Right now my struggle is that I can't keep my internal marketing department happy. I know that I can't sell this novel in its current state, and my internal editor is like "Alright, you've already pissed off your entire audience by comprising the first 1/10th of your novel with exposition you've tried (and failed) at disguising as dialogue. I know your writing style is 'Set up a train wreck and force people to watch,' but right now your novel is a train wreck."
And my internal writer is like, "No, no, you don't understand, I need to setup like 40 different characters and they're all important to the plot, and I need three viewpoint characters, and I'm doing so well giving them unique voices, and if I can just finish this first draft I can go back and maybe take out all that exposition maybe??? But then I can't setup 40 characters because that's a lot of things I need to setup and FUCK"
"See??? Do you SEE what I'm dealing with here??? No amount of editing is going to make your first four chapters readable without someone throwing your book across the room! Why can't you just for once give me a story with less than 20 characters? Why can't you for once, just fucking once, give me a story with something like, 10 characters? You get 10,000 words per character to explain 10 characters. Is that so fucking hard?"
"But then I can't setup a train wreck! A forty car pileup on a highway where everyone's going 200 km/h, and there's a 40-way intersection about 3/4ths through the book, and there's this massive confluence of plot that makes everyone who reads it just sort of sit there, watching as all these cars I've setup slowly plow towards the most fucking terrible event they can imagine, and I make them love all these characters, and so they're sitting there going 'no, no he wouldn't. he wouldn't actually make them all hit this intersection at the same time. no. no. no turn around. please no, turn around. TURN AROUND. TURN AROUND YOU FUCKERS CAN'T YOU SEE THE INTERSECTION? NOOOOOOOOO'."
"Okay. But they've already thrown your book away at the 1/10th point. So. They aren't actually doing that. Look at them tossing your book in the trash. no. no don't do it. no don't throw it away. nooooooooooo"
"You don't have to mock me. Remember that you're still me, right? Just the really bad part of me?"
"You mean the one that has to put up with all your shit? Yeah. Good luck making anything worthwhile without me. Just. Ugh. Finish this book, okay? Just stop fucking expositing everywhere. It's disgusting."