First of all, I admit that neither our video nor the campaign page carry much meat. A lot more is in the updates:
... and in the
Roguelike Radio episode, if you're more the listening type.
That said, I'll try to do the tl;dr versions below:
As someone on the fence about pledging, I'd like to ask Kornel; what's going to be done to separate this from DoomRL? And I don't just mean in terms of 'More stuff!', or thematic differences, but I mean what will be done to make this a different game other than 'DoomRL (but no Doom) with a bigger budget'?
Jupiter Hell is more DoomRL 2/AliensRL 2 than a remake. Moreover it's a lot more AliensRL than I make it to be -- mainly because most of the people don't know AliensRL. Everything that I ever planned for the sequels goes into JH.
In particular - the combat is intended to be fast and furious, just like it was in DoomRL, but without resorting to bug abuse, or esoteric mechanics that are not transparent to the player. Instead of cornershooting and invisible dodge mechanics, we want to introduce a cover, dodge and stealth system with transparent numbers. The player should easily be able to judge what risk he is in, and where should he stand to maximize safety. The combat mechanics will be tested to absurd levels using something called Arena mode - where we will also make sure that all the character advancement paths will be equally viable.
OTOH, the larger gameplay is more similar to AliensRL, where you have hubs of interconnected levels that you can freely backtrack (however, the game will rarely require you to do so, and if it does, it'll make sure it's... interesting). Within the hubs there will be several missions you will be able to attempt, a few of them mandatory (but possibly exclusive), most of them not, allowing access to better gear, tech, information, or unlocking missions in further hubs.
Speaking of tech, the amount of combat options will also be closer to AliensRL. Wide array of consumables with their own boosting skill tree, hacking options even in combat (if you have the right build), bypassing security before entering a room to gain advantage, or controlling the environment (vents, mining equipment, or even doors - all can prove deadly if properly controlled).
I'd like to go into detail, but show me the direction