I find that people are all too eager to jungle in DotA, even when they shouldn't. Unlike League, there is absolutely no reason to require a jungler, and it is best done while coordinating with someone else who knows what they're getting into. I'd rather have a second lane partner than someone who's easy to counter and unlikely to do anything other than sit in jungle for the first twenty minutes of the game, not ganking their lane like they should. Especially in Ability Draft.
The entire point of a jungle is to allow a carry that can outrange the enemy a safe-ish way to farm solo, in the hopes that what farm and experience they get will allow them to start snowballing earlier, while you occasionally gank the enemy and pull creeps to take some of the lane pressure off of them. The problem is, in Ability Draft, it's likely that the enemy has some combination of overpowered spells, so you need to be in the lane to support directly, otherwise you're just hurting the team as a jungle by inaction as much as the guy who is in the "safe" lane solo and feeding.
And in either mode, the jungle forgets to pull creeps to ensure that the carry isn't getting pushed toward the enemy tower by overzealous last hitting, or force denying creeps beyond 50% health, and usually forgets to gank on the excuse of "farming until I get blink dagger" or some other similar issue. Secondary and tertiary excuses include "I'm Lycan, so I have no ganking potential whatsoever," or "They warded half my jungle, so I'm going to sit in the half that isn't warded and be even less useful than I was before."
Aside from the rant, I hope that the Enigma wasn't jungling, because that would be a terrible jungle build.