The Manufactorum"Blessings of the Omnissiah upon you."
Enter the Manufactorum. Take a look at my surroundings, and see if I can find a way to the shrine of the Omnissiah.
((Wow. Dem rolls.))
[Per:1d100:95] ((Alright, that's it. Ignore this result, I'm finding my actual d10s.)) [Per:1d100:67]
The outer area of the manufactorum appears to be primarily administration, with the manufactorum proper further inside the structure. It is, however, claustrophobic and with plenty of pipes and machinery on the walls and ceiling - you feel right at home. Per tests for you will be made at a +10 here. Workers are moving around, but there are almost no actual tech-priests in this corridor - you see only one, in fact. Presumably they are further inside. [Per:1d100:79] This particular manufactorum appears to be used for constructing smaller parts, presumably they are later shipped to a much larger manufactorum elsewhere for final assembly. [Per:1d100:28] You find the shrine, three other tech-priests are currently present. It is a relatively plain room, compared to some other shrines you have seen, but still suitable. You passed a screen while heading here, and you now know the locations of the three other manufactorums working with the parts from this one, as well as the refinery that this one gets metal from.
One of the tech-priests, upon hearing your approach, greets you.
The Guardsman and the PsykerXanaros considers if revealing the Inquisitor's insignia was worth it.
Probably not.
Not likely.
Wait where we are at for now.
"I'll sit here until he's back."
Eisen yawned and looked around, trying to remember if any of those unmarked passageways were nearby and if they might lead into the manufactorum.
[Per:1d100:62] [Int:1d100:81] Hm. You remember that not every alley wasn't on the map, but other than that, you can't think of anything. Perhaps there's a second entrance, perhaps not.
The Guardsman and the Heretic"You're right on that... And a guardsmen and a psyker in each group will be fine. *looks at the other psyker* keep an eye out for anything suspicious. We'll be at the next nearest manufactorium if you need us.
Pulling the Psyker by his wrist, head to the next closest manufactorium
[Per:1d100:28] You walk down the street, dragging the psyker with you, heading to the next manufactorum. You see two guards stationed at that one, too - with essentially identical loadouts. You stop a reasonable distance away. To your left is an empty alley, with a turn to the right further down. You don't think anyone's in it, nor do you see a pict sensor down there.
Guardsman, is it? All righty then. Hoy Cromwell, I'll contact you if I get in any trouble.
Xanaros taps his head, then shakes his wrist loose from the Guardsman's grip and walks along with him.
Walk along with the guardsman guy, though shake my hand out of his grip.
You head with the guardsman guy, and you are now outside another manufactorum. [Per:1d100:66] Hm.