Could I get dorfed as either a doctor or some form of administrator? Also, I'd like to go on the Overseer list too if my story is up to scratch.
His name is Asmoth, and once upon a time he was employed as the chief physician of Queen Brasswords herself, as well as her parents before her. He seemed destined to a life of comfort and riches up until forty two days into Brasswords' reign, when it was discovered that he spent more time liberating her home of riches and skimming whatever wouldn't be noticed off his budget than he ever did treating the sick. Despite protesting his innocence, Brasswords had him imprisoned in a clear glass cell, in order to test his theory that sunlight is good for a dwarf's health. Since then, he has not spoken a word, vowing that if no one believed what he said, there was no point in speaking at all. In the years that he has been imprisoned, the riches Asmoth was accused of stealing have never been found, so the queen decreed that he should be sent to Steelhold to pay off his debt to the crown.
The blistering heat of the desert was punishing for every dwarf under it, for they were more accustomed to the underground. These dwarves in particular were more accustomed to small, damp rooms underground with nothing but rats for company, all apart from the silent one who seemed accustomed to day after day of sweltering heat and glaring light. In the distance, a shape appeared. It could have just been another mirage, but their escort seemed pleased to see this one and they hadn't been deprived of booze for years on end, so it was probably real enough. The sound of the tides coming in and out were soon audible above the shifting sands, and the guards began to relax, their duty complete. The wagon shuddered to a stop, and the criminals were ushered out, at sword point if necessary.
"There's your new home, children," one of the soldiers shouted as the wagon turned back for home. "You can escape if you want, we'll pick up your bones next time we're passing!"
As the new wave of Steelhold's migrants began trudging towards their destination, one of them held a hand up to his mouth and spat, then held the golden medallion he'd been hiding up to the desert sun and said his first words in years:
"I always hated the sea," Asmoth sighed.