Hello, Judge_Indigo, and thanks for coming.
Seeing as you're new here, I can forgive you for not having read the
forum guidelines, specifically the part about not insulting other posters. I don't appreciate your tone, nor the general attitude that you're better than us.
Please don't go into this "I'm not respecting person X because he won't respect me" nonsense. Try respectfulness first.
You can be an adult (as you so proudly claim to be) and leave if that respect is not reciprocated.
Incidentally, I have not seen any disrespect shown to you thus far in this thread.
"Respect" doesn't sound like a word any more, actually. It's kind of funny.
Public Service AnnouncementIf you do not want other people to bicker and argue, please don't bicker and argue.
I'm typing this as things pop into my head, so it may seem somewhat disjointed.
We do not (nor have we ever) considered Civcraft to be a "Bay12 server". We do not (nor have we ever) considered Dumathoin to be a "Bay12" city. Except for that bit where Gold left it to Bay12ers for a few months.
Even then, it wasn't a private residence. You - and anyone else - would be free to come and join in. We wouldn't necessarily trust you immediately, but that's understandable... isn't it?
You're making us out to be the "bad guys", and I get that. That's absolutely reasonable from your perspective.
But please understand that from my perspective, there are no bad guys. Just two groups of people with very poor communication skills.
Anyway, why are you so disdainful? What do you have against this forum, and the people who use it?
Is it because of my big ears? It's my big ears, isn't it!
Well you know what? I can't help that! My big waxy ears are outside of my control!
Finally, a general message to everyone:
Please, for the love of waxy ears, stop talking about who is in the right and who is in the wrong.That is a dark path, and does not belong on this thread. Feel free to PM myself or anyone else here if you wish to discuss it further.
I think it would be best if Bay12 left Dumathoin. Not because I "clearly don't want to talk about it", as Inidigo so kindly assumes.
I want Bay12 to leave Dumathoin because we are no longer welcome there. The reason doesn't matter. What does matter, however, is the fact that it is going to be much harder to make up with Indigo, Gold, and the others if we are squabbling over closet space at the same time.
I hope that we can make amends. I would love to visit Dumathoin in the future. I was also ninja'd by HugoLuman and Graknorke. I swear I'm not a slow typer.