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Author Topic: THE END IS NEAR : Warning: May be more rational than reality.  (Read 48581 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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THE END IS NEAR : Warning: May be more rational than reality.
« on: October 27, 2013, 09:12:08 pm »


The world is a petri dish. You are an amoeba. And now someone is pouring bleach over it all.

The end is here and there's nothing you can do to stop it. All you can do is try to survive. Five players will attempt to survive as long as possible, to live through the terrors at the end of time and see the final horrors which wipe the world clean. Will they succumb to hunger and thirst? To exhaustion? To mundane injuries or to things far worse? Only time will tell....


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You are in Redway Falls, A small city on the coastline of Southern USA. It is 12:01 AM on the first of December. It's near freezing and very dry out. 

Toaster: Brian Helden: Red
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Your Room is burning. The carpet is a blaze of melting plastic and acrid smoke, your curtains and walls illuminated by thick trails of flame that curl and climb like burning serpents. You sit in bed, perfectly still while the cheap comforter that's spread across your lap blackens into ash. But you don't notice. You're looking straight ahead.

Hovering there, just above the footboard, are words, spelled out in flame.


You watch them with the absolute knowledge that they are true. You watch them as they burn brighter, igniting like thermite or white phosphorous, and sending molten embers the size of your thumb spraying all around them. You watch as your flesh melts and burns.

You wake up with a start, blinking in the darkness, eyes still stinging from the light of the words. You know they were true. The clock, a red LCD display hanging in the otherwise absolute darkness of the room, reads 12:01 AM.

Pyrodesu: Samuel Richard: Blue

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You're sitting waist deep in water, and it's getting deeper by the moment. You're in the ward on the Dubuque, sitting against a wall with a bed on either side of you. Charred and twitching bodies leak a constant flow of blood across their starched white sheets and into the water around you, where it mingles with the blood from your own injured legs.

In front of you is a man, a sailor. He's wearing his parade uniform, decked out in full regalia with a chest covered in ribbons. He looks down at you with one eye, the other missing along with much of the upper left side of his head. Blood and brain tissue drips down onto his neatly pressed uniform and you can hear the sucking of air passing through a blood filled, crushed sinus cavity. He kneels down into the water, resting his knee on your injured legs and looks you straight in the face.

"THE END IS NEAR"  he says, his voice strong and resonant, even as blood rolls from is mouth and down his chest.

You hear the sound of metal straining and then the walls give way to a flood of water.

You sit up in bed, covered in sweat and breathing hard. Outside, through the huge bay window of your bedroom, you can see the twinkle of the city lights in the middle of the night.

Kri: Thomas Crawford: Green

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You open the door to your home; the familiar feeling of coming home late at night after a long day at the hospital. You wipe your feet and try to shake as much snow off your coat as you can before you hang it near the door. It's bright inside, the carefully hung vestments of Christmas clinging from the stairway, doors, ceiling and anywhere else your wife could manage to hang a wreath or stocking. But it's cold, colder then outside.

You head downstairs, calling for your wife. She doesn't respond, but you can hear a baby crying upstairs, in your bedroom. You jog up the stairs and quietly open the door. Your wife is sitting with her back to you, rocking slowly back and forth in a rocking chair in front of the fireplace near the foot of your bed. You can hear her humming while she gently sways the baby in her arms. By the time you get to her, the child is quiet. You place your hand on her shoulder and reach down to touch it. Your fingers find the infant to be as cold as ice, bloated and purple. You yank your hand back and look at your wife. She stares back at you, with eyeless, maggot filled sockets, exposed teeth and jaw grinning back at you.

"THE END IS NEAR" she says, and the fire fire goes out.

You wake, screaming and struggling in the darkness until you remember where you are. The pale yellow illumination of the streetlight outside filters into the back of your van. It casts strange shadows in your makeshift bedroom. You check your watch.  12:01 AM.

Radio Controlled: Rico Vasquez: Orange

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You're standing in the bush, ankle deep in mud and surrounded by strange plants the like of which you've never seen in the concentrated world of your life. Your Uncle stands ahead of you hacking his way through the jungle with a machete and dragging you along by the hand. He's massive, the hulking form of a full grown man as viewed from the perspective of a child, and dressed in an outfit more befitting a turn of the century British explorer then a doctor.

As you and he walk, the mud beneath your feet transforms into pus and blood, a river of scabs and wound discharge. Your uncles constant talking, his story of adventure distorting into a graphic depiction of an ebola outbreak in the deep jungles. The cries of monkeys and birds transform in to screaming and wailing of pain and fear. You try to get closer to your uncle, the only safety in this decaying land, but he keeps walking away. He marches away as you struggle through the puss with weak, child like legs. As you try to run, you fall onto your hands and knees. Your own face, pouring diseased blood from every oriface, half sunk in the human sludge, stares back at you.

"THE END IS NEAR" it says, gurgling as the blood fills it's mouth.

You sit up screaming in your private room at the asylum, clutching your knees as you scoot yourself into the corner. You can hear the on duty nurse running down the hall to check on you. It's the middle of the night.

Xan: Patrick Schwartz :Purple

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You're sitting in the interrogation room with a suspect.  You've been working on him for hours, and he hasn't said a thing. You can feel your captain's anxious glare from behind the two-way mirror. You're about to ask another question when you hear something elsewhere in the building. Gunfire. You draw your weapon and move for the door, the sound of screaming echoing down the hall. You're halfway out the door when your captain stops you on his way toward the noise.

"Stay here, they may be trying to break him out."

You watch him go and then step back inside, locking the door and bracing it with your chair. The sound of gunfire continues, getting closer and closer. You realize with a start that it's one sided, the familiar sound of standard issue police sidearms combined with a wet sloshing sound and screaming. Slowly, the guns grow silent and all thats left is a sound like a pile of raw meat sliding down the hall, accompanied by an odor of ozone and copper. You point your gun at the door as the sound stops right outside.

For several seconds you sit in silence, waiting. Nothing happens. You glace over at your captive, handcuffed to the table. He smiles at you, a smile that reaches back to his ears and reveals insect-like mandibles beneath a rubber mask of flesh.


You wake up, staring at the ceiling, the pills rendering you too physically tired to jerk up and out of bed. But your heart is pounding and you can feel the walls closing in. The nightmares are leaking into this world yet again.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 10:53:16 am by piecewise »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Never Types So Much As Punches The Keyboard
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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 09:23:18 pm »

Edit: not needed
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 09:36:43 pm by Execute/Dumbo.exe »
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 09:33:55 pm »

"God, what the hell was that! Alright alright calm down *sigh* maybe some fresh air can help"
get out of the van and have a little stretch, don't want to be cooped up forever!
Actually the characters were already taken, hence why they all have two names Player:Character:color.

I'm running this as sort of a test of a game, but if it goes well I'll run more rounds of it. Sorry, You'll have to wait till then.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 09:36:03 pm »

The words spill out of me as I feel the weight of the walls of the world pressing down upon me feels like elephants stamping on my chestohgodIcan'tbreathecantbreathecant-
I feel it gone, suddenly, as though they've decided to stop for now, delay the torture.
Spiteful bastards.
What did that dream mean, anyway? It - what that - that - that bugspect said was real enough - even when I think back on it I can feel down in my bones that the end is nigh. But how? What form, shape, function? Cop training never fully goes away, and that bit of it's trying to figure out how to take the bad guy down.
Of course, that starts with knowing who the bad guy is in the first place.

Fuckin' dreams. Need a drink, I decide, and slowly - very slowly - lurch out of bed and to the kitchen sink. There, I set the tap running and splash my face with cold water, hoping to shock myself out of this daze.
Doesn't work, though I notice my lack of shaving - almost painful to the punctilious man I was before.
I dry myself off, resigned to another night without sleep.
This doc said the sleeping pills would work this time. Evidently not.
Having nothing better to do, I proceed to the big window facing out towards the city and sit in the chair I'd put there several weeks before and just watch.
I've been there a lot of nights.

Get up, contemplate what dream meant, stare out at city. Eventually fall asleep in the chair.

((All RP stuff, but I couldn't really figure out what else to do really.
Also oh god why did I choose to write first person.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2013, 09:36:17 pm »

(Sorry, didn't know, oh well, I can wait.)
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2013, 10:04:41 pm »

((Third person works for me, thanks.  Also thanks to PW for the invitation!))

Brian jerked awake, sitting up in his bed.  This... was new.  Nightmares were nothing new to him, though they were usually of Phillip, and the gurgling half-scream coming from his ruined face.  Poor Phillip... when was the last time they had talked?  Often guilt tripped a new round of the nightmares...

No.  This was different.  It was beyond a gut feeling- a certainty he had never before felt in his life.  Even the certainty that the grenade factory was the perfect job for him was a mere whim in comparison to this.  Oh God... what was going to happen?  Brian had thought his life had little meaning, but... everything ending?  Why?  Why now?  Why was he told?  Did others know?

Who could he ask, though?  He only a few friends, none of which were close enough to call up in the middle of the night and ask insane questions.  Insane... yeah, this must be a dream.

No.  This is no dream.  This is REAL.  He couldn't focus, and sleep again was eluding him.  Ugh...  the pills.  He needed one, and he needed it now.

"Damn it, where'd I put those pills..."

Get up.  Find a shirt and the pills.  Take one.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2013, 10:25:09 pm »

Samuel is silent for a few minutes, slowly regaining control over his breathing.

The flashbacks were worse in the first few years after the incident aboard the Dubuque. But they were never anything compared to this. This was... more surreal, and almost completely different from the events that really transpired. It made it worse.

I am Samuel Richard. I am a retired navy corpsman. I work in the Redway Falls City Hospital as a general practitioner.

He gets up, wincing at the pain in the old shrapnel wounds in his legs. Psychosomatic, his own doctor had told him, a phantom pain. It will pass with the rest of the fallout from that day. Nothing for it but time.

I was aboard the Dubuque when it was struck by a series of bombings. I was working in the medical ward on the victims of the first bomb when the second went off nearby. I was a casualty of that bomb.

He hobbled his way to the apartment's kitchen, where he kept the bottle of anti-depressants he was prescribed to use whenever he had an attack. Unlike the pain, the pronounced limp was not a phantom effect. His digging shrapnel from his own legs had done more damage to him than the bomb itself had, physically. He'd have to live with it.

I attempted to work through my injuries. For my determination, I was promoted just before my medical discharge. Now I have steady work, though it's less the bullet wounds and burns that I have to deal with now, more the disease. But when there is a bullet wound or burn, I am usually one of the first assigned to a patient after they are out of emergency care.

Having taken his medication, Samuel staggers back to his bed, the effort of walking around too much for his 'phantom pain'. With one last look at his clock, reading 0015 hours, he tried to sleep. He would have to be at the hospital, alert, in 4 and three-quarter hours.

((Mixed third-and-first for me too. Third for actions, first for dialogue.

Also, for reference, this is him speaking, this is him thinking. For my own reference: Colour code #4682b4, font Trebuchet MS.

Also, expect to see that thoughtline multiple times. In-character, it's a old bit of his therapy.))
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 11:28:46 pm by PyroDesu »
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2013, 11:12:21 pm »

Holy snark, piecewise is running a new game?

Dammit, prepicked players.

...Post to watch and become the peanut gallery.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2013, 11:30:06 pm »

Thomas looks around in the darkness while he recovers, watching for anyone that might be coming after his scream.

Nothing... figures. Middle of the city, and no one cares.

Laying back down for a moment, he reflects on his dream... at least, he hoped it was a dream. It was mostly familiar, if more terrifying than normal. A nightmare from a past he'd never quite escaped. It was fading now, as all respectful nightmares do... all except for those words, and their traumatizing method of delivery.

The end is near...

He pulls his clothes tighter as he sits up again, feeling colder as he thinks. His wife's death was already on his mind, it's 10-year anniversary looming just 3 weeks from now, threatening to throw him back to drink. He tried to forget, just for a moment... but he couldn't. The date, and those words, remained etched into his mind.

The end... how could it be the end... and why am I so damn certain...

Frustrated, he crawled out of his makeshift bed and took stock of the contents of his van & wallet, pocketing the bottle of stimulants, doing anything he could to distract himself.
Finally, he got in the driver's seat of the van and stared out onto the street.

... It won't go away... it might really be the end. Ten years I couldn't bring myself to end it and now it's going to end on me...

He sat there in silence for a minute before adjusting the mirror to look at himself.

Gods, I look like a hobo... well, what else have I been lately... what else have I been...
I know. I know. I... I need to try. For you. For our kids. Though I'm not sure I remember how...
Fair enough... that would be a good start. I hope they'll take me back...

Thomas checks the van for a shaving razor and something to tie his hair back with. Then he looks through the clothes he has in the van, looking for professional clothes. Think about where he could get a shower, if he hasn't showered recently.

Try and recall how much sleep he's already gotten. If 4 hours or less, set an alarm for 3:30 and try to get some more sleep. Give up after ~30 minutes if he can't get to sleep.

(( Oh gods what have I done, I'm delusional before we've even begun XD
Except I usually talk to think air, so this feels like a very natural extension of that... no matter, delusional! ))

(Sorry, didn't know, oh well, I can wait.)
(( I did, and I am shocked, *shocked*, that you tried to take my character. :P
Actually, I really am shocked, 5 characters to choose from and you pick the one that woke up in a *van*? I must hear the reasoning! ))

Holy snark, piecewise is running a new game?

Dammit, prepicked players.

...Post to watch and become the peanut gallery.
(( Welcome to the gallery! Hope you enjoy the show :D ))
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 11:38:36 pm by Kriellya »

Radio Controlled

  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2013, 02:26:27 am »

((Alea iacta est. Let's see where this will go.))

"Oh god... God damn...

Uncle... I..."

Rico was sitting in the corner, desperately trying to get a grasp on reality again. He was still sweating. That cold sweat that forms when you're scared out of your mind, the point where rational thinking was a hollow promise more than a reality. Like a child hiding from the monsters under the bedsheet. That dream... Those words. Were they true? They had to be. He felt so sure of it. Then again, all dreams felt real until examined in the light of day.
But he was ok now, this was his room, in the patient ward of the asylum where he was voluntarily taken in. He heard the hurried footsteps of the nurse down the hall. Suddenly Rico felt very... naked.

Scurry back to bed, get in. If nurse comes in, assure her it was simply a very vivid nightmare, and that he is feeling ok now. Then try to go to sleep again.

((Funny way to describe the end of the world. I've worked with bacteria and fungi cultures before, and I've wondered before if I was a grim reaper that sowed death over their little petri dish world when I poured in strong chemicals to sterilize it. It's funny: you spend weeks carefully nurturing your cultures, selecting the right ones and allowing those to continue growing, culling the rest. Those were the 'chosen ones' in a way, the Neos to your little Matrix. You feed them, take care of them, genetically alter them until they're just perfect, just the way you wanted them.

And them you condemn them all to the flame and chemical death.))
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 02:33:35 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2013, 11:48:37 am »

The words spill out of me as I feel the weight of the walls of the world pressing down upon me feels like elephants stamping on my chestohgodIcan'tbreathecantbreathecant-
I feel it gone, suddenly, as though they've decided to stop for now, delay the torture.
Spiteful bastards.
What did that dream mean, anyway? It - what that - that - that bugspect said was real enough - even when I think back on it I can feel down in my bones that the end is nigh. But how? What form, shape, function? Cop training never fully goes away, and that bit of it's trying to figure out how to take the bad guy down.
Of course, that starts with knowing who the bad guy is in the first place.

Fuckin' dreams. Need a drink, I decide, and slowly - very slowly - lurch out of bed and to the kitchen sink. There, I set the tap running and splash my face with cold water, hoping to shock myself out of this daze.
Doesn't work, though I notice my lack of shaving - almost painful to the punctilious man I was before.
I dry myself off, resigned to another night without sleep.
This doc said the sleeping pills would work this time. Evidently not.
Having nothing better to do, I proceed to the big window facing out towards the city and sit in the chair I'd put there several weeks before and just watch.
I've been there a lot of nights.

Get up, contemplate what dream meant, stare out at city. Eventually fall asleep in the chair.

((All RP stuff, but I couldn't really figure out what else to do really.
Also oh god why did I choose to write first person.))
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You walk into the bathroom and splash water on your face, shivering as the ice cold liquid runs down your face and soaks into the shirt of your pajamas. You scratch at your stubble and stare into the bloodshot, dark ringed eyes in the mirror for a few moments before grabbing a towel and drying your face. You walk back to your bed room, dragging your feet, and slump down into the chair next to the window. You have a view more of the sea and the docks then the city, but it's nice none the less. Somehow, that black expanse of sea, ringed by the gentle lights of the sea side buildings and dockyards, is a calming sight. You lay your head back against the soft, overstuffed cushions of the chair and close your eyes.

When you wake up, the world outside is flooded in the strange pale light of early morning, before the sun rises but when it's first light begins to paint the world in dull gray tones. It's cloudy out, and silent. The lights on the buildings seem weaker in this nascent morning glow, and everything appears almost frozen in place. The towel rests on your shoulders, clammy and cold, still a bit damp. Your muscles ache.

((Third person works for me, thanks.  Also thanks to PW for the invitation!))

Brian jerked awake, sitting up in his bed.  This... was new.  Nightmares were nothing new to him, though they were usually of Phillip, and the gurgling half-scream coming from his ruined face.  Poor Phillip... when was the last time they had talked?  Often guilt tripped a new round of the nightmares...

No.  This was different.  It was beyond a gut feeling- a certainty he had never before felt in his life.  Even the certainty that the grenade factory was the perfect job for him was a mere whim in comparison to this.  Oh God... what was going to happen?  Brian had thought his life had little meaning, but... everything ending?  Why?  Why now?  Why was he told?  Did others know?

Who could he ask, though?  He only a few friends, none of which were close enough to call up in the middle of the night and ask insane questions.  Insane... yeah, this must be a dream.

No.  This is no dream.  This is REAL.  He couldn't focus, and sleep again was eluding him.  Ugh...  the pills.  He needed one, and he needed it now.

"Damn it, where'd I put those pills..."

Get up.  Find a shirt and the pills.  Take one.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You sit up in bed and fumble around until you find the light switch. You're about to get out of bed when you notice you're already dressed. That's fell asleep in your clothes again. You shake your head and dig the bottle of pills out of your pocket. You head into the kitchen in a daze and fill a glass from the tap. You put the pill on your tongue and down the glass in a few big gulps. You can still taste the strange, semi-sugary gel capsule on your tongue afterwards. It will take a while for it to start working, but it should calm you down.

Samuel is silent for a few minutes, slowly regaining control over his breathing.

The flashbacks were worse in the first few years after the incident aboard the Dubuque. But they were never anything compared to this. This was... more surreal, and almost completely different from the events that really transpired. It made it worse.

I am Samuel Richard. I am a retired navy corpsman. I work in the Redway Falls City Hospital as a general practitioner.

He gets up, wincing at the pain in the old shrapnel wounds in his legs. Psychosomatic, his own doctor had told him, a phantom pain. It will pass with the rest of the fallout from that day. Nothing for it but time.

I was aboard the Dubuque when it was struck by a series of bombings. I was working in the medical ward on the victims of the first bomb when the second went off nearby. I was a casualty of that bomb.

He hobbled his way to the apartment's kitchen, where he kept the bottle of anti-depressants he was prescribed to use whenever he had an attack. Unlike the pain, the pronounced limp was not a phantom effect. His digging shrapnel from his own legs had done more damage to him than the bomb itself had, physically. He'd have to live with it.

I attempted to work through my injuries. For my determination, I was promoted just before my medical discharge. Now I have steady work, though it's less the bullet wounds and burns that I have to deal with now, more the disease. But when there is a bullet wound or burn, I am usually one of the first assigned to a patient after they are out of emergency care.

Having taken his medication, Samuel staggers back to his bed, the effort of walking around too much for his 'phantom pain'. With one last look at his clock, reading 0015 hours, he tried to sleep. He would have to be at the hospital, alert, in 4 and three-quarter hours.

((Mixed third-and-first for me too. Third for actions, first for dialogue.

Also, for reference, this is him speaking, this is him thinking. For my own reference: Colour code #4682b4, font Trebuchet MS.

Also, expect to see that thoughtline multiple times. In-character, it's a old bit of his therapy.))

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You limp out to the kitchen and find your bottle of pills. You pick one of the blue lozenge shaped things out and swallow it without water. Then you limp back to bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling for a long time before passing out. You wake up a few hours later, still staring at the ceiling, though now it is dimly lit by the rising sun.

Thomas looks around in the darkness while he recovers, watching for anyone that might be coming after his scream.

Nothing... figures. Middle of the city, and no one cares.

Laying back down for a moment, he reflects on his dream... at least, he hoped it was a dream. It was mostly familiar, if more terrifying than normal. A nightmare from a past he'd never quite escaped. It was fading now, as all respectful nightmares do... all except for those words, and their traumatizing method of delivery.

The end is near...

He pulls his clothes tighter as he sits up again, feeling colder as he thinks. His wife's death was already on his mind, it's 10-year anniversary looming just 3 weeks from now, threatening to throw him back to drink. He tried to forget, just for a moment... but he couldn't. The date, and those words, remained etched into his mind.

The end... how could it be the end... and why am I so damn certain...

Frustrated, he crawled out of his makeshift bed and took stock of the contents of his van & wallet, pocketing the bottle of stimulants, doing anything he could to distract himself.
Finally, he got in the driver's seat of the van and stared out onto the street.

... It won't go away... it might really be the end. Ten years I couldn't bring myself to end it and now it's going to end on me...

He sat there in silence for a minute before adjusting the mirror to look at himself.

Gods, I look like a hobo... well, what else have I been lately... what else have I been...
I know. I know. I... I need to try. For you. For our kids. Though I'm not sure I remember how...
Fair enough... that would be a good start. I hope they'll take me back...

Thomas checks the van for a shaving razor and something to tie his hair back with. Then he looks through the clothes he has in the van, looking for professional clothes. Think about where he could get a shower, if he hasn't showered recently.

Try and recall how much sleep he's already gotten. If 4 hours or less, set an alarm for 3:30 and try to get some more sleep. Give up after ~30 minutes if he can't get to sleep.

(( Oh gods what have I done, I'm delusional before we've even begun XD
Except I usually talk to think air, so this feels like a very natural extension of that... no matter, delusional! ))

(Sorry, didn't know, oh well, I can wait.)
(( I did, and I am shocked, *shocked*, that you tried to take my character. :P
Actually, I really am shocked, 5 characters to choose from and you pick the one that woke up in a *van*? I must hear the reasoning! ))

Holy snark, piecewise is running a new game?

Dammit, prepicked players.

...Post to watch and become the peanut gallery.
(( Welcome to the gallery! Hope you enjoy the show :D ))

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You look around the van, trying to force your sleepy mind to recognize the place you'd called home for quite a while. There's a few bottles of water, refilled several dozen times, some cheap, prepackaged snacks and ramen squares, which you have taken to eating raw, A plastic bin of dirty clothing and another of clean, a reasonably good suit, hanging neatly folded from the ceiling, just in case you should need it, some books you bought for a quarter each from the library, an old photo album, a red tool box full of very cheap tools which he bought in case the van's engine failed, and various other bits of trash and debris.

You've got no razors, but you dig a rubber band out of the mess and tie your hair back with it. It's been a while since you've had a shower, and they kicked you out of the gym last time you snuck in. You have no idea where you're going to get one now. Maybe a homeless shelter? Though you're none to thrilled at that prospect.

You forget how long you've been asleep, but it feels like a while. There really isn't much else to do some days but sleep and wait for tomorrow. You're not tired, in any case.

((Alea iacta est. Let's see where this will go.))

"Oh god... God damn...

Uncle... I..."

Rico was sitting in the corner, desperately trying to get a grasp on reality again. He was still sweating. That cold sweat that forms when you're scared out of your mind, the point where rational thinking was a hollow promise more than a reality. Like a child hiding from the monsters under the bedsheet. That dream... Those words. Were they true? They had to be. He felt so sure of it. Then again, all dreams felt real until examined in the light of day.
But he was ok now, this was his room, in the patient ward of the asylum where he was voluntarily taken in. He heard the hurried footsteps of the nurse down the hall. Suddenly Rico felt very... naked.

Scurry back to bed, get in. If nurse comes in, assure her it was simply a very vivid nightmare, and that he is feeling ok now. Then try to go to sleep again.

((Funny way to describe the end of the world. I've worked with bacteria and fungi cultures before, and I've wondered before if I was a grim reaper that sowed death over their little petri dish world when I poured in strong chemicals to sterilize it. It's funny: you spend weeks carefully nurturing your cultures, selecting the right ones and allowing those to continue growing, culling the rest. Those were the 'chosen ones' in a way, the Neos to your little Matrix. You feed them, take care of them, genetically alter them until they're just perfect, just the way you wanted them.

And them you condemn them all to the flame and chemical death.))

(In the end, those bacteria aren't that much different from us. After all, all we are is a very complex protein shell that our DNA has constructed to facilitate it's own reproduction and survival. Our species is nothing but the result of a millennial arms race that began when those first free floating organic molecules fashioned themselves a lipid shell. So, in a way, you are the reaper of your ancient forefathers, victor in a war older then recorded time.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You quickly climb back under the covers and attempt to seem relaxed, attempt to slow your heart and wipe the sweat away. The nurse comes in a few moments later, a concerned look on his face.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, just a bad nightmare." You say, trying to hide the fact that you're out of breath.

He stares at you for a few moments, thinking, before  nodding.

"Alright. I'll have the attending doctor come in to talk with you when he gets in, in a few hours. For now, just try to relax and get back to bed."

You nod, quickly.

"If you need anything, just give me a holler" The nurse says, smiling at his own joke before closing the door.

You sit in silence as you listen to him walk away.


Radio Controlled

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« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2013, 02:02:42 pm »

(In the end, those bacteria aren't that much different from us. After all, all we are is a very complex protein shell that our DNA has constructed to facilitate it's own reproduction and survival. Our species is nothing but the result of a millennial arms race that began when those first free floating organic molecules fashioned themselves a lipid shell. So, in a way, you are the reaper of your ancient forefathers, victor in a war older then recorded time.)

((A bit oversimplified, but yeah, a core of truth there. Though this is a rather reductionist vision on biology and life, something my philosophy teacher would chew you out for  :P 

If you want to know what I'm talking about, look up 'the selfish gene' by Dawkins (which basically says the same as you said in the first part, the whole 'bodies are protein shells for DNA') then look up what his various opponents used to counter his arguments. A very interesting discussion, dealing with things like reductionism and emergent systems and other complicated matters.

Holy philosophy Batman!))

"Goddamn cheeky nurses, a man would go insane just to escape their humor."

Try to go to sleep again. If sleep doesn't come after a few hours, get dressed and washed and go take a walk in the garden. Go talk to doctor once he's available.

((I just realized I have no idea whatsoever what life in an American asylum is like. Can patients do that, just get dressed and walk about willy-nilly? No idea.))
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 03:09:07 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2013, 05:00:02 pm »

((I just realized I have no idea whatsoever what life in an American asylum is like. Can patients do that, just get dressed and walk about willy-nilly? No idea.))
((It depends on the security level of the place, in most you can within limits, but those limits usually include a "lights-out" time where you're locked in your room. your clothing options are going to be very limited (read: hospital gown with no pockets to hide things in) as well odds on. but there are variations ranging from having total freedom to do whatever up to and including walking right on out the front door to being equivalent to or harsher than a maximum security prison. so it really depends on the specific location you're at and especially what you're there for in the first place.))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2013, 05:27:55 pm »

The gym's likely to be closed anyway... homeless shelter it is. Hope they can loan me a razor...

Start up the van, check the fuel gauge, then head to the homeless shelter. Ask them if I can borrow a razor and get a shower, and maybe a hot meal and a computer.

If they let me borrow a razor and use the showers, shave, take a shower, and put on the suit.

If they have a computer I can use, check email and look through assorted online storage for work related data: resume, license, etc. If found, quickly make sure they're up to date, then print them out if possible

If they have a meal for me, eat it! Otherwise, ask if they have hot water and go get one of my ramen bricks to eat.

(( Just to telegraph a little, but I'm trying to catch Pyro's character at the hospital, so apologies if it seems like I'm trying to get a lot done, but he's already awake and I have things to do at this hour still :P ))

((I just realized I have no idea whatsoever what life in an American asylum is like. Can patients do that, just get dressed and walk about willy-nilly? No idea.))

(( What Lenglon said. Using information from your backstory, you probably have a lot of freedoms, but things like 'lights out' have more to do with the safety of *other* patients, to whom a disturbance (like your scream :P) might be disruptive to their care. ))


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2013, 07:50:31 pm »

Brian stared at the mirror, almost expecting to see a different face staring back.  That feeling... it wasn't going away.  Surely... there must be some way this was a dream, right?

The pill in him, surely he'd calm down enough to sleep... right?  It is midnight, after all.

He turned around and got back into bed.  Maybe it'd make sense in the morning.

Try and get some sleep.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.
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