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Author Topic: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp  (Read 24493 times)


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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #195 on: February 11, 2014, 09:40:26 pm »


Personal Journal of ImagoDeo, Reluctant Overseer

9th Granite, 305

My plan to isolate the nearest group of husks has not succeeded. At least, not entirely.

The trade depot prevented the miners from digging a ring all the way around the beasts. I'm having the masons construct some ramps so we can finish the isolation. Not entirely sure it'll work, but it's better than nothing.

In other news, the crusher works just fine. Apparently the 'Under Construction' sign above the control lever was a joke someone stuck up there to keep me from using this wondrous tool. I singlehandedly massacred a squad of crossbow goblins with the device, which now has my full approval.

My attention now turns to the system of food production. (I've run out of gutter cruor.)

22nd Granite, 305

This place is a nightmare. I've gotten precious little sleep in the last two weeks, what with the masons panicking about working in such close proximity to husks, to the miners insisting they had to go ALL THE ARMOK-DAMNED WAY AROUND THROUGH THE BLOODY CRUSHER in order to hack through the sod aboveground, to the migrants that just showed up.

In Armok's name I don't know how we're going to get them inside. Theoretically they'll head for the smasher, but I'm pretty damn sure they need to go by at least one set of husks to get there, and I highly doubt their decision-making skills. Gnorm will put a pick in their heads if they have hunters among them who decide to take pot-shots at the horses, and then everything would spiral out of control.

The food production is a mess, by the way. We have enough stocks to last a while, but there are farms scattered here and there, far too large for a fortress of this size; there are animals pastured randomly; there is a massive underground space for trees to grow, which I ordered cut for lumber; there is a horrific mess of a kitchen area with tanneries and butcher shops occupying nearby slots under thirty feet of earth. The stink is awful and the flies - well, we'll not speak of that. Nobody liked Gnorm's cat anyway.

Merciful Armok! Just give me a bottle of cruor and a bed! But no, I must push on.

23rd Granite, 305

Our military is a chaotic mess of troops, most of whom don't know their sword hand from their arse. (Not kidding. I saw one guy *the rest is blacked out*) Admittedly, that's the worst of it, but such displays of criminally incompetent and awe-inspiring physical uncoordination are by no means the largest portion of the problems with these drooling idiots.

Most of them are ten times as useful as masons or haulers than as warbeards. In fact, we have an entire squad composed of marksdwarves who are all far better suited to hauling, engraving, and other activities than to shooting a crossbow. When I get things reorganized, I'll make some notes as to the general structure of the squads. Maybe future overseers can follow a guide I establish. Oh, you didn't think I was going to keep at this forever, did you? HELL NO! Give it one year, and if I can't have this fortress whipped into shape - or maybe even if I CAN - I'm getting my beard out of this and retiring to a life of engraving. See, I like simple things like cobaltite, spears, and goats. Not fortresses and overseeing. Those run me ragged and leave me with terrible headaches. Oh, the headaches...

Eh. Back to the business at hand.

For now, I'm dissolving our military. We can use the extra working hands. Sooner or later, I'll put together a strong axedwarf corps and get them all training together in pairs or triplets. If they get together in larger groups, I have a hunch they just sit on their asses and drink liquor while one of them does a "Striking Demonstration" that's really just *the rest is blacked out*.

The migrants are still on their way in. I'll write something when they all get inside... or die trying. I'd bet a bottle of cruor on the latter.

25th Granite, 305

They're all inside and safe. All 25 of them. Notably, we have two skilled doctors to join our ranks, several skilled axedwarves who will go into the militia as soon as I get everything else sorted out, and two or three good mechanics. A few clothiers, some weavers, a good woodworker, and a bunch of dithering beards who have no idea how to do anything useful. They'll go to work hauling stone around the fortress for the next thirty years.

The fortress' stockpiles should really be my first task, even before the food production setup. In fact, the latter is kind of dependent on the former, so it would make sense to do it first. I've ordered the carpenters to build a few minecarts.

Late Granite, 305

Oh, great. No doubt he'll make another stone toy hammer or some garbage.

9th Slade Slate, 305


Spoiler: The Stupidity (click to show/hide)


*tear-stains on the page* where's my gutter cruor

12th Slate, 305

She finally wandered inside through the crusher entrance after she heard my shouted directions to go around. She is likely the stupidest dwarf I have ever met. Every time she saw the husks, she'd freak out and run back to the south, but then forget they were there and head back toward the depot to get underground again. I CAN'T EVEN-- No, breathe, breathe... I... I need some cruor. And a vacation.

In other news, I managed to rearrange the military into some semblance of order. Not everyone has been happy with the changes, but it's all for the better, whether the ingrates realize it or not. Axes will always be of more value to us than some silly wrestling corps. And they're disappointed that they can't slack off on training duty. Hah! I'll show them. They'll all be mythical fighters by the time I'm through with them, capable of cleaving goblin skulls like tissue paper. THEN maybe I'll get some thanks.

As it stands, we have:
-1 Squad of 3 - Shadowhammer, Batdorf (the Militia Commander), and Karma.
-4 Squads of 2 - miscellaneous axe-skilled individuals who were just standing around.
All axedwarves. Further military additions should probably follow the same pattern, but for now those 11 will form the core of our forces. I'm confident that they'll one day be able to repel sieges, husks, and beasts alike.

I had everyone begin the horrendous process of reorganizing every stockpile we own. It's going to take all year, no doubt, but it's a start. All of the logs have been moved into one pile; the stones are on the move, too, thank Armok; most of our blocks have been consolidated; and all of the furniture that had been lying around is on its way to a fourth pile. That's just a start; we still have gems, armor, weaponry, and other kinds of trade goods to fix.

I need to start thinking about the autumn and the caravan that's bound to arrive. It wouldn't work out very well if the caravan ran into a pack of husks... I need to accelerate my plans to deal with the monstrosities.

-ImagoDeo, Reluctant Overseer
What would it be like to live in a world that was copy/pasted? Would we even notice? If not, how many times have we switched celestial harddrives or whatever?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #196 on: February 11, 2014, 11:22:39 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fantastic update!

Hoping Gnorm and the rest rejoin this thread, epic story.


wait... REDIE HUSKs! and STAY DEAD!
*Create potion of immortality*
*Potion Created! Drink potion*
*Immortality gained!*
*You have lost your soul!*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #197 on: February 11, 2014, 11:37:57 pm »

I couldn't agree more. The writing style was great, as was the progress made.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #198 on: February 12, 2014, 01:36:01 am »

So is there now a Senshuken running around? If there is, can I get a look at what kind of dwarf he is and what his talents are? I assume that he is currently just one of the dwarfs helping to hurl sick around to its new home.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #199 on: February 12, 2014, 09:13:38 pm »


Personal Journal of ImagoDeo, Reluctant Overseer

18th Slate, 305

I'll never figure out how they manage that.

One of the newly drafted axedwarves caught my attention while I was watching the sparring.
Spoiler: Senshuken (click to show/hide)
I think he has a lot of promise.

20th Slate, 305

More of those abominable clouds continue to drift across the landscape. It's only a matter of time until one of them catches a goblin raid or a bunch of migrants. *the writing grows shaky* Armok grant that neither of those happens under my command...

Also, the fool finally got his goat bones and is going to town.

I guess we'll see shortly whether or not he can build some useful object. He hasn't spoken to anyone in a while, so nobody has any idea what he's making.

25th Slate, 305

Useless! I didn't expect much better, to be honest.

Oh well. At least now he can carve really well.

The Great Husk Trap proceeds horribly. Every time I turn around, some stupid miner is complaining of husks staring at him or her. They can't touch you, nincompoops! Just ramp out those sections and EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE!

26th Slate, 305

I wonder whether I should kill Auburnseals with my bare hands, or with her own pick. Hmmmmmmmm. Decisions, decisions...

-ImagoDeo, Raging Overseer
What would it be like to live in a world that was copy/pasted? Would we even notice? If not, how many times have we switched celestial harddrives or whatever?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #200 on: February 12, 2014, 11:10:24 pm »


Senshuken's Journal

Slade, 305

Well, we're here in Mirehole at last. It's a rather awful, dangerous piece of swampland and I've seen my share of gods forsaken awful places from back when I was a caravan guard.

Mirehole seems to be plagued by a number of issues, one of which seems to be a shortage of bedrooms. When I asked those left in the armed forces after the recent reorganizing of the latest Overseer (Which seems to have been for the best. Even goblin fodder needs to be able to swing a damn weapon to be useful) I've gotten a rather solid picture as to why; It would appear that Mirehole simply wasn't expecting a group our size A) make the journey here and B) get past the Husks alive.

The husks in the swamp are something of a mixed blessing. While the cursed things themselves are a major threat to the Fortress that need to be dealt with as swiftly and brutally as possible, while they are in the area other raiding and siege forces seem to end in a grisly show of blood and violence.

The sooner I retrain my skills with my axe, the better. Best way to take the fight out of just about anything is to remove the head completely. If possible, I'll help the other axe dwarves with their training. One dwarf armies are all well and good, but a dead dwarf is useless to us.   

Edit: OOC'ly can you message me some information on Senshuken's wife and child? Just in a PM would be good.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 11:19:30 pm by Senshuken »
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #201 on: February 13, 2014, 11:11:39 am »


Personal Journal of ImagoDeo, Reluctant Overseer

27th Slate, 305

What in ARMOK'S NAME are you doing OUTSIDE, Rhyme?!

...what? WHAT?

*The rest of the page is one long stream of curses, elvish comparisons, ravings about husked giant anacondas, and goblin euphemisms, all targeted at Rhyme and Auburnseals.*

-ImagoDeo, Raging Apoplectic Overseer
What would it be like to live in a world that was copy/pasted? Would we even notice? If not, how many times have we switched celestial harddrives or whatever?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #202 on: February 14, 2014, 04:54:30 am »


Journal of Senshuken

27th Slate, 305

Alath, my wonderful and loving wife, informed me today that while I was busy sharping my skills with one of the axes they have here (They're not exactly the best weapons I've seen, but its better then having to go top side, dodging the husks and looting gear off a bloody corpse) that our brand new overseer appears to be on the verge of losing his mind due to dwarfs wondering around topside like a bunch of fucking elves. Not sure what one of them is meant to be doing, but the most recent one to head on up for seemingly no reason is meant to be the head doctor.

Alath's thinking of giving Overseer ImagoDeo one of the bottles from our stash (Maybe that bottle of elf wine from Everfree. Strong enough by elven standards that even the most elf hating dwarf would have to acknowledge that it's alcohol) and one of her spare meat pies. If nothing else, he'll be level headed and drunk before he tears some stupid dwarfs apart with his hands; he might do something stupid if he was sober.

Melbil is growing into a strong lad each and every day. I can only hope that I'll still be around to see him behead his first goblin snatcher by himself, but if I have to give my life for this haunted, husk invested swamp to make that happen then so be it!
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #203 on: February 17, 2014, 12:26:40 pm »

To the people of Mirehole: I have returned.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #204 on: February 17, 2014, 06:26:22 pm »

Soo.... Update soon?
The only dye dwarfs should use is MAGMA. And the only thing dwarfs should dye is ELVES.


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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #205 on: February 17, 2014, 07:47:05 pm »

And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #206 on: February 18, 2014, 03:06:57 pm »

Realized: I'm well over the week-long turn limit already. Should I endeavor to finish this tomorrow, or give up the save file now, or what? I'm pretty sure I can play the rest of the turn out tomorrow.
What would it be like to live in a world that was copy/pasted? Would we even notice? If not, how many times have we switched celestial harddrives or whatever?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #207 on: February 26, 2014, 07:15:04 am »

So... What's happening with this?
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fort in the Swamp
« Reply #208 on: February 26, 2014, 03:37:56 pm »

Providing this thread isn't dying, could I take a turn as overseer and get dwarfed as a mason/miner/gem cutter/stonecrafter? Name of Asmoth, profession is Stonecutter.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mirehole, the Great Succession Fortress in the Swamp
« Reply #209 on: February 27, 2014, 12:44:49 am »

I haven't gotten any pressure to finish. I do have the game played on into the middle of Felsite, and I don't think it would take me more than two or three days over the weekend to finish the turn, but Gnorm has disappeared and no one else posted here for, like, two weeks.

I might as well finish anyway. FPS is the main reason I don't like playing it as much - 20-40 is playable but annoying, and anything under 20 is utterly depressing. The fort fluctuates randomly between 60 and 20ish.
What would it be like to live in a world that was copy/pasted? Would we even notice? If not, how many times have we switched celestial harddrives or whatever?
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