The First Field
Long Journey, Short Memories
Turn 2
HFS + Scapheap: [
0] Working together to conserve mana, Clair and Sofia cast a tower building spell; The resulting tower has a resting spot for gems that is able to swing them around easily, striking extra monsters. They don't use as much mana as expected: Clair uses 30, Sofia uses 50.
Rune: [4+
1] Rune successfully makes a fairly mundane
grade 3 freezing gem, though he used less mana than expected doing so. [5+
1] He tries to combine it with the gem on the field, but when he finishes his spell, he still has the freezing gem in his hand; it exibits improvements resembling the one out on the field, though. Looking out to the first one, it looks larger and more refined as well, exhibiting behaviors like his freezing gems.
He now has a
Grade 4 gem, and there is a
grade 4 gem on the field.
Rune has 52 mana remaining.
Mastahcheese: [6-
6] Trying again on the other path, Cromwell is once again messed up as Sofia and Clair momentarily make the same hand movements as him during their spell, causing a massive surge of energy. The spell completes, and a massive cloud of dust is thrown up as he covers his eyes in terror. When he peaks at the result, there is a massive fissure completely blocking all monsters on that path (Monsters will only approach from the north now, all waves are cut in half; Many sections may no longer have some buildings built in them).
The monsters to the south are turned back by the massive chasm, those that aren't blown away by the cloud of dust. The ones to the north, however, are unaffected, and begin scaling the large mound in their way.
Space for 1 tower and 1 trap/trench
Section 1 -> Orb
Space for 2 towers
Section 2 -> 1
Prebuilt Tower
Grade 4 Quadruple Gem worth 913 mana
Hits 4d4 monsters, deals 5d5+2 damage to each
Range 3
50% chance it takes 2 turns to go through next section
Deal 3% damage to all monsters in section. (does not carry other components)
22% chance on hit to strike another monster (carries other components)
Struck monsters are frozen, taking 7% extra damage in further hits (stacks)
Deals 50% extra gembomb damage
Section 3 -> 2
Space for 1 tower and 1 trap/trench
Section 4 -> 3
Split Path
Tower: Built by Sofia and Clair
+2 to monsters hit
Section 5a -> 4
Space for 1 tower
Section 5b -> 4
Section 6a -> 5a
1 mana shard (contains 250 mana)
Contains large hill, stops monsters for 3 turns
Monsters here take +20% damage from gems
Section 6b
MASSIVE FISSURE blocks all monsters
Section 7a -> 6a
Monsters spawn here
Space for 3 towers and 1 trap/trench
Section 7b
1 mana shard (contains 250 mana)
Monsters spawn here
Space for 2 towers and 1 trap/trench
Section 7a
4/4 hp, 4 armor [Mound, 0/3 turns to pass; +30% damage]
4/4 hp, 4 armor [Mound, 0/3 turns to pass; +30% damage]
4/4 hp, 4 armor [Mound, 0/3 turns to pass; +30% damage]
4/4 hp, 4 armor [Mound, 0/3 turns to pass; +30% damage]
4/4 hp, 4 armor [Mound, 0/3 turns to pass; +30% damage]
Section 8b
4/4 hp, 4 armor [leaving]
Next wave in 4 turns
Clair [3+2-1][6+2-1] 10+50-60=
0/420 mana
[6+1-1] Clair wastes all her remaining mana on building an extra few feet on Cromwell's mound; it gains extra height, turning it into a hill and making it a harder climb.
Sofia [4+1][3+2] 87+72=
159/480 mana
Could potentially make a grade 2 gem and a grade 1 gem
Rune [1+2+1][6+1+1] 52+20-36=
36/450 mana
[2+1+1]Accidentally creates a pile of gem dust, sparkling brightly but not very useful.
Cromwell [3+1-6][1-6] 18+6=
24/300 mana
Cannot create any gems this turn.
Player Statuses: (No images this turn)
Wave 2: Normal (2 hp, 4 armor, 6 monsters)
Wave 3: Swarm (2 hp, 1 armor, 9 monsters)
Wave 4: Normal (11 hp, 6 armor, 8 monsters)
Teamwork Bonuses
Sofia: +1
Rune: +1
Cromwell: -3
Teamwork Bonuses
Clair: +1
Rune: +1
Cromwell: -2
36/450 mana
Grade 4 Quadruple Gem worth 913 mana
Hits 4d4 monsters, deals 5d5+2 damage to each
Range 3
45% chance it takes 2 turns to go through next section
Deal 3% damage to all monsters in section. (does not carry other components)
18% chance on hit to strike another monster (carries other components)
Struck monsters are frozen, taking 15% extra damage in further hits (stacks)
Deals 50% extra gembomb damage
Pile of Gemdust
Can only be used for gembombs.
Deals 2d2 to 3d6 monsters in a section.
Teamwork Bonuses[/b
Clair: +1
Sofia: +1
Cromwell: -1
24/300 mana
Teamwork Bonuses
Clair: -3
Sofia: -2
Rune: -1
((OMG! Cromwell! What would happen if you tried to do something bad?! I'm getting scared of your modifier, man. Circumstances conspire to screw you over, but my dice... my dice, man... I think aliens sent them.
Also all my newbie gm mistakes
should be corrected now by this point. I got sections A and B correctly oriented, tower's in the right place, etc.))