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Author Topic: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Game Over!  (Read 167324 times)

Max White

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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #375 on: November 07, 2013, 12:03:24 am »

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You know I just realized I don't like what you are doing here.
Scum want to kill important roles such as people with inspects and vig kills. If last night was a kill happy monster hunter, we know they would choose to kill before inspect, so making lists like this just helps scum find them faster. In the same vein people with inspects would generally prefer priests to save their power to use on them, so they can share their info if they get killed.

This sort of data mining provides nothing useful as far as finding scum, but is a subtle form of role fishing.

Nerjin was so borderline. I didn't know whether he was just appearing to give an effort just because I gave an ultimatum and I knew I could resurrect him if I was wrong. I probably would have unvoted him if his scum-pick breakdown had made much sense.
"Oh I'll just lynch the borderline player and bring him back if he is town, what could go wrong?"
So was he playing well or now? Please, a little consistency.

Blah blah reasons blah blah text wall
That... Is actually a good point.
NQT was attacking somebody who seems to be the most likely suspect for as monster hunter for their night action preferences, rather than being scummy.

A cult is... possible. But I think it's unlikely given the choice of target.
Can we agree on using different terms for a cult flavored mafia and a vampire flavored cult?


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #376 on: November 07, 2013, 03:49:50 am »

Posting From Phone:

Sorry, what? I was suspicious of Jim for suggesting someone with both an inspect and a kill shouldn't use their inspect before they kill people. I wasn't making a case that he was a scum monster hunter or whatever. I unvoted because unlike the rest of you I actually like to base my proper cases on a considered read of the game and not just what has raised my hackles most recently. Anyway, I'll be back before the end of the day with some considered analysis, answers to questions etc.

Do we have another extend left?


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #377 on: November 07, 2013, 09:21:56 am »

Nerjin, your

[[Bah post]]

came barely more than a minute before Meph posted start of day.  I know that bah posts are not supposed to contain any meaningful content, but I still have to ask - bahing having died, being alive again, or both?

You tell us

From what I can tell I'm still a Dreamwalker. I was told that I feel like myself but I'm not sure if that means I maintain my dream-walk powers. I'll have to get back to you on that.

Told you feel like yourself?  Are you paraphrasing/reinterpreting what your PM said, or is that pretty much the actual wording?  I understand you must not quote it.

Also - You likely missed these questions, I forgot to bold your name in the post where I ask them.

Nerjin, was there -anything- in your experiences last night that told you anything about -who- or -how- you were raised, other than that there was a candle?  Where did you become alive again?  Was it in the Circle with the rest of us, or somewhere else?  if somewhere else, where and how did you get back to the Circle?

You quote the player list for the last game and follow that by saying "It's entirely likely that there be a Vampire Cult."

I get the first quote of Meph, he says rules and roles won't change, that supports your sentence.

But the second quote, the player list - it has werewolves and a lone vampire (who died, not surviving to move on to another area as his role said he must to win).  What do you see in that player list that supports "It's entirely likely that there be a Vampire Cult."?


Back to Persus13. Same reasons as yesterday.

I'm asking because Max has clearly lined out his argument as to why I am scum (in an alphabetically list, no less!), so now is the time to make a decision. Obviously, I know I am town and I think Max is mistaken but I can't expect anyone to just take my word on that.

Yeah, I don't like you trying to bring attention to these two players.

Meanwhile, your vote is on Persus13.

Why are you trying to draw attention to Max White and Nerjin instead of the player you're supposedly trying to lynch?

About that player you're supposedly trying to lynch, will you be making a case on him this day, or is his name more of a comfortable footrest for your vote when it's not out there working for its living?

I totally get that some players are cool and get to do things that other players are clearly uncool for trying, but other than long, drawn out pressure and a 'place' for your vote, what are you doing with your Persus13 vote?

Ah, I see. What game was it that had a necromancer then?

That would be S3.

Persus, would you answer this question please?

a masked man with a sword (no other description except good instincts)
Who was described as having good instincts - you or the man who broke in with the sword?

Also, have your opinions on who is scummy changed at all today?
I'd like to ask this to everyone, especially Max who seems to have given up his tunneling of NQT. It's been a few days (real-time), giving us a slight break to think things over.

Sort of.  I'm swimming as hard as I can to keep up with the flood of real life and 3 simultaneous Mafia games.  I think I'm in the process of becoming a better swimmer *gasps for breath*.  I need a chance to best immerse myself in this thread again.  Trying hard.  My previous concerns for Toonyman haven't vanished, I keep evaluating him as I can.  My previous concerns over Nerjin still exist, though I've got a lot of new data to exclude (he's also playing simultaneous Mafia games, but what happens in one can't be discussed in the other until after, so I have to exclude and partition like a swarm of honeybees moving into a new hive).  New suspicions to add in?  Working on it.  Working hard.  Also very, very deep in thought about what things do and don't mean, as far as claims and direct evidence as given by the current day's opening post.

Imp and Toonyman haven't really done much besides attack NQT

I disagree with your assessment that I was 'attacking' NQT.

Attacks do not invite discussion with their target, the purpose of an attack is not to get questions answered but to highlight the details of the Scumminess you see and move to gain agreement from others that your target should be given their vote.  More rarely, attacks are used to 'shut a player down' without attempting to press the case into lynching - I view that as Scummy (you can do that the next day all over again and look like you're Scumhunting to the casual eye, and who really wants to read that anyway?  You just switch off to a 'compromise target' for lynches since you were unable to get support for your lynch target.  Rinse and repeat each day).

My intention was to discuss some things I was concerned about with NQT and receive his answers and reactions to my concern and questions.

Do you agree with me about the difference between attacking and Scumhunting?  If not, could you help me understand how I was attacking notquitethere?

And then your attacking Nerjin for not scumhunting, when he seems to have given all he had. And he also said this.

Actually it's because I don't see the point. There's not enough time or information for me to make a proper go at things.

Not everyone can churn out walls of text like you can in a short amount of time. And churning out lots of information isn't guaranteed to help town like you seem to think it is.

You are seriously confusing either 'the difference between Scumhunting and analysis' or my motives, or both.  Scumhunting isn't analysis - it can use analysis, but it is the action of gaining more information that can be used to determine the intentions and thinking of those you play with.

That's why RVS questions - or even just a naked voted name thrown alone into a post - is considered a type of Scumhunting.  You press for a reaction.  It's great (and necessary) at some point for someone to analyze the behaviour that ensues - both the asker and the asked - BOTH are providing information about their intentions and thought patterns for all the players to consider.

When I 'attack' Nerjin (again, what I did with Nerjin was NOT an attack.  I was almost begging Nerjin to interact with me - that I was interacting with him, seeking to draw him out and inviting his response - not presenting already gained (or created) information about him to convince others is the very core concept of the difference between what is and is not an attack) at the end of D1, I am extending to him the greatest in-game kindness I currently can imagine - support and assistance in making his play matter.  I mean it, when I say 'so what if you die because you can still win (unless dying breaks your wincon)'.  His behavior at the end even -could- have changed my vote, and possibly provoked posts from me to try and gain support from enough others to shift votes to a different lynch.

I cannot discuss ongoing games, so I can offer no support that I actually think like this, have these intentions, or have ever attempted such actions.  Oh well.

If a town monster hunter has an investigate and a kill ability, should they investigate their targets before killing them?
Should a priest use their resurrect power?
I would probably investigate first.  I haven't had a vig role in awhile though.

Does it matter to you what sort of investigate power you have?  Reminded that you had a hunter in S1, who could detect vampires in a vampire-free game (there were two priests, but both were defined as pious, so no chance of them creating a vampire), do you think you'd probably still use your inspect, whatever that inspect was?

Hunters can investigate as well as kill.

This is not actually true - at least it is not actually always true.

In S5, this was Toaster's role PM:

Toaster (town)
    This world is full of evil. Vampires, Werewolves, Cultists. Demons, Devils. Monsters of all types. And it falls to you, Monster Hunter, to seek them out and slay them. Each night you may choose to attack and Kill another player that you suspect is evil. But choose wisely, for your skills are deadly to good and evil alike.

In S1, this was Toonyman's role PM:

ToonyMan (town)
  You are a mighty Vampire Hunter. You are a master of combat, able to slay even the most powerful monsters. But your specialty lies in hunting Vampires. You know how to protect yourself from being turned into one, and have learned to identify them. Each night you may choose to either Inspect a person to see if they are a Vampire or Not, or to Kill someone that you know or suspect is a threat to the town.

And, his inspect was useless, in the sense that there were no vampires in that game.

In fact, of the four(five, counting the 'useless' Hunter vampire check) inspect roles in this game, only two are extremely useful, in the sense that they give answers which are likely to be of certain and obvious meaning - the Seer, who has been able to inspect "the soul of another and see if they are Benign or Malevolent towards you and the good people of the town" and the Oracle, who inspects a "player to determine which Faction they belong to" - Fortune tellers get told a category (but it is a lot of (guess)work still to try and figure out what that category mean?  A killer could be benign or malicious - a changer could be a priest, a devil, or a converter) and dream walkers dont even get to pick whom they try to inspect, nor do they usually even know who they have observed.

So only 50% of the Hunters this game has seen have had an inspect, and no hunter who has possessed an inspect yet could have gotten a positive result no matter how it was used.

I'm at work now so only have time to do these responses but I intend to do some proper analysis, hopefully tonight, before pressing my next round of cases.

I am very interested in seeing this - as well as to learning the use to which you intend to put your gathered answers to.

One thing about the information you tabulated so far bothers me.

Stands at:
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Your first question is accurately reported:  You ask us if a hunter should inspect before killing, and you report the answers as Yes/No Inspect Before Kill.  That's clean.

Your second question is inaccurately reported:  You ask us if a priest should use their resurrection power, and you report the answers as Yes/No Nerjin.

I know I would have answered you quite differently if you asked me a specific question such as 'Do you feel I should have resurrected Nerjin this game?' - other players' answers might also not fit neatly into the 'Yes/No Nerjin' box given that you did not ask that question.

Was that category choice just an oversight?

Finally, I would really like for you to explain your reasoning about this more clearly.

Oh, was he? If you think he was starting to straighten up and fly right then why were you voting for him yesterday? How did he go from lynch worthy to a town asset, even as third party?
Nerjin was so borderline. I didn't know whether he was just appearing to give an effort just because I gave an ultimatum and I knew I could resurrect him if I was wrong. I probably would have unvoted him if his scum-pick breakdown had made much sense.

If what I quote you as saying is your actual thinking, how do you correlated that to your stated decision to resurrect him given that you also said:

notquitethere, why Nerjin?
We knew he was town and by the end of Day 1 it looked like he was getting his act together and finally starting to think critically about the game. If he keeps that up, even if he's a survivor third-party now, he'll be a town asset. Also, I might die or be converted on any given night so I thought it best to use my power on the first competent town player that died.


If you think he was starting to straighten up and fly right then why were you voting for him yesterday? How did he go from lynch worthy to a town asset, even as third party?

Seems to me like you are trying to set him up, knowing that if there is an inspect in town it is heading straight for him.
Max this is baseless speculation.

The baseless speculation is about the inspect only, or do you refer to the question as well?


Aha!  Thanks, I'd accepted your silence as your answer.  Here's the question again.

Imagine your role made you be a Cult Sexton this game.  During N1 you are informed that the grave of the D1 lynch (a townsperson) has been disturbed - in fact the body is missing!  No mention is made of that person's reappearance during D2's opening post and the posts in Scumchat tell you that no Scum was involved in this disappearance.  Do you take any sort of action which might expose your role on D2?  Why or why not?

If Nerjin doesn't give us accurate dreamwalker results tomorrow, then he's next to hang.

That bugs me, Caz.

Dreamwalkers can't pick who to investigate, and we may have players who are not taking a night action or having any nocturnal experiences on that given night.  For a dreamwalker, 'random and meaningless dreams', the result from an inspection on a player who received no PMs - that's always a possible result.

If he gives us that result we cannot verify his story - he won't even be able to tell us who had a peaceful night.  And that doesn't prove anything about his honesty or role after resurrection.

My thoughts about Nerjin:

I think he's a prime conversion target (if there are conversions happening).  If the Scum didn't resurrect him then there's a 50% chance he came back as something that's probably more useful to the Scum than a dreamwalker would be (not that a dreamwalker's useless to Scum or Town if they get a lucky inspect target).  I do agree with NQT's assertion that if Nerjin comes back changed (and if he was not raised by Scum), he's going to be an issue for the Scum as well as Town and especially if they can convert, I have trouble thinking of any reason NOT to take him as a high priority conversion target.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #378 on: November 07, 2013, 10:11:24 am »

Ten hours of sleep later, my brain has started working again.

You know what's not on this list?

Your argument for me being scum. If you think there's a vampire scumteam then you cannot be fucking around voting anti-town people and third parties, no matter how dangerous and loose-cannony you think they are.

But he unvoted you.  He explained his reasons and acted on it.  Where are you going with this now?

Same point to Max.

Also, have your opinions on who is scummy changed at all today?

Not really. You're still the lead runner, since Nerjin was proved town. You jumping on the third vote (the most common bandwagoning-scum vote) with little more than "you're jumping to conclusions!" when you misunderstood the scenario being discussed just makes it easier. Persus13. Yeah, this may be construed as an omgoose vote. I'll reconsider it when you explain to me why you're so sure it's not a monster hunter. Do vampires and werewolves make regular use of swords?

If it's true that Persus is "still the lead runner," why wait until now to vote him?

I'm worried about Toaster though

Are you a lyncher to me or something?  You keep pointing a finger at me without backing it up with any solid facts or reasoning.  See also:

I had the thought of there being a Toaster/Jim scum team and that was very scary to ponder.

I totally get that some players are cool and get to do things that other players are clearly uncool for trying, but other than long, drawn out pressure and a 'place' for your vote, what are you doing with your Persus13 vote?

You realize that Jim is voting NQT now, right?

Sort of.  I'm swimming as hard as I can to keep up with the flood of real life and 3 simultaneous Mafia games.  I think I'm in the process of becoming a better swimmer *gasps for breath*.  I need a chance to best immerse myself in this thread again. 

I see what you did there.

My thoughts about Nerjin:

I think he's a prime conversion target (if there are conversions happening).  If the Scum didn't resurrect him then there's a 50% chance he came back as something that's probably more useful to the Scum than a dreamwalker would be (not that a dreamwalker's useless to Scum or Town if they get a lucky inspect target).  I do agree with NQT's assertion that if Nerjin comes back changed (and if he was not raised by Scum), he's going to be an issue for the Scum as well as Town and especially if they can convert, I have trouble thinking of any reason NOT to take him as a high priority conversion target.

This raises an interesting point.  Can demons, devils, and the like be converted?  I would assume no.

Meph:  Considering the known converting role (Vampire Lord), are non-human targets valid?  Are non-town targets valid?

NQT:  What do you hope to gain from your "kill versus inspect" questioning?  Same for the "res y/n?"

In general, I'd like to see where you are going next.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #379 on: November 07, 2013, 11:49:42 am »

Nerjin, your

[[Bah post]]

came barely more than a minute before Meph posted start of day.  I know that bah posts are not supposed to contain any meaningful content, but I still have to ask - bahing having died, being alive again, or both?

Told you feel like yourself?  Are you paraphrasing/reinterpreting what your PM said, or is that pretty much the actual wording?  I understand you must not quote it.

Also - You likely missed these questions, I forgot to bold your name in the post where I ask them.

Nerjin, was there -anything- in your experiences last night that told you anything about -who- or -how- you were raised, other than that there was a candle?  Where did you become alive again?  Was it in the Circle with the rest of us, or somewhere else?  if somewhere else, where and how did you get back to the Circle?

You quote the player list for the last game and follow that by saying "It's entirely likely that there be a Vampire Cult."

I get the first quote of Meph, he says rules and roles won't change, that supports your sentence.

But the second quote, the player list - it has werewolves and a lone vampire (who died, not surviving to move on to another area as his role said he must to win).  What do you see in that player list that supports "It's entirely likely that there be a Vampire Cult."?

I was bahing being alive again. I knew I was alive but I was promised a "Bah" post after death damn-it and I was gonna use it! Plus I found it fun to try to beat the Mod.

I was ressurected in the local temple far as I can tell. I was on a pedastal to be prepared for burial in the morning.I was told, basically word for word, that I feel like myself. Meaning the ressurection was completely succesful. After I was rezzed, I got up, went home. It didn't tell me how I got back into the circle. I guess I walked. I see a thing that says "Vampire" so I figure it's likely to be another one this game. I dunno.
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #380 on: November 07, 2013, 12:53:42 pm »

The Scribe's Tally Sheet
Caz: Toaster, Tiruin
Toaster: Persus13
notquitethere: Jim Groovester, Max White
Persus13: Caz
Tiruin: ToonyMan

Day has been Extended to ~5pm Pacific Friday. There will be no more extensions this day.

Meph:  Considering the known converting role (Vampire Lord), are non-human targets valid?  Are non-town targets valid?
There are specific rules for the various 3rd party roles when it comes to conversions.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #381 on: November 07, 2013, 04:33:26 pm »


I had another mid-term today post later.


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #382 on: November 07, 2013, 04:50:45 pm »

WoTs freakin' everywhere.  Unvote Tiruin.

On that note, by the fact that you aren't--or not currently--addressing my other points mean that either you are evading the case, or all I say is true about you. Am I correct to infer such?
I didn't have anything to say to anything else.  I'm not really denying or accepting, but I can't take your word that Caz is a liar just because you say he is.

Explain concisely, why is Caz a liar (well either way, your vote on Caz is bogus)?  I was mainly voting you because your vote in response to his question looked jumpy and now you seem to going down Caz's throat for uh, making a case on you?

If a town monster hunter has an investigate and a kill ability, should they investigate their targets before killing them?
Should a priest use their resurrect power?
I would probably investigate first.  I haven't had a vig role in awhile though.
Does it matter to you what sort of investigate power you have?  Reminded that you had a hunter in S1, who could detect vampires in a vampire-free game (there were two priests, but both were defined as pious, so no chance of them creating a vampire), do you think you'd probably still use your inspect, whatever that inspect was?
I was given a really bad hand in S1.  There wasn't any way for me to know my inspect was useless.  I still would at least try using my inspect, since shooting blindly on N1 sounds like a good way to screw the town in the long run.

I'm worried about Toaster though
Are you a lyncher to me or something?  You keep pointing a finger at me without backing it up with any solid facts or reasoning.  See also:
I had the thought of there being a Toaster/Jim scum team and that was very scary to ponder.
No, why do you care?

Did you die?

@Max White:
Blah blah reasons blah blah text wall
That... Is actually a good point.
NQT was attacking somebody who seems to be the most likely suspect for as monster hunter for their night action preferences, rather than being scummy.
You seem to be twisting NQT's argument here (he unvoted Jim too remember) while sticking with your target from last time (a safer vote) while riding on Jim's steam.


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #383 on: November 07, 2013, 05:56:10 pm »

Ok wow.

Hi guys, so before we get into discussion of a vampire cult, I'd like to mention something.

I am a Knight, and last night a masked guy with a sword attacked me. Unless some sort of monster hunter or SK attacked me (which didn't fit the flavor and I have a higher opinion of you guys if you're a town-aligned monster hunter) I think we're dealing with a repeat of the cult scumteam from S2 (which was a normal mafia scumteam).
...Masked guy with sword = cult scumteam?
From where are you getting that notion (other than looking back). I mean, out of context, that thing looks eerily specific when you judge 'guy with sword'. Couldn't that be flavor for any kind of person (I'm thinking scum knight perhaps?)
...But based on
Though now Persus has claimed to have been attacked in the night, it might not be true after all. What kind of scum uses swords? Cult would use vampire fangs or daggers, demons would leave a bloody lump of meat, and werewolves usually rip their prey to shreds as well.
I think I'm missing a crucial note here. Everyone: NKs are tied with the flavor of the role who did it, yes? Not the general faction flavor? Swords seem...common in these parts, and connecting my thoughts with Toaster's Roguelike Mafia--I used any kind of weapon (bow/sword) when i was a scum Ranger. What I'm saying is, I bet anyone could use any kind of weapon at hand given the context there, but I'm not denouncing this idea that there are specific subsets which prefer to use x kind of weapon over a general y commonly seen around.

My question still stands to you Persus, because
It was clearly a man, and there wasn't anything seemingly supernatural or demonic about him. That's why I was leaning toward cultists (as in S2) or a monster hunter.
this proceeding thought on the matter specifies.
When I saw I'd been attacked I wondered what had attacked me. It definitely wasn't something supernatural so offhand that meant only two possibilities, a monster hunter, or the not supernatural cult from S2. What I didn't realize when I first posted was that the cult had supernatural sneaking skills (I reread the S2 flavor later on after people questioned me on it), so now I'm leading towards monster hunter. I don't think individual roles make a difference like you described, at least, that's what I've seen and have assumed. Also, someone (possibly Caz) posted a list of weapons used by different kill roles. Flavor can tell you a lot about a scumteam.

Caz has continually referred to vampires as cult. I don't know why, but his posts only make sense if you make cult mean vampire so that's what I've been doing.

Explain concisely, why is Caz a liar.
I'd like an answer to this too.

And Max is back to attacking NQT, although this time he has a stronger case
Stands at:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
This sort of data mining provides nothing useful as far as finding scum, but is a subtle form of role fishing.
I agree with that. NQT, if you're going to data mine, use it in a way that helps find scum.

A cult is... possible. But I think it's unlikely given the choice of target.
Can we agree on using different terms for a cult flavored mafia and a vampire flavored cult?
I also agree with you on this. I tend to refer to the former as S2 cult, and the latter as vampires or vamps.

Persus, would you answer this question please?

a masked man with a sword (no other description except good instincts)
Who was described as having good instincts - you or the man who broke in with the sword?
That described the masked swordsman.

Imp and Toonyman haven't really done much besides attack NQT

I disagree with your assessment that I was 'attacking' NQT.
Then you and I disagree on the use of the verb attack. If you hunt a deer by shooting it with a bow, your attacking a deer. You're also basically saying the NQT made the wrong call when he rezzed Nerjin and that he shouldn't have done it while at the same time insulting Nerjin by calling him an incompetent town player. And before that you pressed him on the devil slipup that had already been pointed out to him (either by Toaster or Tiruin) and then wrote a paragraph about it and asked him about it when it seemed obvious he had merely slipped up.

My intention was to discuss some things I was concerned about with NQT and receive his answers and reactions to my concern and questions.

Do you agree with me about the difference between attacking and Scumhunting?  If not, could you help me understand how I was attacking notquitethere?
I can't read tone on a forum, and I read it like you were ripping into him for these things, not a normal discussion.

And then your attacking Nerjin for not scumhunting, when he seems to have given all he had. And he also said this.

Actually it's because I don't see the point. There's not enough time or information for me to make a proper go at things.

Not everyone can churn out walls of text like you can in a short amount of time. And churning out lots of information isn't guaranteed to help town like you seem to think it is.

You are seriously confusing either 'the difference between Scumhunting and analysis' or my motives, or both.  Scumhunting isn't analysis - it can use analysis, but it is the action of gaining more information that can be used to determine the intentions and thinking of those you play with.

That's why RVS questions - or even just a naked voted name thrown alone into a post - is considered a type of Scumhunting.  You press for a reaction.  It's great (and necessary) at some point for someone to analyze the behaviour that ensues - both the asker and the asked - BOTH are providing information about their intentions and thought patterns for all the players to consider.
Yes, but part of scumhunting is interaction. If I guy is going to be hanged in an hour, he can't exactly have a conversation through letters with someone else. He gave some useful information and that was all he could give. Follow-up is also important. He wasn't able to scumhunt, and so he gave some analysis.

Cmega3, get in here. It seems like you have a lot of projects and school, but either ask for a replacement or get involved. Please.

Mod: Can Cmega be prodded?
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.

Max White

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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #384 on: November 07, 2013, 07:37:33 pm »

Same point to Max.
Yes he unvoted when his little "Bad vig should be lynched" argument didn't exactly catch on, but he still tried it. If we excused every scum tell just because they decided to redact it later we would never get that far, would we?

You seem to be twisting NQT's argument here (he unvoted Jim too remember) while sticking with your target from last time (a safer vote) while riding on Jim's steam.
If I am somehow misrepresenting his argument, I don't see why he needs you to defend him, he can explain for himself.
As for this riding Jims steam, I have been questioning him both today and yesterday. You don't think his role fishing was a factor in my vote? Because it kind of was, and I'm still waiting to hear him answer for it.

Anyway, sometimes somebody actually makes a good point. I think in this case Jim has, acknowledging that isn't exactly just letting him do all the work when at the same time I'm posing my own inquiry here.


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #385 on: November 07, 2013, 08:20:58 pm »

I have tabulated the votes and drawn a Day 2 scum pick. Analysis to follow in my next post. First, I'll respond to questions and follow up on some suspicious things I read while re-reading the thread:

I think he should use his resurrect. Why're you asking me this? I ain't a priest, father NQT.
I want to know whether my intuitions about how roles should be played cohere with those of others (I want to know whether my finding someone suspicious is justified or whether it's just a personal disagreement). You not being a priest doesn't mean you can't weigh in on how to play one.

Why did you resurrect Nerjin? If already answered, why did you resurrect Nerjin now instead of later then?
I was concerned about being killed or converted before I get to use the power for good. The same reason I always use my one-shot powers on the first night (like the Lovers power in Magic Mafia).

I think I'm missing a crucial note here. Everyone: NKs are tied with the flavor of the role who did it, yes? Not the general faction flavor? Swords seem...common in these parts, and connecting my thoughts with Toaster's Roguelike Mafia--I used any kind of weapon (bow/sword) when i was a scum Ranger. What I'm saying is, I bet anyone could use any kind of weapon at hand given the context there, but I'm not denouncing this idea that there are specific subsets which prefer to use x kind of weapon over a general y commonly seen around.
Werewolves attack as wolves...

..And I'm really confused why we're all basing our knowledge on past games. As in, basing it until the point where it becomes metaknowledge against our fellow Meph GM here.
Meph explicitly stated that he wasn't making anything new up for this game. Hence this is only a semi-closed set-up: we know all the possible roles.



Is this an admission?

Well, whatever. Have it your way.

Unvote, Nerjin.

I have reasons but they're mostly reiteration of other people's points. Passive, defensive, reactionary, unwilling to take a stand, vote Cmega3 just to break the tie in his favor, etc.
This obviously wasn't an admission, and why do you list voting Cmega to tie the vote when he clearly unvoted before day's end in the section you quoted?

Here, I'll even elaborate a bit. Frequently the majority of the town's suspicions reside in a few people. Elimination of these people, by whatever means, forces the town to move on to other targets. This is the most important function of the lynch, and vigkills can serve a similar purpose.
I think this is bullshit but I don't think it's scum bullshit. I think we just have a very different view on how to effectively play this game. We can drop the point about how best to use vig-kills and lynches and take it up in the theory thread after the game.

What do you have to go back to?

On one hand, you're arguing that I could be a third party Monster Hunter. The pattern in Supernatural games is to have third parties and the scum team be supernatural entities, and this has been extremely consistent throughout all Supernatural games. Now go look at what Persus13 said; he said there was nothing demonic or supernatural about the guy that attacked him. Whoever attacked him was town.

On the other hand, you're also voting me because I think vigilantes should be extremely aggressive in their choice of targets. This is not an opinion I change based on my alignment. It has no bearing on whether I am town or scum.

You have no case and you had no reason for voting me. There will be no coming back to your case at all since you do not have one.
At the time of writing I hadn't started my voting analysis so it was an open question whether I'd have a case to go back to.

You know what's not on this list?

Your argument for me being scum. If you think there's a vampire scumteam then you cannot be fucking around voting anti-town people and third parties, no matter how dangerous and loose-cannony you think they are.

Unvote, notquitethere made an enormous misstep and I don't feel like letting him get away with it.
Riiiight, but I'm not voting you am I?


This raised serious alarm bells:
Nerjin is either scum or just a player unable to stand, being tossed helplessly around by the requests of each player interacting with him.  In a sense I see him as almost being in Cmega3's boat - the same playing choices that seem so Scummy, I don't see him as being able to play out of the situation he is in (honestly or dishonestly - be he Town playing like this or Scum playing like this).

You say you don't think he can play his way out the situation, and then what do you then immediately do?

While I wouldn't mind either player having more time so I could get a stronger feel of their evolving play, I do view Nerjin as the scummiest, and of the three likely lynch targets today, he's my pick.

You only go and make the situation worse for him with the vaguest of reasons!

Hunters can investigate as well as kill.
This is not actually true - at least it is not actually always true.


So only 50% of the Hunters this game has seen have had an inspect, and no hunter who has possessed an inspect yet could have gotten a positive result no matter how it was used.
Okay, I didn't realise this. I've dropped the hunter issue anyhow but this changes things somewhat.

Your second question is inaccurately reported:  You ask us if a priest should use their resurrection power, and you report the answers as Yes/No Nerjin.
You're quite right. In the spoilered section I just copied over my personal notes. I guess I was really interested in whether they thought my bringing Nerjin back was a good idea, but obviously wasn't the question I actually asked.

Finally, I would really like for you to explain your reasoning about this more clearly.
If what I quote you as saying is your actual thinking, how do you correlated that to your stated decision to resurrect him given that you also said:
I don't see the contradiction. Nerjin came to be town and I thought he would get his act into gear if he resurrected as town, and I had a strong incentive to use the power N1 before I get mislynched or night killed.

The baseless speculation is about the inspect only, or do you refer to the question as well?
Me apparently setting Nerjin up to be inspected to draw the heat away from me is a wild leap of the imagination that has no grounding.

You know I just realized I don't like what you are doing here.
Scum want to kill important roles such as people with inspects and vig kills. If last night was a kill happy monster hunter, we know they would choose to kill before inspect, so making lists like this just helps scum find them faster. In the same vein people with inspects would generally prefer priests to save their power to use on them, so they can share their info if they get killed.

This sort of data mining provides nothing useful as far as finding scum, but is a subtle form of role fishing.
Figuring out whether my intuitions about how a town player would play a Vigilante Cop helped me see whether my suspicions were justifiable. Not wilfully mislynching people is an important component to playing this game effectively.

"Oh I'll just lynch the borderline player and bring him back if he is town, what could go wrong?"
So was he playing well or now? Please, a little consistency.
He began to play better. It's fine to disagree with me on this, but I thought it pro-town to take a chance at bringing back a town-player.

Blah blah reasons blah blah text wall
That... Is actually a good point.
NQT was attacking somebody who seems to be the most likely suspect for as monster hunter for their night action preferences, rather than being scummy.
Do you actually think I'm scum? I thought Jim might possibly be a town monster hunter but then he said something that I didn't expect any town-player to say, which seemed to rule him out as a town monster hunter but not as scum. I then thought to take some time to reflect on the game and so unvoted, and now I'm of the opinion that he may or may not be scum but he's certainly a loose cannon with some questionable ideas about how to play effectively (which is not something to vote someone for as it's independent of his alignment).


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #386 on: November 07, 2013, 08:29:46 pm »

Switching a vote so much equals...what. Once? Or he may be very muchly lazy, but said laziness extends to his first replies to me. Subtle undermining seems to be a better ploy than just laziness, where I see it.

Vote tracker doesn't show FoSes. You were jumping around to whoever was being pressured the most. It didn't look like you believed your own arguments because as soon as an easier target came along, you gave up your attack and jumped on the new one.

Back to Persus: Why assume a cult in the first place? Same for Caz.
No night kill = cult. Though since Persus has claimed he was attacked, that's in doubt. Either A) There's a cult, B) Persus is lying (and thus scum) or C) Something strange has happened/a possibility I've missed. What do you think is going on, Tiruin?

NQT: You're saying that you lynched Nerjin because you could bring him back if he was town? Don't you think it's a risky strategy? If you thought he could be town, why did you want to lynch him? Do you think Nerjin is still town now, or has his playstyle changed? From what I see, he's claiming to be lurky because he thought he was going to be dead and could focus on other games. What do you say to the possibility that he's lurking to keep out of what's happening here, and avoid suspicion?

That bugs me, Caz.

Dreamwalkers can't pick who to investigate, and we may have players who are not taking a night action or having any nocturnal experiences on that given night.  For a dreamwalker, 'random and meaningless dreams', the result from an inspection on a player who received no PMs - that's always a possible result.

If he gives us that result we cannot verify his story - he won't even be able to tell us who had a peaceful night.  And that doesn't prove anything about his honesty or role after resurrection.
Yeah, I was mislead there. I thought dreamwalkers could choose who to inspect. If it's just random, then there's no real way for us to figure out if he's still town or not. Annoying, but maybe we'll get lucky.

If it's true that Persus is "still the lead runner," why wait until now to vote him?
Votes don't matter until the day closes. Do you think it's the right strategy to vote as soon as you have someone who looks most likely to be scum, before the day's discussions have gone underway? I don't see the benefit.

Cmega: Are you still here?

Caz has continually referred to vampires as cult. I don't know why, but his posts only make sense if you make cult mean vampire so that's what I've been doing.
There has been a vampire cult and a werewolf cult in Supernatural so far. The only non-cult vampire I've seen was the "Lone Vampire (survivor)". I guess there could be other flavours of cults too, but vampires are the ones that turn victims without actually having a kill. The werewolf cult had a kill on lynch iirc.

Why are you trying to eliminate a possibility out of hand?  You're awfully eager to discourage discussion on that topic.
We can still consider it, I was just leaving it to the side for the discussion at hand.

"Warning - while you were typing 8 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post."

Oh COME ON. I'll continue this post in a bit.


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #387 on: November 07, 2013, 09:00:54 pm »

Analysis 2

In my last analysis post I looked at who had engaged other players with questions. I had recently made a series of claims on the subforum to the effect that engaging most other players was a town sign. I based my day 1 case on a player that had failed to engage most other players on the first day. It turned out that Nerjin was just lazy. Also, my well publicised claims that scum are less likely to engage other players in questioning would have given scum an excellent incentive to take the rudimentary precaution of talking to everyone.

No matter, like I've said so many times elsewhere: words are wind, it's voting that counts. And the vote pattern is pretty clear. Some pertinent facts:

Nerjin, perhaps because he believes he's getting a free pass today, has been even less effective today, having not voted anyone and mostly moped for being resurrected (he pushed 3 votes when he was town on Day 1).

Taking Day 1 Nerjin as a benchmark and excluding obviously RVS votes and FOS's:

# people voted:
1: Max, Caz
2: Tiruin, Imp
3. Jim, NQT, Town-Nerjin, Persus, Toony, Toaster, Cmega

Max and Caz did well on the questioning test but have only pressed one lynch case on one person in the entire game. This clear lack of genuine suspicion and reluctance to draw negative attention is not a town trait.

Caz's day end lynch vote on Nerjin was an RVS vote!

Nerjin - If you were a monster hunter, who would you pick for a night kill? Would you use it as soon as possible or wait for a better opportunity?

Imp: You going to press a case today?

NQT: You're saying that you lynched Nerjin because you could bring him back if he was town? Don't you think it's a risky strategy? If you thought he could be town, why did you want to lynch him? Do you think Nerjin is still town now, or has his playstyle changed? From what I see, he's claiming to be lurky because he thought he was going to be dead and could focus on other games. What do you say to the possibility that he's lurking to keep out of what's happening here, and avoid suspicion?
Risky? Yeah maybe. I thought he could be town or scum but was erring to scum, and I wasn't there for the hectic last six hours, if I was I might have changed my mind. I think Nerjin isn't convincing me that he is town.


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #388 on: November 07, 2013, 09:09:11 pm »

Aha!  Thanks, I'd accepted your silence as your answer.  Here's the question again.

Imagine your role made you be a Cult Sexton this game.  During N1 you are informed that the grave of the D1 lynch (a townsperson) has been disturbed - in fact the body is missing!  No mention is made of that person's reappearance during D2's opening post and the posts in Scumchat tell you that no Scum was involved in this disappearance.
I knew I missed it T_T
...Ok what's with cults and people now? Checking the date of this, it's..far aways back, so I figure discussing a cult is statistically...more probably than not?

Anywhoo. With no experience with being
Sexton - Charged with caring for the graveyard, he has much to do lately.
I check back on
Quote from: Supernatural 4!
jakeread1 (town)
    You are a Sexton, responsible for the care taking of the town’s graveyard. A solemn job, but one you generally enjoy. And, if any of the graves are disturbed, you’ll be the first to know about it.
So I'm a passive watcher-type.
  Do you take any sort of action which might expose your role on D2?  Why or why not?
Yes! I would debate in the entirety of it with my cultmates and then, upon the decision of all, or at least the majority decision, will then announce my thoughts on the matter and ultimately lead to the reveal of my role.

..In which I won't say I'm cult, of course. Just say I'm a Sexton, and that the general disappearance has left...a very suspicious trail. Probably peg it to scum. Probably peg it to third-party. All in all, I'm leaning on leaning to reveal my role-as whoever did it would be third-party or town. More chaos. More fun, as I'm a cultist.

Why cult instead of scum Sexton?

On that note, by the fact that you aren't--or not currently--addressing my other points mean that either you are evading the case, or all I say is true about you. Am I correct to infer such?
I didn't have anything to say to anything else.  I'm not really denying or accepting, but I can't take your word that Caz is a liar just because you say he is.

Explain concisely, why is Caz a liar (well either way, your vote on Caz is bogus)?  I was mainly voting you because your vote in response to his question looked jumpy and now you seem to going down Caz's throat for uh, making a case on you?
...And you say my vote on Caz is bogus? Wat.
You were mainly voting me because my vote to his response looked Jumpy?

YOU MEAN TOASTER'S QUESTION AND NOT CAZ'? The one you, oh, didn't even mention at all until now? Checking the links I put down, yeah. You didn't mention these, ever. Hinted? Sure, but mentioned directly?

. . .

Someone's changing his story. And this someone doesn't apparently see the lie I pointed out in regard to 'shifting your vote'. Hypocrite. By your neutral stance above, you say you're not taking any stance in regard to all else I say.

However your FoS/Vote seems to be attached primarily to what I addressed in the first place-me switching vote given how you're not following that line of thought.
I'm worried about Toaster though
Are you a lyncher to me or something?  You keep pointing a finger at me without backing it up with any solid facts or reasoning.  See also:
I had the thought of there being a Toaster/Jim scum team and that was very scary to ponder.
No, why do you care?
You feel threatened by this? What's wrong with him caring?

Switching a vote so much equals...what. Once? Or he may be very muchly lazy, but said laziness extends to his first replies to me. Subtle undermining seems to be a better ploy than just laziness, where I see it.

Vote tracker doesn't show FoSes. You were jumping around to whoever was being pressured the most. It didn't look like you believed your own arguments because as soon as an easier target came along, you gave up your attack and jumped on the new one.
How shallow is your advance, sir. It's an FoS for a reason. "I suspect you, and I want you to know that". Not detailing it will also carry the same example given that the suspicion is visible ALWAYS in the pointer's eye, but visible only to others in tone and moreso in blue.

You say jumping. You lack linking. You lack poking at whatever I did say instead of the superficial note on what I generally seem to have said.

You also appropriately change your story just like ToonyMan. First, you say VOTE. Now, you just say 'jump to whoever'.

Evade more, scumbag.
Back to Persus: Why assume a cult in the first place? Same for Caz.
No night kill = cult. Though since Persus has claimed he was attacked, that's in doubt. Either A) There's a cult, B) Persus is lying (and thus scum) or C) Something strange has happened/a possibility I've missed. What do you think is going on, Tiruin?
That someone attacked Persus and is neither a werewolf (or some kind of funny werewolf role that has to shift because werewolf and mythological full moon >.>), or the attacker is scum.

Hence why I question people prodding in 'CULT ATTACKER' instantaneously without any context.
If A is true, then why is that a singular choice instead of being tied with B? If B is a choice, then why would he say such during that time and have quite a reasonable explanation on such?

Because it does directly detail that:
1. Someone was attacked.
2. Said someone is Persus. Who is a KNIGHT. Who is ATTACKED.
3. There is no (very little at best) chance that we're facing a full blown cult here given SAID ATTACK, and the context behind cults. Because a cult in that scenario aims to convert and overwhelm, but..are treated as third-party, as far as I know, given their hatred towards scum, and such. I seem to remember that one game wherein IronyOwl was part of a cult, and 4 other people--they won with a survivor team. Unsure if that's a supernatural but there's where I'm drawing cult knowledge.

So are you going to beat around the bush more, or are you going to answer my accusations in their true sense? Conclusive evidence is piling up, and I really think less of you as town given your interactions at D2 start, and whatever you threw at me from D1.

Why are you subtly undermining me and giving me bad light, given that case? Someone would be sure to check on the vote pattern. You say I shifted VOTE 3 or 4 times. NOT AN FoS!

And now that NQT brings on further evidence: Since when has your vote decided to stick on Nerjin given that point?

...Oh wow. I haven't been able to check on the full scope but..that's interesting.

Your basis for suspicion is on a vote pattern? Tunneling (did you check the context?) or the reasons behind the votes?


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Re: Supernatural Mafia 6 - Day 2 is oddly familiar
« Reply #389 on: November 07, 2013, 09:11:03 pm »


Switching a vote so much equals...what. Once? Or he may be very muchly lazy, but said laziness extends to his first replies to me. Subtle undermining seems to be a better ploy than just laziness, where I see it.

Vote tracker doesn't show FoSes. You were jumping around to whoever was being pressured the most. It didn't look like you believed your own arguments because as soon as an easier target came along, you gave up your attack and jumped on the new one.
I skimmed that line while writing.

I would LOVE to see you back that bolded part up with links and quotes, dear sir.
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