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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1124557 times)


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1860 on: April 19, 2014, 12:19:06 pm »

Quote from: Paris, in that post wherein Lenglon makes her last turn-post
I'd talk about my personality, but every time I try to do that I end up contradicting myself which proves I really know nothing about myself so I'll let you make your own judgement on the matter.
Really? That proves you know about yourself, however it is...well, not awry in a sense, but that you're on course--just a bit wobbly :P
So yeah.
Because that's me and my thinking too. :D

[Reads PM, reads turn, sorry for not posting ;_;]


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1861 on: April 19, 2014, 12:35:56 pm »

Jordan stared at John's rapidly vanishing jetpacked silhouette, going towards where the robot presumably was. He looked at Angel, then looked back. On one hand, he would have really liked to be credited with saving a six year old. On the other hand, she was bled out and probably wasn't able to detect that he was going to ignore her. Better to be thought of as a team player. He shrugged, then got into the cockpit and flicked on the switches.
<"I'm going to try distracting it. That sound good to you guys?">
Fly towards the BETA.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1862 on: April 25, 2014, 08:26:38 pm »

Nikolai spits out some blood.
"That all you got?"
UnTsar the truck. Get down. Find a mirror and check my condition. All my limbs working?
Cut some strips of cloth from my coat and bandage my head.

Check my surroundings. Anything potentially useful? How's my truck doing, how's my crossbow doing?
"Thanks for the warning. Maybe a bit sooner next time?
Nikolai spits out some blood and something solid. He hopes whatever it was wasn't a part of him.
"Tha'allyougoth?" he slurs, trying not to feel the pain. Especially on his head. What a headache...

He lowers (or rather lifts, since he's upside down) his hands and fumbles with the seatbelt's release, an endeavour made all the more difficult by his fingers being slippery from fresh blood. His own fresh blood. He finally finds the key and presses it. The seatbelt opens, allowing Nikolai to fall on the roof of the vehicle. From there, he crawls outside the overturned truck through an open window. He places his hand on the door and pulls. With some effort, he manages to get up and look around, taking stock of his surroundings through the blurry vision his only working eye offers him.

The truck really did a number on this place. Display cases and shelves made of wood, plastic and glass lie broken and scattered throughout it, along with their contents, small glass vials of various colours, the biggest of them no larger than his hand. Those too, are broken, their liquid contents spilt on the ground.
There are some of either group that haven't been broken, but those are in the minority.
There are also various pieces of metal debris around that probably came from the truck.

His view of the outside is blocked by the truck. He decides not to risk taking a peek outside, for now.
Behind the overturned truck, he can see pulses of bright white light and hear sounds one would expect to hear in a factory. Electric sparks and metal grinding upon metal.
And from the same direction the sounds are coming from... he thinks he can see a light shining through the truck? No, how can light be coming through the truck? Maybe it's just a concussion?

The truck itself is totally totalled. Its body features various bumps, all of them going very deep, wires coming out from some of them A chunk of the top of the cargo compartment seems to be missing, probably where the BETA hit it. Lucky thing too, as it probably lessened the energy of the impact. And it seems to be leaking some sort of semi-opaque colourless liquid from its bottom, from where the front axle would be in a normal non-hover truck.

There's no sings of the crossbow around here, except for some scraps that look like they could have come from it. Maybe if he had untsared them while looking at them, he could had seen them shrink, if he was really interested in identifying the debris that used to be his crossbow.

There's also a door behind a mostly intact display case that seems to lead further into the building.

Nikolai lowers himself to the ground and picks up a piece of glass, intent on finding out just how hurt he is and smart enough not to use his hands to discover that.

<You might not want to do that.>

He looks inside the improvised mirror regardless, taking in the damage done to his face.
His gas mask is gone, probably from whatever hit his face.
The left side of his face looks completely red from the blood coming out of it and there seem to be chunks of flesh missing from it, like some sort of horrid beast maimed him with its claws.
The right side seems a bit better, although it too is covered with blood and a few tiny shards of glass.
The blood drips on his torso, painting his green coat red.
The rest of the front side of his torso along with his arms seem to be pockmarked with small shards of glass, thankfully none of them going too deep or drawing much blood.
Still the bleeding on his face looks dangerous. It's not immediately dangerous but if he doesn't treat it...

<Told ya. Sorry.> his entity says, sounding a bit too cheery given the circumstances.

At least his limbs seem to be working mostly OK for now, he managed to get away with only a few minor fractures. It's his reflexes that seem to be suffering. Unsurprising, given that he was just punched by an iron giant the size of a building. He should be fine in a few minutes, provided he can stop himself from bleeding out. The damage to his face however seems permanent, unless he can find someone to perform surgery on him.

"Thankfor thewarning. Maybe abithooner nex'ime? he asks his entity as he bends down to  pick up a piece of cloth that used to decorate a display case.
<Hey, I dinna know you were just gonna stand there.>
He cuts the piece of cloth in half, using one piece to clean the wound. Good thing too, for there seem to be a few pieces of glass in there. Would have been painful if he had left it in.
<What's a girl spposed to do?>
After that's done, he uses the second piece of cloth to form an improvised bandage and try to use it to stop his head from bleeding. It's not very good, but it should help. Should stop him from bleeding out for a good while, at least. Assuming he refrains from from further injury.
<I'm just glad you're not... worse.>

Coolrune flung himself into the air on his wings, in the direction he THOUGHT he remembered the plane going. Was it north or south? He suddenly had an idea. He went back to the exact place the spaceplane took off from, and attempted to obtain a scent trail of any kind- be it the smell of plasma, oil, gas, smoke, or anything else a plane's exhaust trail would smell like.

Keep me growing, please! :D
You look around with your reptile eyes, trying to spot the space-plane. You're about to give up when you see it rising above the city and heading south, following a smaller thing. Looks like a man with a thing on his back? You can see a bright light coming from their destination, its source obscured behind buildings.
Well, that was helpful. Could had spent a lot of time looking for it otherwise.

You begin flying towards it, slowly flapping your scaly wings, trying to follow the wind currents and fly efficiently. It's a bit hard when you have to rely on your newly created brain's instincts for it. You'll probably get used to it in time.
Seems like you'll be flying for a while anyway.

John steeled himself, then fired up the jetpack.

<<Cover me.  I'm going to drop on its back.>>

Get behind it and try to jet over onto its back, in an attempt to technomance it.  Summon up a satchel charge on the way.
Jordan stared at John's rapidly vanishing jetpacked silhouette, going towards where the robot presumably was. He looked at Angel, then looked back. On one hand, he would have really liked to be credited with saving a six year old. On the other hand, she was bled out and probably wasn't able to detect that he was going to ignore her. Better to be thought of as a team player. He shrugged, then got into the cockpit and flicked on the switches.
<"I'm going to try distracting it. That sound good to you guys?">
Fly towards the BETA.
J&J hatch a hasty plan of action. John will approach it from behind while Jordan distracts it. Well, better than no plan at all.

John blasts off with his jetpack, flying as fast as he can using a thing that wasn't designed to be used in atmosphere. He tries to summon some sort of explosive along the way, getting a ball of what looks like plastic explosives, about thrice the size of his fists and made of a multitude of small cubes connected with wires. He also gets a remote detonator for his contraption.

Jordan, meanwhile, gets back in his spaceplane and pushes the throttle to full power. As the spaceplane rises towards the sky, he can hear the creaks coming from the its broken landing gear and he thinks he can hear pieces of metal falling on the roof. Hopefully, it wasn't something important. He follows John for a while, so that they can move in at the same time.

As they approach the buildings the BETA is behind, they notice that there is a large amount of light coming from its location. And stranger still, there seems to be light coming through the buildings. Both Jordan and John fly low, intent on staying undetected for as long as possible. Jordan overtakes John, flying first, hoping to distract the BETA, while John flies some seconds behind him.

And then the BETA comes into view. It's sitting on the street, lying on a building for support. But that's not the most interesting thing. The most interesting thing is that its armour has been pushed outward in places, forming cracks that reveal its insides. Through those cracks come fast moving things that grab materials from their surroundings and pull them inside the BETA, picking apart the nearby building, the various debris that litter the street and even the street itself, reaching for the wires inside it and gobbling them up like colourful spaghetti.

The light they were seeing seems to be coming from inside the BETA, most of it coming through the cracks on its armour. But some of it seems to be coming through the armour, from the thing made of light that moves inside it.

With his vision enhancing helmet, John can see through the plates of armour, the cracks giving a way in to the various active sensors of the device. He can see the various robotic arms moving on rails in its torso and on the inner surface of the armour, some of them smaller than a human arm, others being quite larger. Most of them are holding the various pieces of armour, moving them out of the way, while the rest extend, reaching through the gaps in the armour to grab pieces of metal and other debris from around it.

What's more interesting though, is the fact that there seem to be two spheres buried near the centre of its torso among various other things. They seem to be armoured and connected with lots of things inside the BETA.
He can also spot various fuel pods spread around its body, but none of them are very large, except for one near its left arm, the one with the dome. It probably has another large one near its back, but its armour remains closed there.
((You (John/Toaster) have also seen other parts of its body, I'm not listing them all here for time's sake. I just listed what I would consider the most obvious targets. If you want to learn more about part of it or if there's something you want to look for, just ask.))

The BETA reacts to their presence. It doesn't move its limbs much but it begins retracting the various arms back into its armour.
One of those sphere-drones with the lenses flies out of the building the BETA is leaning on and starts flying towards John, despite Jordan's spaceplane presenting a larger target.


Done with university work and various family distractions. I should hopefully be able to increase the frequency of updates now.

Quote from: Paris, in that post wherein Lenglon makes her last turn-post
I'd talk about my personality, but every time I try to do that I end up contradicting myself which proves I really know nothing about myself so I'll let you make your own judgement on the matter.
Really? That proves you know about yourself, however it is...well, not awry in a sense, but that you're on course--just a bit wobbly :P
So yeah.
Because that's me and my thinking too. :D
Yes, I think I understand. Thanks. I mean it.

I'm going to update the mission you're in Monday. Got until then to post an action if you want to (or just tell me that you don't want to influence your host in any way if that's what you want).
I'm sorry. I tried to give you more time because I didn't want to make a choice for you when it could lead to things happening. But I've got to think of the other players.

((Maybe bringing the guy who's personality is 'fuck compromise I want a soda' on this mission wasn't the best plan :P))
((No, it is always a good idea to have a wildcard like Alan on these types of missions.

((Of course, how could I fuck up the plot otherwise?))
Well, you, to my surprise, manage to have the approximately the same impact on the plot as the one I had planned for you to have, you just did it in a very roundabout way that I didn't predict. And you didn't complete any of your secondary objectives which means that you can only gain points if your team wins. Good thing I don't award negative points for screwing up your host. Now that I think about it, maybe I should give you an extra point anyway, for doing things in a way I couldn't predict. Call it a creativity award. We'll see.

Anyway, thought of another game mode. It's like a mix of Assault, Survival and Conflict. It's a more strategic thing for those who like to plan stuff.
It's like this: One player gets chosen to be the Attacker and the rest are Defenders.
The Defenders design a location. That location must have an objective that is reachable by the Defenders from the outside (for example, it can be in an impregnable concrete bunker as long a the bunker has a door but it can't be a castle with no gate (unless all the defenders can fly)).
The attacker gets advantages proportional to the defender's powerlevel and the strength/complexity of the location's defences. (for example, for an underwater base, the attacker would probably choose scuba gear or something similar that allows them to enter it. If the defenders decided to be smartasses and put a million mooks between the objective and the attacker, the attacker would gain a way to bypass them.)
The attacker wins if he reaches the objective (and optionally if he manages to get out/carry it out, depending on the nature of the objective). The attacker gains a great reward if he wins, because the odds are against him.
The defenders win if they manage to stop the attacker or the time limit expires.
Everybody looses if the objective/location becomes unreachable/destroyed/unclaimable (to prevent the attackers collapsing the cave the objective is in for example).
If you don't like fighting against another player, you could choose an entity for the Attacker role instead.
Anyway, still thinking about it, I'm unsure about some parts.

...Now that I've written it all down, it sounds a lot more complex then it did in my head.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 09:27:24 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1863 on: April 25, 2014, 09:14:18 pm »

Continue Flying, but conserve energy for use to grow.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1864 on: April 25, 2014, 10:01:34 pm »

Theri: From here.

<Alright Irene, I trust you on this. Keep vigilant. Got it: I'll be warning Awena ahead of time regarding all this--I don't want my host to be caught unawares and will keep her fully up to date. I hope this is alright with you. Do you want me to tell Zoe that?...I'll ask later anyway-
[train of thought continued here]
<I-Irene..I am wholly unsure about this. He hasn't told us his motive, why he'd be doing so...and I'm SERIOUSLY wary of the way he flaunts the use of the Scientist position! It's like saying you're the liege-lord yet you lack any inquiry about tribute to your vassals! It's...well. I'll let Awena check for the spirits around and will tell you from there on.

He says we've got little time left? That's enough time to do something. Whatever I want-well, whatever me and Awena wants is that Amelia lives. I have no purposeful goal but to keep Awena safe and I'll make that my priority, but that won't take hold OVER you or anyone else! Especially Amelia!>

Theri Action: Inquire to Awena about the spirits--what do they say regarding this case. Also, do not make any moves to interrupt but do not make any moves to let whatever happens anyway: to probably back up in asking Boris -ehh,Victor- about his motive on WHY he would do so.

Irene: Time. Time. Time.
All he asks for is time but when is the right time? Looks like my negotiations are working but it seems that Theri shares the same bad feeling about this. I don't even know what the machine does!, Zoe must do this by herself. But we both share the same idea.
<Tell us about the machine-what will you do to her. What does your host, Victor, want to do with her?>
Not that threatening, not that vague either. Good. It seems he still knows his boundaries but then he's being aware of mine-ours.
But...something isn't right.
<And why must it be timed? Why can't we do it now? These questions need to be answered so we can understand, Victor. When you've the government on your tail, you must at least tell everyone on your side your knowledge.>
This sounds too assertive but...I guess its the only way to reach a compromise.
I just want to see Amelia safe.
<You're not supposed to wake her up or heal her? Alright, my host knows medicine and she'll be able to take care of that--we only need to know what you will do TO her given th-what you said earlier.>

Be aware of the surroundings, defend Zoe from any sort of manipulation--detect any sort of manipulation in Victor's words.
Talk to Victor. Let Zoe speak freely.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1865 on: April 25, 2014, 11:18:36 pm »

I like the new game mode. Guessing that Coolrune would be the Attacker, and he would kill Angel early on.

Also, the BETA is reminding me of something from Worm. Anyone who's read it and doesn't recognize it: Bitch's Dragon suit. There, that should remind you while confusing everyone else.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1866 on: April 26, 2014, 02:04:49 am »

But this thing is actually hard to take down.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1867 on: April 26, 2014, 07:28:02 am »

True enough. Of course, I'd say the self-repair capabilities would make it qualify as "hard to take down" by all practical definitions, but eh.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1868 on: April 26, 2014, 12:21:46 pm »

((I like the new game mode.  I'd volunteer to be attacker. Would attacker work via PM?))

<<Damn!  Can you get this thing off me?>>

Quickly technomance the explosive to see how reliable it is.  Summon up whatever best single-shot plasma pistol I can, and try to blow that thing out of the sky.

If I can get clear, fly in and plant the explosive on the easiest high-value target I can; the biggest armor-moving arm, a cluster of sensors, a drive for the rail system; something available.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1869 on: April 26, 2014, 12:30:29 pm »

<"I can give it a shot...">
Fly in and actively buzz it, firing at it with pistol enough to annoy it, though probably not damage it unless extremely lucky. Activate adrenaline rush for extra measure.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1870 on: April 26, 2014, 01:49:24 pm »

<<Sadly, my truck has been destroyed, so I need someone who can fly to come pick me up. Anyone up for a dive bombing run?>>
Find or make a bag/basket. Fill it with some fist sized chunks of rubble. Pick up any remaining scissor arrows.
Pick up a few potions. Smell them.
Empty a few larger flasks of potion and fill them with the liquid leaking from the truck.
Try to find some method of starting fires. Maybe salvage either the crossbow or the truck's battery and create a spark gap.
And try to find a suitable replacement for my bent club.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1871 on: April 26, 2014, 01:53:04 pm »

<"Would you be okay with being chased by that robot at the same time as being picked up? If you could provide co-piloting help afterwards that would be also good.">


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1872 on: April 26, 2014, 09:21:10 pm »

<<I guess it was to much to hope for a safe ride. Sounds good let's go. I'll help you deal with your robot problem.>>
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Wisdom of the Crowd
« Reply #1873 on: April 26, 2014, 10:23:00 pm »

Attempt to lovate something to do or someone to talk to.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Special People: Keep on Drivin'
« Reply #1874 on: April 30, 2014, 08:59:20 pm »

Continue Flying, but conserve energy for use to grow.
Flap, flap, flap your wings. Then air current. Then flap, flap, flap your wings some more.

We're in combat time so nothing exciting happens.

By the way, it would have normally taken you a bit longer to grow to this size since you were about the size of a sparrow. I just made you bigger to save you some time, because flying around with your tiny body until you found a food store while the others fight wouldn't be much fun and your current form doesn't give you any significant advantage or put other players at a disadvantage. (Now you still have to wait while the others fight but I couldn't predict Toaster's and Jordan's actions last turn.) Just saying that so you don't misunderstand the time this normally requires.

<"I can give it a shot...">
Fly in and actively buzz it, firing at it with pistol enough to annoy it, though probably not damage it unless extremely lucky. Activate adrenaline rush for extra measure.
You push the main engine lever to full and steer towards the drone, trying to intercept it before it gets to John. Time seems to slow down as you use one hand to get your gun and the other to make small course corrections. You line up the drone to your crosshairs perfectly aaand...

Wait a second... That drone is getting very close... Well, no problem, you'll just cut the engines aaand... Nope, that didn't work, it's still coming towards you, even though you can see its thrusters firing, trying to move it away from you and out of the way. Crap. Looks like you misjudged your speed. Maybe going to bullet time has its disadvantages after all.

With only a couple of seconds to spare, utilizing the quick reflexes your ability provides you with, you pull the control stick down and push both the engine and hover lever to full, hoping to at least avoid a collision with the cockpit and minimize the effect of the impact.

The nose of the plane slowly pulls up and you loose sight of the drone. For a few moments, you can only see the red moon in the starlit sky, framed by the nearby buildings, their façades lit up by the otherworldly light the BETA is giving off. And then you feel the spaceplane shudder from the impact. Various red lights join the ones that already existed in your cockpit, announced by a few warning beeps and a voice saying something you can't understand with an urgent tone.

You can feel the vehicle becoming less responsive, more unstable. Your ability is still active and allows you to maintain control, but only barely.
<<Damn!  Can you get this thing off me?>>

Quickly technomance the explosive to see how reliable it is.  Summon up whatever best single-shot plasma pistol I can, and try to blow that thing out of the sky.

If I can get clear, fly in and plant the explosive on the easiest high-value target I can; the biggest armor-moving arm, a cluster of sensors, a drive for the rail system; something available.

Jordan may have felt like what happened to him took several minutes, but for anyone else watching, things happened much faster. That is also true in John's case.

The spaceplane's engines scream as it suddenly swoops in and flies in front of you, tilts its nose up and hits the drone with the section of its underside closer to the engine before rocketing away. What remains of the drone is propelled away from the force of the impact and crashes into a nearby building. It is oddly reminiscent of a golf club hitting a golf ball for some reason.

Still, what matters is that the way is clear, so you keep flying towards the BETA.

The bomb seems to be working well, at least from what you can see. The antenna looks OK, all the wires are connected correctly... You can't be sure about its yield though or even about whether or not it will explode. Chemistry is not exactly your game.

As for your target, I'm not really sure about what you want. It's a tradeoff between potential danger and potential damage (because the "juicier" parts are closer to its centre, which means more chances of it doing something to you while you get there) and I don't know what your character would choose. The below are in order from "safe to do with laughable damage" to "almost impossible to reach with mission-winning damage".

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you still want to build that gun, say so and I'll assume you began doing it this turn.

<<Sadly, my truck has been destroyed, so I need someone who can fly to come pick me up. Anyone up for a dive bombing run?>>
Find or make a bag/basket. Fill it with some fist sized chunks of rubble. Pick up any remaining scissor arrows.
Pick up a few potions. Smell them.
Empty a few larger flasks of potion and fill them with the liquid leaking from the truck.
Try to find some method of starting fires. Maybe salvage either the crossbow or the truck's battery and create a spark gap.
And try to find a suitable replacement for my bent club.

We're in combat time so you don't have enough time to do all that. But you can do some.

You attached those arrows on the front of the vehicle. The front of the vehicle collided with the BETA. And then your vehicle got punched and rolled for several meters. I'd say your chances of finding one intact aren't great.

You find a thick plastic bag behind a display and start filling it with some fist sized chunks of rubble. You also look for a replacement club among the debris, but you can't find any that are big enough. While you're picking up rubble, you carefully pick up a mostly intact glass vial you come across. You slowly bring it under your nose. It's bloody, much like the rest of your face, but with some effort, you think you can make out something through the blood. It's... alcohol... and... something sweet... seems familiar... STRAWBERRY?

<Yep. You're in a perfume store.> says your entity in an amused manner, probably responding to your facial expression. Which is kind of odd, considering half your face is gone.

You hear the roar of rocket engines outside, followed by the sound of a collision.

Attempt to lovate something to do or someone to talk to.
Lovate? ... Urban dictionary says that means "love and hate at the same time". So, would that be a will roll then?

Anyway, lame jokes aside, you're in that dark void until you timeout. Guess you could talk with an entity or meditate or reflect on your conservative ineptitude.


>Eyes closed for now, but take a peek every once in a while to try and get a feel for your surroundings. Listen intently but don't make any movements. Keep it simple.
You can feel vibrations sometimes stronger and sometimes gentler. Sometimes you feel like you're being pulled left or right.
Then there's that beeping sound you can hear every once in a while. Sounds slow. You can hear people talking through a speaker, but it's volume is quiet, making it hard to make out what they are saying.

Your host opens his eyes for a moment  and quickly closes them again. His vision seems clearer now.
He can see the man dressed in dark blue, some kind of police officer, looking out a pair of windows that is directly opposite to you, his back turned on you.
You can't see the man in white.
Your surroundings look clean and utilitarian, at least the part you can see, those above you and in front of you. Mostly white or orange and filled with small storage drawers.

<Think human. He can't escape without your help. You only have a few minutes to help him. What are his problems and what are you going to do about them?>


Try to reconnect.

((Maybe bringing the guy who's personality is 'fuck compromise I want a soda' on this mission wasn't the best plan :P))

"Well, you know, this was pretty fun if only because of ol' Ike Wayne being such a badass most of the time. But then again, I haven't used the more fun bits of my arsenal yet. I get the feeling that's about to change."

>Keep on driving in the free world!
<Yeah! That's the spirit! Let's go show 'em who's boss.
I'm not the type to desire wanton murder and destruction, but when life asks you to make an omelet, you might as well enjoy breaking those eggs, am I right?>

We got a thousand pointy bullets
for the rebel man
Got a faster, better
machine shotgun
Got a mindless agent,
with no ID paper
Got a detailed description,
for the robot slayer
Got a game master,
says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn,
got roads to drive.

Keep on drivin in the free world!

Unless you were quoting the Pearl Jam one or the other various covers.

Continue driving.
((I really feel like saying something more, but i can't think of anything.))
((You and me both.))

Theri: From here.

<Alright Irene, I trust you on this. Keep vigilant. Got it: I'll be warning Awena ahead of time regarding all this--I don't want my host to be caught unawares and will keep her fully up to date. I hope this is alright with you. Do you want me to tell Zoe that?...I'll ask later anyway-
[train of thought continued here]
<I-Irene..I am wholly unsure about this. He hasn't told us his motive, why he'd be doing so...and I'm SERIOUSLY wary of the way he flaunts the use of the Scientist position! It's like saying you're the liege-lord yet you lack any inquiry about tribute to your vassals! It's...well. I'll let Awena check for the spirits around and will tell you from there on.

He says we've got little time left? That's enough time to do something. Whatever I want-well, whatever me and Awena wants is that Amelia lives. I have no purposeful goal but to keep Awena safe and I'll make that my priority, but that won't take hold OVER you or anyone else! Especially Amelia!>

Theri Action: Inquire to Awena about the spirits--what do they say regarding this case. Also, do not make any moves to interrupt but do not make any moves to let whatever happens anyway: to probably back up in asking Boris -ehh,Victor- about his motive on WHY he would do so.
Your inquiry causes Awena to focus on her abilities. As she does so she begins seeing... things. Things that were there before but for some reason she couldn't see.
They are blurry and indistinct dark shapes, she can't really tell what they are. But they are everywhere, moving and twisting around each other. Some are coming out of the various machines like dark vapours, others surround Boris and Amelia and some swirl around the crystal in opposite directions, colliding with each other and exploding into flakes of darkness. And the noise, it's terrible. Muffled shouts and screams, the chittering and buzzing of a thousand insects appearing over the horizon, the sounds of battle...
It frightens her. She has never witnessed something like this before. But she doesn't loose her focus. She presses on, desperate for an answer.
She tries to focus more on the vision but there is some kind of resistance. Something here is keeping her from seeing clearly, getting in the way like a curtain, making her head hurt. She can't get the images to focus, to become clearer, she can't make sense of what she's seeing.
With one exception.
The red bird from before hovers around Boris, flying swiftly in menacing patterns. It dives for an attack, aiming for Boris' eyes, too fast for Awena to warn him. But the blue fish suddenly jumps out of the crystal and gets in its way. The fish is hurt by the bird's attack instead. It retreats inside the crystal while the bird gets ready for another attack. You feel like it's looking at you, inviting you to join it in its attack.
The vision begins to fade as your host looses her focus. That's as much willpower as she can muster for now. She closes her eyes and holds her hand to her forehead, trying to dull the pain and calm her thoughts.
Why these two beings? Why are they following me tonight? What is going on? What does it all mean?

Well, that wasn't very helpful.

Irene: Time. Time. Time.
All he asks for is time but when is the right time? Looks like my negotiations are working but it seems that Theri shares the same bad feeling about this. I don't even know what the machine does!, Zoe must do this by herself. But we both share the same idea.
<Tell us about the machine-what will you do to her. What does your host, Victor, want to do with her?>
Not that threatening, not that vague either. Good. It seems he still knows his boundaries but then he's being aware of mine-ours.
But...something isn't right.
<And why must it be timed? Why can't we do it now? These questions need to be answered so we can understand, Victor. When you've the government on your tail, you must at least tell everyone on your side your knowledge.>
This sounds too assertive but...I guess its the only way to reach a compromise.
I just want to see Amelia safe.
<You're not supposed to wake her up or heal her? Alright, my host knows medicine and she'll be able to take care of that--we only need to know what you will do TO her given th-what you said earlier.>

Be aware of the surroundings, defend Zoe from any sort of manipulation--detect any sort of manipulation in Victor's words.
Talk to Victor. Let Zoe speak freely.

<Tell us about the machine-what will you do to her. What does your host, Victor, want to do with her?>
<From what I understand, this girl, the one your host calls Amelia, the one my host calls Amethyst, has something special about her. Something that grants her incredible power. That power will build up overtime until she is compelled to release it. But doing so would mean her death.
This machine should work to alter the flow of the power released from her like a pressure release valve, saving her life in the process.>

<And why must it be timed? Why can't we do it now? These questions need to be answered so we can understand, Victor. When you've the government on your tail, you must at least tell everyone on your side your knowledge.>
<I'm not really sure, but I think that girl is like a bomb and Boris can't control when it goes off but he can control how it does. This "how" is what he wants to alter.>
<You're not supposed to wake her up or heal her? Alright, my host knows medicine and she'll be able to take care of that--we only need to know what you will do TO her given th-what you said earlier.>
<Why does it even matter what I want to do with her? Why do you care about what happens here after you leave? You want her alive, I want her alive. Just get your host to cooperate and we can finish this. Then we'll be done with this challenge and never have to come back here again.>

"What is that? What do you want to do with her?" Zoe echoes Irene's question, using the barrel of her firearm to point at the machine and then back at Boris.
"She is sick. This will remove the sickness from within her. It's for her own good." responds Boris. He looks distant and not in the least perturbed by the way Zoe waves her gun around.
"Taking her from her home? Drugging her? That was for her own good too?" Zoe continues angrily.
"I know nothing about that. I was not responsible for it. But I can say that whoever did that, did it because it was necessary. To protect her and those around her."
"Yeah, yeah. And you did all that out of the kindness of your heart." she adds with equal amounts of anger and sarcasm in her voice. "Why shouldn't I just kill you right now?"
Boris seems to be getting bored by all this. Boris seems to be getting bored-ish. Yes, another lame joke hidden in transparent.
"If it would help you trust me, then-" he opens his coat to reveal a pistol. He very slowly retrieves the pistol, holding it from its barrel in a non-threatening manner and offering it to Zoe. "take this. If I do not do as I promised, then kill me."
Zoe is a bit taken aback by this. It does sound tempting. While she considers his offer, Boris continues speaking.
"If you will not let me have her, then you'd better kill me right now." he adds with not even a hind of emotion in his voice. You're not sure whether or not that's a threat or a request.


((I like the new game mode.  I'd volunteer to be attacker. Would attacker work via PM?))
((Whatever they want, really. PMs or no PMs, that's always up to you, as stated in the rules in the first post. If, for example, you decided that the fight against BETA was hopeless, you could send me a PM to kill the other contestants (since last man standing wins in case of failure).

That being said, on one hand, I prefer no PMs, because it allows me to write stuff that I can immediately show it in the main thread.
On the other hand, I like it when players scheme and send me PMs with fun/smart actions. And, choosing no PMs in that kind of situation, especially if you choose a more stealthy approach, would leave you at a disadvantage, since you'd have to rely on the others not abusing OOC info to "accidentally" be prepared for your ambush.
That's why I sometimes send PMs to players even if they don't, if I think that writing stuff in a turn could lead to a serious disadvantage due to OOC knowledge given to other players.
Of course, a cunning player could use giving OOC knowledge to other players as an advantage...

Anyway, I was thinking the other day, running test missions of that type in my head and I discovered a couple of problems: These types of missions need to be carefully balanced. That's because there's always the chance that one good move or one blunder from either side can ensure an outcome (victory or defeat). So I need to make sure that no side is given an unfair advantage from the start even more so than usual.
But the biggest problem is that if the attacker decides to take a stealthy approach, the defence team might be stuck sitting around doing nothing or just running from place to place trying to keep up with the attacker. Of course, one might say that this should be the case, since being stealthy is difficult, especially in RTDs, so the attacker should be rewarded for his luck and skill. But that still leaves the possibility of player boredom in, which should generally be avoided. This could be offset by having a small defence team (maybe no more than three players) and a small mission area, so that the mission won't take long to finish, but it can still be a problem. It's one of the reasons I don't like the Amethyst mission: everybody seems to be driving somewhere most of the time, waiting to be at the same time as others, instead of actually doing stuff. Plays more like an action movie than a game.

Of course, no simulation is as realistic as reality. Maybe I'm just focusing too much on things that are unlikely to happen. So it might be better to stop fretting about it and just run a mission of that type anyway, see what happens.))
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 07:46:25 am by Parisbre56 »
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