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King Melbil has arrived with his queen consort. There are also many relatives of the king currently living in the fortress. What should we do?

Kill the king, but leave queen consort and relatives be.
- 0 (0%)
Murder the king and his wife, leave other members of their family alive.
- 0 (0%)
Kill'em all!
- 0 (0%)
Other variant (in comments)
- 0 (0%)

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Author Topic: Dorfday: The Heist - The Finale  (Read 69171 times)

Monitor Lisard

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Dorfday: The Heist - The Finale
« on: October 20, 2013, 09:39:07 am »

Bank-robbing crossbow-shooting action-packed succession game
Players needed!

The story:

"Which word gives the best idea of what a dwarf is? Alcohol? It may be. Beard? Certainly. But of all the words I prefer "Industriousness". For a long time in dwarven history, industriousness and diligence were considered as the highest virtues ever posessed by a dwarfkind. Millions of young dwarves chose their life path every year, becoming cheese makers, fish cleaners, stonecrafters and so on. Some jobs were said to be highly prestigious, others seemed less attractive, but even the poorest hauler would choose to stick to his occupation rather then to be a skulker. But, as the unrest in Mountainhome rose, many desided to find their fate in the darker part of their fortresses. Side by side with the law-abiding peasants, newly converted criminals started their quiet, shadowy business. There was nothing sheriffs could do. Robbers, killers, bootleggers, drug dealers, crossbowfigters, fraudsters, arsonists... The dark force was growing stronger, and fortress guards were helpless.

And then it happened.

When the alarm went off, nobody understood what happened. There were no invaders and megabeasts outside, but the military reacted immediately. Guards rushed into king's throne room.
The sounds of a battle could be heard from inside, and soon the citisens found out who had managed to disturb their peace. It was ten dwarves that tried to break into king's treasury. Three of them had been slain during the fight, and no one had doubts that the rest of the thieves would be put to death. But the king, who was merciful enough, decided that those who survived the battle would be exiled from the Mountainhome forever.

And so, the seven criminals were given one day to gather their posessions and to move away from their homeland. They were headed to the land of unknown, and everyone knew they might never return back. To gain the king's pardon, they had to estabilish a successful trading outpost to the west of the kingdom, but almost no one believed that they will be able do complete the task."

According to the story, the dwarves from the starting seven dwarves are the criminals who tried to rob the royal treasury. The migrants are the wrongdoers who were exiled after the original seven dwarves have left.
Here go the rules:
1. Every dwarf of the starting seven should have a bit combat skills or, at least, have the profession connected to theit previous crimes (eg: furnace operator-arsonist, brewer-bootlegger, herbalist-drug dealer, weaponsmith-weapon runner and so on).
2. If we're talking about trading, the king ordered not to rob dwarven traders. He will be very angry if the dwarven caravan will be stripped of its goods, but nothing was said about either elves or humans.
3. Criminals may take hostages. If invaders ever deside to raid your lands, their captured brothers will be executed.
4. Traps are good, but steel is better.
5. Every free citizen of the fortress should have everything he or she needs: personal quarters, a bedroom, a dining room and a bathroom with a well and some statues in it.
6. Marksmanship is highly appreciated.
7. No fortress guards, hammerers, sheriffs or jails.

Player list:
Monitor Lisard
Grim Portent
darkrider2 (skipped)
zlob (skipped)
Intermission 1 (Monitor Lisard)

Round 2:
Grim Portent

Dorfing list:

Original team:

Monitor Lizard (Monitor Lisard)
Magni (highmax28)
FireCrazy (FireCrazy)
Grim (Grim Portent)
Daria (Timeless Bob)
Nuckles (Ruhn)
Rufus (Madbomber6)


Grimmash (Grimmash)
Aseaheru (Aseaheru)
RoughRogue (RoughRogue)
Maskwolf (4maskwolf)
Spazbot (Spazbot)
Cyatica (Cyatica)
Blenheim Datandur (Blenheim Datandur)
HissinhWalnuts (HissinhWalnuts)
Fingers (Ruhn)
Aseaheru the Second (Aseaheru)
Authority2 (Authority2)
Grey Dwarf (Evilsx)

World map:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

My variant of Dorfday thread logo:

Dorf files:

Monitor Lizard (as known as Lizard): A tough gal and a crossbow-fighter. Used to be a stonecrafter once. Accused of robbery and murder of the guard officer.

Magni: Once a weaponsmith and an expert maceman, he left the military after his black market arms dealing group was discovered. He was responsible for the weapons that were used during the heist. Accused of robbery and weapon smuggling. Died in 130 fighting with a web-spewing Forgotten Beast.

FireCrazy: Professional miner, who likes drinking, bragging and crushing bones with his trusty bronze pickaxe. One day he flooded the royal adamantine mines with magma and has been on the run ever since. He's the one responsible for digging the tunnel to the royal treasury during the heist. Accused of robbery, negligence in the workplace and production order violation. Gone missing in 136. Probably fell into the magma sea.

Grim: Former trader and jeweler who used to do a little fencing on the side for thieves before going legit. Got called back into the business for one last job and got caught trying. Keen gem cutter and gem setter, he's also quite good with a crossbow. Accused of robbery and fencing.

Daria: A cute innocent-looking blonde who was the one who prepared the vault guards their meals every day.  She's also the one who spiked their drinks that fateful day with powdered glass, leaving them to groan and whimper for days in the hospital before finally succumbing to infection from the multiple abrasions in their guts. She smiled when she gave those guards their drinks, she flirted with them and served them agony in a mug, then stepped over their writhing bodies to unlock the door so her team could get into the throne-room. She's a very good cook and brewer, who also knows a bit about farming, herbalism and diagnosis - assassins need those skills to be effective.  Her preferred weapon is a large dagger. Beware of her deadly beauty! Accused or robbery and murder (many times).

Nuckles: A mechanic and addict, he was brought on to open the inner vault holding the artifact jewelry. His skills proved effective during many heists and constructions, though his habit of smoking blade weed prevented him from becoming the Head Engineer of the Mountainhome. Nuckles keeps a mace handy in case he has to pound on something- or someone. Accused of robbery, burglary and posession of drugs.

Rufus: Before becoming a criminal Rufus was just a honest wood cutter and battle-hardened local militia member trying to make ends meet. Everything in his life changed when Rufus killed a fellow soldier during a drunken brawl. Ever since he has been on the wrong side of the law joining up with the most notorious criminals providing some muscle when ever it was needed. During the heist he was to watch out for the guards. Rufus was caught unawares when the guards came but he managed to alert the others. He also tried to stop the fortress guard unit by himself, striking one guard down with his battle axe before he took a hard blow to the head and was out cold. Accused of robbery, murder (twice, including the killing of a guard officer), assault and resisting arrest. Died in 129 during the battle with the undead.

Grimmash: Once a cheesemaker in a distant principality, he was sent to Mountainhomes because the duke himself thought he was useless. Still wishing to be a cheesemaker, he had to change a number of jobs there, finally becoming a mason. After failing to finish the constuction of the king's trone in time, Grimmash was found guilty of neglecting the work orders, beaten by hammerer and sent to Chamberdrums along with the other criminals. He was always assigned the jobs he had never asked for, and now his only will is to revenge himself.

Aseaheru: A highly pious medical dwarf, he was an orderly in Mountainhome central hospital for a long time. When the doctor refused to help an injured Gem gangster without calling the guard, he dressed criminal's wounds and fed him. Married to Cyatica. Accused of participation in a crime and unprofessionalism. Died in 133 trying to save somedwarf from the undead mob.

Maskwolf: Once an experienced fortress guard and a markswoman, she was expelled from the guard for beating a high officer with the butt of her crossbow. Even after being in jail, she still distrusts criminals, and it enrages her when she is treated as one. Married to Spazbot. Accused of assault on an official.

RoughRogue: A highly-drugged lady who happened to jump on a wagon that drove her to Chamberdrums. RoughRogue's family followed her, trying to get her back home, but, due to the sieges, she remained there.

Fingers: A cunning, dexterous and sharp-minded youngster who temporarily helps Nuckles. His family moved to Chamberdrums when he was 11.  At first it seemed strange that so few kids wanted to play “Guards and Robbers”.  He caught on after a while and started to practice petty crime.  Seeing a heavily injured old dwarf walking out of the hospital one day, the kid wanted to try picking his pocket.  He didn't exactly get caught, but ended up becoming the old burglars personal servant. Died in 134 falling from a tower after he was shot by a goblin.

Grey Dwarf: This dwarf, once known as Zust, was a loyal soldier and a happy resident of the Mountainhome. Having his sister killed during the riots, he desperately searched for justice, but found none. After killing his commander (who, as he thought, was partially responcible for the tragedy), Grey Dwarf was put in prison, where he desided to find and take revenge on the real culprits. Years spent in prison did not affect his willingness to avenge for his sister. Accused of murder of a high official.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 10:54:06 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 10:05:36 am »

I'll go for a dwarf. He's a weapon smith and he's responsible for the weapons that were used during the heist. He also used to run an arms dealing group but was shut down with him escaping unknown.

His name is Magni. He is also the "heavy weapons" expert, so give him a hammer or mace
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 10:27:06 am »

I'll go for a dwarf. He's a weapon smith and he's responsible for the weapons that were used during the heist. He also used to run an arms dealing group but was shut down with him escaping unknown.

His name is Magni. He is also the "heavy weapons" expert, so give him a hammer or mace
Dorfed. I've updated the opening post.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 10:28:40 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2013, 02:24:46 pm »

Love the additives also, sounds great so far :P
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 03:11:34 am »

I'll take a dwarf too, he's a miner and is the one responsible for digging the tunnel to the royal treasury during the heist. I think the mining profession counts as a combat skill, using a pick, so yeah. He flooded the mines with magma and has been on the run ever since.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2013, 06:35:14 am »

I'll take a dwarf too, he's a miner and is the one responsible for digging the tunnel to the royal treasury during the heist. I think the mining profession counts as a combat skill, using a pick, so yeah. He flooded the mines with magma and has been on the run ever since.
Added FireCrazy to the list and updated the rules. We'll choose the map soon. I'm thinking of some arid, almost treeless territory with an aquifier. Or maybe we should embark somewhere in the middle of a tundra.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71

Grim Portent

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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2013, 06:44:52 am »

I'd like a dorf:

'Grim' is a jeweler and appraiser. Used to do a little fencing on the side for thieves before going legit. Got called back into the business for one last job and got caught trying. Doesn't like to do his fighting up close, uses a crossbow and keeps his distance.

EDIT: Also interested in a turn.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2013, 11:56:58 am »

I'd like a dorf:

'Grim' is a jeweler and appraiser. Used to do a little fencing on the side for thieves before going legit. Got called back into the business for one last job and got caught trying. Doesn't like to do his fighting up close, uses a crossbow and keeps his distance.

EDIT: Also interested in a turn.

I've updated dorfs' files and added you to the turn list.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71

Timeless Bob

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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2013, 02:30:48 pm »

"Daria" is a cute blonde who was the one who prepared the vault guards their meals every day.  She's also the one who spiked their drinks that fateful day with powdered glass, leaving them to groan and whimper for days in the hospital before finally succumbing to infection from the multiple abrasions in their guts.  She's a very good cook and brewer, who also knows a bit about farming, herbalism and diagnosis - assassins need those skills to be effective.  She always carries a large dagger with her and wears leather when she's able.  She seems like an innocent little thing until you cross her, or she's paid to cross you... off someone else's list.  She smiled when she gave those guards their drinks, she flirted with them and served them agony in a mug, then stepped over their writhing bodies to unlock the door so her team could get into the throne-room.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2013, 02:32:52 pm by Timeless Bob »
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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2013, 03:07:49 pm »

"Nuckles" was brought on to open the inner vault holding the artifact jewelry.  He almost had the mechanism figured out when the guards showed up.  Smoking his pipe helps him 'work faster', if he would have had his fix before the job started maybe they would have gotten out of there sooner.  "Nuckles" keeps a mace handy in case he has to pound on something- or someone.

((Nuckles the safecracker has lots of mechanic skill, with maceman and whatever else you want.))


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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2013, 05:00:44 pm »

I would like just a dwarf if that is alright.

Rufus was a battle-hardened veteran who killed a fellow soldier during a drunken brawl. Ever since he has been on the wrong side of the law joining up with the most notorious criminals providing some muscle when ever it was needed. During the heist he was to watch out for any guards and to alert the others. Also if the situation was dire he was to give his life so the others could escape (oops). Rufus was caught unawares when the guards came but managed to do his task of alerting the others. It was to late, he managed to strike one down with his battle axe before he took a hard blow to the head and was out cold.

Before all of this though Rufus was just a honest wood cutter trying to make ends meet.

Skills: Wood Cutter, Axeman, and anything else that is necessary.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2013, 03:23:46 am »

Alright, the starting seven is ready!

I'll choose the map soon so we can start the game.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71

Monitor Lisard

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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - the repository fortress (Players needed!)
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2013, 12:15:06 pm »

From the diary of Monitor Lizard, expedition leader:
"It's been days since we left the Mountainhomes. The team is growing tired, and we are running out of food and booze. Grim's been trying to shoot the buzzards that are following us along the desert, and he scored one hit, but the rest of the birds got away immediately. We made our way through the woods and now the only thing I see are gray-ish rocky badlands stretching miles and miles around us. It's hot, and it's only becoming hotter and hotter every day. It seems that Daria feels fine about the climate. As to myself, I never liked being on a trail. Nobody asked me, though. If only those f***ing dogs didn't surround us... At least, the woods didn't seem too bad.

 As I said before, The Big Heist had failed. The fortress guards somehow found out our presence (Did they know about our plans?) and arrested us. Poor Rufus was hit in the head(I admit, this guy's quite brave - he tried to cover us even though he was outnumbered.) and then the guards rushed in, starting a fight. Three of our gang did not make it. The gang fought desperately, but we were finally chained and sent to jail. Magni and Nuckles tried to escape, but were caught.

So now, to gain the king's pardon', we must organize a trading outpost to the west of the Mountaimhome. Sounds like a bullshit. It is said that the necromanser tower is near, and goblins are raiding the nearby territories.

Finally, we arrived!

FireCrazy says that there's much kaolinite around here. If that's true, I'll fancy myself a mug made of porcellain.

Once we had consulted with each other, we decided to call our outpost "Chamberdrums". Well, let's strike the earth!

« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 01:30:48 pm by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - The arrival in Chamberdrums (Players needed!)
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2013, 09:54:01 am »

Personal Diary of Nuckles
So, here we are at "Chamberdrums".  Monitor says this place is supposed to become a trading outpost.  If you ask me we use that as a front and set this place up as our new hideout, but that's Grim's area of expertise.

I'd rather be hiding out back at the mountainhome, but the jailbreak didn't go as expected.  It was a lucky break I was in the same cell as Magni: he was able to smuggle in some tools thanks to his connections.  I got the chains off us but the masterwork lock on the iron door gave me a little trouble.  Then our luck ran out.  Two guards were just waiting for us when I cracked it open to take a peek.  After that I got put in solitary, and they actually walled me in.  Got my biscuits and water through a little hole in the ceiling!  Those royal guards are a lousy bunch.


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Re: Dorfday: The Heist - The arrival in Chamberdrums (Players needed!)
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2013, 10:21:45 am »

I'll sign up for turn.  I am at work, and all the starting seven are taken, so i'll dorf up from a migrant ne'er do well and build the character from there.  No time to come up with a backstory until the evening.
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