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Author Topic: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)  (Read 14187 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #90 on: October 21, 2013, 06:43:40 am »

Could you include some screenshots in your reports, please? I would like to compare our styles. (Also I dont want to be too shocked when I see them in-game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #91 on: October 21, 2013, 06:39:45 pm »

Could you include some screenshots in your reports, please? I would like to compare our styles. (Also I dont want to be too shocked when I see them in-game)
Sometimes barely jack shit happens so we can't really put in screenshots. :P

1st of Granite, 32
My bags are all packed. The dwarves here are sending me off with warm wishes and some booze despite the shortage we've had in the past few weeks so I can stay warm on the journey to the next fortress. Apparently there's been a huge shift in power in all the other fortresses, since the overseers have been fleeing from their outposts. Since I'm one of the few overseers that are still in good control of their fortress after the first year, I've received a letter last week that told me I was reassigned to the fortress called Crystalmaze at the Cinder of Age. I've heard terrifying things about this place. Apparently the dead don't stay dead, and the bitter cold is even worse there than it is elsewhere. There's little to no soil, so farming is limited, and any attempts to butcher animals results in reanimated cartilage and hairs, so any meat industry is out of the question.

To be honest, I'll miss this place. It's small and sort of ugly but it's cozy, at least. The volcano here provides constant heat from the stone so we don't freeze to death indoors. Whoever replaces me should know a few things though:

  • There's still walls that need to be built to seal off the cavern level from the rest of the fortress.
  • The really large area next to the general purpose stockpile and refuse stockpile is not meant to be a pasture area. It's a tree farm. Don't think you can start a meat industry from anything other than the pigs we brought.
  • The gloom woman is still there, and the next wave of migrants should have 2 to 3 soldiers recruited and trained to take her out. She hasn't bothered us so far but we don't know if she will eventually.

Here's the state of the fortress at the end of my reign.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Armokspeed, you fags.
Mod mod mod the raws!
Mod mod mod the raws!
A better fort for you and me!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #92 on: October 22, 2013, 01:53:25 am »

Sorry about the delay. Been busy IRL but my computer is fast enough to make up for that.

Early Autumn:

Not much happened during this time. Production of copper and silver continues.

Mid Autumn:

Our supply of tetrahedrite has run dry.

A vein of gold has been found though. Likely will remain unmined to avoid attracting undue attention. We won't be trading anyway. The caverns also remain elusive.

Found a vein of hematite. That means iron. Will begin mining, but smelting may prove difficult. The presense of iron this far below the surface should mean the caverns are near if my suspicions are correct.

Ah, more migrants. From the southwest this time. Will open the gates to let them in, then check professions. Okay, there were 5 of them. Our numbers are now 20. One is fish cleaner, weaponsmith, and gem cutter. More smiths are always welcome I suppose. The second is a beekeeper with some military skills. Welcome to the crossbow squad. When it's formed at least. The third is a High Master Glassmaker, Decent brewer, and ok appraiser. Glassmaker it is then. The fourth is a great herbalist, leatherworker, and shearer. Those skills MIGHT come in handy. The last is a novice record keeper. You're our bookkeeper then.

Late Autumn:

Our carpenters gone into one of them weird mood things. They've grabbed 3 logs and a huge stack of Buffalo bones. Hope we get something usable out of this.

They've made a pretty good looking chair if I say so myself. He's named it Ekurraluk, or Mightyhail. A suitable name in our environment.
The carpenter claims to have been blessed with newfound skill shortly after, and I don't doubt them.

Early Winter:

Still haven't found the caverns. Crossbow squad is equipped with weapons at least though. One of the farms is now producing dimple cups for variety. It wasn't making anything before anyway. The other farm schedules have been set up as well, but will only produce for half the year.

Finally Found a cavern, It appears to be almost entirely water. Inspection of trees seems to indicate that this is the second cavern. The breech has been sealed just in case.

Mid Winter:

Almost everyone has a proper room for them self with a bed and a door. More furnishing will probably come later. A small row of glass disc traps is being made. I feel our metal is better saved for other uses, as glass will last us far longer.

Late Winter:

Apparently I am to migrate to another of our outposts to examine it and take over for awhile when spring comes. Normally I would question the intelligence of such an decision, but it was decided before all the wagons left the mountain-homes, so if we must, we must. Our ammunition stockpile is very high. More ammo than will be needed for some time likely. Melee is out of the question with the amount of lives we have at stake.

Oh my! Another mood, this time our ranged squad captain. With his skills as they are, I don't forsee anything useful coming out of this though. In the end he took 3 stones, and a cut gem.

It's a rhyolite bracelet named Osteshthemor Ked Kezkig, or Messboiled the Feed of Connections.
Kikrost now claims to be extremely skilled at stonecrafting. Thob has been removed from their stonecrafting duties.

For the overseer that comes after me, I leave these notes.
1: If you want to effectively use the bunker, link up the rightmost lever in the farms to the inner bride by the bunker. This will prevent our dwarves charging into melee like morons.
2: I've left many notes. Make use of these with the N key.
3: You should gather the plants growing around the fort. I had a few good herbalists immigrant, so the extra seeds will be nice to have.
4: Find something to do with our excess jewelers. I've assigned some of them weaponsmithing for the chance of a decent mood, but I doubt it'll help much.
5: Make everything you can out of glass. The names for things may be a bit confusing, but that's what the wiki is for. Glass discs should be very effective for something that is completely free.
6: I've told miners to dig a way out of the pit below the bridge so that if a gobbo or something falls in it can leave. It won't be completed for a bit, so make sure to remove the ramps around the exit(just 2 tiles each side or so) and seal the gate once that's done.

Here's the save. In case it wasn't noticed before, the fort is called Knifegravel.
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #93 on: October 23, 2013, 01:06:00 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #94 on: October 23, 2013, 07:04:56 pm »

I have made a powerful mistake.

The Journal of Angiki, Fortress of Daubhammers, year 1

26 Obsidian, 30 -- A preface.

As our journey nears its end, I am taking a moment to begin our expedition log.  We are seven, two miners, a metalsmith, a jeweler, two farmers, and a glassmaker, charged with the construction of a new outpost at the Cinder of Lines, a volcano in the middle of the Armored Tundras.  I can only hope the name holds true when the goblins come knocking.  I have heard little about it, only that it is truly a sight to behold.  No trees (big surprise), but also no aquifer, and that the area is rich in sand for glassmaking.  I can only hope so.  Wood is far too precious, and we cannot afford to waste what we've brought.
Our animals are 2 roosters, 4 hens, a horse and a water buffalo.

28th Obsidian

We have arrived at the Cinder of Lines, finally.  I have seen many volcanos in my time, but never anything like this.  The volcano is a pillar of obsidian, rising above the tundra, with no way to access it other than digging in.  This will only serve to complicate matters.

Initial surveys hold little promise.  The exposed ridges are of obsidian, basalt, andesite, and gneiss, with only veins of cobaltite; utterly useless to us.  What's worse, the soil is not sand, as I was led to believe, but loamy sand, useless for glassmaking.  Damn that scout, he couldn't tell calcite from dacite if his life depended on it!  This place is cold, bitterly cold, and neither beast nor track is readily apparent. 
we shall make camp on the volcano's ridge for the night.  Our true work will begin in the morning.

Final note: Damn that Zuglar for a fool!  He tried to balance the wagon on a slope, and it fell, shattering on the ground below!  This is an ill sign.


1 Granite

The loss of our wagon is unfortunate, and we will have to work swiftly to ensure our supplies are not lost to the cold.  First and foremost, we'll dig out an entrance hall and temporary storage room.  I should like to have the pack animals slaughtered before they starve to death as well.

28 Granite

With temporary shelter established and the supplies inside, it is time to start work on the fortress proper.  The chamber here, next to the volcano, will make an ideal location for a lava moat, some time in the future, though I will have to leave that to one of my successors.  We've still yet to see any wildlife.

21 Felsite

Things are quiet.  We have a farm up and running now, as well as several storage spaces carved out, and the hens have all taken to their new nest boxes.  I hope the lads like eggs, because that's what's on the menu for the next 500 years.


13 Malachite

We started digging an exploratory mineshaft, straight down.  My hope is to breach the caverns below, as things are only going to get more difficult without a supply of wood.  Resource-wise, this is one of the worst fortresses I've ever seen.  No metals readily apparent, no sand, no fire clay, no water, no wildlife, and especially no trees.

14 Malachite

Struck rock crystal.  Zuglar pointed out that we could make crystal glass, but we don't have enough wood for anything as it is.  I think he just wants something to do besides carrying rocks around.

20th Malachite

A group of migrants have arrived!  Five in all: a bone carver(with pet cavy), an expert stoneworker, a carpenter(with pet goat kid), a glazer(and macedwarf), and a clothier.  They brought with them an assortment of stray animals.  Not the greatest bunch, but I'll take them.  No breedable pairs among the animals, unfortunately, but at least we'll have some fresh meat.
I made the bonecarver our bookkeeper.  Something to do, anyways.


17 Sandstone

We have been digging for months, and have nothing to show for it but a mountain of diorite rocks.  Finally a break in the monotony, as another group of migrants arrived. Eight this time, bringing our number up to twenty.  Among them are another mason, a mechanic, and a cheese maker.  At least now we have someone to eat when the food runs out.
More beds to build with wood we don't have.  It's a wonderful life, isn't it?

10 Timber

After starting a new dig on a higher up level, we struck hornblende.  I think I'll have the mason carve some commemerative mugs out of the stuff to mark the occasion.

24 Timber

The caravan isn't coming.  I didn't want to believe it, but it is the truth.  We are officially on our own out here.
Side note-- Still nothing from the mines, aside from a few gems .  I'm starting to hate this place.


1 Moonstone

Zuglar informed me that it is now winter.  I informed him that it's cold and snowy regardless of the season, and to kindly not bother me again with the obvious.  I wonder about that one sometimes.

7 Moonstone

Dishmab Keldakas was taken by a mood today.  Dishmab Keldakas is the new cheesemaker.  I can only imagine what artifact cheese must taste like.
After asking around a bit, I was told he also worked with glass from time to time.  The lack of sand is going to complicate things.

21 Opal

Still no metal, and still no cavern.  This is getting ridiculous.  Incidentally, our cheesemaker went insane.  I call dibs on his socks when he kicks it.

11 Obsidian

A horrifying realization dawned on me today, something I somehow forgot:  We embarked without any axes.  Initially, it seemed a sound move.  It would allow for more supplies, and we would obviously strike some kind of workable metal long before hitting the caverns, and with the magma at hand it wouldn't be a problem.  But now I'm realizing what a serious oversight this was on my part.  After almost 6 months of digging, we have found no metal and no cavern.

12 Obsidian

Having recovered from yesterday's shocking realization, I'm now thinking a bit more clearly.  It isn't that bad.  There are no living things for probably leagues, we won't be needing any more beds, and the goblins are likely to overlook this godsforsaken outpost.  We will at least survive.

13 Obsidian

Looking back on my last two entries, another horrifying realization dawned on me: This place is about as fun as an elvish tree symposium.

25 Obsidian

We struck marble somewhere along the line.  That would be grand, if we had iron and coal.  As it stands, it's just another rock.

1 Granite, 32

One year.  Looking back, absolutely nothing has happened here.  Food production is stable, rock production is through the roof, and metal production is nonexistant.  still no wood.  I've had all I can take of this dull as dirt hole in the ground, and am off for someplace more exciting.  Probably going to die there, too, but I'd rather die there than grow old and die here.  That just wouldn't be dwarven.


This fortress is really, really dull.  I have a feeling it's going to last the longest, but not in any good way.  If it weren't part of a game, I would've flooded it with magma and moved on by now.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 07:06:35 pm by Angiki »


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #95 on: October 23, 2013, 07:10:28 pm »

Well, looks like its my turn to resume the carnage... Its much more tame then mine
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #96 on: October 24, 2013, 01:21:31 pm »

Looks like everyone's finished up but Sindain.  Next turn starts in three days, but if he doesn't finish I'll pass it to an alternate.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #97 on: October 24, 2013, 10:28:57 pm »

So, are all of the year 2 turns going to start at the same time? Or can we basically start playing as soon as the fort we'll get is done?
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #98 on: October 24, 2013, 10:56:57 pm »

So, are all of the year 2 turns going to start at the same time? Or can we basically start playing as soon as the fort we'll get is done?

We all start at the same time.  The two week limit is only the maximum round length, so if everyone got done in one week we could start the next round immediately.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #99 on: October 25, 2013, 08:39:45 pm »

If we all started as soon as possible regardless of who else is done then the schedule would get hectic and eventually the period of time some people would have to wait would become exponentially longer than some others. People like me who play slowly and like to survey the landscape often tend to take a long time to go through just one year (about a week or so). Meanwhile, people who finish within one or two days can just go on to the next game as soon as its available, and a sort of time gap between the slow and fast players will occur, with some people having to wait several weeks for a turn while others can just hop to the next one the following day.

So yeah, starting at the same time like Angiki says is a good idea.

Also we're starting tomorrow anyways, and since Sindain hasn't posted yet we can assume their turn can be handed over to the first alternate in line.
Mod mod mod the raws!
Mod mod mod the raws!
A better fort for you and me!


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #100 on: October 25, 2013, 09:56:41 pm »

Who gets my save? I pity you so much...
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2013, 07:48:21 am »

Ah! Sorry guys, kinda spontaneously got a job on the Monday after the game started and have been pretty busy with that. But I got my turn done and I'll post the save and a quick summary of everything that's happened and the state of the fortress shortly.
"just once I'd like to learn a lesson without something exploding."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #102 on: October 26, 2013, 09:49:09 am »

So yeah, starting at the same time like Angiki says is a good idea.
I kind of figured it would be like that. It makes sense, but I just wanted to be sure.
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #103 on: October 26, 2013, 12:30:54 pm »

Memoirs of Lorbram Inethorstist

It's Been well over a year since we've left for this desolate piece of ice.
My name is Lorbram, and I'm the leader of the Hollow Merchants. As you may guess from the title, this expedition set off with one goal and one goal only: get filthy rich. Rumors have circled for quite some time that the area around this mountain is filled to the brim with gold and silver. So me and a few lads got together as much money we could gather and bought ourselves some manpower, supplies, and a wagon. Hard to find good dwarves these days, we managed to scrounge up a few good miners and I happen to have some knowledge bout workin the cold, hard ground, but most of our expedition doesn't even know which end of an axe to hold!

About a year ago we arrived at the mountain. After a "vote", we named the new settlement to be Lorbramsched, as it was clear that my name is the only one majestic enough to be born by our new home! We quickly got to work, or more of, our miners did. While the miners were digging me and the rest of the men took a look around and found only the cold, desolate, landscape, not an animal or plant in sight for miles.

Our miners dug out a simple entrance with some crude rooms for us to begin moving the stocks we brought with us.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Our miners dug deeper and deeper; and it quickly became evident that the rumors were true! Every 5 feet they hit another gold vein, but there was still much work to be done before we could profit.
One of the first goals of our miner was to get us out of this blistering cold. The miners got working on carving out a crude lounge and dorms for us built right next to the warmth of the volcano. Still cold down there, but a bearable one.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It wasn't long before the pack animal we brought with us started lookin awfully skinny. As they were probably going to die soon, we decided to butcher them and eat their meat while we still can. Shortly after, we heard screams coming from the butchers room! All the dwarves ran in to see our poor butcher being attacked by some kind of abomination made out of yak hair! After tearing it to pieces we chucked the cursed hair into the volcano.

Next goal is possibly the hardest: get the food production going. We brought plenty of food n' drink with us, but not enough to last forever.
A few ideas were kicked around by the team to get some farms goin, the two most promising were to dig deep in search of liveable caverns, and to use the magma to melt the ice and get water for irrigatin'. We dug out a nice big area to melt the ice and let the water flow, but when we moved the magma in all it did is make more ice! Don't know how the hell that works, but it makes that idea pretty much useless.
We had more luck with the cavern Idea, took the miners awhile to get down there, but they eventually reached the caverns and a found a deep, deep, deeeeep hole. When we got to the bottom we found it was absolutely perfect for our farms, good area and fertile ground and it has no ground routes to the rest of the caverns! So we moved all our grazers down there and started farmin. We also started a large scale project to block off the top of the pit, but we don't have the manpower to finish that any time soon.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Durin this whole affair, we started gettin some migrants. Hell if I know where these brave dwarves came from, but the more manpower is always welcome, they just better stay away from me booze. Speakin of booze, are stocks are running dangerously low, So it was agreed upon that we start tapin into the lakes of the caverns. A dwarf clamin to be a good and proper engineer drew us up some fancy plans for a new well system that would be completely safe from swimin monsters. Unfortunately, the engineer had no idea what he was talkin about and all we got is some slightly closer water blocked off by a grate, so I grabbed another engineer and had him start makin a pump to get the water up.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The arrival of migrants yielded a few skilled metalworkers, somethin we could use at our fort. With their arrival, our miners began carvin out the area for our magma forges. They were completed in short order and our smiths got workin on the wealth of gold we have. Soon gold chests and cabinets were soon in many places around the fort. Sadly, it seems tales of our wealth have not reached other merchants, and we've seen no caravans to trade our gold with.

Now the first year of Lorbramsched has come to an end. We have come a long way and built an outpost worthy of the name, but we have quite a ways to go.

Final stocks
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Here is the save:

So this fort has been goin fairly well for me, but there is a few things that need to be done.

First the booze stockpile needs to be stabilized, we are constantly dangerously low. Our food stocks aren't quite comfortable, but we have some room with them and plenty of animals to butcher if it goes critical. You may wanna relocate our butcher shop to near the volcano.

We might wanna start thinking about a proper military sometime soon, especially if we get more migrants, but we the only "military" metal we have is silver. I hope you like hammerdwarves!

Finish blockin off the top of the farming pit, so we don't get raped by a flying fb.

Carry on my noble work and put a gold chest and cabinet in every dwarf's room! We have shit tones of the stuff!

Other than that, the fortress is going pretty smoothly.

"just once I'd like to learn a lesson without something exploding."


  • Bay Watcher
  • One notable kill: Himself
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Re: Volcanic Musical Chairs (Now accepting Alternates)
« Reply #104 on: October 26, 2013, 12:51:42 pm »

Oh hey, Sindain posted. owo

So now everyone's done and we can start the next round this evening.
Mod mod mod the raws!
Mod mod mod the raws!
A better fort for you and me!
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