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Author Topic: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [Will be updated tomarrow! Sorry guys!]  (Read 14212 times)

escaped lurker

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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #105 on: November 05, 2013, 09:51:05 pm »

Actually, I would prefer that we search something else first;

Investigate the patch of land that seems to spread chaos
Delaying in this could have dire consequences.

Gaining more followers is obviously one of our main-goals, searching for survivors is the easiest way of doing so.

Also, what kinds of rituals and sacrifices would garner energy? Would simple bloodletting or an idol crafted in our image yield anything worthwhile?


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #106 on: November 05, 2013, 09:58:02 pm »

This is actually a pretty cool story, keep at it.
I would suggest getting ourselves an idol after arriving at the town as previously suggested.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #107 on: November 06, 2013, 09:20:18 am »

Find some frogs within the swamp and ramp up their size to about the size of a coyote or small dog. Design them to hunt beasts tainted with chaos absorb and dispose of the chaotic energies.

This shouldnt take to much energy and will further quell the chaos which i believe could quickly become a serious threat for our people.

We can only make a limited amount of creatures, and they wouldn't be that effective. The only chaos tainted beasts we saw so far threatened lizard people, so would easily beat the frogs.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #108 on: November 06, 2013, 09:36:03 am »

Sek'larsa sounds good.
I would be prepared to take on the diaries and the like, but I'm not certain I could match GM's quality. I'll leave it up to you.

Action wise, I say we save power for now.

That's fine with me. And I'm not sure I could call my writing quality writing but thanks for the compliment. If you have any questions about it, feel free to drop me a message.

Find some frogs within the swamp and ramp up their size to about the size of a coyote or small dog. Design them to hunt beasts tainted with chaos absorb and dispose of the chaotic energies.

This shouldnt take to much energy and will further quell the chaos which i believe could quickly become a serious threat for our people.

Right now, That would take up a creature slot and seeing as I have limited the number of them you have, I won't make a creature without at least a 3+ on a idea. Right now you have a zero. Speaking of which, I should probably add this little bit to the creature tab under game mechanics. Lemme go update that now.

Actually, I would prefer that we search something else first;

Investigate the patch of land that seems to spread chaos
Delaying in this could have dire consequences.

Gaining more followers is obviously one of our main-goals, searching for survivors is the easiest way of doing so.

Also, what kinds of rituals and sacrifices would garner energy? Would simple bloodletting or an idol crafted in our image yield anything worthwhile?

I'm afraid I haven't put much thought into rituals or sacrifices as energy gathering tools. Hmm...The only sacrifices that will get you energy would be the sacrifice of a follower. As for idols, Idols don't actually give you any energy, they do however have another purpose that will be shown sometime during the next two to three turns.

Alright, the actions for the upcoming turn so far seem to be.

Gather the mushrooms. Investigate the patch of land that seems to spread chaos. Acquiring a idol. And searching the swamp for more lizardmen.

Alright, things are a tad bit busy on my end so I can't really give a good ETA on when the next post will be up although I can assure you that you will be getting one today. I hope your all enjoying this forum game as much as I am. ^_^

Edited: Fixed a error that was pointed out.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 09:46:55 am by Xardalas »


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #109 on: November 06, 2013, 09:38:38 am »

((So negatives votes don't work. That might cause problems in the future.))



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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #110 on: November 06, 2013, 09:42:07 am »

Huh? What do you mean? I count negative votes against the idea. Lemme recount things. I just woke up, maybe I misread or miscounted.

Edit: Oh lord. I misread that +1 for searching for the lizardfolk as a +1 for the frog creature. X_X  I think I should drink my coffee and actually wake up before I post anyone more on here. Edited my old post to reflect that. Thanks for bringing that up 10ebbor.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 09:45:46 am by Xardalas »


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #111 on: November 06, 2013, 02:33:18 pm »

It's another three hours before you reach the site, as the tree's grow thicker and thicker together, your finally forced to make your avatar stop. The tribesmen dismounting and unloading their valuables and belongings. The last leg of the trip is made on foot, the lizardfolk managing to rather easily traverse the difficult terrain. Your forced to split your avatar, shifting it's mass around as to pass through the trees. You finally reach the clearing, discovering that your tribesmen have already begun to set up a camp. One massive tent is set up in the middle of the camp, looking like it was meant to be a communal tent of sorts. To the left and right, two smaller tents are being set up as well. The camp is a blur of movement and noise as belongings are unpacked, tents and small campfires are set up.
-1 energy for movement. Avatar unburdened. Energy upkeep-0

You can see Selind'a and Sjamn'd a dozen feet off the ground, settled up in the branches of the massive tree that sits in the center of the camp.The two are looking over the new campsite for the tribe. They appear to be talking animatedly, gesturing wildly as they speak. Must be yet another argument from the look of it. Approaching the two, you listen in.

With a soft hiss Selind'a screeches at Sjamn'd, "No no no! The collectors can be placed anywhere, The high ground and view the tree's provide is best suited for a lookout post! It provides a perfect field of view over the camp and a good bit over the surrounding area!"

Sjamn'd sighs annoyingly and looks tiredly at Selind'a, snapping at the young female. "Calm yourself! I've graciously allowed you to remain in charge of our forces due to your performance in the past, but it is not your place to put military matters over that of the needs of the village! The fact is, while yes, your lookout would be worthwhile here, the nearest river lays almost a dozen miles to the south! Rainfall is common here, it would be more beneficial to have this tree serve as a rain collector."

Selind'a retorts angrily, "Watch your words Shaman, You'll find that my warriors were more useful then your brethren, you lost touch with your magicks and we were forced to make up for the your absence! I am telling you, the river is still within walking distance. The tribesmen can carry water from there, however, there is no other area within miles that could work half as well as this point does!"

Considering the rapidly escalating state of the argument, you decide to step into it. It looks as if the two might come to blows if this continues for any longer. It would do the people of Sud'kar to no good to see the two main 'leaders' of the tribe coming to blows. You ponder, not sure how you should handle this situation, both of them made valid points.

Who do you side with? You've noticed that as of late, the two seem to bicker more and more often.

As you debate what to do with those two, you shift your gaze upon the warrior who you had made the contract with. After a moment, his name comes to your mind. Sek'larsa he was called, at your thought. Your avatar shifts over to him, your voice echoing through it. "...I have need of you warrior...North of here, deep within the swamp you will find a patch of mushrooms. They will not be like any you have seen before..." You recall the feeling and image of the mushrooms, pressing the image into the mind of Sek'larsa, speaking a moment later. "Take a small number of our tribesmen and gather several dozen of them. I want you to scatter them throughout the swamp as you return to our new home. Make sure to save a few for around the campsite as well." You watch him set off after he gathers four tribesmen to go with him.

Sek'larsa + 4 tribesmen gone for one turn.

Deciding that it was high time you examined the spot of land in the chaos tainted area's, you move towards it. The ground disappearing in a blur as you travel. Ancient, oaks passing beneath your gaze, the ground nothing more than a dark, earthy green blur. Finally, you find yourself arriving at the origin of the slowly spreading chaos taint. It appears to be nothing more than a simple boulder laying in a grassy area. Vines and moss growing on it. You extend your senses towards the rock and recoil in surprise, You can feel the massive chaos taint inside of it. It was a swirling, mass of concentrated chaotic energies, you begin to wonder why you couldn't sense that spiral orb of energy when you notice it. Hundreds of threads spread out from the bottom of the orb, sinking into the ground and traveling beneath it. The reason you hadn't sense this energy, was because it was spreading out for literal miles beneath the ground.  Slowly and steadily tainting and subtly affecting the environment around it. Such a process would be slow, it would take several weeks to begin causing serious effects but you wouldn't have noticed anything at all until it was to late if you hadn't been lucky and caught it. You study the 'node' of chaotic energies, your not sure you would know how to even begin unraveling such a thing without releasing all of that energy at once. However, your pretty sure that with a little work you could create a 'node' of energy like this yourself, though you have no idea how much energy it would cost you or what effect it would have upon the environment.

You know you'll have to put forth some serious thought onto this node, perhaps you should experiment with it a bit to see if you could safely unravel it. Although, since you know so little about how this node works, you have no idea what experimentation would even do to it. Dissmissing it from your mind for now as you return to your camp. Focusing your energies and expending it outwards, trying to cancel out all of the background lifeforms as you try to focus solely upon how the life-force of a lizardmen feels. You expend a small bit of energy but you discover you a group of life signs to the east. You estimate that there are around a hundred lifeforms that match that of the lizardfolk.  You estimate it to be about a two day's worth of travel on foot if you intended to send anyone there. You debate traveling there yourself to examine it, but you put if off for now. Figuring that you have other more important things to focus on at the moment.
-2 energy

You know that you'll need more energy if you ever hope to combat and win against the chaotic god you had encountered earlier, you toy around with a few ideas of having your people perform rituals or sacrifices to try and increase your energy gain. Your not sure if it would have any effect what so ever though. The idea of a idol strikes you though and you speak through your avatar, searching through the tribe till you find a crafter. After a bit of talk with him, he agree's to make a idol in the likeness of your avatar. The only question remaining is, what should he make it out of?

How do you react to the Chaos node? Do you try to unravel it? Perform some other experiment? Who do you side with in the argument between Selind'a and Sjamn'd? Do you choose to investigate the group of life-signs you discovered? What would you like to have your idol made out of? Bone? Wood? Leather? Some combination of the three?

Spoiler: Information (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)



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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #112 on: November 06, 2013, 02:39:07 pm »

Unraveling the Chaos node kinda seems like a bad idea. At this moment, it's a highly concentrated patch of chaos. We don't want to accidentally free it all. Perhaps if we could just isolate or redirect it, so that the mushrooms can cope.

Also, investigating the lifeforms seems like a good idea.

Third, let's go for the third option in the conflict. This is a swamp environement, groundwater levels should be fairly close to the surface. Find a nearby hill, and create a spring/well there.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 1 is up!]
« Reply #113 on: November 06, 2013, 02:39:46 pm »

Sek'larsa journal entry 1 (before departure to the new camp):
     ‘Today is the first day in a long while that I have been able to write. Ved’on has fallen. Our people have been lost. But still some few fight on. As the forces of chaos scaled out walls, we commanded them to flee, and ourselves stood firm to buy their lives with our own. It was a miracle that we lived, although many of our brothers and sisters died…. No, it was not a miracle - it was luck. Our god abandoned us, running into the jaws of our foe, and leaving us to suffer. But now there is another.
      We were ambushed, just the six of us against many times our number in chaos dogs. Sav’heem, my brother in blood as well as arms, fell to the beasts, and our circle fractured beneath their blows. And then the earth itself began to shake. Vines rose up from the ground and pierced thru our foes like water. We regrouped, fearing some new horror, when a great stone creature burst through the trees. i will admit, for a moment I believed our past god had returned. But this did not feel like our god. Our god had fled, whereas this being crushed the monsters beneath it’s rocky feet. It was a god, that was for sure.
      Selind’a spoke to it then, stepping over the jumbled corpses. It told us of what remained of our people - for we had found no others on our journey - and offered to carry us to them. We had little choice but to accept. It showed its goodwill by healing our wounds, and we took Sav’heem’s body with us, slung over its back.
      We buried him hastily, a stone cairn on the edge of the clearing his only marker. There was no time for anything else, as the village prepared to act. I see no need for the funeral rites our last god taught us when our devotion elsewhere turned out to be for nothing. I would have said the same of this one, too, but I challenged it, and it replied. It made a promise, and as it did so, a shiver ran down my spine. There was something in those words. perhaps it was only that it did not promise what it could not achieve - it spoke not of avenging our dead, although I somewhat wish it had, but of preserving the living. But perhaps it was something more, for few words have ever moved me so. I am afraid to say that I froze in front of the entire tribe, and yet i felt no shame in doing so. That moment may very well have shaped the entire future of my people.
      Tomorrow we leave for the south. Our god tells us that it is safer there, that there are creatures to hunt and vegetation to gather, free of the taint that pollutes all this far north of the mountains. With any luck, we should arrive there in just two days.
      And, lest I forget - our god’s name is Seklus, and he has my faith’

Action wise, I support making a spring/well and using the tree as a watchtower. Also investigate the lifeforms. The idol should be made of wood, assuming we have no access to rock/gems for crafting.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 02:44:54 pm by sjm9876 »
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 2 is up!]
« Reply #114 on: November 06, 2013, 02:59:00 pm »

I support not touching the freaky node right now, too dangerous.
Investigating the lifeforms by astral travel? Yes.

As for the village location: uphill. We are at war, we need to think defence before convenience.
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Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 2 is up!]
« Reply #115 on: November 06, 2013, 03:06:27 pm »

Definitely uphill, this is why we came here in the first place.
Also choose stone as a material. Incenses shall be burned on top of the idol, to bring the earth to the air, and let our energy breathe out into the very land.

Try to feel if there is groundwater near to the top of the hill, if so shift the earth around to create a shaft towards this water. Also teach the tribesmen the basics of hygenics.

Approach Sjaamn'd and ask why she called him a shaman and if he could tell us more about that.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 2 is up!]
« Reply #116 on: November 06, 2013, 03:08:29 pm »

Sjaamn'd is our tribes shaman. Pretty sure that was said in the beginning of the game. That would easily explain the title.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 2 is up!]
« Reply #117 on: November 06, 2013, 03:08:37 pm »

I'm going to +1 the uphill location for the village, and investigating the other lizard folk.  I also want to support the creation of an Idol, but we've got a lot on our plates at the moment so let's stick to things that help the villagers NOW.  I am going to go for the third option with the argument as well here, we can easily raise the water table, or, with a larger investure of energy, create a branch in the river.

Edit: sjm, that is very well written and has precious few errors, well done.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 03:11:53 pm by NullForceOmega »
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NullForceOmega is an immortal neanderthal who has been an amnesiac for the past 5000 years.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 2 is up!]
« Reply #118 on: November 06, 2013, 03:12:22 pm »

Well I must have missed on that. Ask him to tell you more about shamanism as you go by.

He said pick a material, why not a design as well I got some ideas there which might help us on the long run. The incense part is probably going to happen later, but we can tell him to create a place where the incense can be held before that, to prove perfection.


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Re: You are a Ankylosaurus God! [ Day 3 Turn 2 is up!]
« Reply #119 on: November 06, 2013, 03:19:14 pm »

I guess, since the idol's creation seems assured,  that we be deific about it, and raise a solid piece of living stone for the craftsman to work.  Still living stone from the depths, infused with a bit of our power should be an extremely effective focus, while we're at it, let's use that focus to create a life/earth node right inside the statue.
Grey morality is for people who wish to avoid retribution for misdeeds.

NullForceOmega is an immortal neanderthal who has been an amnesiac for the past 5000 years.
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