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Should we leave Dumathoin?

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Author Topic: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Thread closed.  (Read 125245 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1320 on: August 17, 2014, 10:35:54 pm »

You know what? Yeah, let's move. Just not yet. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss the place. I would be lying if I said Tahu's pearling was unjustified. But I'm tired of worrying about all this stuff. I want to stay, but that is looking like a hard bargain right now. I say we give it another day and see what happens.

At the edge of the map, you simply can't go any further. Terrain looks normal, but you can't go past a certain point.
Oh. Was hoping it plunged into nothingness and I could build a house hanging off the edge. Still, has to be remote enough to be somewhat safe.

I have no great attachment or many goods. I'll leave tonight to roam. If you guys move, I'll go there later. Goldminer wished me luck on the way out.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1321 on: August 17, 2014, 10:46:29 pm »

While I'd love to come back, if I make a request to that effect, they'll probably call it "aggressive behavior" or somesuch. So, hypothetically, if I were to make such a request, it would be after I am assured of the absence of the goon squad.
That doesn't matter, though. Right now, we are in the preliminary discussion stage. All I want is a list of what you want. You could begin with "I want the goon squad gone", but I'd really like it to exist.

Re: moving: I'm fine with moving.


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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1322 on: August 17, 2014, 10:48:11 pm »

Let us know if you find someplace nice! Also, welcome back Cmega.
Quote from: Helgoland
Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
Location subject to periodic change.
Baffler likes silver, walnut trees, the color green, tanzanite, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible he prefers to consume beef, iced tea, and cornbread. He absolutely detests ticks.


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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1323 on: August 17, 2014, 10:58:13 pm »

Let us know if you find someplace nice!

Do you know of any nearby jungles? You can get cocoa farms there.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1324 on: August 18, 2014, 12:02:59 am »

It's ice mountains all the way to the Southern edge. Incidentally, there's a massive walled pit dug at the South "pole" into which I fell and died, dropping all my stuff. Goodbye, diamond tools and obsidian.

Actually, it won't despawn if no one's in the chunk, right?
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Orange Wizard

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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1325 on: August 18, 2014, 12:13:01 am »

That's correct. If the chunk isn't loaded, it won't tick.
Bummer that you lost diamond tools. Hope you can get them back.
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Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.


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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1326 on: August 18, 2014, 12:19:15 am »

Most of the area to the south
Is claimed by Dumathoin and other places  the land on this server has mostly been claim although there might be some free land in the -,+ quadrant it is lot of jungle some mountains and lots of plains.

Orange Wizard

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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1327 on: August 18, 2014, 12:21:56 am »

Can we get a definite area that you've claimed? "Most" is not helpful.
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1328 on: August 18, 2014, 12:37:33 am »

Most of the area to the south
Is claimed by Dumathoin and other places  the land on this server has mostly been claim although there might be some free land in the -,+ quadrant it is lot of jungle some mountains and lots of plains.
It's all Datass land, the immediate area is probably considered dumathoin's, however due to the place being abandoned and given to ryden it's all a rather grey area, I'm sure you can claim the city gold however you need to ask shady for permission to use any of the rest of the land in this area.
They're nearly as bad as badgers. Build a couple of anti-buzzard SAM sites marksdwarf towers and your fortress will look like Baghdad in 2003 from all the aerial bolt spam. You waste a lot of ammo and everything is covered in unslightly exploded buzzard bits and broken bolts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1329 on: August 18, 2014, 12:38:14 am »

Got my stuff back now.

So if I set up a hermitage and someone finds it, I'll be taxed?
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1330 on: August 18, 2014, 12:42:20 am »

It is not even that I can already see problems in the future so it would not be good and why move back there any ways it has been all mind out and also building on the world bored is not a good idea the bored is where people make there pearl vaults. And also if you haven problems with me why move right nested door it makes no scenes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1331 on: August 18, 2014, 12:48:35 am »

It's all Datass land, the immediate area is probably considered dumathoin's, however due to the place being abandoned and given to ryden it's all a rather grey area, I'm sure you can claim the city gold however you need to ask shady for permission to use any of the rest of the land in this area.
to be completely honest here Dumathoin was given to datass by a person that did not even have any say in Dumathoin and what happens to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1332 on: August 18, 2014, 12:51:01 am »

It is not even that I can already see problems in the future so it would not be good and why move back there any ways it has been all mind out and also building on the world bored is not a good idea the bored is where people make there pearl vaults. And also if you haven problems with me why move right nested door it makes no scenes.
There's vast expanses of empty space and world-genned trees between Duma and the edge. No biomes for fast-growing crops, but it's lonely. Unless spruce grows in ice mountains, no tree farming. But if I built a hermitage, would I be pearled for not buying the land or something? If so, I'm probably done with this server for now. Too many constraints.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1333 on: August 18, 2014, 01:14:30 am »

I dont blame everyone for wanting to leave, the situation has become quite toxic due to a lack of respect and maturity from several parties.
While I agree with most of what you said Werdna I have to argue some of your points.
Firstly sanwi is an outsider, as is goldminer. Both parties relinquished any rights to the city the moment they left, property rights are serious business however there is precedent for ownership of citys to pass from their origonal founder due to abandonment, petty arguments with leadership, or civil war.
In the case of dumathoin as far as I can find evidence for, control of the city was passed from goldminer to yyjjgg after he abandoned, later yyjjgg passed the city to ryden of FAGT for safekeeping. FAGT announced it was annexing Dumathoin peacefully, along with stoneark. As nobody publically objected to the announcement, the last leader gave it away, and there has been absolutely no contact with any former residents in any official capacity representing dumathoin that all makes strong evidence towards the legal owner being the alliance of FAGT.
For anyone who is wondering, FAGT was later renamed UIA, then recently they dropped grundeswald from teh alliance, and renamed the alliance DATASS, Commonwealth also joined up. Sanwi is the leader of commonwealth, and depending on how the alliance has been documented, what rules exist and etc, it could be argued that Sanwi has equal say in anything related to DATASS lands as llShadyguyll or indeed any other leader of teh alliance. The current residents asked permission from the legal owner of the city, who gave us his blessing to inject some life into the city as it was dead, wasted, and being griefed little by little. Ryden saw an oppertunity to have a new potentially great city and neibour on his doorstep, an ally and possibly a great boon to the alliance. I'm sure he didn't forsee this kind of trouble starting. We voted tahu as our leader and goldminer has shown him exactly zero respect, despite the seemingly positive relationship he developed with other bay12 residents, myself included, well disrespecting my leader is also disrespecting me, and while tahu acted rashly and agressively he was only threatening his city and people from outsider aggression. He was bullied and shit on since goldminer returned, despite us extending an olive branch and making concessions to the EX-king, he only partially recipricated and completely failed to show any reference to tahu.
Other points I will rebut in less detail due to a lack of time.
Snitched by tahu? well the city's only defence is snitches right now, barely anything is reinforced, theres no active presence, and nobody is geared. I admit tahu neglected to inform most of us about the snitch network, but it makes sense to not include goldminer as he was an outsider who never proved himself trustworthy, and in fact probably can not do that now.
Civcraft does have a heavy mumble presence, but civcraft was always a reddit server is is still primarily on reddit, mumble is good for groups to communicate, however reddit is where important discussions take place, laws and legal rulings are recorded there, alliances are noted, griefing and pettuy arguments go onto reddit, it is on reddit that the legal framework of civcraft is upheld, and it is on reddit that I have not seen a single sign of goldminer.

As it was entirely my idea to to 'invade' civcraft, I feel somewhat responsible for this mess, though it was murphyslaw's idea to return to dumathoin. As such if the consensus of bay 12 is to leave I shall join you, despite my longing to work on this fortified mountain kingdom. Don't worry gold I will finish the dome, It's the least I can do.
If we're still in the mindset to live like dwarves I know the perfect place, gohkamikazi would welcome more hands to carve out 'his' mountain, however unlike dumathoin Abyssi is totally out of the way, unlike here where we have easy access to the cic network and our allies. And I include Sanwi as an ally despite what happened to tahu.

Edit: There is a potential problem however, Abyssi still has an uneasy truce with soapbucket, soap's settlement is still occupying land above abyssi's outskirts. And tahu was present when bounty hunters kicked soap out of abyssi, he took several brew stands which we may need to give back to make peace if we settle there.
Otherwise, we could always settle elsewhere in the area, perhaps north of Titan? I'll speak with shady and see if theres a good area going unused so we can remain near our allies.

Edit 2: Oh, also fitting the underground theme and being nearby and a DATASS member, there is neverwhere.
Check it out, seriously, it's gorgeous.

Underground done right.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 01:28:25 am by MarcAFK »
They're nearly as bad as badgers. Build a couple of anti-buzzard SAM sites marksdwarf towers and your fortress will look like Baghdad in 2003 from all the aerial bolt spam. You waste a lot of ammo and everything is covered in unslightly exploded buzzard bits and broken bolts.

Orange Wizard

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Re: Minecraft: Dwarven Invaders - Tahu and Gold, I need you to post requests.
« Reply #1334 on: August 18, 2014, 02:08:05 am »

Neverwhere does look fantastic. I remember seeing some screenshots of it in the subreddit, but they were not those ones.

It is not even that I can already see problems in the future so it would not be good and why move back there any ways it has been all mind out and also building on the world bored is not a good idea the bored is where people make there pearl vaults. And also if you haven problems with me why move right nested door it makes no scenes.
There's vast expanses of empty space and world-genned trees between Duma and the edge. No biomes for fast-growing crops, but it's lonely. Unless spruce grows in ice mountains, no tree farming. But if I built a hermitage, would I be pearled for not buying the land or something? If so, I'm probably done with this server for now. Too many constraints.
If you build a hermitage in the middle of nowhere, I'm pretty sure no-one will care. Unless you fill it with undefended and valuable loot.

Land claims in Civcraft don't work like real-life land ownership. It's more a case of stating that a certain area belongs to you, but people will only care about it if you have some ability to defend it. I've also never heard of claimants taxing people to live in their land.
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.
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