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Author Topic: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Will be updated tomarrow! Sorry guys!]  (Read 14226 times)


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up!]
« Reply #75 on: November 04, 2013, 03:39:27 pm »

Oh I meant to say that our lizardy dudes should become vegetarians, honoring nature, since we are a earth and life god
Still -1. Really, we're being attacked by shadow beasts, going to an area where animals, and therefore hostile animals are plentifull, and they probably haven't got the best diet too. Vegetarianism is a bad idea.

Also, God of life =/= Absolute pascifist. After all, life and death are a cycle, like light and darkness, one can't exist without the other. It's a weird thing really, that everyone assumes that the natural state of things should be an environment where death does not exist. Balance is the key, after all. An environement without predation will just as easily collapse as one that's overhunted.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 03:41:36 pm by 10ebbor10 »


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up!]
« Reply #76 on: November 04, 2013, 03:43:15 pm »

Fine fine, I wanted to be mad hippy for a change. Lizard-Man hippies would be pretty hilarious


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up!]
« Reply #77 on: November 04, 2013, 03:43:57 pm »

It's a rather clichéd thing actually, boring, nonsensical and generic.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up!]
« Reply #78 on: November 04, 2013, 03:52:22 pm »

You take the time to consider your words carefully, the thought of striking him down crossing your mind but once before you dismiss it. His distrust was based upon valid reasoning, not a blatant disrespect for the power you possess or the choices you have made so far. Finally, you bring your avatar over to the warrior, settling the mighty ankylosaurus onto the ground beside him. The silence continues to reign in the camp, finally, it's broken when you begin to speak through your avatar. "Proud warrior, hear me, I was brought forth to protect your people, I exist for no other purpose.  If words be inadequate, then observe, where your people were sickened and starving, now they are healthy and fed.  You and your fellows have only benefited from my presence here. Do not believe my actions? I came to your aid when you needed it most, healed your injuries and brought you back among your own people, who had feared you were dead."

The warrior pauses, his hand lowering to his side as he listens to your words. His tail giving a slight twitch as the breeze blows past him. Finally, after several minutes of consideration he speaks, his voice calmer than before, his anger dying down and sadness replacing it. "I saw my brothers fall beside, one after another. Their bodies littering the ground as they begged and pleaded feebly to a god who was no longer answering our pleas. We had followed him for years, worshiped and obeyed him faithfully. Yet...On the day we needed him most, the day we stood against unfathomably odds, hordes of the chaos twisted and chaos born beasts and creatures clawing at our walls, he ignored our pleas and fled. We were slaughtered, we barely managed to hold them off long enough for some of our tribe to escape. Countless numbers of the Sud'kar fell that day, their only failing....That they had chosen to believe in a god that had failed them...Why? Why should we place this trust into you?"

You listen to his words, you can feel the sorrow and pain laced within his words. You can see the flashes in his mind as he relives that day. The memories flowing past your eyes as you relive the battle he spoke of. You can hear the cries and screams of the fallen, the tearful, desperate begging and pleading words. The smoke and burning flesh in the air singing your nostrils. Everywhere, you see your friends, your family, your loved ones dropping to the ground, their bodies mutilated and torn. Ravaged by disease, only, to watch in horror as they twist and become chaotic masses of deathly blobs, limbs jutting out from their body and hanging at odd angles. You feel all the loss the solider has felt.  You can feel the hollowness, the emptiness he holds inside of himself. Along with the great, intense sadness he holds within himself. You feel that the only reason the warrior has not given up on life itself was the oath he took to protect his people. The intense pride he places on that oath.

You remain silent for several long moments, your mind processing all the events and feelings you saw and felt through the warrior's mind. You find yourself understanding for the first time, the enormity of the trust that the tribesmen of the Sud'kar had placed in your hands. You find yourself feeling closer to the tribesmen of the Sud'kar. Your torn from your thoughts as you begin to speak once more, "I can understand your fears proud warrior, In the world where the Chaos God is a ever powerful threat to the Sud'kar, there's no certainty, but that off death. For Chaos is the embodiment of uncertainty, of doubt, of fear, and ultimately of betrayal. Your former patron succumbed to the Chaos, and has been erased from this world. Yet still, his ghost still troubles you, and his fear has become yours. Will you follow in his footsteps?"

The lizardmen listens intently. Shifting slightly as nearly ten minutes pass before he speaks, his eyes seeming to stare into yours for the first time, though you know that he can not see you. "I can put aside my fears Seklus...I will put them aside for the good of the Sud'kar. I will follow you...but tell me Seklus, Can you truly fight for the Sud'kar? Or...Will you abandon us like the one before you had? Can you swear to that upon your honor?"

Sjamn'd clicks quietly to get your attention, his voice soft as he whispers so only you will hear his words. "Forgive my intrusion great one...but you should know, The Sud'kar place a very high value upon one's honor. To break such a vow that you have sworn in front of the entire tribe, it would have disastrous consequences on how your followers view you..."

At his words, you can feel a ancient power fill the camp. It feels old as the swamps and the lands around you. You feel as though it is listening, waiting to hear your next words. A inner instinct flares, somehow, you feel that if you agree to his words and swear it, that it will be binding. And such bindings can never be broken without consequences...

Roleplaying Sequence part two! How do you respond?

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 04:05:07 pm by Xardalas »


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #79 on: November 04, 2013, 03:58:02 pm »

((So if we make a contract, we effectively pledge to keep him alive? Or is a death of one parties considered to be a neutral disbanding of the contract? ))


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #80 on: November 04, 2013, 04:00:23 pm »

It's a neutral disbanding. Sorry, Let me add that into the mechanics. And your not pledging to keep him alive. In this case, You would be pledging to not doing any actions that would directly harm the tribe. Like....Ignoring a threat and allowing it to slaughter your tribe members. If you expended energy and failed to stop the threat, the contract would still be valid and not broken. Because you put forth the effort to try.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #81 on: November 04, 2013, 04:02:19 pm »

'I will not abandon your people. Even if all fails and what few of you there are fall, I will take those that remain and I will shelter them. I cannot promise victory. But I can promise that there will be no surrender, no abandonment. I offer this tribe my bond, if only you would accept it.'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #82 on: November 04, 2013, 04:05:42 pm »

Can we go for a little bid vaguer bond, ie, we will do what needs to be done for the greater good of the tribe. Or something equally vague but good sounding.

Though maybe a strong pledge would seem appropriate here.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #83 on: November 04, 2013, 04:08:31 pm »

I swear, on my honor, to protect your tribe against any threat that might come to them. As long as I am alive, I will be by your side. As long as I stand, Chaos shall have no sway on this land, on your minds, or on your bodies, unless you surrender yourselves to it.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 04:11:13 pm by kaian-a-coel »
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
Full Sig


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #84 on: November 04, 2013, 04:08:49 pm »

You don't have to make the contract at all if you don't want to. Though that will certainly raises a few questions among your followers.

Excerpt from the Diary of Selind'a~ , Ved'on siege.
It's the third day of the seige these cursed beasts have lain upon Ved'on. I fear that our walls and forces cannot hold them at bay much longer.....I visited the shaman's again today, their desperate prayers has echo'd throughout our shrines since the siege had begun. Yet...We still here no response from our lord...has he abandoned us? Have we displeased him in some way that he ignores our cries and pleas? I know not...and I am worried for the fate of the Sud'kar...

It's the fifth day, the outer walls have fallen. Half of my blood-sworn brothers and sisters in arms have fallen and lay slain on the ground. They had placed their trust in me...Have I betrayed it? I feel ill...I should have had the shaman's check the bindings and wards upon the underground passages sooner....I....I didn't know that our lord was no longer using his power to keep them working...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...

It's the seventh day. I've ordered the evacuation, our tribesman are escaping into the catacombs beneath the city. They are filled with the chaos beasts,'s a better choice than trying to escape over ground. I've sent more than half of my warriors with the citizenfolk. I can hear their claws and snarls as they slam into the ancient, oaken doors. I stand here with my fellow warriors, my brothers and sisters even though we lack a common blood. We shall hold. We, the proud warriors of the Sud'kar shall make them pay in blood for every inch they slip past us. With our lives, we hope to buy the rest of the Sud'kar their lives....
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 05:00:47 pm by Xardalas »


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #85 on: November 04, 2013, 04:31:08 pm »

'I will not abandon your people. Even if all fails and what few of you there are fall, I will take those that remain and I will shelter them. I cannot promise victory. But I can promise that there will be no surrender, no abandonment. I offer this tribe my bond, if only you would accept it.'

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #86 on: November 04, 2013, 04:54:17 pm »

'I will not abandon your people. Even if all fails and what few of you there are fall, I will take those that remain and I will shelter them. I cannot promise victory. But I can promise that there will be no surrender, no abandonment. I offer this tribe my bond, if only you would accept it.'


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #87 on: November 04, 2013, 05:01:47 pm »

Alright, working on the post now. This one will be a rather short post for me this time I around. I'm a little short on time.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 2 up RP seq 2 up!]
« Reply #88 on: November 04, 2013, 05:25:10 pm »

Day two Turn 3.

You consider the implications of agreeing and disagreeing with the contract, your silent for minutes before you decide.
"I will not abandon your people. Even if all fails and what few of you there are fall, I will take those that remain and I will shelter them. I cannot promise victory. But I can promise that there will be no surrender, no abandonment. I offer this tribe my word, if only you would accept it."

The warrior nods his head, accepting it and you can feel thin strings swirling around your body. Digging into you and binding you the tribe, for as long as both of you survive. You feel that ancient prescience shift before fading into the background. It's power fading till you can just faintly feel it in the land, the trees and the swamp around you. Your not sure what it was, it certainly didn't feel like a god to you.

+1 follower gained.

Roleplay Sequence canceled.

You feel energy flowing into you after the contract is made, the belief your followers holding for you only having been strengthened by your words, their trust in you deepening and growing stronger. Allowing you to draw more energy from them. Night falls,  the creatures and beasts of the night slipping from their hiding holes and stalking through the jungles. You watch as your tribesmen pack up the last of your tents, their belongings scattered out among the tribe. Each of them weighted down with their personal belongings and the belongings of those around them. The only unburdened ones among the tribe are the five warriors, each of them standing about two dozen feet from the main group of the tribe. Their clawed hands resting on their weapons as they observe the area around them careful, acting as a guard for the tribe. Selind'a stands at the front of the tribe, Sjamn'd at her side.  Your avatar raises onto it's feet, the mighty Ankylosaurus lumbering along in the middle of the tribe, walking at a easy pace that matches the pace of your followers. You estimate that at the pace your traveling at, that you should arrive at the new camp within a day.

+1 energy income gained.

You can still feel the faint traces of the chaotic energies in the lands around you, it felt stronger than it had before. Though, it shouldn't be a concern. You felt no traces of the energy at the new site your tribe was traveling towards.

Three turns till arrival. Any actions you would like to take? Questions to ask the Selind'a or Sjamn'd? Anything you would like me to clarify as the GM?

Spoiler: Information (click to show/hide)


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Day 2 turn 3 up RP seq end up!]
« Reply #89 on: November 04, 2013, 05:34:24 pm »

Try to lure animals towards the tribe, so they have plenty of fur and leather and meat.
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