I suggested contacting shady about finding a good location, has anyone done that? Also yeah that's a bit close.
I would assume t hat gold is claiming everything south of dumathin, and possibly minimum 1k blocks east/west/ maybe north is Titan isn't too close? Edit: that area is about 800 blocks from the edge of dumathoin. which is far enough but doesn't leave you guys any room to expand.
I've checked out my waypoints, places of interest include. From the center of the main hall the south gate is 400 meters away, old dumathoin extends that way about 500 meters, also the magma bridge and significant underground mining goes that way, east old dumathion extends around 300 meters, the rail hub is 200 meters in that direction, north we have the dale gate 150 meters away, also the north west gate and docks are 250 meters away, west is mostly the tunnels near the north west gate, which extenx aaround 200 meters. Alltogether the area dug out by gold is approx 800 meters by about 500. However the rail tunnels extend further than this, mithril mountain is 3.4 km away (the tunnel isn't well developed though, and stoneark is 5.6 km, both north of dumathoin I should add. Titan is only around 1.5 km from dumathoin, so anywhere between dumathoin and titan should be off limits.
Also HUGO, edit that image, you have coords in it. Not that discussing the location of duma in relation to Titan is exactly keeping things secret.
shady just showed me a map of the area, he suggested you guys move to dorvask, which is abandoned and north of dumathoun. But guys, the area you have chosen is equally spaced between neverwhere and dumathoin, it's too close to either really.
I suggest you just join neverwherem, they'll probably let you create your own suburb, west and south of neverwhere is all snow and undeveloped. They have farms and forests nearby too. It's only about 1k blocks west of where you are building.