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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1125859 times)


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7650 on: July 02, 2018, 02:42:09 am »

"What in Buddha's name was that?!?"

Investigate my surroundings

((...Do I at least get a point? Also sending a bone guy into a plane crash, something known for breaking all your bones was a dumb idea))
You're at an old medieval-looking tavern, however there are some anachronisms here, like that TV the bartender is watching. It's currently showing a doll-like man fighting against another man and some rat-like monsters. Said bartender is currently in the form of a young yet strong-looking asian woman, idly wiping an already clean glass. It only gets weirder from there. There's someone in a giant suit of dark armour, a man made out of flame-shaped shadows, a man in a business suit, a woman in an expensive dress and a band of mushroom-men playing somber music.

((Hey, nobody said the entities were smart. Powerful != smart.
Though throwing you at near-impossible situations does help me because I learn about how you react to these sorts of things.

And no, if you got a point everytime you died, people would commit suicide all the time. Gotta go on a mission or do something exceptional for that. Speaking of which, let's see if any of the others is up for a mission...))

((Hmmm... Grenade? That doesn't sound like something you would normally be able to do. Let me think about this... Aha! I got it. Now let's see if lady luck is with you. ))

You give up on micromanaging and give a simple, direct command, feeding it with all the power you can muster: Blow up!

The doll that receives the command immediately freezes as if it just had a heart attach. It falls to the ground, swelling dangerously. A few seconds later it reaches its breaking point, tearing itself apart and sending fragments flying everywhere. Unfortunately the explosion is not as powerful as you'd have liked, Jack survives with some minor scrapes. However it is enough to stagger him and give the waiting dolls the chance to easily pull him down.

Jack tries to throw a card but one of the dolls screws with his aim, The card flies high above him where it transforms into a cloud of wooden rods. The rods fall back down towards him, hitting both him and several of the dolls before disappearing. Jack appears to be disoriented, as one of the rods hit him straight to the head, however the remaining dolls are probably not enough to keep holding him down if he puts any serious effort into it.

You manage to catch up to Jack's position, a few steps away from the door. The monsters are a few seconds away from reaching the two of you.

♚The Doll Prince: Only One Shall Prevail.♚

Though Jack didn't get killed as he'd anticipated, Napoleon merely smiled as he bore witness to two things: One, the doll exploding proved to him that he is capable of manipulating his dolls in ways that extended beyond merely changing their shapes and growing, morphing limbs. Perhaps once everything settle down, Napoleon can experiment with his powers. Secondly, Jack has now been knocked to the floor by the blast and is no longer ahead of him. Now their individual fates are balanced on a sword's edge.

"As you are sent to the afterlife, Monseigneur Jack," Napoleon gloated as he took a few steps toward the door. "Do ponder on the fact that you wouldn't be in this bind had you not betrayed the wrong person. You'll have plenty of time, after all."

Glancing at the monsters at his heels, Napoleon looked back at Jack, imagining him screaming as the beasts eat him alive. With a grunt, he gave the dolls a simple command. It was better than what Jack actually deserved though. After all, Napoleon is the Doll Prince and even he isn't beyond mercy.

Napoleon will order the dolls to slit Jack's throat deep enough that he will immediately fall unconscious so that he won't feel the monsters devouring him alive. After that, Napoleon will enter that door and close it behind himself.
You order the dolls to try to slit Jack's throat, however it's kinda hard to do so without anything sharp. You try to sharpen their limbs but the transformation doesn't take. You shrug and open the door as Jack tries to get up. At least you tried.

The moment you enter the tiny room the door slams shut behind you. Jack tries to open it but it's locked, it won't budge. A moment later you feel the platform below you shudder and begin to move. You're about to breathe a sigh of relief when the platform jerks to a stop just as the door behind you opens. Checking your doll's sight, you see what happened. Jack used that security card he'd been holding onto, imbuing it with his magic and slamming it on the door's lock to unlock it. Looks like there's more to his power as well.

The man you find when you turn to face him is radically different than the man you first met. His broken glasses, his disheveled clothes with dolls still clinging on them, his snarling, bloody face, it's nothing like the calm and pristine man you first met. It's the face of a man who'd do anything to survive. Even if that ends up dragging both of you down to hell.

You try to dodge but it's hard to do so in such an enclosed space. He grabs your legs and pulls, bringing you down, the fall causing you to slam your head against the wall. Already somewhat lightheaded from the blood loss, it only makes things worse. A moment later a creature jumps on him and bites his shoulder while clinging to his back, their combined weight dragging you further out of the room.

((Are you up for starting a team mission? Or do you prefer to continue your current adventure?))


Well there's air masks like. Right there.

Probably 'bout time to speed the fuck up, so let's put on an armored suit, sabotage the other suits tubing with my knife, grab the rifle and some ammo, and run the fuck away. If the expensive gun you're carrying is big enough, people will think twice before killing you for the other expensive gear you're wearing.

You grab one of the diving helmets and put it on, sealing it before the haze reaches you. You then quickly cut the tubes from the other suits before you begin putting on the rest of the suit as quickly as you can, however part-way through you realize your hands are getting numb. Their movements are starting to feel less coordinated, like you can't control how much strength you put into them, one movement being too weak, the next one overcompensating for it.

As you struggle to strap the final pieces of the suit closed and secure the clasps, you feel three points suddenly appear outside your door. Not their current location but where they plan to be, arrayed around the door, pointing guns at it. Their current location is one corridor south and one corridor east from your current location, about a minute away. Either they know you're here or they suspect it.

You begin walking forward, testing your ability to move with this thing on. The suit is heavy but with some effort you can still run with it and whatever is affecting your hands has thankfully not spread to your legs. You grab the gun from the closet and pick up an extra magazine.

Are you going to grab anything else before leaving? Extra air tanks, any of the bags? Or just run out?
You might be able to make it out of here before those guys reach the corridor you're in, they're coming from the side opposite of the exit.

((Are you up for starting a team mission? Or do you prefer to continue your current adventure?))

Maximus: Medical Section

((Also sending a bone guy into a plane crash, something known for breaking all your bones was a dumb idea))
((Munchkinry is key. That bone wings thing that tried to pull you away from the plane? You could have built on that to basically make yourself a glider. Birds have hollow bones, you could have done that to decrease your weight. Just some thoughts.))

Kosak Durar:

"Get away from my ALLIES!"

That guy with the blasty shooty stick thingy(the shotgun, Kosak isn't familiar with guns) looks like he might be a little fragile. Kosak will try to put himself between that guy and the monsters.
You put fragile man behind you as you scan the area for enemies. Nothing yet.

Brian Hoss, Maximus
Sweep my eyes over as many of them as I can.
There's no enemies here yet, although they're coming towards you from deeper within the medical section. Wanna try to set up an ambush? Wanna try to head deeper into the medical section to find whoever's controlling them? Wanna just run away?

((Are you enjoying exploring the ship? If you aren't having fun, I can always just scrap the mission and plan a new one.))

Campaign: Rebel Assault

Keep at it. Just stay steady and calm and keep working the darkness away.
You do that.

Nikolai, very patient artillery commander

<What was that "Pop!" noise?>
Consider what the pop could have been. Musket shot perhaps?

Prepare to tsar artillery. Prepare super super hard. Maybe use this time to plan out the best sequence to tsar based on reload times, or get the trebuchet dialed in more precisely, as much good as that will do once its tsared. Or do the DBZ thing and charge energy for about 3 episodes before making an attack, thats supposed to work with chaos magic.
<Good work! Let me know when you're all safe.>
Ike lets you know that the trigger-happy alchemist lady just shot a guy that was giving them trouble and is now laughing to herself.
On the plus side, the airfield is secure and he has a cool new magical wind sword now. Hmm... Wind sword, Ice sword, Fire sword... you almost have the complete set.

You do your best dragon ball imitation and prepare to go further beyond.

Hmm... There's definitely something wrong about the airship. You think you can see some activity on it but it's hard to tell. It's like there's something dimming all light coming from it and the tower. You definitely see some activity down at the enemy camp. Lights moving around. They're probably trying to figure out what happened.

Campaign: Party Crasher

Oh dear. That action. That kitchen. Why?
((Alan's part of a chain of silly characters somewhat detached from reality that I've been cultivating for quite a while. Niklas there was one of my previous iterations of it.))

Alan, Waitress

Keep mingling with the guests as I carry food platters around and stuff, passively picking up whatever gossip I can like a princess sponge. Make sure to head around as many areas as I can to ensure I hear as much as I can. The kitchen too, those are hives of gossip and Alayne is just the sort of metaphorical beekeeper needed to extract it.

Oh, and if I manage to spot Lord Audrey or Ventis that'd be cool too.

You walk around, doing your best not to attract attention to yourself as you try to go near most guests. It's very easy to overhear what you're saying, most of them act like you're not even there. However they are not saying anything too interesting. ((At least not with the rolls you're getting.)) It's just the usual talk. Who slept with whom (Lord Bison's wife was apparently seen walking around in the company of an attractive young servant), which Lord suffered some misfortune or embarrassment (Lord Iapetus apparently botched a recent attempt to read a dramatic poem, leading to many of the other Lords making rather mean imitations of him during the event), boasts about their wealth, complaints about recent tax increases and various inconsequential rumors. Some are even as bold as to make some snide remarks about Lord Audrey attempting to compensate for something with such a large vessel, as well as implying that such a large vessel is impractical and will never pay itself off.

The situation in the kitchen is much the same, in that you don't get anything useful. That cerberus of a woman near the door is not letting people chat too much. You leave the dirty dishes and the empty tray, pick up a new one and are sent on your way before you have a chance to talk much.

Eventually, Lord Audrey emerges from one of the passages leading to the bridge. She goes to stand on an elevated platform before addressing the crowd of guests. Ventis is still nowhere to be seen.
"Good evening everyone!" she speaks, her voice magically amplified through the vessels announcement system.
"Thank you all for coming here to celebrate this momentus event with me. I trust you're enjoying yourselves?"
There are many voices of assent, whether murmurs or enthusiastic shouts. Lord Audrey smiles and nods at them.
"I'm glad to hear that. Well, I won't tire you with long boring speeches. I don't think I need to tell you about this vessel and what it can do, you've heard all about that already. I'm sure you'd much prefer to get drunk and party instead rather than listen to me for half an evening."
There's some laughter and some more nods of assent from the guests.
"So, without further ado, I welcome you aboard the maiden voyage of Itano's Hurricane!"
Ah, so that's the name she went with. You guess it makes sense. Lord Itano was her late father, so choosing to name it in his honour is understandable. However you still think your suggestion was better.
"Captain Smith! Take her up!" she adds and motions back towards the bridge.

There is a thrum in the air as the ship's massive power sources spring to life, drawing massive amounts of Wind-Energy from the Bird-Corpse's still beating heart. Electricity arcs between the ship's overcharged Wind Fins and its cradle as the ship shudders and begins floating away from it. Many of the guests emit exclamations of amazement while others watch completely silent.

As the ship clears the cradle, it unfolds its massive wings and sails. They flutter in the wind with a great racket before they go taut and silent. And then the Wind Fins activate, creating a gale that catches the wings and sails of the vessel, sending it forwards and upwards. Normally this would be quite unpleasent for those outside the vessel's hull, but the same Wind Fins that are throwing Air against the ship are the same that create a safe bubble from it around the party, allowing the guests to remain warm and comfortable. In a few moments the ship is flying over the city. The hurricane billowing around it dies down to a more quiet wind as the vessel allows its speed and natural wind of the area to carry it around its slow tour of the city.

There is absolute silence, only the sound of the wind as it runs over the hull of the vessel. Even without any magical enhancement, her voice easily carries over to the entirety of the entranced crowd.
"Now, let the festivities commence!"
The gathered guests cheer. Lord Audrey waves at them before she descends from the platform to mingle amongst them. Soon after the band starts playing a slow yet catchy tune. Some of the guests join together in dancing, others swarm around Lord Audrey, others still are watching the city below them or the clouds beside and above, leaning against the railing like children. The city below appears as a collection of lights coming out of houses and towers rising out of the side of the cliffs.

Occasionally the entire area is lit up by an electrostatic discharge jumping out from one of the Wind Fins and joining one of the nearby clouds. The light allows the guests to see the crowds gathered in the streets below, like them eager to admire the sight of this massive vessel.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7651 on: July 02, 2018, 08:50:50 am »

((Augh! My post seemingly got eaten! I was going to action to check out that pop, as it seems I'm the nearest to it...but now, feels good to know!))
    Consider what the pop could have been. Musket shot perhaps?
Ike lets you know that the trigger-happy alchemist lady just shot a guy that was giving them trouble and is now laughing to herself.

Theri looked around for possible dangers and seeing none, proceeded back with River. If there was a rating from 1-10 on how alert the enemy may be, she would've guessed a 6, wherein they're alert but haven't designated a specific problem yet. Hopefully she could add to that confusion.

Proceed with step 2 of the plan! Hopefully everything is in time and in synchronicity!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7652 on: July 02, 2018, 09:08:38 am »

Keep at it.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7653 on: July 02, 2018, 10:01:14 am »

(I'd think I'll go ahead and start a team mission.)

♚The Doll Prince: A Last Cheap Shot.♚

"Had you not stabbed me in the back, you wouldn't be in this situation, Monseigneur Jack!" Napoleon spat as a rat-thing grabbed Jack from behind.

Feeling woozy from bloodlost and hitting his head on the floor, Napoleon wanted to continue this mission. However, he knew that it would take a miracle to continue moving in this state and with these monsters attacking them. Mustering enough willpower, Napoleon had the dolls swarming Jack to peel off and keep the beasts away from him. He'd even unsummoned the ones guarding the downed security guard at the entrance of the security area to divert more energy.

This is it, he thought to himself. The Doll Prince has finally met his end. No more ambitions to be fulfilled, no more glorious plans brought to fruition. It seems that he won't get to meet the Queen after all or to encounter Lady Amarante again. Is this how Napoleon Bonaparte felt as he laid on his deathbed at St Helena, slowly succumbing to arsenic poisoning? Had he dreamed of a glorious global empire that he could've established had he won at Waterloo? Such things didn't matter as the masterful tactician known as Napoleon Lambeau, the Doll Prince, was about to die before he could show the world his brand of excellence.

At the very least, all he can do is to give a final gesture of defiance, just as he had done in his fight with Lady Amarante.

"Monseigneur Jack!" Napoleon called out, sneering as Jack fought off the rat beasts. "When we get to Hell and I no doubt take over, I'm making you my court jester!"

With that, Napoleon gave Jack a solid jab to the face, hopefully sending him into the midst of the ravenous beasts."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7654 on: July 02, 2018, 01:01:48 pm »

((It's not my choice if fate decides to throw me through time and space away from anyone I've ever loved. For now at least, I'll only be making decisions in-character.))

Just grab a random bag of gear and run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7655 on: July 02, 2018, 01:03:32 pm »

Weird, oh well order some sake


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7656 on: July 02, 2018, 01:39:28 pm »

"Getting very worried about that airship. Looks like dark magic.
...How is the anti-magic going, Fire-Fox? Need anything?"

Order recruits to load an alchemical ice bolt into the crossbow, and aim it at the airship. A tsar ice bolt should freeze the gas inside the airship, basically acting as the opposite of a hot air balloon and forcing it to crash land. It should also create slippery ice all inside the airship making it difficult for crew to do anything. Should do relatively little collateral damage if it's off target.

Tsar the crossbow. Prepare to fire.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7657 on: July 02, 2018, 01:41:38 pm »

<It's going slow, but it's going. Getting hit by that from so close isn't something I want to deal with more than once.>
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7658 on: July 02, 2018, 08:45:29 pm »

Kosak Durar:

"Where are they?"

Find where those things are coming from. Start punching it.

((The mission's good.))
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7659 on: July 03, 2018, 11:41:05 am »

<Svajoklis, Medbay>

I'm with the big guy. We can only manage so many of them, better go find the one controlling them.

Go find the mad Overlord.

((The mission is fine, just rather depopulated.))
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7660 on: July 03, 2018, 02:31:27 pm »

Brian Hoss, Maximus
Find the mastermind.

((The mission's good.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7661 on: July 05, 2018, 02:30:05 am »

(I'd think I'll go ahead and start a team mission.)

♚The Doll Prince: A Last Cheap Shot.♚

"Had you not stabbed me in the back, you wouldn't be in this situation, Monseigneur Jack!" Napoleon spat as a rat-thing grabbed Jack from behind.

Feeling woozy from bloodlost and hitting his head on the floor, Napoleon wanted to continue this mission. However, he knew that it would take a miracle to continue moving in this state and with these monsters attacking them. Mustering enough willpower, Napoleon had the dolls swarming Jack to peel off and keep the beasts away from him. He'd even unsummoned the ones guarding the downed security guard at the entrance of the security area to divert more energy.

This is it, he thought to himself. The Doll Prince has finally met his end. No more ambitions to be fulfilled, no more glorious plans brought to fruition. It seems that he won't get to meet the Queen after all or to encounter Lady Amarante again. Is this how Napoleon Bonaparte felt as he laid on his deathbed at St Helena, slowly succumbing to arsenic poisoning? Had he dreamed of a glorious global empire that he could've established had he won at Waterloo? Such things didn't matter as the masterful tactician known as Napoleon Lambeau, the Doll Prince, was about to die before he could show the world his brand of excellence.

At the very least, all he can do is to give a final gesture of defiance, just as he had done in his fight with Lady Amarante.

"Monseigneur Jack!" Napoleon called out, sneering as Jack fought off the rat beasts. "When we get to Hell and I no doubt take over, I'm making you my court jester!"

With that, Napoleon gave Jack a solid jab to the face, hopefully sending him into the midst of the ravenous beasts."
((Are you fine with getting sent to assist the guys exploring the spaceship? Do you want to learn anything about that mission before you decide?))

Jack takes out a heart card and uses it on the beast to get it off him. While he's distracted, you kick him on his stupid face, once again sending him to the ground while you use the push to climb back to the platform. Through the open door, you can see Jack and the beast now under his control getting up and getting ready for another attack. More beasts are swarming around them.

((It's not my choice if fate decides to throw me through time and space away from anyone I've ever loved. For now at least, I'll only be making decisions in-character.))

Just grab a random bag of gear and run.
You grab the bag with the engineer equipment, shove your own bag in it and start running away. You can feel people moving to track the noise your heavy suit makes as its boots impact the ground, but you ignore them. They're staying inside their rooms. The real danger is those three points approaching your position.

Luckily they appear to be approaching more cautiously than they initially were. That gives you time to reach the corridor leading to the exit. But then you feel one of the points change its path, forming a line straight to you. They must be able to hear you moving. The other two continue on their way, but the one following you might be a problem. You can also see some people in the corridor up ahead, which means that even if you could magically make your movements completely quiet they're bound to make some noise when they see you.

Weird, oh well order some sake
((Are you up for helping one of the teams with their mission? They're suffering from a shortage of manpower. Their mission is to explore a spaceship that had gone missing and has recently reappeared.))

"Here you go." the girl at the counter says as she puts a glass in front of you and fills it to the brim with sake.
"So, new here, right? Where were you taken from, if you don't mind me asking?"

Campaign: Rebel Assault

((Augh! My post seemingly got eaten! I was going to action to check out that pop, as it seems I'm the nearest to it...but now, feels good to know!))
    Consider what the pop could have been. Musket shot perhaps?
Ike lets you know that the trigger-happy alchemist lady just shot a guy that was giving them trouble and is now laughing to herself.

Theri looked around for possible dangers and seeing none, proceeded back with River. If there was a rating from 1-10 on how alert the enemy may be, she would've guessed a 6, wherein they're alert but haven't designated a specific problem yet. Hopefully she could add to that confusion.

Proceed with step 2 of the plan! Hopefully everything is in time and in synchronicity!
You return to Zechariah as quickly as you can, bringing a small group of recruits with you. After making sure the recruits can start working on taking care of the civilians and the prisoners you've captured, you start making your way to the second warehouse. It's a straight line from here and you see nobody along the way, so you just run towards it.

As you get closer to the center of the town the effects of the Dark magic coming from it become even stronger. You can feel the coldness, the emptiness, the hungry influence looking to claim more and more for itself. It fills you with an unnatural feeling of dread. You glance at the top of the tower visible above the roofs of the nearby buildings, the center of the dark ritual. There is some magical effect warping the light coming from it, making it appear dark and distorted, as if viewed through a reflection on moving shadows. You can catch glimpses of something moving beneath the shadows, a faint fiery light. You feel the need to do what you came here to do and then get out of here as quickly as possible.

As you reach the warehouse, you begin walking slowly, trying not to alert the guards there if you can. Both of the large doors of the warehouse are barred and locked and a smaller wicket gate on it is closed (you don't test if it's locked, as that could alert the guards inside). You can't hear much from inside it. You think you hear people moving around and whispering, but not much else. But you can see light coming from the various windows on its second floor. You catch a glimpse of someone's shadow as they move in front of a light source.

You don't think there's a chance you'll catch them off guard like you did in the previous warehouse. Either the guards here are more scared or more competent than those at the previous warehouse. So this will most likely turn into a fight. You know you have to take care not to accidentally hurt any of the civilians during the fighting. You trust your strength (and even if you didn't a missed punch is unlikely to result in much collateral damage). But Zechariah's shadow abilities appear a bit too powerful lately, he might not have much fine control with them. And River does tend to get a bit... carried away at times when fighting. Even the two water mages accompanying you, you don't think they've seen much fighting in their lives. Sure, they are capable, but you don't know how well they'll perform under pressure.

You push such thoughts away from your mind. It doesn't matter now. What matters now is rescuing those people, making sure they are safe. And you're running out of time.

You hear a soft whine from your right. You turn to see River look at you for a second, then up at a window, then back at you. Hm. That could work. You could enter from one of the windows, if you found a way to climb. Or you could have River jump up there and let you know about the situation inside. Or you could simply break the door down. Or intimidate/scare them. I guess you could also try talking to them, but they are probably not going to listen to you.

Keep at it.
You keep on keeping on keeping at it.

You could probably walk around if you wanted, but not much else.

"Getting very worried about that airship. Looks like dark magic.
...How is the anti-magic going, Fire-Fox? Need anything?"

Order recruits to load an alchemical ice bolt into the crossbow, and aim it at the airship. A tsar ice bolt should freeze the gas inside the airship, basically acting as the opposite of a hot air balloon and forcing it to crash land. It should also create slippery ice all inside the airship making it difficult for crew to do anything. Should do relatively little collateral damage if it's off target.

Tsar the crossbow. Prepare to fire.

"Load ice." you tell the artillery operators, still speaking quietly.
For a moment, they freeze and just look at you, processing what you just said. Then their minds 'shift gears' and they spring into action, loading the bolt into the already prepped crossbow.
"Ice loaded." one of them reports, maintaining the same volume of voice.
"Target is the airship. As we practiced."
"Targeted airship." the operator reports, having made some final adjustments to his aim.
You spend a moment on your vantage point, alternating between looking at the crossbow and looking at the airship. Looks like it's positioned correctly.
"Clear." you say and then approach the crossbow.
"Clear." the operators whisper amongst each other as they stand a safe distance away from the crossbow while you put your hand on it and focus on your power.

When you are satisfied, you force the Tsar energy into the crossbow. A barely visible soft green glow spreads from your hands and into the crossbow, quickly spreading to all parts of it. It immediately starts changing, getting larger, heavier. Its string turns into a massive rope-like thing. Its trigger now looks more like a lever. The padding on its back looks more like part of small sofa. And the bolt has turned into a spiky missile, the inner side of its semi-transparent surface covered by a web of brightly glowing green cracks, purple and blue shapes worming their way between them.

The moment the Tsaring is finished and you give the all clear, two operators immediately begin working on bracing the now Tsared crossbow while Lune, displaying some quick thinking, places his shield over the glowing bolt to hide it from sight. He stands ready to remove it whenever you give the order to fire.

You don't know how stable that bolt is. It's probably best to fire as soon as you can. But rushing your shot could be just as deadly as not shooting. Deciding to take the risk, you spend a few seconds trying to judge if the Tsared crossbow is aimed correctly. You close your eyes for a moment and try to visualize the last time you saw it fire. It was a chaotic moment, your memory of it feels somewhat distorted, but it's the closest thing you got. You open your eyes and try to visualize something similar with the crossbow's current position.

Still, this isn't exactly like last time. For one, your ability seems to have focused much more on the bow part, making it larger and presumably more powerful and less on the bolt. You could say it's more of a cannon than a mortar. Worst case you might have to 'walk' your fire and hope the airship and the re-Tsared crossbow don't change too much for it to matter.
"1 step right." you say, hoping to counteract the effect of the wind at those higher altitudes.
"1 step right." one of the operators repeats as two of them work on carefully raising the Tsared crossbow and adjusting its aim.

You make your way back to your vantage point, so you can see what adjustments are needed for the next shot. You also have dedicated spotters for that job, but two pairs of eyes are better than one and you think it might help better direct your ability if you see its results.
"Get ready..." you say and raise your arm.
Two of the operators stand on either side of the crossbow, ready to pull its trigger. You really hope it doesn't just explode in their faces.

Maximus: Medical Section

Kosak Durar:

"Where are they?"

Find where those things are coming from. Start punching it.

((The mission's good.))
Brian Hoss, Maximus
Find the mastermind.

((The mission's good.))
<Svajoklis, Medbay>

I'm with the big guy. We can only manage so many of them, better go find the one controlling them.

Go find the mad Overlord.

((The mission is fine, just rather depopulated.))
((All right then, let's see about getting you some helpers.))

You decide to head deeper into the medical section, following the Master signal to its source. You open a door leading to the various wards of the medical section. The corridor beyond is is in a much worse state than the parts of the medical section that you've seen so far. It is missing several panels from its walls and the lights are flickering, as if they are not receiving as much power as they should. At about its midway point, the corridor has been blocked by a fleshy growth that is spreading its tendrils everywhere. You can see the edges of the tendrils squirm slightly. You could try making your way through it or you could try going through one of the adjacent rooms.

The room on your right has suffered extreme heat damage, to the point where its original purpose can't be determined by looking at it. You have to check the map on your Interface to see that it's supposed to be the Stasis Surgery Ward. Walls have melted and formed a sphere around... something. The center of the sphere is still glowing, still almost-molten with heat, however this must not be a recent development because there are various cables and devices arranged all around the molten core. You can see a door that would lead to the other side of that fleshy growth, however the heat has welded it shut. The map says it leads to the Hyperstasis Pods.

The room on your left says it's an Intensive Care room. You can see beds in it with various devices arranged around them. The beds' white sheets are dirty with various red, brown and black stains. The map says the room beyond it is an Artificial Gravity chamber, essentially a giant wheel that turns to produce artificial gravity.

You can hear more of those things with the giant eyes on the other side of the corridor, making their way to you.

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
  • The sword cuts with finality when guided by wisdom
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7662 on: July 05, 2018, 10:31:17 am »

((Are you fine with getting sent to assist the guys exploring the spaceship? Do you want to learn anything about that mission before you decide?))

Jack takes out a heart card and uses it on the beast to get it off him. While he's distracted, you kick him on his stupid face, once again sending him to the ground while you use the push to climb back to the platform. Through the open door, you can see Jack and the beast now under his control getting up and getting ready for another attack. More beasts are swarming around them.

((You mean that mission with the permadeath? Perhaps you can fill me in. On a totally unrelated note, we can create new characters, right?"))

♚The Doll Prince: Final Departure.♚

Napoleon gritted his teeth. That damn Jack just won't give up! It's like fighting against himself, only less magnificent and more drab. Oh well, the least he can do is to stall him.

Summoning two life-sized dolls to stall Jack and his thralled beast, Napoleon will close the door and proceed as intended.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7663 on: July 05, 2018, 08:50:40 pm »

Kosak Durar:

There are smarter people to figure out how to get to whatever's making these things. Kosak, meanwhile, will be keeping the monsters off said smarter people. By extreme and rapid application of punches and kicks.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The questioner does not.
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7664 on: July 05, 2018, 09:02:32 pm »

Okay, slow down some, so that I'm making less noise. Find a nice corner that the point that's following me will have to go around, and silently hide there. So that when they round the corner to chase me, they'll be at the point of my rifle. Be sure to say "freeze".
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