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Author Topic: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)  (Read 14402 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #90 on: November 25, 2013, 10:58:40 pm »

Grimmash, if you can't do your turn we can delay it till after my second turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #91 on: November 25, 2013, 11:11:34 pm »

Well, I've started.  If you guys are ok with the turn going through the beginning of next week, I'll keep going. 

I'm through the beginning of spring, reorganized the labors, started digging out a proper well for the hospital and found a combination of lava and some shiny, light blue stuff by the forges.

Also, what happened to the titan corpse?  Did you butcher it?  Because I was going to cut that up for meat, but all that is left is a rotten foot, and I see no titan bits in the stocks.


  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #92 on: November 25, 2013, 11:12:48 pm »

Fine by me for you to go ahead. And I thought the hospital had a well...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #93 on: November 25, 2013, 11:15:47 pm »

There is a well, but it actually leaves the cavern wide open.  I'm trying to seal off the remaining openings (the stairs that open into the top of the cavern and the well) so that we don't get random FBs coming to check out our massive stairwells, and the tasty dwarves that use them.  I also like having wells very close to the hospital, and have a rather OCD well format that usually ensures no cancelled "give drink" tasks.


  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #94 on: November 25, 2013, 11:17:43 pm »

Actually, I'd welcome an FB, we have a pair of legendary weaponmasters.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #95 on: November 26, 2013, 01:02:11 am »

I made it into summer, and things seem to be progressing well, if a bit boring.  A few minor fun things happened, but I'm saving everything up for updates I can write while traveling.

Happiness and Sadness:  I got a Das Keyboard today, but most of my write up will happen on my Macbook Air.  Stupid chicklet keys.  I strongly recommend the Das Keyboard.  It is joyously fun to use.  Also, Airs cannot run DF at all well, in case any of you were wondering.


  • Bay Watcher
  • High Lobster of Fluffy Wamblers
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #96 on: November 26, 2013, 01:29:40 am »

Okay, why in all flavor of damnation am I, a legendary axedwarf, equipped with the artifact hammer and shadowhammer, a legendary hammerdwarf, both in an axe squad and equipped with an axe.  Give him his own squad of hammerdwarfs to train.

All military griping aside, the fort looks pretty good.

Oh, and Zulban the wrestler still needs to be renamed Zlob.

Yeah, sorry 'bout that.  If it's any consolation, I hadn't been dorfed, either - and didn't even notice it until mid-way through my turn.  Derp.  As to the weapon thing, I think it happened when I mis-applied the uniforms - guess I mixed up which was which.
There is a well, but it actually leaves the cavern wide open.  I'm trying to seal off the remaining openings (the stairs that open into the top of the cavern and the well) so that we don't get random FBs coming to check out our massive stairwells, and the tasty dwarves that use them.  I also like having wells very close to the hospital, and have a rather OCD well format that usually ensures no cancelled "give drink" tasks.

WoobMonkey cancels pride in fort: hurrdehurr.  You're totally correct: I got distracted with the other security holes, and totally forgot that staircase to nowhere.
Edangzak Utharsanad Gedor - think you have what it takes?

The dog misses the ball!
The ball softly hits Urist McTrainer in the head, breaking the paper-thin skull and denting the non-existent brain!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #97 on: November 26, 2013, 08:50:50 am »

No worries.  A quick bridge and some walls have closed things off.  I almost (but didn't) flooded the forges with magma, and i did flood another save over the weekend, so we all make oversights.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #98 on: November 27, 2013, 08:34:31 pm »

Ok, I made it to autumn.  I'll post an update tomorrow most likely that covers the spring, post another sometime over the weekend, and then try to finish up as soon as possible next week when I get back.

If you are an Americun, happy turkey day!


  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #99 on: November 27, 2013, 08:36:58 pm »

Sounds good.  And a good day to you too, sir!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #100 on: December 01, 2013, 08:22:08 pm »

Post through summer will go up tonight.  Family + Football + Booze = no writing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #101 on: December 01, 2013, 09:00:05 pm »

Journal of Grimmash, Overseer of Obrtrances

So I was minding my own business, digging out some stone, and one of the blokes that runs this place, some WoobMonkey fellow, tracked me down in the tunnels, threw some paperwork and some sketches at me, shouted that I was the overseer and took off back up towards the barracks.  I think he was holding some shiny new piece of armor or something. 

After a few moments of confusion, I took a look at the paper work, decided I didn’t need it, and threw it in to the caverns.  I suppose if I am going to be the new boss here, I might as well do things my way!  I tracked down the manager and asked why the hell I was the new overseer.  He said something about all the other previous overseers were too preoccupied with trying to kill things and joined the militia.  Why some dwarves seem to think only of killing goblins all day I’ll never know.

Manager Zuntir gave me the roles and as I looked over the collection of job assignments, I decided it was time to get the fort sorted.  Who needs hunters or fishers when you have enough dirt to farm more food that we could ever eat?

I’ve given just about every set labor assignments by their skills.  Farmers, Miners, brewers, lots of ‘em.  The only exception is the new role I gave to most of the non-skilled dwarves.  I’m calling them jackdwarves, as they are jacks of all trades and masters of none.  Maybe some of them will rise up.  At the very least it gives us plenty of haulers and masons

I also notice that some parts of the fortress are just full of rock and random items.  Seems I’ll have to clean the place up a bit.

20th Slate

Ezum Mersethushrir made a toy bone axe today.  How wonderful.  Wonderfully uselss.

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While I was puzzling over why dwarves make such silly things when we flip our lids, I got news that the crundle and a cave croc went feral.  I didn’t know we had been taming the damn things, so I made a note that we needed a dedicated animal trainer.  Maybe someone else can figure that out.  I’d just as soon put a pick through the stupid things head.

As part of my mission to reorganize the fortress, I decided to try and mine out some of the supposed adamantine vein down by the forges.  Mine it or at least dig out what of it we can reach.  There is just a damnable amount of complaints from the miners about the stones being too hot or too wet.  I asked them how the stone could be wet, when the water is on the other side?  They had no good answer for that, so the keep digging, but slowly.

We also got a wave of migrants.  18 or so, and very few skilled dwarves among them.  Ah well, more haulers and farmers!

The previous overseer told me about his plan for a hallway of serrated glass discs.  I think this is a lovely idea, and will really force any unwanted guests to stay on the straight and narrow, heh.  I’ve made sure that the kilns are set to make the discs repeatedly out of the sand we have here.

3rd Felsite

We have found adamantine!

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After some false starts, and digging down a bit to shut up those jittery miners, we struck the adamantine vein!  We also found some lava, but quick work by the miners and masons walled off the lower floor and prevented the lava from seeping up into the forges.

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15th Felsite

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I’ve got space for new farms dug out.  This should triple our underground growing space and let us diversify the crops a bit.  I’m also having the miners take a break from the adamantine vein exploration to make an underground pen for our livestock.  While our militia is formidable, our animals don’t have bows or axes.

17th Felsite

I finally had something our blood-crazy old overseers could do!  I told them an elven caravan had come, and that I have never understood those pointy-eared beardless tree huggers.  Every member of the militia within earshot perked up and a few of them said they knew exactly what to do.  I said that was fine by me, but make sure to follow orders from the commander.

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Not long after I saw a great stream of items coming from the depot, with almost everyone summoned up.  I caught one of the guards and asked what happened.  He told me wooden crossbows were surprisingly effective negotiating tools, considering how the elves hate us chopping down trees.  I wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but I didn’t care.

23rd Felsite

A few days after the excellent trading with the elves, an ambush showed up.  I told the guards to take care of it, and boy did they.  The hail of arrows and rushing dwarves was quite a sight to behold.

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As the squads were coming back, a thief tried to thread the needle between tour guards and the walls.  I dare say that thief should receive some sort of posthumous medal for advancing knowledge in the field of unsubtle sneaking techniques.

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There were two minor injuries, but nothing of note.


20th Hematite

11 more migrants came today.

26th  Hematite

One of our militia suffocated.  I assume he took a blow during battle, as he died in the middle of the stockpiles on the surface.  I do hate when dwarves don’t have the good sense to go to the hospital when they are hurt!

9th Malachite

Work progresses on the new dining room and food storage.  I think I will convert the sold room into a nice statue garden.

4th Galena

A forgotten beast has come!  Luckily we walled off most of the entrances, and I had already built a bridge over the stairwell that terminates in the caverns.  I think we’ll just let that thing run around for now, as the floors of the cavern are mostly water.  I’m not so much worried about the beast as I am about our militia trying to fight in that underground grotto.  All we need is a drowned militia unable to swim after the stupid beast.

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15th Galena

Apparently the beast is slow.  We have finished the walls so the beast is stuck in the caverns for the time.

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A human caravan has arrived.  What fun.

An ambush came with it.  We slaughtered them to a goblin.  One our dwarves was killed, but from colliding with an obstacle.  Not sure what to make of that.

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Trading was excellent.  I managed to get rid of piles and piles of clothing that our own dwarves will no longer wear and plenty of other goods we have little use for.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #102 on: December 02, 2013, 11:50:50 pm »

Should be done tomorrow.  This has been a very uneventful turn, at least so far. I say this hoping something interesting does happen. 

Non-narrative update, because I'm tired:

I'm almost done with Autumn, and we now have over 140 dwarves.  I have mostly been digging out more space for rooms and remodeling.  I've expanded the archer's tower into a full battlement.  The trap corridor has many more serrated green glass discs in it, but I got bored placing them after a while, we'll see if I finish it.  We've still got like 60 of the damn things. 

I built four more floors of housing, and have filled about 2/3rds of it with furniture.  I put in some quantum stockpiles near a new workshop cluster.  There is a new, embiggened dining room.  The farms now feed to a plant stockpile, which feeds to the stockpile outside the brewing rooms.  While doing those things, I removed all surface stockpiles save for finished goods to protect our dwarves from ranged invaders.  Two giant underground pasture spaces have also been cleared to move our animals out of archer range when the elite goblins bowmen show up.  They always do.  To ensure this is effective, I have put a raising bridge section in front of the stairs into the base, and plan on tunneling to the barracks so there are no above ground routes exposed in the event that becomes important.  I also made the battlements surround the trade depot so we can use elves as target practice dummies defend the depot.

The hospital has one well directly adjacent, with room for four more to be put in.  The adamantine deposit by the forges should be sculpted out by end of turn.  I haven't dug any because I am too lazy to bother with making sure our adamantine strands do not get turned into cloth.  If you get greedy and want to build up stairs to reach the layer above, don't.  It is surrounded by water.  So our easiest candy vein is one z-level surrounded by water above (not my fault) and lava below (kind of my fault, but we could only have gotten a few pieces anyway).  Best bet will be to mine into the exposed vein, then dig up and down, and hope it's not the gateway.

I collapsed one section of the overhang west of the fort to reduce pathing and give the new battlements a target zone a z-level down in the event that non-elite bowman show up.  Of course one dwarf died in this process.  Stupid git channeled from the correct side, then somehow fell under the collapse faster than the falling land.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #103 on: December 05, 2013, 12:19:57 am »

The year ends.  Things were uneventful, save for two events.

The first was the dwarven caravan.  I traded a crap ton of green glass serrated discs for all the food, drink, seeds, cloth, leather, and iron or steel weapons and bolts they had.  Cleaned 'em damn near out.  Also got some native platinum nuggets, so those should be useful.

Second thing was three ambushes in a row from the goblins.

It started simply, but there were a few archers and our markdwarves decided to fire from the barracks, up into the hills far to the east:

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So many bolts...  But then one dwarf, a marksmen, decided to take the fight to the goblins, and in rapipd succession scored three kills, and went from being a marksmen to a hammerdwarf in one wonderful progression.

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After this stupid set of escapades, I decided having our fort defense be a wonderful front gate with a giant killzone for archers behind it, it was time to fix that.  So the entire second half of the year was devoted to a few large projects.  I'll just give a tour of the fort from the basement up.

The dug out adamantine vein, complete with bridge to seal the area off.

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Here, in the green circle is access to a second adamantine vein.  You have to dig down, so be careful.

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The wells.  The second picture shows the access tunnel and levers that control the bridges.

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New workshop cluster with quantum stockpiles:

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Dining room!!!!!  Food is to the north, drink to the south.  Still needs a few statues.

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Tunnels to reach the ramparts, barracks, and atom smasher.

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The new entrance level, with two pastures, expanded farms, and a raw plant stockpile that feeds the stocks in front of the stills.  Next to the stills, I put in farmer's shops and a processed plant stockpile.

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And my favorite bit, the new ramparts:

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Also, because it is fun:

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I also added like four more floors of housing.

Here are the fort stats:

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And the save:



  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: Orbtrances, succession fort (players needed)
« Reply #104 on: December 05, 2013, 09:49:18 pm »

I guess that makes it my turn.  I'll do my turn this weekend.
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