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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1128923 times)


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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7005 on: September 26, 2017, 03:39:27 pm »

"Oh, I can get us to the roof when we get there no problemo my dude."

Grin enigmatically and hope he goes along with my radical idea when we eventually reach it.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7006 on: September 27, 2017, 06:16:44 pm »

((Giving some time for others to respond as well in both missions. I'll probably move on next turn.))

Deserted Haystack, The Phoenix

Kosak Durar:

"Drop me at this "turret". It's good as destroyed!"
Aboard the Phoenix

"Got it. Let me out here then; we'll try to be careful."

Also vote for dropoff near turret.
Cover the approach via summoning and launching a couple decoys perpendicularly away from the ship; small objects that radiate on a number of frequencies, even sound and vibration in case this thing uses actual sonar.

The Phoenix

I'm fine with getting dropped by the turret.
:Okay, If you wanna go for the turret, then I'll come in close and eject you as close to it as I can.:
:I've programmed the seats to attach themselves to the hull of the Maximus. Once you land, make sure to engage your boots before leaving your seats, otherwise the current will carry you away.:
:Your visors are equipped with lamps and radios but this liquid is quite good at absorbing radiation, so try not to stray too far from each other or you risk getting lost.:
:Once you're out of the ship I'll transform into a form better suited for combat and try to keep the turret focused on me. I don't know how good our comms will be out there, so if anything happens and we get separated, I'll try to make my way into the starboard hangar and then to the nearby way station.:

You remember that you should try hard not to die out there, or to at least remain attached to the hull of the Maximus if you do. Because if your interface gets carried away in these turbulent waters and the others can't recover it, then there'll be no reviving you: you'll be dead for good.

Space-mission, Tess:

Tess sits in her seat, paddling her feet, still enamored by the mysteries of this craft. She seems to be treating it like a ride.
You yell "Wheeee!" every time the spaceship accelerates.

Campaign, somewhere in the parched plains east of Chizra

Yeah, but its not safe here. we need to get San and River out. How long for them to get to the monestary?
Let's say it adds... at most half a day, assuming she takes no supplies with her.

((Argh, updates happened and being skipped over in a turn? No! :-[
Thanks for automating me as best as possible Parisbre :) ))

Get the wounded to a better area, ask Irine to establish a defensive perimeter of magic, or warding. Also note to be with San if and when he gets exposed to the...situation.
Thoroughly check for other wounded and make the best of the situation via improvisation.

Theri was glad for telepathy--she had signaled the impact of the situation to Irine as she was musing on how to make the best of the situation. She was also hit by the bittersweet note of hindsight; if she had let San go with these travelers, inasmuch as she was ambivalent back then, he may be part of-...something she pushed away to think about later.

As Irine pulled up with River, Theri asked aloud.

"I wish I knew magic, Irine. I wish I knew what you knew. My knowledge is bound to the laws of the environment around me. I don't know how you do all these. But I think that's all we can do. I found some water there and cleaned what I could; all that's left is for them to heal, and recuperate. I'm giving it a couple of days at least, with the intensity of such wounds.

"...Can you try speaking to them? In mind?"

Yeah, but its not safe here. we need to get San and River out. How long for them to get to the monestary?
((Oh heya :3 I'm not that late then! And yes, I believe I can carry a young kid much like a backpack and a pupper quite well. I think?))
There's no better area nearby that you know of. Unless you plan on constructing some sort cart out of cloth and rocks to drag them back to civilization, it would probably be best if you didn't move them more than necessary. You could always search for a safer area, you've only passed by the surrounding area, maybe there's something you missed. On the other hand, if you plan on leaving in order to bring help, it might be best to leave such things to Irine and depart immediately.

You double check the wounded and make sure you did all you could and didn't miss anyone. They look fairly stable, all except for that man who has been pecked through the chest. You don't think he's going to make it through the next few hours.

You try to be there for San. He tries to hide his fear and anxiety, he tries to be strong and not get too upset. He is taking it better than you expected. Maybe all those things he's been seeing the past few days have started to numb him to tragedy. You're not sure, but maybe that's not a very good thing. Them again, he might be just trying to be more like you, or at least how he sees you with his eyes.

"I can, but my innate telepathy is one-way. I can speak, but they can't respond. The commwires would work better, and any of us can use those. And you have magic too Theri, you just don't have a good grasp on how to use it. At your current understanding, your best bet if you want to use it is to simply want something really badly, your body will handle the rest on its own. But as for warding or stuff like that, that's not really my thing. I could make a ring of fire, but that wouldn't be a good idea. The sword can probably do better."
Theri just listened and thought.

"Speak to them then. Tell them they're being watched. Tell them they're safe. Also...I don't know if I want this really badly, but I feel like that really badly- and, nothing seems to be happening? I'd like to heal them, even those that I felt a pulse in, but didn't later on."

At the speed of thought, Theri recalled her medical training. Much of it was more from others' teachings, but part was from her knowledge of survival and treatment. She knew certain concepts more than other procedures, but knowing what something did was a foothold to seeing more.

"Can't your sword heal? Act like a cauterized needle, without the collateral?"

Also try going magical healing!
You sit down next to the man with the chest wounds and look at him. You don't want him to die. But you can't save him with your current means. Well, that's not entirely true, people keep saying you're supposed to have magic in this world. You're not sure how magic works, you've never done this before, but encouraged by Irine and with nothing to lose, you're willing to give it a try. And willpower is a good first step. The second step is desire, you also have that covered. The third step is ritual: thoughts and actions.

Now, let's see if you get some sort of bonus or penalty for this roll. What is your character doing and thinking as she attempts to heal that man? Is she praying to a god like a Cleric? Is she thinking about her training and what she would do? Is she thinking about how Irine uses magic? Is she thinking about someone who could use healing magic?

Campaign, outside the Outer Walls of Chizra

"Oh, I can get us to the roof when we get there no problemo my dude."

Grin enigmatically and hope he goes along with my radical idea when we eventually reach it.
"Then comes navigating the area inside the temple. Some sort of disguise might come in handy. Or a way to generate a distraction in there."


((Hmmm... Would extra large ears actually work? I mean, dolls don't have ears in the first place... On the other hand, larger ears would help focus the sounds to whatever supernatural sensory organs the dolls use... Eh, I'll allow it.))

You carefully pick up the sword and strap it on yourself. You get +1 Fancy.

There is indeed a door. You attempt to open it. It's locked. Well.

You suppose you could wait for someone to come. Or you could just try to open it somehow. Or maybe try to break that window and fall down, it's only one storey high. You've already started breaking things, so continuing wouldn't be that terrible, right?

"The door's locked. Well, There goes part of my magnificent plan," Napoleon muttered as he went over to a window. Looking down, he guessed that the room he's currently in is one story high. With a rope of dolls, he could climb down. However, the incident with the display convinced him not to take such a chance unless absolutely necessary. After all, even a glorious prince such as himself cannot hope to survive such a fall.

Turning back to the door, Napoleon thought about modifying a doll into a moving battering ram to knock down the door. However, he then decided to make that Plan B. If someone was in this building, it is likely that they were on their way here. The sensible thing to do is to wait.

After turning off the lights, Napoleon will leave a doll motionless among the remains of the display. After finding a good place to hide, he would then wait until someone unlocks the door and will attempt to slip pass them and out of the room while they're distracted by the doll.
You extinguish the lamps in the room and then find a nice dark corner to hide in... at least, you try to do so, realizing too late that without any light source you really can't tell which way is which. You walk slowly, with your arms extended in front of you, trying to find a wall without bumping into something. Through luck or skill, you eventually manage to find a wall without bumping into everything along the way. You hide there, trying to make yourself as small as possible.

Eventually you hear something behind the door and after a long while you see light coming from the seam beneath it. Soon there is the sound of the door unlocking. An extremely short and pale old man in an old blue military uniform comes through the door. He looks so short it's almost like a wrinkly child took an old faded uniform from a museum. He is holding a lamp on one hand, has a jiggling keyring on his belt and is slowly marching forward as if he's dragging all his years behind him.

You try to stay as still as you can. The old man doesn't look at you though. He continues his slow march forward, muttering something unintelligible to himself. You quietly make your way out of the room as he begins trying to relight the lamps, before he has a chance to notice the destroyed case or your doll.

Outside there's a long hallway with a few more doors. It's quite dark, save for the occasional lamp. There's also a large stairway leading down.

Somewhere else...

I updated my character sheet slightly.  I changed the color of the name to be the color that Stephano will talk with, and the sheet mentions that he can't heal himself.
((The dice say you get exactly what you asked for.))

You wake up.

It takes a moment for the blurriness to clear from your eyes. You try to wipe them but you can't move your arms, they're tied behind your back. You hear the chink of metal against metal as the handcuffs impact the metal chair. There's no other sound beyond the whirring of some ventilator, the buzzing of a fluorescent lamp, your breathing and your heartbeat.

You blink and shake your head a bit until you can see better. You're inside a brightly lit interrogation room, complete with a one way mirror. There's an empty metal table screwed to the floor in front of you.

Your handcufs are not tied to the chair, nor are your legs restrained in any way. You could try to get up and walk if you wanted to, though you wouldn't be in the best of states. Your head hurts and you feel a bit dizzy,

Another World, Another Time, In the Age of Wonder...

((I thought I could not understand the language of the people around me. Is this an error, or should I roll with it? No pun intended.))

((Also, I can do both the mission and the intro simultaneously. No rolling, honest.))

Introduction, Tess:

"V-Villain? I'm not a villain! I'm a ref... referee... referugee! Refugee! I'm a safe person! Wait, no! I'm a person who isn't safe! No, not like that! I can't think right now! I'm scared! But I'm not evil! I just want help!"
They're still speaking their foreign language, but you can somehow understand that language now.

"I really want to believe you. At least you seem a bit more cooperative then the rest."
He seems thoughtful for a moment.
"Do I have your permission to touch you? It would make it easier for me to finish using my abilities on you. I would prefer to do this while respecting your privacy. I do not want to invade your mind."

"I can, but my innate telepathy is one-way. I can speak, but they can't respond. The commwires would work better, and any of us can use those. And you have magic too Theri, you just don't have a good grasp on how to use it. At your current understanding, your best bet if you want to use it is to simply want something really badly, your body will handle the rest on its own. But as for warding or stuff like that, that's not really my thing. I could make a ring of fire, but that wouldn't be a good idea. The sword can probably do better."

edit: ((oh, and Paris, if you want to know medical stuff, Tir will generally be better. She has actual med school training. What I have is a whole lot of different kinds of first-responder training. As a rule of thumb, I can save you from dying on the spot, but what I can do needs to be supplemented by the work of a proper doctor or surgeon. For example if you get stabbed literally through the chest, breaking ribs, piercing a lung, and suchlike, I can probably get you to a hospital alive. But I can't actually fix the problem, I can only stall for time really well, and know how to move someone thats hurt if I really have to (hint: Try to not move them if you can help it. The more their body shifts, the more messed up their insides get, and you could kill them suprisingly fast) But I don't know how to make someone better, just how to keep them from getting worse.))
Don't say it like keeping people alive long enough to get help is a small thing. If that ends up being the difference between life and death for someone, then I bet that would be really important to the one who you allowed to be saved and the ones that love them.

Anyway, feel free to correct me if you see me say anything wrong and/or stupid.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 06:21:17 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7007 on: September 27, 2017, 06:51:41 pm »

Tess reflexively covers herself with her arms defensively, looking somehow even more frightened and confused than before.

"You want to touch me...? Are you going to do experiments on me too? Like they did?"
« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 05:16:02 am by Coolrune206 »
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7008 on: September 27, 2017, 08:43:23 pm »

I suspect my next action will be determined by how Theri's attempt at magic goes.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7009 on: September 27, 2017, 11:12:16 pm »

You extinguish the lamps in the room and then find a nice dark corner to hide in... at least, you try to do so, realizing too late that without any light source you really can't tell which way is which. You walk slowly, with your arms extended in front of you, trying to find a wall without bumping into something. Through luck or skill, you eventually manage to find a wall without bumping into everything along the way. You hide there, trying to make yourself as small as possible.

Eventually you hear something behind the door and after a long while you see light coming from the seam beneath it. Soon there is the sound of the door unlocking. An extremely short and pale old man in an old blue military uniform comes through the door. He looks so short it's almost like a wrinkly child took an old faded uniform from a museum. He is holding a lamp on one hand, has a jiggling keyring on his belt and is slowly marching forward as if he's dragging all his years behind him.

You try to stay as still as you can. The old man doesn't look at you though. He continues his slow march forward, muttering something unintelligible to himself. You quietly make your way out of the room as he begins trying to relight the lamps, before he has a chance to notice the destroyed case or your doll.

Outside there's a long hallway with a few more doors. It's quite dark, save for the occasional lamp. There's also a large stairway leading down.

(OOC: Wow Lenglon, your post is quite informative. People learn something new everyday...)

After making his way out of the room, Napoleon unsummoned all of his dolls. Now he could move more stealthily without the little pattering of feet following him. Though he wanted to know what was behind each of those door, his desire to find out where he is and to get out of here were too overpowering so he decided to:

Move and quickly and quietly as he could toward the stairway and carefully descend it.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 10:10:55 pm by Sir Elventide »


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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7010 on: September 28, 2017, 12:53:54 am »

@Lenglon: Hmm... Then I guess it would had made more sense to make that a gut wound in order for him to survive like he did, unless I say something like "ironically, the poison used by the birds reduced his blood pressure and lowered his heart/breath rate, allowing him to survive for longer than he should".

Tess reflexively covers herself with her arms defensively, looking somehow even more frightened and confused than before.

"You want to touch me...? Are you going to do experiments on me too? Like they did?"
"What? No. I do not wish to hurt you, I merely want to confirm who and what you are saying you are is true."

You extinguish the lamps in the room and then find a nice dark corner to hide in... at least, you try to do so, realizing too late that without any light source you really can't tell which way is which. You walk slowly, with your arms extended in front of you, trying to find a wall without bumping into something. Through luck or skill, you eventually manage to find a wall without bumping into everything along the way. You hide there, trying to make yourself as small as possible.

Eventually you hear something behind the door and after a long while you see light coming from the seam beneath it. Soon there is the sound of the door unlocking. An extremely short and pale old man in an old blue military uniform comes through the door. He looks so short it's almost like a wrinkly child took an old faded uniform from a museum. He is holding a lamp on one hand, has a jiggling keyring on his belt and is slowly marching forward as if he's dragging all his years behind him.

You try to stay as still as you can. The old man doesn't look at you though. He continues his slow march forward, muttering something unintelligible to himself. You quietly make your way out of the room as he begins trying to relight the lamps, before he has a chance to notice the destroyed case or your doll.

Outside there's a long hallway with a few more doors. It's quite dark, save for the occasional lamp. There's also a large stairway leading down.

(OOC: Wow Lenglon, your post is quite informative. People learn something new everyday...)

After making his way out of the room, Napoleon unsummoned all of his dolls, including the one he left in the ruined display. Now he could move more stealthily without the little pattering of feet following him. Though he wanted to know what was behind each of those door, his desire to find out where he is and to get out of here were too overpowering so he decided to:

Move and quickly and quietly as he could toward the stairway and carefully descend it.
You make your way down the stairs. It's one of those things that go down until they reach a wall, split in half and then continue down in the opposite direction. You go down the left side until you reach the ground floor.

The room you're in is a large hall, connecting the stairs with the main entrance with a red carpet with candles on tall metal bases burning on either side of it. The entrance is blocked from opening by a large wooden board, like an oversized door bolt. Through the windows, you are once again reminded that the outside is unnaturally dark. You can see the street outside through the little light that escapes through the window but there's little else, not street lamps, not light escaping from windows, not even stars.

There's another door on your left that leads to a communal dining room and smaller doors all around. One is on the stairs and seems to lead further down.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7011 on: September 28, 2017, 02:06:44 am »

OOC @Paris: ((Nah, you're good as-is. The list of possible complications for chest wounds is rediculious. Seriously, hospital is mandatory. Your ribcage exists to protect your most vital internals. When it gets pierced, things will go wrong. The stuff I mentioned is the most important from a first-responder perspective because it's what will kill you first. Not even close to the only ways to die from that kind of injury.))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7012 on: September 28, 2017, 05:18:25 am »

Tess, after a few moments of absolute silence, slowly nods. As he approaches, she squeezes her eyes shut and shudders in fear.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7013 on: September 28, 2017, 11:58:32 am »

You wake up.

It takes a moment for the blurriness to clear from your eyes. You try to wipe them but you can't move your arms, they're tied behind your back. You hear the chink of metal against metal as the handcuffs impact the metal chair. There's no other sound beyond the whirring of some ventilator, the buzzing of a fluorescent lamp, your breathing and your heartbeat.

You blink and shake your head a bit until you can see better. You're inside a brightly lit interrogation room, complete with a one way mirror. There's an empty metal table screwed to the floor in front of you.

Your handcufs are not tied to the chair, nor are your legs restrained in any way. You could try to get up and walk if you wanted to, though you wouldn't be in the best of states. Your head hurts and you feel a bit dizzy,

Ugh..what's going on? Where am I? Have I been captured?

Without getting up, examine this room more closely. Check if there's an exit in this room. If I see an exit, then attempt to get up and leave after my dizziness clears up.
Insert witty signature here


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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7014 on: September 28, 2017, 12:11:44 pm »

Welcome to the party, pal!

Shake red bull vigorously. Aim at the idiots. Tsar and pull tab. High pressure redbull cannon.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 01:29:12 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7015 on: September 28, 2017, 02:24:58 pm »

"Ah c'mon bucko chum pal boyo, you know that planning too much just means that it's not gonna be followed. We can bluff or whatever when we get in there, it'll be fine."

Alert: Alan's attention span wandering. Bored summoning probability increasing.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))

Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7016 on: September 28, 2017, 03:04:35 pm »

You make your way down the stairs. It's one of those things that go down until they reach a wall, split in half and then continue down in the opposite direction. You go down the left side until you reach the ground floor.

The room you're in is a large hall, connecting the stairs with the main entrance with a red carpet with candles on tall metal bases burning on either side of it. The entrance is blocked from opening by a large wooden board, like an oversized door bolt. Through the windows, you are once again reminded that the outside is unnaturally dark. You can see the street outside through the little light that escapes through the window but there's little else, not street lamps, not light escaping from windows, not even stars.

There's another door on your left that leads to a communal dining room and smaller doors all around. One is on the stairs and seems to lead further down.

It took one look at the candles for Napoleon to wonder whether he could've been sent back in time. After all, it lacked any of the newfangled modern technology he expected. In fact, the old guard he just slipped pass was carrying a lamp, not a flashlight that he was preparing for.

"Where am I? This place is strange and I can't even see what's outside through that darkness," he muttered to himself. "Even if the night sky is overcast, there will still be moonlight drifting through the clouds. However, I can't see anything."

Looking at the large board blocking the door, Napoleon wondered if he could move it out of the way so that he could open the door and take a better look outside. However, he hoped that the blocked door wasn't trying to keep something from coming in.

Attempt to open the main door and take a look, hopefully not regretting doing so.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7017 on: September 28, 2017, 03:07:16 pm »

Welcome to the party, pal!

Shake red bull vigorously. Aim at the idiots. Tsar and pull tab. High pressure redbull cannon.
((As an aside, I'm looking at some of the perks I can choose in the future and I think us combining our powers is perhaps one of the most potent combinations in the game even right now, let alone some of the future shenanigans we'll be able to get up to once I get those perks.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7018 on: September 28, 2017, 03:39:42 pm »

Welcome to the party, pal!

Shake red bull vigorously. Aim at the idiots. Tsar and pull tab. High pressure redbull cannon.

((I can't help but picture Nik putting it on his shoulder bazooka-style as he does this))


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Re: Special People: Welcome to the party, pal!
« Reply #7019 on: September 28, 2017, 03:47:33 pm »

Brian Hoss, The Phoenix/Space/The Maximus's hull
Bring my eyes to myself, and wait until I land to activate my Mag-boots.
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