Continuing to have a shitty time :C
I really want to like dota, Russians and Brazilians and all, but god damn it doesn't want me to like it.
So much fake difficulty in the interface for fanboys to feel haughty about. In League I can hit tab and immediately see my opponent's build, score, cs, everything relevant to my gameplay choices. In dota no target panels means I have to click the enemy to see his build and I can't act while I'm checking it. As far as interface and clarity goes League is miles ahead.
League's choking on its own meta but at least the overreliance on the meta means people tend to pick semi-functional teams. In dota people pick whatever the fuck they want. If I have any integrity at all as far as picking to fit my team goes I'm pretty much doomed to play support every single game, and half the games I play are obviously over before the minions spawn though the usual terribad pub moba players mean it's never guaranteed. Most of the time I end up playing Lion, buying the courier and upgrade and all the wards and dust and whatever else we need, trying to cc for my team and watching them just egregiously fuck everything up.
I could get over all that and just power through the low levels as best I can if it weren't for the interface. If it weren't for the interface I'd drop league in a heartbeat.