to watch any one news source is to find an unreliable source, to actually get the information you really need you'll have to check a couple of sources and see what remains the same!
Or be there and interrogate the witnesses.
The only way to see fully how a event progressed is to be every single party simultaneously, additionally with your consciousness viewing the event from multiple observers, from all possible different directions, in all possible different speeds of time, at all possible different levels of light radiation (and all possible ranges), with numerous other sensor-based tools to determine all possible other variables. It would be better to have each one of the multiple observers occupying the same spot, with copies of this arrangement occupying every possible point in space. Furthermore, you would need to study thoroughly all possible ideologies and their sub-categories involved, patternize previous events (to see how it fits in historical context), thoroughly go over all consequences of this event and their differences from a timeline where the event did not occur, read the minds of other individuals to know
their take on events, determine a universal constant for all morality by which you can discern where a neutral line occurs, and then report the answers clearly and concisely in such a way that the limitations of the English language do not hinder the meaning.
And that is a little hard for your average news station to do for an article, much less a headline, given time constraints.