So recently the Igynpadca servers got shut down and the website was changed for a day, then everything went back to normal.
The speculations became true - Generic Game Company (GGC) now announced the official release of Igynpadca: Elltycopi Edition!
It's rather odd compared to the original, since it's a turn-based ASCII multiplayer game, with elements of MOBA-type games, in a slight sense that you have the objective of destroying the other team's statue. And there are like 12 teams per game, each with quite a few players (support for up to 256 players in one game and more!) and the maps are...
The thing is, that you have to actually build the base around your statue, craft your own weapons and armor and raise the animals and stuff yourself. Also, the heroes that you play as are randomly picked at the start of the match (devs say that manual picking would be too bland and boring), and looking into the manual reveals 1266 chars so far, and counting!
The game is in open beta right now, so there are a few major features still missing, like mechanisms. Updates are frequent though, and they're made by TGD (Typical Game Developer), so GGC can still work on regular Igynpadca full-time.
Anyone else playing it?
To be fair, I find Morul to be incredibly OP in the late-game because of his ridiculous skills at that stage, but his early-game is awful, being a mere food dissector. And then there is Cacame, but hammers don't seem to be very popular atm, or melee in general. Everyone just rushes ranged weapons or throwing. And for good reason.
So yeah, TDG - nerf ranged, buff melee. That is all.
Oh, and did I mention that matches in this game can stretch out for entire damn days?
Every match ending is globally announced to everyone in-game, just to celebrate this sole fact.
IGYNPADCA: ELLTYCOPI stands for Incomprehensible Game You Have Never Played And Don't Care About: Even Less Likely That You'll Care Or Play It.
The basic premise of this game is that we discuss a game that doesn't really exist, making up facts about it as we go along. Also, just so that this doesn't become an unreadable mess, players should occasionally ask questions about some things other players have mentioned, at which point any other player can elaborate on that point and call the question-asker a noob. You can also ask other players to be more specific about the area of the game they're talking about. Basically, think of this as a thread that would be in Other Games if it weren't for the fact that the game in question doesn't exist.
We'll need a few players to play newbies; those playing experienced players should do their best to answer their questions. Experienced players should also feel free to trade high-level strategy tips.
If you're having trouble coming up with names for things, you can use these generators:, this page has a pretty good selection of Seventh Sanctum generators., for all your nounverbing needs, a list of a lot of good generators for coming up with actual made-up words, A flash-based generator with some neat options.
But that's probably just me and I'm forgetting the whole "beta = beta" deal here.