, and other branches that you've already collected.

There's not much you can do at this time of the night to find something comfortable for him to lie down on while he sleeps. The best you are able to put together is a bed of leaves that will act as a pillow for him. Hopefully, it will suffice for now, until he is able to wake up in the morning and you are able to bring him to a more comfortable place. You prepare this pillow in your own shelter and carefully lift him over to the building which you reside in. This will allow you to watch over him and your own supplies, a twofold benefit.

You look over him and find that he seems to be improving ever-so-slowly. His breathing is still shaky and he murmurs in his sleep, however. You can sense that he has some kind of fear about him, or at the very least, his sleep is troublesome. You hope that you've done as best as you can in helping him to heal, allowing him to be happy despite his pain. The low light makes it hard to see, but you trust that he is fine, for now.

In your own corner, you begin to drift off, needing some sleep yourself. Before you begin your slumber, however, you snap awake and remember that you still need to check on the strange, slimy goop. You move over to the rock that you think you placed it on and look for the slime.
...It's just.. gone! You feel over the surface of the rock, but there is no trace of the material left! Not even a stain or a piece of it resides. You search on nearby rocks, but find nothing of the black substance.

You wonder where it could have gone. As far as you know, it can't move on its own, and you don't think that any creature would want such a material. It leaves you puzzled, but you move back to your shelter and sit down, watching over the boy again and listening to the ambient sounds of the night. The waves soothe your ears, leaving you hopeful for the morning.

Tomorrow will be better, you assure yourself. Tomorrow will make more sense. You'll find out what this means soon.

"Well, today's the day. The day that I return home. Not quite the best weather but-no. I'm not backing out now. If I don't go now I don't know when I'll leave, and I've been out here far too long as it is."
Jonathan looks up at the sky. That said, if this journey would go a lot smoother if this were to clear up by nightfall.
"Well then, off I go..."
I know that towns are often built next to rivers or streams, so that's a good place to start. Do I know of any rivers or streams? If so, travel downriver alongside the nearest one. If not travel downhill (or downslope), that should lead me to a river or stream. If I come across any nuts add them to my bag, or eat them if there is not room. Eat fruits or berries that I come across too. Not enoungh to hinder traveling of course, but enough to delay hunger and conserve supplies.
Jonathan Eridis
The journey ahead will be both frightening and exciting at the same time. You're not sure what you will do when you find your parents, but you hope that they will accept you with loving arms once again. At the very least, your time spent in the forest has shaped you. You've become accustomed to nature's intricate ways, listening to the hum of the environment and the drawing of the day as insects and animals go about their ways. Although you're still not sure whether or not you are truly ready for the trip, you can wait no longer.

The water source in your area has been supplemented by a spring of water, which eliminates the need for a stream nearby. Unfortunately, this means that you do not know of any rivers in the surrounding area. You know that streams follow the curvature of the land and, naturally, flow downwards. Accordingly, you begin your trek to the west, where the land slopes downward and the area becomes hilly.

It is almost two hours before you find anything close to a stream of water. You've consumed some of your food supply, but you still are in great shape overall. Cresting over a hill, you confirm the sound of rushing water and find a river that courses down through a valley and snakes down into the horizon. With the dense trees and the tough vegetation, you'll have to stay close to the river in order to continue following it, or else you might risk losing the river entirely. Without further ado, you follow the course of the river and continue on your way.

The vegetation here is and green and plentiful, with the afternoon sun poking in through holes in the forest's roof of leaves and tree branches. The rushing water calms you as you make your way down the hilly slopes, and the sound of birds flying overhead gives you comfort. You estimate that it is nearing midday now, the sun slowly traveling across the light-blue sky.

Your first leg of the journey is underway, and so far, you seem to be doing pretty well.

Release control over the destroyed golem, and have all the intact golems return to me. Then, release control over all golems but the creators, and have many more golems be constructed.
That destroyed golem is of no more use to you now. Maybe you'll be able to repair it later, but for now there is no use in continuing to maintain a mental link with something that is inoperable. Instead, you call all of the golems under your control to meet back down in the tunnels, where you will order more golems to be constructed. It takes about four or five minutes, but soon you have all of the golems down in your little tunnels once again. You switch control to the Creator Golems and have them begin working on gathering the clay for the golems, along with preparing basic molds for the new golems.

((I'm having them create the basic forms of the golems so that I don't misinterpret anything and accidentally make too many of a certain type of golem. Is there a specific order that you have for the golems to be created, or will any type of golem do?))

The Creators continue to stockpile clay and mold the clay into anthropomorphic designs, ready to be fitted into larger or smaller golems if needed. All you have to do is assert which types of golems need to be created at the moment, and the Creators will get working on it soon.

Eight golem molds ready.

Warren Drake

Climb down and try to seem non-threatening and non-inquisitive. Friendly, even.

"That must be terrible, seeing nice creatures turn into, well, those like that. I'm sorry. Has it been like this for long?"

Be all supportive and whatnot.
Warren Drake
You're intrigued by this turn of events and not really surprised. After all, weirder things have transpired in the timespan of twenty-four hours, including turning in to an anole, mysterious fog and shadowy creatures spitting taunts, and a talking lizard with a gang of dinosaurs and what sounds like a long lisp.

At this point, you really hope that this is just some screwy nightmare and that you can either get an answer in the next few hours or wake up back on Atis in your comfortable, one-story home in the village. That would be absolute bliss compared to what you've been through so far.

You climb down the tree and approach the girl with a friendly walk. Hopefully, none of your words will make her break down any further, but you're not so hopeful at this point.

"That must be terrible, seeing nice creatures turn into, well, those like that. I'm sorry. Has it been like this for long?" You offer your words of comfort, asking a question at the same time.

"Well... n-not really," she answers between sniffles. "One night, they just started coming and coming, with bigger animals and more of them. I'm not scared of them, just afraid for them.. I don't want to see them.. d-die." She wipes some of her tears away with her sleeve and looks up to you. She seems so childlike to you, but her height and her physical traits seem to betray that notion.

This is going to be tough to deal with.

Eh Ah

"My thoughts, ma'am, would be..."

Eh Ah does a quick mental rundown of his current thoughts.

Naturally, he quickly reconsiders them in the following moments.

"... my thoughts are that warfare is far more inefficient than art, ma'am, time wasted on destruction, antagonizing the world at large and futile conquest when it could be spent trading, ensuring internal security and prosperity, developing economically significant technologies and, of course, establishing a powerful culture, all of which offer more power than military might ever could, and power with a greater lifespan at that. Warfare is for seekers of blood and personal glory, it does no good to the state or the mind. One need but look at the disloyal masses of the Theyin Empire, moved by lust for violent conflict to betray their empress at the first shift of the political wind."
Eh Ah
She tilts her head from side to side, thinking over your words. Thankfully, she's not showing any signs of anger against you for suggesting that her Empire's method of bringing "prosperity" to the world is somewhat flawed. She doesn't say anything until your group arrives at the complex that serves as her temporary headquarters, however.

She motions the guards away and you open the front door for her. The two of you move back into the top floor of the building, looking out at the familiar windows of the place. The bay looks eerily calm in the moonlight, despite the events of the past few days. It reminds you that there is something more to this island than the bitter political disputes of the present. Who knows? Maybe this island will see some sort of peace soon.

And, hey, your words might contribute to that same peace.

"Oh, how easy would it be to just peacefully build," she begins, striding to the desk on the other side of the room. "Although I have not been educated in the ways of peace, it's something that I have already considered. I'm not a total fool. I know what war is and I've experienced it firsthand. I never said I agreed with the practices of my father, despite my parallels to his desires." Your interest is heightened now that you hear her recognition of the disaster of war.

"You see, the power of my rule has been waning. It's been like that ever since my father's reign. My father was not the most sane of men, if I am to be honest. He was lustful, greedy.. mechanical. In some ways, stricken by a madness, he was. Many people were wary of what he was doing, but the Council of Merphois - left hand of the Empire - fully supported my father's actions. I suspect that they, too, were overcome by greed. Yes, there were some dissenters in the Council, but the most ardent supporters of my father were skillful orators. With my father deceased, the Council of Merphois turned to me. Though the person changed, the Council expected me to continue the trend and gain territory for the further development of the Empire.

"In some ways, I am at an impasse. I've struggled to explore other options in the past few months, but you've seen where that has landed me. The Council has probably grown tired of me and selected Apollo, one of their own, to lead the military offensive instead - probably to keep a more watchful eye on me. The position of Empress is failing me, unfortunately. Though I remain a symbol, I am quickly falling out of interest within the political world. Soon, I fear I may be discarded in a coup d'etat, with my own cousin being placed as the new figurehead. His courage and his oratory skills in public may be trouble for the Council soon enough, however.

"Perhaps I'm a relic of a forgotten time. Maybe I have no place in a changing world. But I don't intend to let my visions die out so soon. I do hope for a change of course, but if I am to do so, I need more support on my front. Escaping to the Jaunatne Coalition is no option due to their opposition of my crown also.

"I wonder if I am doomed to be left in the dust of this world, lest I become a puppet of the Council alongside Devicus."

Alex would grab the bar. He would make a large, hysteric swings at the bar. He would attempt to bang on it so the guards will come.
Alex Raman
There's not much left for you to do. If you don't act soon, you might catch an infection in your wound, or worse. You hate to do it, but you must call for the guards and have them take you to somewhere where you may have your wound tended to.

Have your wound tended to... wait, that's your chance! If the guards escort you out of here and into some sort of hospital, you'll have a better chance of escaping there. All you need to do is make enough noise for the guards to come and you will obtain your opportunity. Unfortunately, the bed is broken, which means you can't reach the bars anymore. However, you could bang on the plastic-glass that forms the front wall.

With your best acting, you scream out and bang on the glass with your hands, trying your hardest to get the attention of at least one of the guards. It's not too long before a guard arrives and sees you, with your leg dripping with blood and the broken bed. He disappears through the doorway and comes back with the other guard about a minute later. The senior guard unlocks the door and pulls back your arms as you peacefully comply with them.
"What in the hell did you do to break the bed?" He grunts and pushes you towards the other guard, who binds you with plastic cuffs made of wiry material. "Don't even think of trying anything funny, kid. We're taking you to the medical center. One small screw-up and you're done. Got it?" the younger officer says to you. You nod quietly and follow their orders, moving out onto the main avenue and taking in a deep breath.

Maybe you will get a chance to escape after all. Your distraction, at some cost, will pay off.

"Oh, gosh," Cecil says, laughing nervously, "I don't even know where to begin. Um.

"What's happening tonight? Why was my home attacked?

"Why can I hear people's thoughts in my head like a radio broadcast?"

The questions start spilling out of Cecil.

"Will I ever make it home again? To my father?"

The last question leaves his lips, a look of sadness crossing his usually neutral face. He still had some things to resolve at home, and he wanted desperately to make it back, at least some day.
Cecil G. Palmer
"What is happening tonight, indeed?" she repeats with a sly smile on her face. "Tonight is something... out of the ordinary, you see. The physical dimension which you reside in is not the only one. Occasionally, you will find that some nightmares and dreams become... a reality. Something more than just an apparition. When the time is right and the bounds of reality and dreams overlap, this is what happens. It may be frightening, but this is something you will learn to adapt to." She giggles and draws a symbol in the air: a simple circle, with four other circles on the corners of the center one. There is a blue glow that follows her fingertip, and the glow depicts the symbol for a few more seconds before fading away. "This place is both your home and your destination. Your beginning and your end, your familiar and your stranger. Eventually, you will meet others who have this same ability: the ability to perceive these lines and boundaries. In time, my child. In time.

"As for your home being attacked, well.. it is difficult to ascertain the ambitions of human beings,"
she explains with another giggle. "I will let you know that this is the product of human strife, and that this is not the end of it. As for the reason, I may not tell you now. You will have to explore that soon.

"Your ability to hear other people in your head has been with you since you were born. It is like a frequency, Cecil, a frequency that you were not able to perceive until now. Only now is your mind accustomed to that particular frequency of the mind. It might be uncomfortable now, but that will subside soon. It will become natural to you in time, and you will find others with whom you share a common perception. My advice to you is to work with it slowly and purposefully. It won't be long, and then you will be able to harness the power of this place.

"Your father..."
She giggles again, to your dismay. Despite her calming aura, you can't help but feel that she is acting like she is a cat and you are the mouse, helpless to her knowledge over you. "Well, will you make it back home, my child? I cannot answer that for you. You have to answer that yourself. I may only push you gently, but you are your own master. After that? Well, that is your own choice."

You feel that her answers have been rather cryptic and unhelpful, but maybe she still means well with her answers. At the very least, she doesn't seem to be hurting you, which is a definite plus. Maybe if you prod a bit harder, you will get some meaningful direction instead of confusing replies.

Author's Note: Well, this update was longer than I planned for it to be. Ah well, I can't help it. Though I must, if I am to save more time and push these updates out more frequently. Like repeated often in this update, "soon and in time."

Thanks and have a wonderful winter,
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 04:32:16 pm by DarkArtemisFowl »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #767 on: December 22, 2014, 11:17:13 pm »

((Heya DAF :D You're doing an awesome job as a GM. Keep at it ^ ^
Also I was worried I missed a turn {like other games I'm in} given my spotty net of recent months -.- Glad to see I didn't miss this ;P))

Spoiler: Narrator's Post (click to show/hide)

Alright, viscosity. It may be thicker than water given its opaque nature...or is that the property of the liquid itself? To appear black? No, not really. Water is transparent yet reflective when a substance inside it is-...

Eleri was deep in thought as she stared into the waves of the sea: a dark, grey to black landscape outlined the ocean, and in the darklight, the only guide was the moon shimmering above the waves. She could see the foam crest and rise with each passing roll of the sea, and the repeat was a calming rhythm to her as her thoughts returned to the rocks.

"Fire," she said. The boy needed fire, and given the bed of leaves he was on (and granted, away from any annoying ants or pests of the ground), the thought would do wonders for his health...only that she'd need a big enough fire or a very enclosed space to waft the heated air onto him. She looked around, and her supplies was limited enough--if only she could find a better structure to purpose convection for a more insulated area...

Eleri looked over the boy, brushing away a bit of her hair in the process, noting down that tidiness was a blessing. His clothes were quite alright, for a stranger. Though she wondered what gave him that hair color; blue was a very strange color indeed, and she was quite aware of the natural hair tones that humans had, along with their complexions.

A note of sadness echoed in her, reminder her of her...own physical condition. Maybe he's an outcast, she wondered. Though it would be weird to cast away a person because of color. It could even be a dye as a fashion stance, though it looked and felt very natural to her.

She sighed: this was a matter to deal with tomorrow, and her thoughts were not as vigorous and full of energy as when she was young and in her studies. She did wonder, however, if there was any tangible limit to the energy of thought, until she felt herself nod off in a monotone drawling over the mechanics of muscles and energy generation.

Blinking away sleep, and feeling the very familiar tingle all across her body to stay awake, she tucked up her knees and hugged them close, slumping against a wall facing the boy. Whatever feelings she had about humanity and her isolation were discarded to the side as she appraised him once again.
"You've said little, and yet I feel like you've told me a tome. I'll...see you in the morning, okay? Right." She trailed off and looked away at the last word, sighing as she shivered a bit in the cool, night sea breeze. Brushing a hand over the fur of her ears, and holding her tail in the other, she wrapped it around her body as best as she could.

"Just...don't hurt me when you wake up. Please."

Slumber! Also arrange a ring of rocks with a small depression for a tiny fireplace, and try to get it working in between me and him...before sleeping, of course.
Try to think of all the good that happened today, before sleeping.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 08:18:11 pm by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #768 on: December 23, 2014, 12:50:03 am »

Quote from: from turn
You tell that she's not too far off, but she was knocked unconscious by a Shadow monster instead.
Quote from: from turn
You decide that it might be a good idea to get her to calm down before asking anything else, lest this entire world break apart for any reason.

Lirian, Medium of Sword and Shadow

Same as how I ignored her question about my delay getting here, I ignore her whilst she is pitching a temper tantrum.
She'll get over it.
Until she calms down and gives me answers, I spend my time productively, getting some practice in at shadowstepping. If my injury transfered over to this world, then I aim for precision stepping, using smaller and smaller shadows, and using my own shadow. If it didn't transfer, then I practice stepping quickly, attempting to get fast enough at it that I can incorporate it smoothly into my bladework, appearing and disappearing around my target from all directions.
"So, ready to give me answers yet?"
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #769 on: December 23, 2014, 02:36:24 am »

Warren Drake

"Um... do they, by any chance, ever speak, these changed creatures?"

Eh Ah

"I apologize for the outburst, ma'am, as I am fiercely opinionated, much like any other artist, despite my lack of pertinent information. I probably should not attempt to dictate executive policy to one who has become accustomed to it as intimately as ma'am has, and my lack of expertise on the subject is probably easily apparent, as I can only offer simple and obvious advice, none of which is likely to be helpful. With that in mind, it would probably be wiser to steer toward something a little different, such as ma'am's cousin, this Apollo Devicus. May I ask for a quick rundown of both him and any other relations? I do not have any immediate cousins as far as I know, and I have always wondered about what having an extended family might be like."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Worlds together, worlds apart.
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #770 on: December 23, 2014, 04:10:20 am »

Quote from: from turn
You tell that she's not too far off, but she was knocked unconscious by a Shadow monster instead.
Quote from: from turn
You decide that it might be a good idea to get her to calm down before asking anything else, lest this entire world break apart for any reason.
((Duly noted. Yeah, I had to fill in a bit due to the empty space between last update and now, but I'll edit that when I wake up to fit instead. Sorry about that.

Now, I sleep.))

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #771 on: December 23, 2014, 05:01:33 am »

Board a bus


  • Bay Watcher
  • Come on, just a taste of your soul?
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #772 on: December 23, 2014, 06:07:30 am »

Just order the golems to make a creator golems for every 9 basic they make.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #773 on: December 23, 2014, 07:43:55 am »

Alex would make a small smirk.
wait to be taken to the medical center.
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #774 on: December 23, 2014, 08:38:35 am »

So be it, I will go ahead and give the letter to that lady. Bid goodbye to the interesting people I met
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #775 on: December 29, 2014, 02:55:34 pm »

Continue along the river opportunistically eating or gathering edible vegetation I come across.
You wanna frisk this guy? This guy with the technicolor wonder limbs? The limbs that could probably slap you on several different levels of reality?
Your tabs are just pure chaos, Wolfkit.


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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #776 on: December 30, 2014, 08:30:54 pm »

((Bump for those who haven't posted yet. I hope to get this update out quicker, so that I will be prepared before the new year begins and things get hectic again!
Also, I am pretty much done reworking the information collection, and I'm going to use that for reference later on, which should speed up the updates a bit.
As always, thank you for reading, and I hope your New Year is fantastic,


Warren Drake

"Um... do they, by any chance, ever speak, these changed creatures?"
Warren Drake
She hiccups with a light tone, trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes while responding to you. It really pains you to see her like this, but you have to obtain some necessary information before you may do anything about her situation. "N-no, I don't think so... w-wait! There... there were two creatures - a fox and.. I think it was something like a turtle - they both sort-of spoke. I- I couldn't *hic* understand them though... it was really scary, the way they moved their mouths. I just wanted to *hiccup* escape. Th-they aren't like the other creatures.. I couldn't feel their glows. They weren't glowing at all, just... *hic* silent."

She shakes her head and tries to collect herself.
"I-I'm sorry, I get hiccupy when I'm scared," she apologizes with a soft voice.

Eh Ah

"I apologize for the outburst, ma'am, as I am fiercely opinionated, much like any other artist, despite my lack of pertinent information. I probably should not attempt to dictate executive policy to one who has become accustomed to it as intimately as ma'am has, and my lack of expertise on the subject is probably easily apparent, as I can only offer simple and obvious advice, none of which is likely to be helpful. With that in mind, it would probably be wiser to steer toward something a little different, such as ma'am's cousin, this Apollo Devicus. May I ask for a quick rundown of both him and any other relations? I do not have any immediate cousins as far as I know, and I have always wondered about what having an extended family might be like."
Eh Ah
She glances out toward the window before mentioning that the night seems awfully dark, despite the lack of clouds in the sky. After mulling over what you've said, she begins to monologue over her knowledge of Apollo Devicus. You take a seat in a rather comfortable chair on the opposite side of the polished, stately desk before she speaks.
"Apollo Devicus: what an interesting topic. I can't say I've ever interacted with Apollo very much. He was on what I consider to be the 'far side' of the family - born to an aunt of mine who married a rather odd man from the westernmost section of the empire. I believe that Apollo was raised by his mother to the west of the Lithian Divide, which was a temporary political schism that plagued the border areas between the early territories that would later form the Jaunatne Coalition and the western Theyin Empire. Due to the consternation that was brewing from the local political bouts, Apollo's family moved closer to the center of the empire, yet away from the capital.

"Apollo himself... it's hard to judge him objectively due to my lack of complete knowledge about him, but I will try. From what I know, he grew up in a hard environment, as he had next to no support when growing up. His mother was in constant depression and his father had disappeared from him at an early age. They weren't exactly homeless, but they did have to move around frequently to stay afloat. Somewhere around the age of ten or eleven, his mother died and he had to live with one of my other aunts, a wealthier one. From there, life became much easier for Devicus. He enrolled in a prestigious private school, took sword-fighting lessons, learned how to speak in two other languages, and basically had a road prepared for him to be a political player. The moment he went under that aunt's wing was the moment that he had to stop struggling to succeed.

"He's dangerous because of his oratory skills and his charismatic appearance. He doesn't even have to try to look good in the eyes of the public. Hell, I think he's even in the works of persuading a couple of territories in the Coalition to switch sides or just break off. He claims to fight for 'peace and order,' though his rallying of the Council doesn't seem to suggest that to me. At the very least, he is no lower of a participant than I am in this global game."

She curls a strand of hair around her finger and relaxes in the high-backed chair that represents the head of the Aecrocian government - her new seat of power here. "Still, there's something... strange about him: an intensity that I never would have expected from someone like him. Yes, I do fear what sway he has over the public, but there is an extra layer of power that he has.. somewhere."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #777 on: January 03, 2015, 04:02:14 pm »

((Last call for turn posts before the update is done. Turn is being written up now!))

High tyrol

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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #778 on: January 03, 2015, 06:10:53 pm »

Ok here's my action this time bolded
board the bus to the orphanage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Medium: Dualistic Nature [Chapter Four]
« Reply #779 on: January 03, 2015, 06:23:26 pm »

((Last call for turn posts before the update is done. Turn is being written up now!))
Edited in! Sorry DA D:
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