God, I just played the most awful, drawn-out match of Dota. We had it won, 100% in the bag, by maybe the 25 minute mark when I was 10-0 as PA. I went mid against their Storm Spirit, and won the lane handily. We pushed lanes and took all their tier 2s well before 30 minutes. Then they turtled. A lot. Our Nature's Prophet refused to leave jungle until he was 6 slotted (his build was midas -> aghs -> refreshers) and we had a techies so the game was 3v5 for a long time, but I was 7 levels ahead of everyone and it didn't matter.
The one time I tried to break base, our Oracle used his ult on himself and I died, feeding the enemy team thousands of gold and multiple levels. Our Treant didn't build a blink so he couldn't initiate, which meant that task was left up to me. Despite my item and level advantage, I couldn't 1v5 the enemy team with a 5 second BKB. So I gave up. No point in trying to take rax until my supports had a few more items and could contribute more to a fight than by wasting their spells on themselves. We backed off, farmed all three lanes and both jungles. I gave Oracle space to farm a hex. Instead, he built a linkens. Okay. By the 50 minute mark, we still had no hex on our team. Every attempted teamfight was me jumping on Sniper (who'd built a very fast MKB) only to watch my teammates die to Spectre before I could do anything. Well, everyone except Nature's Prophet -- he was still in the jungle.
The game was nearly lost -- Spectre had built a butterfly and MKB and could easily solo me (I didn't have my MKB at the time) but as the enemy approached our mid tier 1 at the 65 minute mark, Spectre temporarily forgot she was playing against a Techies and was killed by an enormous stack of remote mines. I bought back, we pushed back to their base, I killed Sniper, Spectre bought back, Oracle... ulted himself and ran away, and then I died to Spectre. Around this time, I convinced Prophet to swap out his aghs for a sheepstick. After I respawned, Spectre, perhaps wanting an end to this torture, charged down midlane. NP teleported on her, hexed her, brought her down to maybe 2/3 health, then nearly died, as I was BoTsing in. I managed to first-hit bash her however, and so NP didn't die, we killed her, she was dead for well over 100 seconds, and we pushed to their ancient and won.
It was very nearly a complete and utter disaster.
Here's the dotabuff. I'm sure I could've played much better, but everyone played horribly. Absolutely everyone. Games at ~3.3kMMR are actually just the worst. Everyone is so inconsistent. Item builds are awful, decision making is awful, communication is awful. Everyone goes on tilt every other match.