That XP graph really shows off the new comeback mechanics.
I really,
really hope those mechanics get toned down a bit. I've been playing dota for a long time, and the matches I've played on this patch just... don't really feel like dota. Sure, I like winning. But I also like the challenge of coming back from a difficult start and scraping out a win that seems impossible. There really
isn't a feeling of being behind anymore, because a single teamfight where you kill two or three enemy heroes, even if your entire team gets wiped, will net your team several thousand gold. It's ridiculous. You can just forgo strategy and run at the enemy team for free comebacks. You don't have to dodge fights, try to outmaneuver the enemy... it's not fun to me. It's like if in smash bros you constantly healed if you were above 80% damage. It's like playing through an entire soccer game, the score being 10-1, and the ref deciding that the next goal wins the game.
The worst part is that there really isn't a place for the heroes I most like to play, early game oriented supports or gankers. If you go and give your team an early lead, that's great... except that if anything goes wrong you're going to put the other team right back on equal footing with you. And if their team scales better (which they probably do if you picked a hero like Spirit Breaker or Crystal Maiden) you are pretty screwed. This is why Medusa suddenly has a 55.16% winrate. Spectre has a
62.80% winrate. That's ridiculous!