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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1126612 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7560 on: April 13, 2018, 03:29:08 pm »

((I'm assuming that Zech has returned from his patrol and is congregating with the rest of the group.))

Zechariah glared at Nikolai but said nothing about his instructions to the alchemist. It was clear in his mind that he wasn't nearly of the majority opinion in the group. He reasoned in his head that he had done what he could to warn them of the consequences. If he tried to fight it, he would only ostracize himself from the group.

For now, he quietly feared what would happen to this world. But there was nothing he could do alone. If he went alone, he would just get himself killed, and all of his effort would be for nothing. It was time to be patient.

As for the conversation about the assault on the airship, Zechariah had some input:

"We don't know how many civilians are in the area. We haven't spotted any now, but we don't know about the number of civilians mingling in the buildings. I don't think it's safe to risk a full-scale assault when we don't even have enough information to know about the particular weapons and magic arms of our enemies. I have two ideas: the first is that we send a recon team or two at night to scout the area and check for civilians and any weaponry that's hidden to us. We then make our decision at night. If we're confident that there are no civilians, or that civilians could be evacuated in a reasonable amount of time, then we should do a full-scale assault. If it's too risky, then we go with option two. The second option is that we have two teams operate: a decoy team, and an infiltration team. The decoy team engages the enemy and tries to distract the attention of the guards away. This team won't be fully assaulting, it will just be trying to distract the targets. The infiltration team sneaks into the base with minimal engagement and attempts to steal the airship. We then extract and meet up again at another rendezvous point.

"What do you think?"


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7561 on: April 15, 2018, 11:55:31 am »

Adventures in Personal Missions

aaa. Just buy the thing and move on, having a few extra things would be nice.
Well, unless you define what those extra things are I can't really help you. You can get some food or something to conceal your face or more sturdy clothes or a backpack or some rope or a lighter or some oil or some drugs or some poison or...

Hey, this seems a good as any time to join. Again.
(Jimmy Grouse)
what the hell kind of world has magic AND science??
buy them nice meds
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic and any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science. Therefore, there is no problem as long as you throw enough technobabble to make magic sciency and science magicky. Then the barriers between magic and technology break down and everything becomes a plot device.

"How nice meds do you want?" asks the guy at the counter.
"Do you simply want meds that are nice, nice meds or reeeeally nice meds?"

"Relax. We did nothing wrong." Jack says, perfectly calm now.
"The way I think about it, those people aren't real. No real person would live in a box. They're just things made by this place. Made to play a role in this game, like puppets in a play."
Looks like he found a way to justify his actions.
"There's nothing wrong with killing a puppet to defend a real life."

There are no stairs or emergency exits but there is a maintenance area for the elevator. This should at least let you get down to the vault's level. While he works on breaking open the door, you focus on modifying your doll.

"So how much do you know about this place? Have you been here long?"
"This would be my 5th level. I don't have any special insights about this place. Last thing I remember I had just won my third poker championship."
Guess that explains his clothing.
"So how did you get here?"
"I just woke up here. Played a card game with someone calling himself the Cardinal of Sin. Then when I beat him he just sent me on my way. Every level since then has been challenge after challenge."

After using two cards he finally manages to break the door open. You're about halfway through your modifications. The doll is definitely more agile and dextrous but not much more do than you.

The dolls you left in the hallway have knocked out and captured one guard. You make them hold her hostage to keep the others from approaching the door. However with no means for your dolls to speak beyond simple gestures, the stalemate probably won't last long.

"Your abilities are quite interesting. Did you always have them or..."
"They just sort of happened one day. Beyond that, I'd rather not say."

You start going down the stairs, followed by Jack as the doll tries to close the door behind you. There's no telling how much time you have left, they are probably coming towards this junction right now.

"So you haven't heard anything about the Queen?"
"What, you mean the Casino?"
"No, the one that brought me here, she mentioned something about a Queen, that she was the one that brought me here."
"Yeah, my guy said something similar. Haven't seen or heard anything beyond that though."
"Hm. Makes you wonder how long they're going to keep us going through this."

You reach the bottom of the maintenance area. The elevator is using some sort of hydraulic system, its bottom taken up by a few hydraulic pumps and pistons. There's another armored door here but it looks somewhat thinner.

((Thanks for giving me the heads up.))

♚The Doll Prince: Breaking the Bank♚

"The Cardinal of Sin?" Napoleon wondered out loud. "I'm willing to wager that he and the person I met is both working for the Queen. Her name is Lady Amarante, the Knight of Silver."

Napoleon examined the door. Though it resembled the security door above them, it appeared thinner. Obviously, the casino is more concerned with keep potential robbers out of the vault than keeping them in. Through his hive-mind, Napoleon made sure that the defeated guard cannot break free. If any of her comrades arrive, he can speak through the dolls themselves to keep them at bay. However, that wasn't his immediate concern.

"This is my second trial, by the way," Napoleon said as he moved the 'twisted doll' into position. He decided to focus most of his attention on its actions to maximize success. "The first one involved me waking up inside a museum of sorts. It could've been a mansion but that's beside the point. Anyway, I'd left one of my dolls in the room where I appeared to distract the watchman. Lady Amarante later possessed the doll, morphed it into the same shape as this doll standing before us, and attacked me! The nerve of her! As I tried to regain control of the doll, she tried to seize control of my mind me as well. However, before I fell unconscious from the shock of it all, I managed to pin her to the wall with a sword I found."

Napoleon then sighed. "Well, I supposed I'd lost that fight anyway. However, it's a good thing it was only a test that I passed due to my dogged persistence and unerring intellect, otherwise I would've been her meat puppet and I can't have that!"

Readying the doll, Napoleon decided to change the subject. "So, what do you think we're supposed to steal from the vault for our mysterious patron?"

Use the 'twisted doll' to break down the security doors. If any more guards show up, speak through the dolls a stern warning for them to stay back. The moment they try anything, execute the captured guard and attack the others with clawed forearms.
"So, what do you think we're supposed to steal from the vault for our mysterious patron?" you ask as you position you doll to open the door.
"No idea. I'm betting whatever it is, it's going to be dangerous." Jack says as he takes position on the other side of the door and readies his last two club cards.
The moment you give the signal, Jack transforms the cards into two somewhat crowbar-shaped clubs. Knowing that such transformation won't last long, Jack quickly throws one to your doll and then immediately moves to use his.
"These things tend to get ridiculously difficult." he says between grunts as he and the doll try to make the door budge.
You help the doll synchronize its motions with him. Their combined strength is enough to break something inside the door's mechanism and allow them to start opening it.
"I'd say we've been lucky so fa-UCK!" Jack transforms his last word into a swear as the crowbar dematerializes and he falls on his butt.
"Only my first challenge was somewhat easy. The rest were as difficult as you described." he adds as he gets up and goes to inspect what's through the door.
"So, what were they like?" you ask him as he squeezes through the small opening.
"Oh, you know, nothing hard. Just getting to an exit door, sometimes having to unlock it first."

You squeeze through the opening yourself and take a look around. The area beyond is quite absurd for a safe. The safe itself is merely a giant cube containing a great structure, with stairs leading down to its level. The structure is cylindrical, about 4 storeys high and made of stone (probably marble). The entire building excpet for the side facing you is covered with great cables and giant pipes coming out of the walls, some of them making their way inside the building through holes in the stone. The side facing you has a great wooden door on it instead.

Beyond some emergency lights near the elevator and some blinking lights scattered around the walls, it's quite dark in here. Normally you'd worry about triggering any alarms but at this point you've probably triggered every alarm you could, so there's probably not much point in being careful.

Something about this entire thing (and the door in particular) gives you a bad feeling but you don't think you have much choice in the matter. It looks like whoever designed this challenge wants you to enter this strange building within a vault.

"Wait, which is it? Were they hard or not hard?"
"Well, uh, you know what I mean, the objectives themselves were not difficult. I mean, not complicated. But getting to them was."
"Why is that?"
Jack sighs, sounding a bit angry for the first time since you met him.
"Come on, do we really have to keep talking about this right now? We are in danger, we have people after us, we have a job to do. When we're done we can chat to your heart's content." he says, trying to evade your question as he goes down the stairs and approaches the door.

Maximus: Medical Station, Lobby

<Svajoklis, Maximus, Next to Medical Center>

"Okay, there is no real combat damage inside the medical center. So the trees are either relatively harmless or immediately lethal. Seeing as there are no random corpses strewn about, I'll go with relatively harmless. As long as we don't poke them, probably.The fleshball is more suspicious, but I'm hopeful it can be dissuaded from anything nasty until we get our limbs back."

Wait for Brian to look around, and follow after him.

You hide behind the skeleton with the floating energy-draining eyballs.

Brian Hoss, Maximus

Look around for other entrances. If I don't find any, go through the hole.
You go through the hole with Svajoklis following behind you. With no gravity to slow you down, pulling yourself through the hole is quick and easy. Your teammates confirm that the area beyond is just as you described it, your eyes weren't playing tricks on you.

You attach your boots to the floor and start walking towards your destination, making sure to keep your distance from the grey tree-like things attached to the ground. Even so, they appear to be reacting to your presence. Their surface is moving as if there's something underneath them, pushing against it. They also appear to be exuding more of that green slime now, but not enough to make it dangerous right now.

The thing in the corridor has also become active. It's moving its stubby limbs, trying to move around, but with no way to propel itself it only manages to push itself off the ground and float a bit. The cables around it appear to be covered with a material similar to your spacesuits, making them cling to the floor, thus helping anchor the creature in place.

The thing is maybe one and a half times the size of a human, not large enough to cover the entire corridor which is about three times the creature's width. You should be able to make your way around it without any problems. Then again, you aren't sure how perceptive or mobile it really is or what capabilities it has. Maybe it will hear you walking and fly towards you or strike you with lightning.

Kosak Durar:

"Blasted headache... I need a drink. Hm. I've heard that you humans sometimes use alcohol as a disinfectant--a bloody mistake, by my reckoning-- but do you think there's any in the medical facility?"
You check around the area and find a counter with some medical supplies. Many of the cutting implements stored in it are covered in that green slime. Looks like someone was cutting into those trees for some reason, maybe inserting those cables. In one of the drawers you discover a couple of glass bottles of alcohol-based disinfectant paste. However they appear to have been designed with safety in a gravity-less environment in mind, sporting an applicator tip designed to pump the substabce and coat a small area in disifectant without it spilling everywhere. It also features a rather prominent warning about possible explosions if the bottle breaks and the substance is ignited in a zero-g environment.

You consider the bottle for a second. This will make drinking from it hard. And that blasted tip won't get unscrewed no matter how much you turn it. Frustrated, you simply break the tip off, open your helmet, position the bottle in your mouth and raise your head, waiting for the sweet taste of alcohol to fall into your mouth. You realize a moment later that without the pump or gravity to propel the substance, it mostly remains inside the bottle, only a few droplets reaching your mouth. You are about to start shaking the bottle but at the last moment you notice some empty syringes and get a better idea. You take a particularly thin one, remove the needle and plunger and use it as a straw. Success!

The taste is horrible, it burns your throat and it will most likely not agree with your stomach but you think you will be fine. Sure, it might tax your liver, bowels and other organs a bit but with the stuff dwarves normally eat and survive you don't think you'll be facing any serious danger. And the spacesuit luckily takes care of any... *ahem* emissions that might occur, so there should not be any problems with your teammates complaining either.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7562 on: April 15, 2018, 12:05:15 pm »

"I think we've basically settled on trying to sneak in, and now the question is who do we send to do it. If direct action is necessary, the infil team can just commwire for it."
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7563 on: April 15, 2018, 01:04:10 pm »

Brian Hoss, Maximus

Move close enough to the thing for it to react, then avoid that radius if it proves immobile and violent.
 If safe, move to the automated treatment machines.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7564 on: April 15, 2018, 05:06:55 pm »

<Svajoklis, Maximus medbay>

Move to the automated treatment machines. If the fleshball finds a way to move with enough speed to possibly reach us, shoot it.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7565 on: April 15, 2018, 05:21:18 pm »

I've already told you what I want:

Best not to head out on a mission without a good stabby boi. Buying a dedicated murder knife, preferably concealable and with a guard to parrying.
If I can afford it and know where to go, I'll also get a cheap pistol. I don't care if it explodes three shots in, bullets are bullets.

Additions to my wishlist: Air mask (With a tank, not a filter. so that I can be slightly less very dead if I end up in space somehow.) and handcuffs. Provided I can reasonably conceal those and afford them.
Backup plan if sneaky espionage fails is to hold the guy up with my gun, cuff him, make him tell me where the whatever thing is, and stick him in a closet so that I have a head start on getting it.

Then head to the place and just walk down the hall, "listening" for interesting intents. Do I know the specific room?


Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7566 on: April 15, 2018, 10:56:28 pm »

"So, what do you think we're supposed to steal from the vault for our mysterious patron?" you ask as you position you doll to open the door.
"No idea. I'm betting whatever it is, it's going to be dangerous." Jack says as he takes position on the other side of the door and readies his last two club cards.
The moment you give the signal, Jack transforms the cards into two somewhat crowbar-shaped clubs. Knowing that such transformation won't last long, Jack quickly throws one to your doll and then immediately moves to use his.
"These things tend to get ridiculously difficult." he says between grunts as he and the doll try to make the door budge.
You help the doll synchronize its motions with him. Their combined strength is enough to break something inside the door's mechanism and allow them to start opening it.
"I'd say we've been lucky so fa-UCK!" Jack transforms his last word into a swear as the crowbar dematerializes and he falls on his butt.
"Only my first challenge was somewhat easy. The rest were as difficult as you described." he adds as he gets up and goes to inspect what's through the door.
"So, what were they like?" you ask him as he squeezes through the small opening.
"Oh, you know, nothing hard. Just getting to an exit door, sometimes having to unlock it first."

You squeeze through the opening yourself and take a look around. The area beyond is quite absurd for a safe. The safe itself is merely a giant cube containing a great structure, with stairs leading down to its level. The structure is cylindrical, about 4 storeys high and made of stone (probably marble). The entire building excpet for the side facing you is covered with great cables and giant pipes coming out of the walls, some of them making their way inside the building through holes in the stone. The side facing you has a great wooden door on it instead.

Beyond some emergency lights near the elevator and some blinking lights scattered around the walls, it's quite dark in here. Normally you'd worry about triggering any alarms but at this point you've probably triggered every alarm you could, so there's probably not much point in being careful.

Something about this entire thing (and the door in particular) gives you a bad feeling but you don't think you have much choice in the matter. It looks like whoever designed this challenge wants you to enter this strange building within a vault.

"Wait, which is it? Were they hard or not hard?"
"Well, uh, you know what I mean, the objectives themselves were not difficult. I mean, not complicated. But getting to them was."
"Why is that?"
Jack sighs, sounding a bit angry for the first time since you met him.
"Come on, do we really have to keep talking about this right now? We are in danger, we have people after us, we have a job to do. When we're done we can chat to your heart's content." he says, trying to evade your question as he goes down the stairs and approaches the door.

♚The Doll Prince: Behind Closed Doors♚

"Fair enough then," Napoleon muttered in resignation before focusing on the big wooden door below.

Making use of his superior intellect and perception, Napoleon has notice that Jack's story was a bit... odd. Now that he thought of it, if what Jack said about his previous challenge was true then it sounded like he had it easy. Sure getting to the place could've been difficult but winning a poker championship for the third time seems like a cinch if Jack really has the ability to win at card games. While Napoleon fought for his life during his first trial in which his ability and plans were being turned against him, this self-proclaimed 'King of Card Games' was no doubt facing challenges that seemed to be tailored to him. Finally, the bit about his powers just sort of manifesting without any explanation and his refusal to speak of it further got his attention. Though it could be possible that powers like that could manifest a la 'X-men style', most people wouldn't feel too ashamed to discuss it further. Besides, Napoleon is a dollish man who has the ability to summon dolls to do his bidding, an ability that can't be considered by most men to be less embarrassing than the ability to use spells based around playing cards! Though Napoleon has taken care not to be too open with Jack in case he ultimately can't be trusted, he can't help but to ponder if this should be taken much further, as least while this many red flags are popping up. In the best case scenario, Jack's just too embarrassed by his trials to discuss it with a stranger he'd just met an hour or so ago. Understandably, Napoleon himself would've acted the same way too. Worst case scenario, Jack's story could be nothing but a facade and he's actually a crook who plans to betray him and take the object for himself, which would be a shame since he kind of liked Jack.

To determine what kind of person Jack ultimately is, Napoleon made a mental note to pay closer attention to everything Jack says and does without alerting him. Whether he is genuinely a fellow pawn who's just more lucky than himself or a double-crosser looking for a sacrificial lamb, it's quite obvious that they both need each other to get the item the Queen wants and to get out of here alive. Whatever vindications or betrayals that will happen will happen once this is all over and if Jack turns out to be a traitor then Napoleon will see to it that he regrets it. After all, he is the Doll Prince and his judgment is absolute.

In the meantime, a door needs to be breached.

Enter the strange tower provided that the door is unlocked. If locked, morph the 'twisted doll's' right hand into a large axe-like implement and hack the door to pieces. In either case, move the doll in front of Napoleon and Jack to absorb the brunt of any attacks that may suddenly erupt.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7567 on: April 16, 2018, 02:48:41 am »

"I think we've basically settled on trying to sneak in, and now the question is who do we send to do it. If direct action is necessary, the infil team can just commwire for it."

"I'll go. I can conceal us and restrain people from a distance using my shadow powers."


  • Bay Watcher
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    • parisbre56 Discord
Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7568 on: April 16, 2018, 07:53:45 am »

Campaign: Close to Traveller's Rest

((Since it appears the existence of civilians is important to your plans, let's fast forward a bit so you can gain that information and include it to your plans. In retrospect, I should had probably done that sooner.))

A bit earlier than an hour before soundown, one of the scouts you had left to monitor the situation at Traveller's Rest comes back bearing news. There was a procession of 7 people in chains led from one of the warehouses close to the central plaza to the Spine. They are currently being held at the courtyard outside the Spine with an armed escort.

The soldiers themselves have no idea what that means exactly, they merely have a vague idea that those people are in trouble and should be rescued. A very small number of the more impulsive amongst them wish to attack right now but the majority is content waiting for your plan.

However the mages and the Sword do have an idea about what that might mean. Since this is one of the places where the Dark spell that drains Fire magic and corrupts the land originates, it is very likely those people are going to get sacrificed at sundown as part of some ritual that powers that spell. Human sacrifice releases a tremendous amount of Dark flow, which partially explains how they managed to make the spell so powerful.

Everyone is appalled by this, however only one of the mages believes you should risk attacking now to prevent their sacrifice. Attacking with your full force while the sun is still up means losing most of the element of surprise. The alchemist proposes destroying the Spine with your Artillery, since that would take care of the Dark ritual, at least at this location, however a mage counters that if the attack is successful, it might mean that the civilians left in the town will be liable to be used as hostages or outright executed as no longer useful. One of the mages suggests a team should be sent to secure the warehouse and any other places they're keeping civilians and either fortify it or lead the civilians away from it, however if said team is spotted before they're ready they'll likely come under heavy fire and cost the rest of your army the element of surprise. In the end it might be better to just wait for the sacrifice to happen and for Irine to clear its effects before attacking, as that would give you the best chance for a quick victory and rescue of the civilians. On the other hand, if the enemy already knows where you are and are baiting you then it might make no difference when you engage them.

<You're right, it's risky for me to try to cast outside my element, and that I should work my way up slowly. The problem is I didn't ever do anything small-scale that way. I've only got large-scale memories to work off of - really large-scale. Do you think it would be best for me to give up on Creation magic entirely?>
The Sword is silent for a long time. If you didn't know better you'd think it didn't hear your question.
<Triplesword? Are you OK?>
<We are fine. We are simply facing some difficulty coming to a decision. We are certain that in your current state you would be highly unlikely to be successful in casting a spell through your memories, at least not without a powerful Creation power source. But it might be worth cautiously pursuing Creation magic. Were you to be successful in even the most minor of ways it would open countless possibilities to you. We are having difficulty deciding if those possibilities are worth the risks.>

"The catapult idea could work if we give someone a parachute or wingsuit...maybe my tsar water armour can absorb the impact? No, still too inaccurate and risky."
"Aww... You're no fun."
((Imagining a blob of watery Nikolai going splat like a water balloon on the side of the airship is immensely amusing to me for some reason.))

"Maybe we can modify a crossbow into a grappling hook harpoon gun thing that can help us reach the airship without going up the spine?"
"Unlikely. I find it difficult to believe that someone will be able to shoot a crossbow bolt up there reliably, have it attach to the ship reliably and then quickly climb all the way up there without getting tired or falling."
"Don't dismiss the idea so quickly. Maybe a normal crossbow won't be able to shoot a rope up there reliably, but what about a Tsared crossbow?"
"Hm. The eastern sky pirates are known to use giant harpoons to keep vessels from escaping. Most airships are quite light, after all. So if all we need to do is keep it in place..."
"Yes, that's right! We could even try to drag it down onto the ground and board it!"
"But to hold on to the airship you'd also need to have strong chains or Tsared rope and I find it hard to believe that all that weight will reach all the way up there."
"What if you used a long piece of string? That's lightweight enough and it should reach the airship no problem. Then when the bolt is attached you just Tsar the string and turn it into a rope."
"Yes, that would probably make it both lightweight enough to reach the ship and sturdy enough to climb it."
"And then you could just untsar the rope and use the shrinking rope like an elevator!"
"You really have a thing about flinging people into the air, don't you?"
"What can I say? I always liked flying."
"Yeah, but isn't flinging more like falling than flying?"
"Hah! And flying is nothing more than falling with style!" she declares, raising her fist.
The mage shakes his head.
"Still, her idea has some merit. The Triplesword has shown me a memory of one of its wielders using it to perform a similar feat. If someone helped me get it up there, then it should be able to drag others to it."
"So you propose we just put the Sword in a Tsared crossbow and shoot it at the ship?"
"I'm not sure. It's an Order spell, the Chaos energy from Tsaring might interfere with it. I will have to be one of the first the Sword drags up there. If the spell misfires due to the Chaos energy then I might lose the Sword or get injured and become unavailable for the rest of the fight."
"Isn't River like crazy strong? Couldn't he throw the Sword up there?"
"Maybe. If he's healed enough and is willing to help."

"Or we can capture a glider and use that to fly to the airship. Their airfield is close to the edge of the city."
"Yes! We should do that one! I always wanted a glider! Use them to get a team up there and save one for me."
"Oh? And how exactly are they going to pilot them?"
"Yeah, it's not going to be easy to learn how to fly in the span of a few minutes, let alone fly well enough to land-"
"Oh, come on, it's not that hard!" the alchemist complains.
"You strap the belt around your waist, then use the foot pedals to control the Wind enchantment and the hand-levers to control the wings. Then all you have to do to take off is align the pedals and trigger the-"
"Wait a minute, you know how to pilot a glider?"
"Why yes, of course I do!"
"Even if you know the theory, surely that does not compare to-"
"Not just the theory! I got to fly one in the Sovereignty's Mages' College! Fully trained, ace rank!" she says proudly.
"Or I would be, if they'd actually agreed to train me." she adds a bit more quietly.
"But it's basically the same thing." she continues dismissively.
"Wait, so if they didn't agree to train you, then how-"
"I took one."
"You took one?! Just like that? Without permission? Without a trainer? Without any safety-"
"Wow, you sound just like the guys at the College when they finally caught me. 'Blah blah safety, yada yada spy, can't let a little girl do these sort of things, etcetera etcetera.' Then they go ahead and ban me. I say if they didn't want me taking it then they shouldn't had made it that easy to take."
"I still don't believe how someone so self-obsessed can do something so reckless. And survive."
"I'm telling you, I knew what I was doing! It was all according to plan! Why won't anyone believe me?"
"You are confident in your flying skills then?"
"One hundred percent!"
"So you wouldn't have a problem flying someone to that airship?"
You can see the alchemist struggle between her desire to gain a Glider and her desire to avoid combat.
"I suppose I could drop one of you off, if you really can't do it yourselves. And only if I get to keep the Glider, I need to finish researching it. But I'd rather much train you and have you bring me one, it's really not that hard."
"Maybe for you it isn't."

"We could try tunneling under the city. Set bombs or come up right next to the objectives. Probably way too slow."
"I agree. We'd need an Earth mage to do that quickly."

"Could just sneak quick and quietly kill anyone we see before they raise alarm."
"If we have nothing better to go on then yes, that's probably what we should choose."

"I think we've basically settled on trying to sneak in, and now the question is who do we send to do it. If direct action is necessary, the infil team can just commwire for it."

"I'll go. I can conceal us and restrain people from a distance using my shadow powers."
"From what I understood from your previous descriptions your shadow abilities' strength is dependent on the strength of the shadows existing in an area. The Dark magic corrupting the town might lead to a supercharging of your shadow abilities once you enter it, similar to what happened at Road's End. Be sure to take that into account when using your abilities."

Yes to building trebuchet.

Yes to potion. I promise to put it to good use. Maybe to tsar and repair the wreckage of the airship if we end up destroying it.

Yes to prototype gun improvements.

The recruits do a very good job following your instructions and converting a wagon into a trebuchet. They leave it disassembled for now, waiting for your instructions on where to deploy it.

You get the potion. You are warned several times to drink the entire thing in one go the moment you break the bottle's seal and to not let it break or spill at all.

Gun improvements basically amount to adding a wooden skeleton and stock to make the tube easy to grip, a spring-based hammer linked to a trigger and some simple sights (though you don't have enough time to make them very accurate). You also prepare some bullets and gunpowder packages. With all that you manage to transform the prototype into a front-loading musket. It will be good if you have to penetrate heavy armor at medium to close range but for most other uses your crossbow is probably better and easier to reload.

Campaign: Alan's Magical Adventure

((I love how quickly you adapted your character to this new situation.

Don't worry about the frequency of your posts, I'm not posting that quickly either. Focus on your life, that's the most important thing.))
((If there's one thing I really like about playing Alan, it's that he's the most chill, go-with-the-flow type mask I've donned in quite some time. Put in pretty much any situation, no matter how bizarre, he generally won't blink, just find something to work off of as a reference point and go from there. Also I'm somewhat adept at playing bad guys from all my ER experience, though mayhaps less megalomaniacal this time around >:3))

Alan, Helpful Princess

Hooray, I did a good thing! Does Ammie want me to do anything in particular right now? If not, I'll go visit my new friends in person - phone calls are nice, but it's always better to catch up face-analogue to face-analogue!

You go visit your friends in person. It's quite a long distance, going all the way to the top of one of the towers of the Mage's College. But it's also the best place for it, since your friends like to fly. Luckily you don't have to climb all the way up there, you have permission to use the elevator.

People greet you along the way. They are all very friendly. But sometimes you wonder if they aren't friendly because they like you but because they want to use you or your step-father. Or maybe because of that special make-up mum gave to you. But you don't let such thoughts bother you. Even if they don't like you now, there's nothing stopping them from becoming your friends in the future.

You reach the top level and enter the room. Rays of sunshine flow through the large open windows, showing you the great City built in the corpse of the big dead bird. If it weren't for the occasional column, it would feel as if you were in a floating platform. This old Glider runway is the best thing you could had asked for. Your own little palace in the clouds, perfect for you and your friends to fly out of. All your friends greet you quite loudly.

At the center of the room is the Important Thing. You know that you must not mess with the Important Thing. Only your mum may approach the Important Thing. Knowing you can't play with it, you decide to leave it alone for now.

First you check the flows to make sure your friends have all the food they need. You make sure to give them a balanced diet, full of every color of the rainbow. It's the best way for your friends to grow strong and become better than all the others. But each one needs their own personal diet program, selected with care. For example Cherubim need mostly yellow, purple and green, while Ophanim need a mix of yellow, purple and grey. You must be careful with how much you give them, you don't have too many.

You walk amongst your friends, checking their progress. Their gestation is almost complete. They're ready to go and be free, no longer carried in your pockets. A few failures must still stay in your pockets until next time, but what can you do? These things happen.

And then you have your latest and most expensive friend, the rarest friend one can grow. You bet this will make you extra popular. You approach it and place your arm on its gigantic form as it shudders and begins to move, spreading its great wings. You climb on it as it approaches one of the windows. You think they'll call this one Seraph.

((Please stand by for timeskip.))
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 08:03:34 am by Parisbre56 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7569 on: April 16, 2018, 12:58:17 pm »

Kosak Durar:

"Ugh... must be an acquired taste."

Finish that bottle, then grab a few more plus syringes for later use. Then catch up with my team. Anything need punching?
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7570 on: April 16, 2018, 01:07:45 pm »

((A simple map of the village would help, if you have the time to draw one.))

Wrap a thick layer of padding around the potion. Don't want it breaking.

Add one final simple but important improvement to musket: a bayonet.

"Who wants the boomstick? It has too much recoil for me."
Give musket to whoever wants it. If no one claims it then give it to an especially sharp eyed and steady handed recruit.

If the alchemist wants it then say:
"Okay. But you have to be willing to use it. Either use it or give it to someone who will."

Battle planning:
((Will edit in))
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7571 on: April 16, 2018, 06:07:45 pm »

Alan, Timeskip Princess

Timeskip away! Be the best princess I can in the manner I've been so far. Make sure to be extra persuasive if I end up talking to those high princes people.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7572 on: April 18, 2018, 08:08:01 am »

"I can't sneak in, not with the way my body is now." I say while motioning at my shiny golden hair and fur.
"And I don't want to just let those people die, but I don't see how we can get in there in time and actually acomplish something, and if I try a direct attack it'll just make them speed up their timetable if anything. So I guess we HAVE to just wait and... well, just abandon them to die... which sucks."
"Guys, after they do their ritual you should begin your infiltration. I'll be making a direct assault on the place at dawn, as their dark mage's power wanes. I'm not going to let another set of people be sacrificed without doing anything."
"If you could leave one of the commwires with me, then if you need me to I can begin a lot sooner, though it'll take a bit for me to build up the momentum I'll want."
This should give people a timeline, so we aren't all just waiting for someone else to propose what to do.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7573 on: April 18, 2018, 11:22:06 am »

“Eh. Nice meds are fine.
So how much will it cost?”
check what other kinds of goodies I can get


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7574 on: April 18, 2018, 12:11:56 pm »

"I'm useless at stealth. But I will be ready to launch an artillery barrage the moment the civilians are gone.

Here Zech. Take this mystifying mirage, it can hide 4. Works best from a distance or when standing still. Ask Ike for his too.
Take these sleeping gas bolts, and this stun grenade, and these paralysis arrows. Might come in handy.
Bring along a couple of the water mages. They're good at stealth.
Take as many spare weapons as you can to equip the civilians. They might have to fight their way out.

We still need someone to lead the team to capture the airfield. Can't have them launching gliders and bombing us. Ike, Theri, how about it?"
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.
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