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Normal Updates or Breach adamantine without caution or preparation?

No, I want to see the fort cave in on itself naturally (may be a little boring but the fortress goes on longer.)
- 7 (26.9%)
- 19 (73.1%)

Total Members Voted: 23

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Author Topic: Ozkakurrith "Carryscar," A Civ Forge Community/Story Fortress: FINISHED  (Read 97271 times)


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Hey guys, just wanna let you know (as I'm on my phone right now) that no updates will be forthcoming for a possibly long while. My computer's power supply died and I don't have the money to get a replacement. Just wanted to let you guys know so it wouldn't look like I dropped off the face of the earth.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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That sucks. Good luck, man!
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wolf Acolyte of the Pack
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Ouch... Good luck with that.
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
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Damn, sucks to be you. But it could had been worse, it could had been your hard drive. Happened to me twice. I do backups nowdays.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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I've brought it in so with luck I'll be back in action by next week. It appears that there may just be some loose cables but it'll be a day or two before the techs can get to it. On the upside, the power supply doesn't seem to have completely crapped out!


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26th Felsite, 231

Yesterday, one of the butchers sold his life making sure the chaos dwarves couldn't get through the one unlocked door, latching it and breaking the key off inside so they couldn't get in the processing center. Feb Dikerocks will be remembered as a hero, as his sacrifice undoubtedly saved many others from death or injury. The Wolf Spiders and Hammerheads met the enemy and left them in varying states of disassembly and tenderization, so aside from Feb's sacrifice to slow the enemy down all went well. I've sent them on patrol in the meanwhile, since where there's one raiding party there's likely a dozen more hiding somewhere.

And a group of chaos hammerdwarves tried to slip into the depot, but one fool decided to try and spy on the Ripperjacks. Lead chaos dwarf found himself pegged with an arrow from one of the high elven guards, and I heard shouting from the Ripperjack barracks and pretty sure I saw a severed foot hit one of the windows.

It was over pretty quickly, and apparently their sergeant tried to go after one of the Wolf Spiders (which as you may have guessed my dear journal, went rather poorly for him.)

28th Felsite, 231

Figured out that we can still use a ditch to throw everything without the risk of people falling in and hurting themselves like last time. Just build a platform where workers can safely chuck the corpses and garbage in! So simple! It was actually Maskwolf and Dreamerghost who suggested it. They seem to both think it was some kind of engineered accident on the part of the bugs or chaos dwarves, which for all I know is true, but it seems a little far fetched. They're probably just paranoid because of the past few incursions.

12th Hematite, 231

Construction of the alchemical facilities is going more or less well, as is stocking it with the various stones and tools needed. I personally want to see if we can get some of that blazing incindium stuff for the cavern guards. Ferro also named his shield; good for him, though his incessant repainting, oiling, and rust removal during our off time gave him away as having become very attached to it.

We've also put it to a vote and decided we should look for gold and purchase as much as we can next year from whomever we can, not just to create wealth, but to make a nice flagrant display of it! None of us are sure what exactly though, since we've got a half flux-stone citadel/barracks already...

21st Hematite, 231

One of the forgemasters was acting funny and took over the public forge today, gathering a bunch of bismuth bronze we had, some cloth, bones, and leather, and a couple unused gems and set to work on... Well, something. Probably something useless.

24th Hematite, 231

Another kid's come of age, and a snatcher made a pass at Levin. Right where the hammerheads could see. Maskwalf didn’t leave much aside from a lumpy bag of meat with a hat on it that used to be a chaos dwarf. Guess he takes snatchers bit more seriously than the rest of us, since he's the only one of the entire milita with any children (which isn't odd, considering much of our troops are barely more than children themselves.)

28th Hematite, 231

Battlefield cleanup/salvage is still going smoothly, if slowly, but now some idiot went and got himself hurt. A woodcutter went down into the dump to sift through the chaos dwarves' belongings for a giant cave spider silk robe and caught a piece of debris to the leg, which chipped it. Nothing permanent though and I made sure to put up a sign that says “No Searching for goods during salvage operations” and forbade everyone from picking through that crap unless we need to sift out the shields and useful gubbins for traps and trade.

4th Malachite, 231

Can someone besides Anvil make something useful?

It was a fucking crown. A CROWN. Why not a sword, or a door, or... I dunno, a hatch cover or something? You know, something that isn't a worthless bauble fit only for pitching outside the barracks and hoping a kobold nabs it?

6th Malachite, 231

Seems we caught a giant olm today journal. Dunno what to do with it but I had Nuri take care of storage of both it and many other cages. For a woman obsessed with bees she's got a good head for this mayoral stuff. Some additional hives are being installed as well, kind of as a thank you to her for keeping the post of mayor for so long.

Lizard also told me about two glaring security flaws: The weavery and cavern barracks, as well as the hospital. I was confused as to what she meant but she said she'd gone down to the wells to wash up (that snatcher Ownedochre tore apart bled on everything,) and she realized while crocodiles and olms can't get in, anything with wings – including various horrors like the starling we faced years ago – can. As such I sent Selore down with a message to have gates installed at once; in the event of such a thing rearing its ugly head, we'll be able to seal up so that we may better assess what sort of threat it is.

9th Malachite, 231

Pyrope is slowly adjusting to being out in the sun. It's good that he is, since being a soldier means he'll need to get used to it. But this also has me concerned about the Goannas. While the Wolverines will be eventually getting a clear glass roof over their heads to help them adjust to long periods outside, the Goannas won't really be able to receive such an aid.

18th Malachite, 231

Another chaos dwarf kidnapper was spotted and took a swipe at Talonis while she was carrying a pile of old clothes left by the leatherworker's to the refuse ditch. She's unhurt, and Dragonfly being as quick as ever, ran down the fool and carved him up like a plump helmet and pig tallow roast. I ordered the remains thrown in the ditch immediately; I'm tired of the dead cluttering up our yard.

4th Galena, 231

One of the axelords has named their weapon! Also the sheer amount of old clothing that's being bundled up and thrown in the ditch disturbs me greatly. Plus there's piles upon piles of remains the butchers won't touch, and those are going in too; hell, if it weren't for it being late summer (and thus, soon to be ambush season,) I'd have the rest of the schist and orthoclase thrown into the ditch too.

12th galena, 231

Another named axe. Good for Tholtig. Pretty sure we have more shields and weapons in our “artifact” roster than actual artifacts, if you don't count The Celebrated Soul.

15th Galena, 231

Amas-fucking-DAMN IT. I had told everyone to undergo battlefield salvage and just toss everything into the ditch to get sorted later when a caravan comes and these assholes come barging in, all shouting and shit demanding we face them and all that happy bullshit. Ordinarily I'd welcome these pricks. I really would journal. Because bugbears are a refreshing change of pace from constant xelic raids. But I'm sick and fucking tired of these assholes showin' up and cluttering up my fucking lawn!

I've ordered the mount processing center locked; if those idiots try to break the door down they'll only get a bunch of shit mounted on springing metal arms whipping out to beat, shoot, cut, or stab them.

The soldiers of Carryscar's four main squads had assembled in the courtyard for their orders, waiting for the Colonel to come out of the Cazador barracks. When he did, it made many jump slightly, as he barged out pushing the double doors open. “Alright everyone, I took a look from atop the barracks. Doren.” He then pointed to the Sergeant and his considerably younger squadmates.


“Your squad is with mine. There's a squad of enemy marksmen to the northeast. They're the biggest threat so we'll deal with them. No heroics, I just want them dead.”

“Of course sir.” Doren nodded and motioned for his squadmates to stand over with the Cazadores.

He then pointed to the Hammerhead and Wolf Spider Sergeants. “Thor, Oddom.”

“Yeah?” The former Armorer said, hefting Roth Dan, Oddom only managing a “Sir?” Splint seemed... Abnormally irritable.

“Mace and axemen to the northwest. Make sure those oversized furball fucks are either pounded into slop in their skin or otherwise cut apart.” Splint finished by nodding and turning to his own group, who all drew their swords after he did.

“You can count on us.” Thor said with a salute.

“I know I can. And anyone who dies gets their alcohol intake halved.” The groups split, some actually getting a good chuckle from the joke. As if any of them would get killed out there fighting a bunch of barbarians.

16th Galena, 231

Fight got pretty ugly yesterday for the furballs. Caught me on a bad day and I'm still grouchy. Their marksmen spent more time hitting trees or dirt than anything and what actually came at us we could either dodge or just block. From the report, the other two groups got shown what it's like to be on the receiving end of proper dwarven beating sticks and choppy things too.

From what I understand none of the enemy officers survived and my own count has only four enemy marksmen surviving and Thor says only one maceman escaped. Taking all bets that something stupid is about to attack us now though. But, since we appear to have dealt with the seasonal attack, I sent word down to begin renewed salvage operations, starting with the bugbears to the northwest. The dead marksmen can wait.

Bleh, stupid furballs just had to go cluttering up the fortress grounds again.

21st Galena, 231

Seems that we didn't miss the seasonal caravans. I told them we'd be able to get to them shortly, just having to clean up the piles of remains.


Evidently the goblins wanted to play too after the silvers showed up. Alath, one of our leatherworkers, was absolutely distraught over the death of his precious cavy boar, but the hammerheads not only killed all but two, they also found a second ambush party.

Evidently seeing a bunch of their buddies get bludgeoned to death wasn't enough of a deterrent for the little shits. Apparently Maskwolf didn't even care and headed back for the barracks at a leisurely walk. Mad Bomber joined him and Pyrope back in the barracks after he beat one of the macegoblins to death. Goden took down one as well and Thor got one of the macegobs and according to Goden...

Apparently Thor's desire to beat enemy officers to death is great. Chased that poor bastard to our territory's border and pounded him into a fine paste. Also Talonis tells me that negotiations for bolts of cloth and cheese to keep our clothing and fine meal industry running smoothly were going well until she tried to sell a couple suits of oversized leather armor to the xelics.

[Gentle my ass, the armor suits were made out of tiger and grizzly bear!]

And yet not five minutes before, they sold us fucking meat, fish, and leather. My gods, I never thought I'd say this but I actually think these assholes are bigger hypocrites than the wood elves. And that's honestly saying a lot.

28th Galena, 231

Well, the goblins are just about cleaned up, along with a few dead snatchers. The dead bugbears are probably gonna sit out there a few weeks more; Can't really be bothered to send anyone out.

11th Limestone, 231

One of Lizard's “hoplites” as she insists on calling them has given a name to her tower shield. It's a good thing, since named weaponry means soldier that can be depended on to protect the fortress no matter what. And the dry season is officially here, not that you can tell. I honestly wish it would rain again, y'know, wash away all the blood and crusty vomit that's sort of collected in the courtyard over the last few months. Can't even tell some of these windows are actually clear anymore either.

23rd Limestone, 231

Doren finally gave into the trend and named his shield! It's a good thing really; a good shield is one of the few faithful companions you can count on to almost never let you down. Also I'm honestly deeply disturbed by the sheer amount of used clothing we have going into that ditch. I mean, I know there's a lot of dwarves here, but jeeze! I'm pretty sure I saw a pair of sandals in the main food storage that looked like they'd been gnawed on by rats! Good thing the clothiers are working from sun-up to sun-down every day to churn out fresh shoes and socks!

25th Limestone, 231

Nuri and Zacen finally finished with the High Elf guildsman and the first thing Zacen told the human one was to bring a lot of gold and silver ores, coal, and rum. Nuri made sure to mention bringing a good bit of wood and Dezz had them request some cinnabar for whatever inane plans that strange dwarf has.

hey gais, I herd u leik updates. All joking aside, here's another update! Was sitting on this when the rig crapped out, so dont mind any irritability in it! Many an attacker has met their end as per the norm, and at this rate I honestly think Maskwolf has a better chance of dying of old age than in combat. But, I've adjusted the population stuff so maybe he'll be able to get a couple more beardlings out (as he's getting up there in years; Nuri is too for that matter.) I'm also considering establishing a third squad once more migrants come and cycling out both the Hammerheads and Cazadors and having the Goannas and said new squad take their place for a while, so that the others can make some friends, get hitched, and ensure continuation of their family's badassery.

What do you guys think?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wolf Acolyte of the Pack
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  What do I think? I think the Silver Xelics messed with the wrong trader...hypocrites, indeed...

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 On a related note, what is the long term plan for those cockroaches?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 11:32:02 pm by TalonisWolf »
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
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Not gonna lie, the sheer hypocrisy that got tossed in our faces there is making me seriously consider slaughtering every caravan they send from now on. They're just the good guy version of the damned bugs we've been fighting so what difference does it make? So long as we don't sic the Hammerheads on them they'll die plenty quick (as chitin is extremely resistant to blunt attacks for some reason.) Besides, I'm sure the kiddies would love silver chitin shoes! Although I gotta say I'm plenty sick of xelics as it is... I actually think they do in fact breed like fucking roaches. I guess it's time for a new poll!

The bank has won, even if just narrowly, so construction of The Gravel of Prsions' first national bank shall begin! When we have the refined gold and other precious metal to build it from that is. Also that entry gave me a good laugh, thank you Talonis! Speaking of which, have I missed anyone's journals or stories? I wanna make sure everything's up to date.


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Nice to see you back Splint. Wonder if there's a way to make water wash all the stuff from courtjard to the dich and filter it with grates.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Nice to see you back Splint. Wonder if there's a way to make water wash all the stuff from courtyard to the ditch and filter it with grates.

Good to be back!

I'm sure there's a way I can at least clean away the slop so it's just clinging to the walls and windows instead of coating everything. The brook is right under the courtyard, and really with a good bit of masonry to direct the aftermath to the garbage ditch, a few dozen windmills for power, and some pumps it could easily be flooded. But I don't really feel like building a new depot to trade at in the meantime because it'd probably take a year to build, fill, and get pressurized enough to shoot into the ditch.

... I shouldn't be considering this right now, there's too much crap sitting in the depot and workshops for that...


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wolf Acolyte of the Pack
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"Death to the overgrown cockroaches!"

 Guess where I put my vote?  :P
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Well, lore-wise the Silver Xelics are like that because all of their meat gathering is done in a humane manner with animals killed while sedated. Kind of like making sure all your food is kosher or something like that.

Not that I imagine dwarves think much of that attitude, of course.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, lore-wise the Silver Xelics are like that because all of their meat gathering is done in a humane manner with animals killed while sedated. Kind of like making sure all your food is kosher or something like that.

Not that I imagine dwarves think much of that attitude, of course.
Still, when you  say "poor, gentle creature" when the armor was made out of large predators that have probably eaten some of them...


  • Bay Watcher
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Heh. Yeah, the game could really use some variety in those statements, huh?
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Yeah, because telling largely good trading partners to go screw over something so trivial and seemingly without explanation is a good way to get subsequent caravan visits shot.
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