Bimping one more time, I'm 90 now on my warlock. Gotten a pretty decent look at the various things available to give my opinion on how things are now.
PvP changes are good and bad. PvP power and resilience were added a long time ago to deal with the giant disparity between player HP and player damage output, but that just meant that getting into PvP without the gear was hell on Earth. You'd still get blown up in one shot, but you couldn't do shit to the enemies either. They rectified that with flat PvP resilience, at level 90 you automatically take 72% less damage from all player sources, which is a huge deal if you're a fresh 90 getting into PvP. You still hit like a noodle, but you can actually survive long enough to drop some cc and contribute to the game slightly. I'm in a mix of last season's honor gear and the current season's conquest gear with 32 of that 72% negated by my pvp power, and I'm pretty much Battlestation Warlock. I have to mostly stand still so warriors/rogues/dks mess me up, but if I'm ignored I'll wipe half the enemy team. Good times.
HOWEVER the pvp resilience is also in world pvp. So while raid gear is subpar but survivable in BGs (it gets scaled down in BGs), in world pvp people in raid gear completely destroy people in pvp gear. If I'm in full grievous gladiator gear I'm like ilvl 520. A guy in a raiding guild has like twice as much HP as me, way more damage, and free huge resilience.
I don't like raiding much. The new LFR system is basically LFG but with five times as many faceless silent people you'll never see again. There's no social interaction in the game anymore it feels like, I've joked that it's a single player game with multiple players. I mean yeah, if you're in a good guild you've got it there, and there's still the more difficult raiding content, but even the more complicated stuff still feels kind of empty. There's no more bosses dropping loot that has to be divided up however the raid feels, everybody rolls to get their own personalized loot.
I do love transmog. I love it a lot. I went through and did Black Temple and Hyjal for the malefic set and I wear it in PvP, I look rad as hell. Overall I think most of the non-social changes are great. I love the new class mechanics, I love my destro warlock and I love that all the fun but useless abilities like infernal and dreadlord are awesome now. I like the mechanics of the raids even if I don't like raiding very much. There's a huge difference between even the ultimate old dungeons like black temple and what we're seeing now in every raid boss.
I'm also really into like, the money aspects of it right now, which is weird. I'm a transmuter and I love making gold off of it. I've got enough now that I don't really have to farm anymore, I can buy all my mats in bulk and move enough product (lol you thought warcraft was a game?) to turn a profit, and I've even gotten into some minor speculation.
I'm not sure about BGs in general though. Either my battlegroup is way too small or there are some serious demographic issues they should find a way to smooth out. It's like the tides or something. On weekdays during the break the alliance wins practically every game, then when work starts letting out the horde dominates. Weekends vary. Right now it's Christmas, and with Call of Duty and Battlefield 4 occupying people's attention the horde is just trashing the alliance in every single BG, to the point where it's not even fun anymore. I feel like there shouldn't be such a huge distinction in the playerbases that you can predict who'll win a BG based on what demographics are playing at the moment. Also the BGs themselves have big distinctions. I've never seen Alliance win Strand of the Ancients or Eye of the Storm, and they rarely win Silvershard Mines. They usually win Kotmogu, but if the horde actually gets their shit together and plays right they stomp. AV and Isle of Conquest are pretty well known, the horde can win AV if they try (Get some good players to defend Galvangar and break the zerg and the alliance falls apart) but almost no one who still queues for AV and Isle of Conquest tries anymore, I'm pretty sure they're mostly bots. I haven't seen horde win AV since Burning Crusade and even then they usually lost. Most of the other ones vary depending on the time of day.
Oh also I think there should be some dynamic story PvP stuff. Raiders get to break the grip of the Sha on Pandaria and then besiege Orgrimmar to stop Garrosh. Meanwhile PvPers have been fighting over the same few acres of land for years, with no change at all.
We need a PvP continent, with zones that can be controlled by the factions.